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Child Development, November/December 2006, Volume 77, Number 6, Pages 1589 1607

When Labels Hurt but Novelty Helps: Childrens Perseveration and Flexibility
in a Card-Sorting Task
Benjamin E. Yerys Yuko Munakata
University of Denver University of Colorado, Boulder

Children often perseverate, repeating prior behaviors when inappropriate. This work tested the roles of verbal
labels and stimulus novelty in such perseveration. Three-year-old children sorted cards by one rule and were
then instructed to switch to a second rule. In a basic condition, cards had familiar shapes and colors and both
rules were stated explicitly. In an uninformative-label condition, cards had familiar shapes and colors, but the
first rule was not stated explicitly. In a novel-stimuli condition, both rules were stated explicitly but stimuli were
novel on the first sorting dimension. More children switched to the second rule in the uninformative-label
and novel-stimuli conditions than in the basic condition. Implications for theories of cognitive flexibility are

At one time or another, everyone engages in per- Zelazo, Kirkham, & Semcesen, 1999; Kirkham, Cru-
severative behaviorFrepeating an old behavior ess, & Diamond, 2003; Marcovitch & Zelazo, 1999;
when it is not appropriate. Some people may con- Morton & Munakata, 2002b; Morton & Trehub, 2001;
tinue to look in their pockets for their keys, even Munakata & Yerys, 2001; Perner & Lang, 2002;
though they have already searched there. Others Towse, Redbond, & Cook, 2000; Wellman, Cross, &
may repeatedly generate the same incorrect word for Bartsch, 1986; Zelazo, Mueller, Frye, & Marcovitch,
an item in a crossword puzzle. 2003), neurologically intact adults (e.g., Diamond &
Children are particularly robust perseverators. Kirkham, 2005; Dunbar & Sussman, 1995), special
For example, infants reliably perseverate in search- populations of children and adults, with brain le-
ing for toys in prior hiding locations, even when they sions or disorders (Casey, 2001; Diamond, 2000;
have seen the toys hidden in new locations (Piaget, Griffith, Pennington, Wehner, & Rogers, 1999; Mil-
1954). Three-year-olds perseverate by continuing to ner, 1963), and members of other species (e.g., Dia-
sort pictures on cards by one rule (e.g., according to mond & Goldman-Rakic, 1989; Dias, Robbins, &
their shape), even when asked to switch and sort the Roberts, 1997; Hauser, 1999; Hood, Hauser, Ander-
cards by a second rule (e.g., according to their color; son, & Santos, 1999).
Zelazo, Frye, & Rapus, 1996). Young school-aged The work reported here focuses on experimental
children perseverate by continuing to judge a manipulations of the novelty of stimuli and the use
speakers emotion by one feature (the content of of informative labels, and their effects on childrens
what the speaker says), even when asked to switch perseveration in sorting cards. These studies were
and judge emotion by another feature (the tone of the motivated by theories of perseveration that focus on
speakers voice; Morton, Trehub, & Zelazo, 2003). competing memory systems, as described next. The
To understand why such perseveration occurs, findings should also inform and constrain alterna-
researchers have investigated the effects of a variety tive theories of perseveration, a point we return to in
of experimental manipulations on perseveration. the Discussion.
These studies span a range of populations, including Many researchers have proposed that a competi-
typically developing children (e.g., Brooks, Hanauer, tion between two kinds of memory systems leads to
Padowska, & Rosman, 2003; Diamond, 1985; Jacques, perseveration, as well as ultimate success in behav-
ing more flexibly (Butterworth, 1977; Cohen, Dunbar,
& McClelland, 1990; Diamond, 1985; Goldman-
This research was supported by NICHD HD37163 and NSF Rakic, 1987; Munakata, 1998; Roberts & Pennington,
IBN-9873492, and was based on the masters thesis of the first
author. We thank members of the Cognitive Development Center 1996; Zelazo, Reznick, & Spinazzola, 1998). For ex-
for useful comments on drafts of this paper, and Amanda Bowles ample, a habit system may build up memories as a
and Monika Offermann for lab assistance. behavior is repeated (such as sorting cards by shape),
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Yuko Munakata, Department of Psychology, University of Color-
ado, Boulder, CO 80309-0345. Electronic mail may be sent to r 2006 by the Society for Research in Child Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2006/7706-0007
1590 Yerys and Munakata

leading to a bias to repeat those behaviors. A work-

ing memory system may serve to actively maintain
information (such as a new rule for sorting cards,
by their color), allowing currently relevant infor-
mation to guide behavior. When currently relevant
information conflicts with previously relevant in-
formation, working memory and habit systems
may compete with one another. Perseveration occurs
when habits are stronger than working memories,
whereas flexible switching is observed when
working memories are stronger than habits
(Diamond, 1985).
This kind of competition between memory sys-
tems has been explored in neural network models
(e.g., Cohen et al., 1990; Cohen & Servan-Schreiber,
1992; Dehaene & Changeux, 1989; Morton & Muna-
kata, 2002a; Munakata, 1998; Stedron, Sahni, & Mu-
nakata, 2005). Across all of these models, information
can be represented and remembered in two distinct
forms: active versus latent (Munakata, 1998). Active
representations take the form of sustained activa-
tions of processing units, roughly corresponding to
the maintained firing of neurons. This kind of
maintained firing allows one to hold information
actively in mind. Active memories consist of active
representations in the face of little environmental
support for this information (in contrast with active
representations driven by stimuli in the environ-
ment). Active memories are viewed as one com- Figure 1. Card-sorting network and one trial (adapted from Mor-
ton & Munakata, 2002a): The network receives visual and verbal
ponent of working memory. Neural recording, information about the stimuli (R 5 red, B 5 blue, T 5 truck,
imaging, and patient studies indicate that active F 5 flower) and sorting rules (C 5 color, S 5 shape). Red trucks
representations rely heavily on prefrontal cortical and blue flowers are presented to the network. Its response op-
regions (e.g., Diamond, 2002; Miller & Cohen, 2001; tions for each card are to sort it with either the red flower target
Stuss & Benson, 1984). Latent representations take card or the blue truck target card. A trial consists of sequences of
patterns of activity, shown below the network, with the corre-
the form of the strength of connection weights be- sponding verbal information presented to the child shown in
tween processing units, roughly corresponding to quotations. The description of the rules also includes activation
the efficacy of synapses. Changes in synaptic efficacy (not shown) of the relevant output units, corresponding to the
can facilitate processing of information, and may be experimenter drawing attention to the target cards to show where
one mechanism for laying down habits. Latent red ones go and where blue ones go. Latent representations
take the form of changes in feedforward connection weights; ac-
memories consist of latent representations formed tive representations take the form of sustained activation on the
through an individuals experience (in contrast with PFC layer. The model perseverates when latent representations
latent representations driven by evolutionary his- of prior rules are stronger than active representations of the cur-
tory). Latent representations are thought to tap pos- rent rule, and switches when active representations are stronger
terior cortical and subcortical areas (e.g., Miller & than latent.
Note. From Active versus latent representations: A neural net-
Desimone, 1994; Steinmetz, Connor, Constantinidis, work model of perseveration and dissociation in early childhood,
& McLaughlin, 1994). by J. B. Morton and Y. Munakata, 2002a, Developmental Psycho-
Neural network models have demonstrated how a biology, 40, p. 259. Copyright 2002 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
competition between active and latent representa- Adapted with permission.
tions can lead to perseveration (if the latent repre-
sentations win) or flexible behavior (if the active
representations win) (e.g., Cohen et al., 1990; Cohen
& Servan-Schreiber, 1992; Dehaene & Changeux, model simulated childrens behavior on the card-
1989; Morton & Munakata, 2002a; Munakata, 1998; sorting task described above (Morton & Munakata,
Stedron et al., 2005). For example, a neural network 2002a). This model (Figure 1) demonstrated how la-
When Labels Hurt but Novelty Helps 1591

