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Acta Clin Croat 2015; 54:208-215

Professional Paper


Vanja Vuievi Boras1, Ana Andabak-Rogulj2, Vlaho Brailo2, Sonja Kraljevi imunkovi4, Dragana
Gabri3 and Danko Velimir Vrdoljak 5

Zagreb University Hospital Center; 2Department of Oral Medicine, 3Department of Oral Surgery, 4Department
of Prosthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb; 5Clinical Hospital for Tumors,
Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center, Zagreb, Croatia

SUMMARY Every medication may lead to adverse effects, even when used in standard doses
and mode of application. In the oral cavity, adverse effects may affect every part of oral mucosa and
are the result of medications taken either locally or systemically. Oral adverse reactions to drugs
are not typical and therefore sometimes not easy to recognize. On diagnosing adverse side effects
in the oral cavity, experienced clinician will usually diagnose the condition on the basis of detailed
medical history and clinical finding. However, the only objective evidence for the offending drug
is re-challenge, i.e. exposure to the drug after its discontinuation. It carries a huge risk of anap-
hylactic reaction; therefore it has to be performed in a controlled hospital setting. Therapy is based
on immediate exclusion of the offending drug and, if lesions are present in the oral cavity, topical or
systemic corticosteroid therapy is prescribed. This article gives a review of patients with oral adverse
drug reactions referred to the Department of Oral Medicine in Zagreb.
Key words: Pharmaceutical preparations adverse effects; Oral manifestations diagnosis; Oral ma-
nifestations therapy

Introduction alivation, burning mouth symptoms, oral ulcerations,

erythema multiforme, gingival hyperplasia, lichenoid
Every medication may lead to adverse effects, even reaction and angioedema1.
when used in standard doses and mode of application. Fifteen years ago, we retrospectively retrieved oral
Adverse effects may develop on every organ. In the adverse effects of the drugs that patients used and were
oral cavity, adverse effects may affect every part of the referred to our Department. Most frequently, sulfon-
oral mucosa and are the result of medications taken amides such as sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim
either locally or systemically. Adverse drug reaction (Sinersul), antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflamma-
may develop after the medication has been used once tory analgesics (NSAID) and propolis were the medi-
or after few years of continuous medication use. Oral cations that induced oral adverse effects2. At the time,
adverse reactions to drugs are not typical and there- the same findings (except for propolis) were reported
fore sometimes not easy to recognize. elsewhere throughout the world.
Adverse effects of systemic medications may be However, it is interesting to note that this trend is
numerous, but some that are more frequent are hypos- ever changing as new drugs are marketed and others
are withdrawn. On diagnosing adverse side effects in
Correspondence to: Ana Andabak-Rogulj, DMD, Department of
the oral cavity, experienced clinician will usually di-
Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, Gundulieva 5, HR-10000
Zagreb, Croatia agnose the condition on the basis of detailed medical
E-mail: history and clinical finding. However, the only objec-
Received November 5, 2013, accepted September 22, 2014 tive evidence for the offending drug is re-challenge,