Figure 2. Schematic representation of preswitch and postswitch trials: Weights strengthen with experience with the preswitch rule, making
it more difficult to use a postswitch rule. Active representations of the postswitch rule (not shown for simplicity) compete with these latent
representations of the preswitch rule.

tent representations can build up as cards are sorted present or absent (e.g., Farah, Monheit, & Wallace,
repeatedly according to one rule (the preswitch 1991; Farah, OReilly, & Vecera, 1993; Munakata,
rule). As red trucks and blue flowers were repeat- McClelland, Johnson, & Siegler, 1997; Rumelhart
edly sorted according to color, corresponding units & McClelland, 1986). For active representations,
in the network were repeatedly activated. Connec- strength might be instantiated in terms of a number
tions between units changed according to a Hebbian of factors, including the number of neurons con-
learning rule, whereby units that fire together, wire tributing to a representation, and the firing rates and
together. As a result, strong connections were cre- coherence of those neurons. For latent representa-
ated between units representing color and units tions, strength might be instantiated in terms of
representing corresponding locations for sorting the factors such as the number and efficacy of postsyn-
cards. These latent representations led to a bias to aptic receptors, and the amount of neurotransmitters
respond to stimuli according to the first rule used released. The strength of representations may vary
(Figure 2). When the rule changed (e.g., to sort ac- based on ones state of development and prior his-
cording to shape), the networks ability to respond tory, and the current environmental context. As a
flexibly to the new task depended on the strength of result of such gradedness, behavior may be highly
active representations of the new rule (the post- task dependent (see also Thelen, Schoner, Scheier, &
switch rule). This strength was increased through Smith, 2001; Thelen & Smith, 1994).
increases to recurrent excitatory connections, corre- For example, in the card-sorting task, a child with
sponding to developmental changes in prefrontal a weak ability to actively represent new rules might
cortical regions. These recurrent excitatory connec- use these representations to succeed on some tasks
tions allowed units to activate themselves to main- but not on others. In the card-sorting model de-
tain their activity. With weak active representations scribed above, weak active representations allowed
of the new rule to guide behavior, the networks in- the model to successfully answer questions about
ternal representations were dominated by the latent new rules (such as where trucks go in the shape
representations, leading to perseveration. Stronger game), but these representations were too weak to
active representations of currently relevant infor- allow the model to successfully sort cards with red
mation led to flexible behavior. trucks on them. The model instead sorted such cards
In this simulation of a competing systems account, perseveratively, according to their color. Stronger
representations (both active and latent) are graded in active representations were needed for sorting such
nature (Munakata, 2001). That is, representations cards, because the conflicting information from the
vary in strength rather than being all-or-nothing, other dimension (e.g., the redness of the truck) tap-
1592 Yerys and Munakata

Figure 3. Predicted effects of manipulating the informativeness of labels and the novelty of stimuli, shown for just one feature for sim-
plicity: (a) The basic condition includes visual and verbal inputs and connections established for familiar stimuli, while (b) the unin-
formative-labels condition is missing verbal input and so has weaker activation (denoted by smaller white squares), which will in turn lead
to weaker changes to connection weights, and (c) the novel-stimuli condition has weaker connections (denoted by dashed lines), leading to
weaker activations. As described in the Method section, nust refers to a relatively unfamiliar green-brown color.

ped the latent representations biasing the system toys. Specifically, the gazing system could continu-
toward this dimension. Graded representations in ally update its behaviors and so could make use of
this model thus led to the same knowledge action relatively weak representations, whereas the reach-
dissociations observed in children in this task (Mu- ing system could respond only at particular times.
nakata & Yerys, 2001; Zelazo et al., 1996), and re- If perseveration and flexibility reflect a competi-
ported anecdotally for patients with damage to tion between two kinds of graded memory systems,
prefrontal cortex in a similar task (Milner, 1963). In performance should be influenced by experimental
addition, the model predicted that such knowledge manipulations designed to affect the strength of the
action dissociations would disappear when tasks different memory systems. This study investigates
were equated for conflict (e.g., by asking where red two such manipulations in childrens card sorting.
trucks go in the shape game, and requiring a red One manipulation focuses on the strength of active
truck to be sorted). This prediction has been con- representations formed during the task. Such active
firmed in children (Munakata & Yerys, 2001; see also representations might be relatively weak if relevant
Morton & Munakata, 2002b). linguistic information is removed from the task. Al-
Similarly, an infant with a weak ability to actively though we have focused on top-down contributions
represent a toys new hiding location might succeed to active memory from the prefrontal cortex, bottom-
on some tasks but not on others. For example, weak up contributions from the environment may also
active representations of a hidden toy allowed a affect the strength of active representations. For ex-
neural network model to show looking reaching ample, children might form weaker active repre-
dissociations like those observed in infants (Dia- sentations for a stimulus if an informative verbal
mond, 1985; Hofstadter & Reznick, 1996; Piaget, label for it (such as red) is no longer provided
1954). That is, the model could use weak active (Figures 3a vs. b). The second manipulation focuses
representations to gaze at a toys new hiding loca- on the strength of latent representations brought into
tion, but those representations were too weak to a task from prior experience. Such latent represen-
support successful reaching to that location (Muna- tations should be relatively weak for unfamiliar
kata, 1998). The model instead reached per- stimuli (e.g., nonsense shapes or atypical colors),
severatively to the previous hiding location. Stronger because they have not been processed repeatedly
active representations were needed for reaching than and therefore connections have not been shaped
for gazing, because these systems differed in how extensively by them. For example, children should
often they could update, in a manner designed to have weaker latent representations for novel stimuli
parallel infants experience in studies with hidden than for familiar stimuli in terms of the connections
When Labels Hurt but Novelty Helps 1593

Figure 4. Sample stimuli for basic-PPC and uninformative-labels conditions. The top row shows how cards should be sorted when the
preswitch rule is shape and the postswitch rule is color, and the bottom row shows how cards should be sorted when the preswitch rule is
color and the postswitch rule is shape. Each preswitch card matches one target according to the relevant dimension only; the feature in the
other dimension does not match either target. Each postswitch card matches one target according to one dimension, and the other target
according to the other dimension. This version of the task is similar to Zelazo et al.s (2003) partial partial change version, and was
chosen for reasons described in the text. Black and white shading correspond to red and blue respectively, and light gray and dark gray
shading correspond to yellow and green respectively.

from perceptual inputs to internal representations, as constant and manipulating preswitch.1 Either ap-
well as the connections from those internal repre- proach could address the theoretical motivations for
sentations to the corresponding responses (Figures the study. We chose to hold postswitch constant and
3a vs. c). manipulate preswitch, because the experimental
Note that active and latent representations are manipulations might have their greatest effect built
conceptually distinct, but highly interactive. For ex- up across preswitch trials. Moreover, the predictions
ample, latent representations should be relatively in this direction seemed more counterintuitive and
weak for novel stimuli. This would lead to weaker thus potentially more interesting, as described next.
active representations when those stimuli are pre- First, if active representations are relatively weak
sented, which would in turn lead to smaller changes when linguistic information is removed from the
to the connections with experience because connec- task, children should show more flexibility in
tion changes are a function of activity levels. switching after sorting stimuli with uninformative
Similarly, stimuli with uninformative labels should labels. With relatively weak active representations
lead to weaker active representations of the stimuli, during preswitch, the latent representations created
which in turn would lead to weaker habits being laid would in turn be weaker. Childrens active repre-
down while processing those stimuli. Thus, although sentations of the new sorting rule should be better
we focus on weaker latent representations for novel able to compete against these relatively weak latent
stimuli and weaker active representations for unin- representations of the preswitch rule. This should
formative labels, this is only the starting point, with occur even if children sort the stimuli with unin-
each of these manipulations ultimately affecting the formative labels just as often and just as successfully
other type of representation. as in the standard condition during preswitch. This
By varying whether the card-sorting stimuli are prediction may be somewhat counterintuitive, be-
basic, novel, or presented with uninformative labels, cause informative labels often aid childrens per-
there are nine possible preswitch postswitch com- formance on cognitive tasks (Deak & Bauer, 1996;
binations involving this experimental manipulation. Gentner & Loewenstein, 2001; Jacques & Zelazo,
The effects of this manipulation could be tested most 2003; Kirkham et al., 2003; Towse et al., 2000). In
directly by holding preswitch constant and ma- many of these cases however, these labels are rele-
nipulating postswitch, or by holding postswitch vant to the task at hand, rather than to the prior task
1594 Yerys and Munakata

Figure 5. Sample stimuli for Novel stimuli condition. The top row shows how cards should be sorted when the preswitch rule is shape and
the postswitch rule is color, and the bottom row shows how cards should be sorted when the preswitch rule is color and the postswitch
rule is shape. As in the other conditions, each preswitch card matches one target according to the relevant dimension only; the feature in
the other dimension does not match either target. Each postswitch card matches one target according to one dimension, and the other
target according to the other dimension. For the novel shapes, the cloud-like shape was a dax and the jagged shape was a gub. Again,
black and white shading correspond to red and blue respectively, and light gray and dark gray shading correspond to yellow and green
respectively. For the novel colors, stripes represent a purple-gray color (flirp), and polka dots represent a green-brown color (nust).

as in this study. In one case however (Jacques & postswitch rule in three conditions of the card-sort-
Zelazo, 2001a), informative labels relevant to a prior ing task. For reasons described below, these condi-
task improve performance, a point we return to in tions built on a variation of the standard card-sorting
the Discussion. In other circumstances, labels can task, known as the partial partial change version
impair performance (Chambers & Reisberg, 1985; (Zelazo et al., 2003), which differs from the standard
Liittschwager & Markman, 1994; Schooler & Engs- version in the stimuli used during the preswitch
tler-Schooler, 1990). phase. Specifically, each preswitch sorting card
Second, if latent representations are relatively matched one target card according to the relevant
weak for novel stimuli, children should show more dimension only; the feature in the other dimension
flexibility in switching after sorting stimuli accord- did not match either target (Figures 4 and 5). For
ing to unfamiliar features. Again, childrens active example, if the target cards were red trucks and blue
representations of the new sorting rule should be flowers and the preswitch rules were shape, the
better able to compete against these relatively weak sorting cards might be yellow trucks and green
latent representations of the previous sorting rule. flowers. As in the standard card-sorting task, each
And, this should occur even if children sort the un- postswitch sorting card matched one target card ac-
familiar stimuli during preswitch just as often and cording to one dimension, and the other target card
just as successfully as in the standard condition. This according to the other dimension. For example, if the
prediction may also be somewhat counterintuitive, target cards were red trucks and blue flowers, the
because novelty often serves to draw childrens at- sorting cards would be red flowers and blue trucks.
tention, rather than helping them to attend to other This version of the task was chosen for multiple
information (e.g., Kersten & Smith, 2002; Ross, 1974). reasons. First, our piloting work building on the
However, in some circumstances, it is easier to standard version of the task revealed potential floor
switch from a less familiar task to a more familiar effects in childrens postswitch performance, so that
one (MacLeod & Dunbar, 1988; Morton et al., 2003). the effects of our experimental manipulations could
To test these ideas, we assessed 3-year-old chil- not be assessed. Children show a trend to switch
drens abilities to switch from a preswitch rule to a more readily in the partial partial change version
When Labels Hurt but Novelty Helps 1595

than in the standard version (Zelazo et al., 2003); this experiment and were included in the final ana-
hence we adopted that variant of the task to allow lyses, with 24 children in each condition. There were
comparisons across our experimental manipulations 12 males and 12 females in the basic-PPC condition,
with this age group. The partial partial change 10 males and 14 females in the uninformative-labels
version may be easier because the features change condition, and 11 males and 13 females in the novel-
between preswitch and postswitch in the to-be-at- stimuli condition. There were 61 Caucasian children,
tended dimension, perhaps drawing childrens at- 4 Hispanic/Latino children, 4 children with multiple
tention. We consider another possible reason in the ethnicity/races, 2 unreported, and 1 African Ameri-
Discussion. Second, we speculated that the presence can child. Participants came predominantly from
of conflicting features during preswitch, as in the middle-class backgrounds; however, this informa-
standard task, might increase the likelihood of chil- tion was not systematically recorded. Participants
dren spontaneously labeling the relevant features in were recruited from a departmental participant pool.
an attempt to deal with this conflict. For example, Children received a small gift for their participation
with target cards of red trucks and blue flowers, a and parents received $5 to cover travel costs. Addi-
child faced with a blue truck to sort by shape might tional children participated in the experiment but
be more likely to label it as a truck, in an attempt to their data were excluded from analyses for the fol-
deal with the conflicting color information, than a lowing reasons. Five children failed preswitch (2 in
child faced with a yellow truck to sort. Any such the uninformative-labels condition and 3 in the nov-
spontaneous labeling would reduce differences be- el-stimuli condition); their data were excluded be-
tween our conditions with and without informative cause the measure of interest was childrens ability to
labels. We thus opted to use partially matching cards switch in postswitch after passing preswitch. In ad-
during preswitch, in an effort to reduce conflict dition, data were excluded for 5 participants from
and in turn possibly reduce spontaneous labeling, the basic-PPC condition (3 due to parent interfer-
thereby increasing sensitivity to differences between ence, 1 for refusing to sort the cards, and 1 for not
labeling conditions. (An even more extreme step to understanding the task), 5 participants from the
reduce conflict from the irrelevant dimension is uninformative-labels condition (3 due to experi-
possible: using identical sorting and target cards mental error, 1 due to parent interference, and 1 due
[e.g., red trucks and blue flowers as sorting and to fussiness), and 4 participants from the novel-
target cards]. However, such cards preclude assess- stimuli condition (2 due to experimental error and
ing what rule children are using to sort the cards, 2 due to parent interference).
hence partially matching cards represent a better
option.) Whether these spontaneous-labeling and
attention-drawing ideas are correct is irrelevant to
the questions of interest in the current study. The Participants were tested in one of the three con-
partially matching version of the task simply serves ditions: basic-PPC, uninformative labels, and novel
as a basis for assessing the key manipulations of la- stimuli. Each condition involved two phases: a pre-
bels and novelty. The nuances specific to this version switch and a postswitch phase. The preswitch phase
of the task are held constant across conditions, while involved two demonstration trials and six test trials.
labels and novelty are varied so their effects can be The postswitch phase involved six test trials. Within
assessed. We compared performance across three each condition, participants were counterbalanced
conditions: basic-PPC (so named because it is the for preswitch dimension (shape or color), targets (in
most basic version of the task used in this study, and the basic-PPC and uninformative-labels conditions,
it resembles the partial partial change version more red truck and blue flower, or red flower and blue
than the standard version of this task), uninforma- truck; in the novel stimuli condition [with novel
tive labels, and novel stimuli. shapes and colors referred to by the labels used in
the experiment], red gub and blue dax, red dax
and blue gub, nust truck and flirp flower, or
nust flower and flirp truck], and target locations
(right vs. left).
Seventy-two normally developing 3-year-old
children (mean 5 36 months 2 days; range 5 35 There were two trays (approximately 17 cm 
months 24 days to 36 months 7 days) participated in 10.5 cm  3.5 cm) with a target (a 13 cm  8 cm card)
1596 Yerys and Munakata

attached to each. The trays were constructed by subsequent trials. Details and one example for each
gluing an index cardholder to a plastic bookend, and of the three conditions are provided below.
the targets were attached via Velcro to the book-
ends. The cards to be sorted were the same size as
Basic-PPC Condition
the targets. In all conditions, each preswitch sorting
card matched one target card according to the rele- Preswitch instructions. We are going to play a
vant dimension only, and each postswitch sorting game. This is the shape game. In the shape game,
card matched one target card according to one di- trucks go here [experimenter waves a yellow truck in
mension, and the other target card according to the front of the red truck tray] and flowers go there [ex-
other dimension. In the basic-PPC and uninforma- perimenter waves a green flower in front of the blue
tive-labels conditions, the target cards were red flower tray]. Ill go first and then it will be your turn.
trucks and blue flowers (or blue trucks and red Demonstration. The experimenter placed one card
flowers). When the preswitch rule was shape, the (e.g., green flower) into its tray, and placed the other
sorting cards were yellow trucks and green flowers card (e.g., yellow truck) into the other tray.
(Figure 4, top left). When the preswitch rule was Preswitch trials. We are playing the shape game.
color, the sorting cards were red hearts and blue stars In the shape game, trucks go here [experimenter
(Figure 4, bottom left). In the postswitch phase, the waves a yellow truck in front of the red truck tray]
sorting cards were blue trucks and red flowers (or and flowers go there [experimenter waves a green
red trucks and blue flowers; Figure 4, right-hand flower in front of the blue flower tray]. The ex-
side). In the novel-stimuli condition, the novel perimenter randomly selected and labeled a card by
shapes were a dax (a cloud-like shape) and a the relevant dimension (e.g., Heres a truck.) and
gub (a jagged shape), and the novel colors were asked, Where does this go in the shape game?
flirp (a purple-gray: Hue 5 317, Saturation 5 61%, Children placed the card into one of the trays. If the
Brightness 5 83%) and nust (a green-brown: sort was correct the experimenter said, Good job; if
Hue 5 52, Saturation 5 40%, Brightness 5 70%). the sort was incorrect the experimenter said, That
When the preswitch rule was shape, the target cards was not right. This one goes here. and moved the
were red daxes and blue gubs (or blue daxes and red card. If the children did not sort the card in 5 s, the
gubs), the preswitch sorting cards were yellow daxes experimenter prompted them by saying, Where
and green gubs, and the postswitch sorting cards does that one go?
were green gubs and yellow daxes (or red daxes and Postswitch instructions. Okay, now were going to
blue gubs; Figure 5, top row). When the preswitch switch and play a new game, the color game. We are
rule was color, the target cards were flirp trucks and not going to play the shape game any more. No way.
nust flowers (or nust trucks and flirp flowers), the We are going to play the color game and the color game
preswitch sorting cards were flirp hearts and nust is different. In the color game, red ones go here [ex-
stars, and the postswitch sorting cards were nust perimenter points to the red truck tray] and blue ones
trucks and flirp flowers (or flirp trucks and nust go there [experimenter points to the blue flower tray].
flowers; Figure 5, bottom row). Postswitch trials. We are playing the color game.
In the color game, red ones go here [experimenter
points to the red truck tray] and blue ones go there
[experimenter points to the blue flower tray]. The
In all conditions, children sat across a table from experimenter randomly selected and labeled a card
the experimenter. There were two trays on the table, by the relevant dimension (e.g., Heres a red one.)
and one target was fastened to each tray. The ex- and asked, Where does this go in the color game?
perimenter provided the rules to sort cards by one Children placed the card into one of the trays.
dimension, demonstrated the rules by sorting one of
each type of card, and asked the child to sort the next
Uninformative-Labels Condition
six cards (preswitch phase). Children were reminded
of the rules on each trial, and feedback was pro- The uninformative-labels condition was identical
vided. Children were then asked to sort six cards to the basic-PPC condition with the exception of
according to a different rule, and were reminded of the preswitch instructions (and corresponding re-
the rules on each trial (postswitch phase). Cards minders before each trial): We are going to play a
were placed into the trays face down (or the ex- game. This is the sorting game. In the sorting game,
perimenter flipped the childs card over if it was these go here [experimenter waves a yellow truck in
placed face up), so that they were not visible for front of the red truck tray], and these go there
When Labels Hurt but Novelty Helps 1597

Figure 6. Numbers of children passing preswitch and postswitch in the basic-PPC, uninformative-labels, and novel-stimuli conditions
(N 5 24 in each condition): Children were significantly better at switching to the new rule in the uninformative-labels and novel-stimuli
conditions. Shape-to-color examples are shown for each condition; differences in instructions are italicized.

[experimenter waves a green flower in front of the (e.g., Munakata & Yerys, 2001), children were clas-
blue flower tray]. Ill go first and then it will be your sified as passing each sorting phase if they sorted at
turn.2 least four out of the six cards correctly. Other studies
have used a stricter criterion of sorting at least five
out of the six cards correctly (Kirkham et al., 2003).
Novel-Stimuli Condition
The pattern of results in the current study is similar
The novel-stimuli condition was identical to the across the two criteria; only 3 of the 72 children
basic-PPC condition with the exception of the stimuli change classifications with the stricter criterion. It
and the preswitch instructions (and corresponding might seem odd to use a categorical measure of
reminders before each trial): We are going to play a performance to test a graded representations
game. This is the shape game. In the shape game, framework. However, in this case the data are not
daxes go here [experimenter waves a green dax in conducive to continuous measures, and the cat-
front of the red dax tray], and gubs go there [ex- egorical measure is sufficient to detect differences
perimenter waves a yellow gub in front of the blue predicted by the graded representations framework.
gub tray]. Ill go first and then it will be your turn. An important step for future work will be to develop
measures that allow seemingly categorical behaviors
to be assessed in a more continuous way (e.g.,
Analyses and Results
Diedrich, Thelen, Smith, & Corbetta, 2000; Spencer &
Initial descriptive analyses indicated that the data Schutte, 2004).
were nonnormal, consistent with previous findings All children passed preswitch, as this was a pre-
(Kirkham et al., 2003; Munakata & Yerys, 2001; Zel- requisite for inclusion in the study. As predicted, the
azo et al., 1996). In preswitch, most children (94.4%) uninformative labels and novel stimuli improved
sorted all cards correctly. In postswitch, most chil- childrens postswitch sorting substantially (Figure 6).
dren (84.7%) sorted all cards correctly or sorted all Only 11 of 24 children passed postswitch in the basic-
cards incorrectly. Thus, as in previous studies, PPC condition, compared to 18 of 24 children in the
the measure of interest was whether children passed uninformative-labels condition, w2 (1, N 5 48) 5 4.3,
or failed postswitch sorting, and chi-squares were po.05, and 21 of 24 children in the novel-stimuli
used to analyze the data. And, as in previous studies condition, w2(1, N 5 48) 5 7.4, po.01.
1598 Yerys and Munakata

Discussion tasks and the FIST differ in various ways. For ex-
ample, the FIST requires two cards to be picked from
Consistent with predictions from a graded, compet- three, while the card-sorting task requires a single
ing representations framework, more children suc- card to be sorted. And, children must generate for
cessfully switched to sorting cards by a new rule themselves the rule to use in the FIST, whereas they
when the first sorting rule involved uninformative are told what rule to use in the card-sorting task.
labels or novel stimuli. Removing informative labels Perhaps labels for the first rule provide constraints
for the first rule should have weakened childrens on the kinds of rules that can be considered, so labels
active representations during that phase. As a result, help when children must then generate another rule
the latent representations biasing children toward to sort by, as in the FIST. That is, labels during a prior
that rule were in turn weaker, making it easier for task may strengthen active representations as pos-
children to switch to a new rule using active repre- ited here, making it generally harder to switch to a
sentations of the new rule. And, sorting novel stimuli new task, but these difficulties are outweighed by the
for the first rule should have tapped into weaker la- advantages of such labels when switching to a new
tent representations, also making it easier for children task where the rule options are not specified. An-
to use active representations to switch to a new rule. other difference between these studies is the age of
The finding that children were more flexible with the participants: 3-year-olds had more difficulty
uninformative labels for the first rule might be switching to a new dimension after the first rule was
somewhat counterintuitive, given that labels often labeled (current findings), while 4-year-olds had less
aid childrens performance. In many of those cases difficulty switching to a new dimension after the first
however, the labels are relevant to the task at hand, one was labeled (FIST findings). Labels may
rather than to a prior task (e.g., Deak & Bauer, 1996; strengthen active representations as posited here, but
Gentner & Loewenstein, 2001; Kirkham et al., 2003; developmental changes between 3 and 4 years may
Towse et al., 2000). For example, when children are influence what children can do with those relatively
asked to label cards according to the currently rele- strong active representations. For example, children
vant dimension during postswitch, they are more may develop better gating mechanisms that influ-
likely to successfully sort according to the postswitch ence whether information is maintained or updated
rule (Kirkham et al., 2003; Towse et al., 2000). How- in working memory (Frank, Loughry, & OReilly,
ever, in one task, the Flexible Item Selection Task 2001); such mechanisms may act more effectively on
(FIST; Jacques & Zelazo, 2001a), labels relevant to a strong representations. Further work is needed to
prior task improve performance on the current task. evaluate the role of such factors in the effects of
In this paradigm, children are presented with three labels on flexibility.
cards. Two of the cards match in one way, and two of The finding that children were more flexible with
the cards match in another way. For example, a trio novel stimuli might also be somewhat counterintui-
of cards might consist of a purple phone, a pink tive, given that novelty often serves to draw chil-
phone, and a pink fish. Children are first asked to drens attention, rather than helping them to attend
pick two cards that go together, and they might pick to other information (e.g., Kersten & Smith, 2002;
the two phones. They are then asked to pick two Ross, 1974). However, in this case, the dominant ef-
cards that go together in a different way. At this fect may have been the weaker associations for the
point, they should pick the two pink cards. This task, novel stimuli, which made it easier for children to
like the card-sorting task, requires children to see a switch to a new rule.
single stimulus in two ways; the pink phone must be Alternatively, one might argue that novel stimuli
seen both as a phone and as pink. Four-year-old improved childrens switching through the same
children generally succeed in picking one pair of processes as uninformative labels. That is, although
cards that go together, but then have difficulty se- informative labels were employed in the novel-
lecting the second pair. Labels in the first task stimuli condition, they may have been ineffect-
improve performance in the second task. That is, iveFchildren never learned, for example, what
4-year-old children are better at selecting the second dax meant. As a result, improvements in per-
pair if the experimenter labels relevant information formance may have been driven solely by the
in the first pair, or if the children are asked to explain effectively uninformative labels, rather than by the
how the two cards go together in the first pair they novelty of the stimuli (R. Joseph, personal commu-
select ( Jacques & Zelazo, 2001b). nication, April 2003). This alternative seems unlikely
What accounts for the discrepancy in labels for two reasons. First, the novel stimuli were re-
helping versus hurting performance? The current peatedly and consistently named with distinct labels
When Labels Hurt but Novelty Helps 1599

Figure 7. Sample stimuli for negative priming (top row) and total change (bottom row) variants. Preswitch is identical across these
variants. In the negative priming variant, only features that were relevant during preswitch change between preswitch and postswitch. In
the total change variant, features that were relevant during preswitch and features that will be relevant during postswitch change between
preswitch and postswitch. Children perform relatively poorly on the negative priming variant, which is taken as evidence that they
inhibited the irrelevant dimension during preswitch; they perform relatively well on the total-change version, which is taken as evidence
that they do not perseverate on preswitch dimensions (Zelazo et al., 2003). We consider several alternative explanations in the text.

(a total of 18 times across the instructions and trials explained within the graded, competing representa-
for the two stimuli). Children at this age and even tions framework. The next section considers alter-
much younger can learn novel labels for stimuli in native theories of perseveration.
many fewer trials (e.g., Heibeck & Markman, 1987;
Markson & Bloom, 1997; Woodward, Markman, &
Negative Priming
Fitzsimmons, 1994). It thus seems unlikely that the
distinct labels in the novel-stimuli condition were Some researchers have argued that children
uninformative. Second, the game (color vs. shape) perseverate in part due to a process of negative
was labeled in the novel-stimuli condition but not priming, whereby children ignore irrelevant rules
in the uninformative-labels condition. Thus, more during preswitch, which leads to difficulty sorting
information was provided in the novel-stimuli con- by those rules in postswitch (Zelazo et al., 2003). For
dition. If uninformativeness alone helped children to example, when children sort by shape in preswitch,
switch, their performance should have been worse if they ignore the conflicting information about color;
anything in the novel-stimuli condition relative to as a result, they have difficulty activating color rules
the uninformative-labels condition. Instead, these in postswitch. Childrens difficulties in particular
conditions were not significantly different, and the variants of card-sorting tasks are taken as evidence
direction of the difference went the other way, with for negative priming. For example, after sorting red
more children switching in the novel-stimuli condi- flowers and blue trucks by color, children perseve-
tion. Thus, the novelty of the stimuli likely contrib- rate with color when asked to sort yellow flowers
uted to childrens greater ease in switching in this and green trucks by shape (Zelazo et al., 2003;
condition. adapted in Figure 7, top row). The preswitch colors
are no longer present in postswitch, therefore chil-
dren could not perseverate on the specific features
that were relevant in preswitch. The argument is that
Explaining Additional Findings Within the Graded,
their difficulty must thus reflect a specific problem in
Competing Representations Framework
attending to shape, as a result of inhibiting it during
Other aspects of childrens card-sorting behavior preswitch.
have been put forth as challenges to various theories These findings are interesting and important, but
of childrens perseveration. In this section, we con- we are not convinced that they indicate that irrele-
sider three such findings and how they might be vant information is inhibited during preswitch. At
1600 Yerys and Munakata

least two alternatives seem possible. One alternative green flowers by shape, they have difficulty because
is that children perseverate on preswitch rules in a they have learned incorrect associations between
way that can be applied to new exemplars. For ex- trucks and flowers. This would lead to greater dif-
ample, children get stuck on the color dimension ficulty on the negative-priming version of the task
after sorting blue and red stimuli by color, so they (where incorrect associations learned during pre-
then sort green and yellow stimuli by color too. switch must be overcome during postswitch) than on
Zelazo et al. (2003) tried to argue that children do the total-change version (where incorrect associ-
not get stuck on overall dimensions such as color or ations learned during preswitch are not relevant
shape, based on their performance in the total- during postswitch, due to changes in the stimuli
change version of the task. In this version, both between preswitch and postswitch). Similarly, this
shapes and colors change between preswitch and account may help to explain why children perform
postswitch; therefore, any features that children better on the partial partial change version of the
might perseverate on are removed (Figure 7, bottom task, which the current studies built on, than on the
row). Poor performance in postswitch would be in- standard version. Specifically, learning incorrect as-
terpreted as perseveration on the preswitch dimen- sociations with irrelevant features during preswitch
sion. Children perform better on this total-change would not hurt postswitch performance as much in
version of the task than on the standard task, which the partial partial change version, because the fea-
is taken as evidence that children do not perseverate tures on the irrelevant dimension change between
on dimensions (Zelazo et al., 2003). However, a rea- preswitch and postswitch. For example, incorrectly
sonable percent of children fail the total-change learning during preswitch that hearts go with truck
version of the task: in Zelazo et al. (2003), 21% of targets and stars go with flower targets (Figure 4,
children failed this version in Experiment 7, 37% bottom left) would not impair postswitch perform-
failed in Experiment 8, and 31% failed in Experiment ance sorting trucks into the truck tray and flowers
9. Thus, children may perseverate on dimensions. into the flower tray.
Such dimensional perseveration may contribute to Thus, the findings that have been put forth as
their behavior on card-sorting tasks where the fea- evidence for negative priming in childrens card-
tures they were attending to change after preswitch, sorting are open to alternative interpretations. Simi-
such as negative-priming and total-change versions lar points have been made in the related adult
of the task. However, dimensional perseveration literature that motivated the negative priming in-
cannot be the only factor at work, given that children vestigations in children. That is, adults also show
perform significantly worse on the negative-priming impairments when previously irrelevant information
version of the task than on the total-change version, must then be attended to (Dalrymple-Alford &
when both versions should lead to similar levels of Budayr, 1966; Neill, 1977; Tipper, 1985). Various re-
dimensional perseveration. This performance dif- searchers have interpreted these effects in terms of a
ference might reflect benefits from changes between negative priming process (Tipper, 2001), but others
preswitch and postswitch in the features relevant to have clearly articulated alternative explanations
postswitch. Such changes are present in total change (e.g., MacDonald & Joordens, 2000; MacLeod, Dodd,
but not in negative priming (Figure 7), and could Sheard, Wilson, & Bibi, 2003; Neill & Valdes, 1992;
draw attention to the correct features in postswitch. Park & Kanwisher, 1994).
A second possibility is that rather than inhibit ir-
relevant information during preswitch, children ac-
Intra- Versus Extra-Dimensional Shifts
tivate it to some degree and learn associations that
then hinder postswitch performance. For example, Children are better at switching to a second rule in
when sorting red flowers and blue trucks by color, a card-sorting task if the shift is intra-dimensional
children also activate information about flowers (e.g., from flowers going in the flowers tray to
and trucks, which leads to incorrectly increasing flowers going in the trucks tray) rather than extra-
associations between flowers to-sort and truck tar- dimensional (e.g., from flowers going in the flowers
gets, and between trucks to-sort and flower targets. tray to red things going in the red tray) (Perner &
That is, they learn at some level that flowers go in the Lang, 2002, cf. Brooks et al., 2003).
truck tray, and trucks go in the flower tray. Children The graded, competing representations frame-
have been shown to learn this form of opposites work can explain why intra-dimensional shifts are
game for information they are attending to (Morton easier than extra-dimensional shifts, in terms of the
et al., 2003; Yerys & Munakata, 2001). When children nature of the changes required for each. Consider a
are then asked to switch to sorting yellow trucks and network with a strong bias from sorting according to
When Labels Hurt but Novelty Helps 1601

color (Figure 2, right-hand side). The network output (Figure 2, left-hand side) would be weaker,
strongly represents the redness of a red truck. For an because colors and shapes are less associated with
intra-dimensional shift (red things now go in the puppets than with matching target cards. As a result,
blue tray), the network can build on these strong an active memory systems representation of the
representations of the relevant features; only the current game could play more of a role in guiding
connections from these representations to the output behavior, leading to better switching performance. In
must be changed. Specifically, the network can con- children, these processes would correspond to hav-
tinue to represent red trucks as red, and only needs ing stronger associations between matching colors
to learn to put red things in the blue tray. In contrast, than between colors and puppets; childrens biases
for an extra-dimensional shift (trucks now go in the from preswitch would thus be weaker with the
truck tray), the network cannot build on its repre- puppets, so that their active representations of a new
sentation of color features; the connections to these game (e.g., shape) would be better able to compete
representations from the input must be changed. against those biases.
Specifically, the network must learn to represent red
trucks not as red but as trucks (and to put trucks in
the truck tray). For neural networks, the intra-di- Alternative Theories
mensional shift may be easier than the extra-di-
In what follows, we consider several alternative
mensional shift, because neural network learning
theories of childrens perseveration. Key next steps
algorithms can work most effectively when repre-
will be to establish how these accounts explain the
sentations are strong and stable (OReilly & Muna-
current results, to assess the extent to which such
kata, 2000; Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986). This is
explanations are post hoc versus clearly motivated
the case for the intra-dimensional shift (e.g., where
by their theoretical frameworks, and to assess whe-
the red truck is consistently represented as red), but
ther such explanations constitute alternatives to our
not for the extra-dimensional shift (e.g., where the
account or different levels of description. We provide
representation of the red truck must shift from red to
some initial speculations about how these theories
truck). In children, these processes would corres-
may or may not accommodate the current findings
pond to finding it easier to change a response to a
as well as additional findings, and how such ac-
strongly represented aspect of a stimulus than to
counts relate to the graded, competing representa-
change how one views the stimulus.
tions account that motivated these studies.

Target Cards Versus Puppets

Cognitive Complexity and Control
Children are better at switching to a second rule in
a card-sorting task if the target cards are replaced by Cognitive complexity and control theory (CCC)
target puppets, with puppets first liking things ac- posits that perseveration results from an inability to
cording to one rule, and then liking things according consciously reflect on tasks and recognize higher
to a different rule (Perner & Lang, 2002; Towse et al., order rules (Frye, Zelazo, & Palfai, 1995; Zelazo et al.,
2000). Some researchers (Diamond, Carlson, & Beck, 1996; Zelazo & Frye, 1998; Zelazo & Jacques, 1996).
in press) claim that this finding challenges our gra- For example, to succeed in the card-sorting task,
ded memory representations account. They argue children must reflect on the task and create an if if
that removing target cards increases demands on then rule structure (e.g., if playing the shape game, if
remembering the correct rules in postswitch, and yet the card is a red truck, then it goes in the tray with
childrens performance improves; therefore, memory the blue truck target). According to CCC, children
problems alone cannot explain why children pers- first learn a basic rule (e.g., the card goes in the truck
everate. tray) around the age of 2.5 years. Then around age 3,
In contrast, we believe that memory accounts can children learn if then rules (e.g., if the card is a
accommodate these findings. The puppet manipu- truck, then it goes in the tray with the truck target,
lation could affect memory traces in multiple ways, and if the card is a flower, then it goes in the tray
not just the demands for remembering the rules in with the flower target). Finally, at age 4 children
postswitch. For example, in our graded, competing learn to use if if then rules, which are the lower
representations framework, the puppet manipula- order if then rules embedded under a higher order
tion would affect the strength of the latent repre- rule that selects the relevant game. Only then can
sentations at the start of the task. All of the children successfully switch from one rule to an-
connections between internal representation and other.
1602 Yerys and Munakata

CCC theory may have difficulty accommodating Moreover, one might ask how this salience factor
the current findings that 3-year-olds switch more would be implemented within CCC theory. And,
easily from one rule to another when the first phase once it is implemented, what unique contributions
involves uninformative labels or novel stimuli. Ac- does CCC theory provide relative to other theories?
cording to CCC, these children lack the requisite if For example, salience might be instantiated in terms
if then rules to successfully switch (e.g., if it is the of the strength of active or latent representations, as
color game, and if the card is red, then it goes in the explored in the current account, to explain the find-
tray with the red target). However, each of the cur- ings above within CCC theory. Such factors might
rent tasks seems to require the same rules, yet chil- also be required for CCC theory to address other
dren performed better in the uninformative-labels apparent challenges, such as the fact that 3-year-olds
and novel-stimuli conditions than in the basic-PPC succeed in other versions of the card-sorting task
condition. Thus, childrens success does not appear (Kirkham et al., 2003; Yerys & Munakata, 2001),
to rely on the ability to embed lower order rules 4-year-olds fail in certain versions (Kirkham et al.,
under a higher order rule. 2003), and 6-year-olds fail other tasks requiring if
Similar arguments have been made against CCC if then rules (Morton & Munakata, 2002b; Morton
theory using the findings described earlier, regard- et al., 2003). One might then ask whether such ad-
ing intra- versus extra-dimensional shifts and target ditional factors do the interesting work in terms of
cards versus puppets (Diamond et al., in press; Per- explaining behavior, and what independent contri-
ner & Lang, 2002). Each of those variants of the task butions CCC theory per se provides.
also seem to require the same if-if-then rule struc-
ture, but children are better at intra-dimensional
Attentional Inertia
shifts (Perner & Lang, 2002) and with target puppets
(Perner & Lang, 2002; Towse et al., 2000). If children Alternatively, perseveration may result from an
fail some card-sorting tasks because they lack the attentional inertia, in which there is a pull to con-
relevant if if then rule structures, how can they tinue attending to previously relevant information,
succeed on other card-sorting tasks that require the and a difficulty inhibiting this pull when it becomes
same structures? irrelevant (Kirkham et al., 2003). After repeatedly
In response to these kinds of criticisms, CCC the- sorting a red truck according to its color, for example,
ory has been revised, and CCC theorists have argued children adopt the mind-set of seeing the stimulus as
that children may succeed in some of these task red and have great difficulty redirecting their atten-
variants without needing to construct higher order tion to its shape.
rules (Andrews, Halford, Bunch, Bowden, & Jones, Of the existing alternative accounts of persever-
2003; Zelazo et al., 2003). For example, in the case of ation, we view this account as the most compatible
the target puppets instead of target cards, the pre- with our account. Our account of the strength of
switch rules may have been less salient and easier to underlying representations might be viewed as
forget. As a result, children could more easily move providing the lower level mechanisms for this at-
on to new rules, without needing to coordinate these tentional inertia account. For example, latent repre-
new rules with the old (forgotten) rules (Zelazo et al., sentations that build up after sorting by color lead to
2003). The same argument might be applied to the the much greater activation of color information over
current findings, with children being more likely to shape information, even when the rule has changed
forget the preswitch rules when they involve nov- to shape (right-hand side of Figure 2). The primary
el stimuli or are described with uninformative labels. differences between the attentional inertia and ac-
Alternatively, one might argue from the CCC tive latent accounts likely lie in the mechanisms
framework that labels change childrens biases, so posited to support eventual successful performance,
that they can shift from one sorting behavior to an- as discussed later in this section.
other without needing to construct higher order rules The attentional inertia theory might accommodate
(Happaney & Zelazo, 2003); this change in bias might the uninformative label findings by positing that
be greatest when the changes in types of labels used there is less attentional inertia for stimuli under these
in preswitch versus postswitch are most salient, as in conditions; hearing a stimulus referred to as one as
our uninformative-labels and novel-stimuli condi- opposed to a red one would reduce the tendency
tions. It is less clear that these kinds of arguments to see it as red. As a result, children would be better
could explain why intra-dimensional shifts are easier able to inhibit the pull to see the stimulus in terms of
than extra-dimensional shifts, since the preswitch its color when the rule switches to shape. In this case,
rules are more comparable across these variants. again, our account might be viewed as providing the
When Labels Hurt but Novelty Helps 1603

lower level mechanisms for this higher level atten- that would serve to distinguish these accounts in the
tional inertia account (Figure 3b). Weaker inputs lead domain of childrens flexible card-sorting have not
to weaker active representations, which in turn lead been tested, but we are in the process of doing so
to the formation of weaker latent representations (Cepeda & Munakata, 2006; Kharitonova, Chien,
biasing a stimulus to be viewed in a certain way. Colunga, & Munakata, in preparation).
However, the attentional inertia account might
have predicted the opposite effect with novel stimuli
to the one observed, because novelty generally
serves to draw attention, which might increase ra- According to miscategorization theory, persever-
ther than decrease attentional inertia. This would ation results from miscategorizing a new situation as
make it more difficult for children to inhibit the pull an old one and running off the correct response for
to see the stimulus in terms of the previously rele- the old situation (Aguiar & Baillargeon, 2000; Baill-
vant dimension when the rule changed. Instead, argeon & Wang, 2002). Flexible behavior occurs if
children were better able to switch to a new sorting individuals engage in deeper processing of the
rule after sorting stimuli according to novel features. situation to recognize it is new, and then determine
Alternatively, the attentional inertia account might the correct response rather than running off an old
accommodate the current findings with novel stim- one. For example, in the card-sorting task, after
uli by positing that there is less attentional inertia for children sort several cards successfully in the pre-
novel stimuli. In this case, again, our account might switch phase, they may miscategorize the postswitch
be viewed as providing the lower level mechanisms phase as the same game they were playing before,
for this higher level attentional inertia account (Fig- and run off the now-incorrect responses from that
ure 3c). Yet another possibility is that novel stimuli game. From this perspective, children might be more
draw attention, such that less inhibition of the other likely to switch to a new sorting rule if the task were
dimension is required during preswitch; as a result, altered to reduce their tendency to categorize the
children more easily switch to that other dimension task in terms of the first rule, or to alert them more to
during postswitch (A. Diamond, personal commu- the change at postswitch.
nication, May 2003; see Perner & Lang, 2002; Zelazo Miscategorization theory might accommodate the
et al., 2003). current findings by positing that both of these al-
The attentional inertia and active latent accounts terations were implemented in our tasks. First, chil-
may differ primarily in how they explain childrens drens tendency to categorize the task in terms of the
eventual successful switching. The attentional inertia first rule may have been reduced by using novel
account posits directed inhibitory processes that are stimuli or uninformative labels, which may have
distinct from memory processes. For example, a decreased childrens certainty about the task. Al-
child might switch to sort cards according to their though children showed ceiling preswitch perform-
shape by directly inhibiting the tendency to see the ance with these alterations, they may have
cards in terms of their color. This would require nonetheless been less inclined to categorize the entire
using some form of what are essentially not color task according to this first phase when it involved
representations. In contrast, within the active latent novel stimuli or uninformative labels. As a result,
and related accounts (e.g., Cohen & Servan-Schreib- they would be more likely to engage in deeper pro-
er, 1992; Goldman-Rakic, 1987), there are no such cessing of the new situation during postswitch, re-
not color representations that are specialized for sulting in more flexible behavior. Second, the change
inhibiting color representations. Instead, stronger to postswitch rules might have been more salient in
active representations of new rules (e.g., shape) the uninformative-labels and novel-stimuli condi-
provide top-down support for relevant representa- tions relative to the basic-PPC condition. The verbal
tions (e.g., truck); inhibition falls out of competitive instructions changed from uninformative to in-
dynamics throughout the system, so that the more formative or novel to familiar in the former cases,
support there is for the new rule, the less likely it is with no such changes in the latter case. As a result,
that an old rule (e.g., color) will win in this compe- children might have been more alerted to the change
tition. We have documented elsewhere the argu- at postswitch in the uninformative-labels and novel-
ments and evidence in favor of accounts based on stimuli conditions, resulting in more flexible behavior.
top-down support and competitive dynamics over Although miscategorization theory might accom-
accounts based on directed inhibition (e.g., Muna- modate the current findings in this way, it is not clear
kata, Morton, & OReilly, in press; Munakata, Mor- whether it would yield a priori predictions about
ton, & Stedron, 2003). To our knowledge, predictions which manipulations should be most effective in im-
1604 Yerys and Munakata

proving childrens performance. For example, if the In the current case, childrens improvements in
current manipulations sufficed for reducing childrens switching after sorting cards with uninformative la-
miscategorizations, one might predict that changing bels or novel stimuli are consistent with a graded,
the previously attended features between preswitch competing representations framework. These find-
and postswitch would similarly alert children to a ings raise questions for other accounts, such as
change in task. However, this is the negative prim- whether they can accommodate these findings in
ing version of the task described earlier, in which their current form. If so, are the explanations of the
children still perseverate (Zelazo et al., 2003). Similarly, current findings consistent with findings from other
from the miscategorization perspective, it is not clear studies, or do they take the form of post hoc accounts
why children are better at intra-dimensional switches formulated specifically for these data? If additional
than at extra-dimensional ones (Perner & Lang, 2002). factors must be incorporated into other accounts to
If anything, extra-dimensional changes should be explain the details of perseverative behavior, what
more salient (and thus more effective in alerting chil- additional work is the basic theory doing? And,
dren to a change in task), because they involve the whatever factors in other accounts might explain the
introduction of new terms for describing the relevant current findings, do these factors constitute true al-
dimension and features. ternatives to the account described here, or different
Miscategorization theory can readily accommo- levels of description?
date the finding that children generally do much Further work is needed to relate theories of per-
better at switching to new rules in the card-sorting severation at different levels of description and to
task if they receive negative feedback when they sort investigate the specifics of these behaviors. Such
cards incorrectly (Bohlmann & Fenson, 2005; Yerys & work should ultimately provide a better under-
Munakata, 2001). Such negative feedback would standing of perseveration and flexibility, as well as
serve to alert children to the fact that the task has the nature, organization, and development of repre-
changed and deeper processing is required. How- sentations more generally.
ever, it is less clear how miscategorization theory
would explain the fact that many children continue
to perseverate in the face of repeated negative feed-
back, both in the card-sorting task (Yerys & Muna- References
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1 86. Manipulating both preswitch and postswitch simul-
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priming by ignored objects. The Quarterly Journal of Ex- other, so that switching performance would be similar
perimental Psychology, 37A, 571 590. across these conditions despite differences in the under-
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tory mechanisms? a review and integration of conflict- the context of infants searching for hidden objects). And if
ing views. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, differences were observed across conditions with both
54A, 321 343. preswitch and postswitch manipulated, it might be diffi-
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the dimensional change card sort: Perspectives from task To ensure that children in the uninformative-labels
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Wellman, H. M., Cross, D., & Bartsch, K. (1986). Infant opposed to sorting based on overall similarity), we tested a
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Not-B error. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child cedure, followed by a new phase to test whether they were
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(1994). Rapid word learning in 13- and 18-month-olds. same as in preswitch (These go here, these go there, with
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sorting task. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of days, 4 males and 4 females) participated in the experi-
the Cognitive Development Society, Virginia Beach. ment and were included in the final sample. All 8 children
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childhood. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 7, sistently with how they sorted the preswitch cards. These
121 126. results demonstrate that the uninformative-labels pre-
Zelazo, P. D., Frye, D., & Rapus, T. (1996). An age-related switch procedure led children to commit to a specific rule.
dissociation between knowing rules and using them. We thank Sophie Jacques for raising this issue and sug-
Cognitive Development, 11, 37 63. gesting this experiment.

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