208 Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 54, No. 2, 2015

Vanja Vuievi Boras et al. Oral adverse drug reactions

i.e. exposure to the drug after its discontinuation. It use in Croatia is schnapps. From time to time, we en-
carries a huge risk of anaphylactic reaction; therefore counter chemical burn/sloughing of the oral mucosa
it has to be performed in a controlled hospital setting. due to this phenomenon. A patient was referred to our
And the last but not the least, it is also considered un- Department due to oral lesions that were provoked by
ethical if the offending drug can be replaced by some use of Calendulla officinalis, colloid silver and schnapps
other3,4. In the past, radioallergosorbent test, baso- (Fig. 1).
phil degranulation test, as well as blastic transforma-
tion tests were performed; however, due to the huge
number of false-positive and false-negative results,
they are not considered accurate3. In certain cases It is known that more than 500 drugs may lead
when patients are taking lots of medications, detec- to hyposalivation. The medications which most fre-
tion of the offending drug is not straightforward and quently cause hyposalivation are the ones most com-
it seems prudent that a drug being already known to monly used, such as antihypertensives and psycho-
cause adverse effects is more likely to be the offend- tropic drugs. It is known that these groups of drugs
ing one. Therapy is based on immediate exclusion of cause dry mouth: antihypertensives, anticholinergics,
the offending drug and, if lesions are present in the antihistamines, benzodiazepines, cytostatics, diuret-
oral cavity, topical or systemic corticosteroid therapy ics, proton pump inhibitors and H2 antagonists,
is prescribed3. antipsychotics, antidepressants, hypnotics, opioids,
Generally, there are no clinical and histopathologic muscarinic antagonists and alpha receptor agonists,
presentations alone to relate oral adverse reactions to appetite suppressors, bronchodilators, drugs for HIV
any specific medication. Many oral adverse reactions treatment, retinoids, medications for migraine treat-
mimic oral lesions that are also seen in the absence of ment, decongestants, and skeletal muscle relaxants7.
medication use5. Drugs can cause parasympatholytic activity in several
It is noteworthy that certain herbal infusions (such ways, including competitive inhibition of acetylcho-
as Calendulla officinalis), herbal products (Tinctura line at the parasympathetic ganglia and at the effector
adstringens), as well as some antiseptic solutions may junction. Drugs may also influence parasympathetic
lead to oral mucosal damage6. In Croatia, the use of response indirectly via interactions with the sympa-
propolis is quite popular. However, quite frequently thetic and central nervous systems8. A patient referred
the use of propolis leads to adverse effects in the oral to our Department with severe hyposalivation due to
cavity5,6. Another frequent home medicine for oral drug use is illustrated in Figure 2.

Fig. 1. Oral burn after rinsing with Calendulla officina-

lis, colloid silver and schnapps (source: archives of the De- Fig. 2. Severe hyposalivation due to drug use (source: ar-
partment of Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, chives of the Department of Oral Medicine, School of Den-
University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia). tal Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia).

Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 54, No. 2, 2015

Vanja Vuievi Boras et al. Oral adverse drug reactions

Table 1. Drug-related oral ulceration Table 2. Drug-related angioedema

Antihypertensives (nicorandil, captopril, losartan) ACE inhibitors (captopril, enalapril)

Antibiotics (penicillamine, vancomycin) Analgesics (aspirin, ibuprofen, indomethacin,
Anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, phenytoin) naproxen)
Analgesics (diclofenac, indomethacin) Antibiotics (penicillamine, penicillin derivatives,
Alendronate clindamycin, cephalosporins, streptomycin) and co-
trimoxazole, sulfonamides
Dideoxycytidine like ulcers. Mouth ulcers can occur as side effects of
Interferons immunosuppressive therapy. Namely, immunosup-
Pancreatin pressants may lead to the activation of herpes virus
Psychotropics (sertraline, olanzapine) or other viruses such as cytomegalovirus, which can
be manifested as oral ulceration. Some drugs, such
Burning Mouth Symptoms as phenylbutazone, can cause agranulocytosis, which
may manifest with oral ulcerations11. NSAIDs may
Burning mouth symptoms are most frequently lo- cause mucosal ulceration due to local vasoconstric-
cated on the tongue and are usually a consequence of tion12. Nicorandil induced oral ulcerations are prob-
using angiotensin converting inhibitors (ACE) such ably due to its metabolites as the onset of oral ulcer-
as lisinopril, captopril, enalapril, etc.9. Burning symp- ations may occur weeks to months after initiation of
toms may develop few days after the medication use nicorandil therapy. There is large individual variation
has been initiated, but also they can appear after years in the levels of activity of the enzyme nicotinamide
of the drug use. When the offending drug is replaced, N-methyltransferase that catalyzes methyl conju-
sooner or later burning symptoms will resolve. The gation of nicotinamide, an intermediate formed by
mechanism by which ACE inhibitors can lead to the denitration of nicorandil13. A few years ago, for the
burning mouth symptoms remains unknown. first time probably, we described a side effect of tak-
ing Spiriva (tiotropium bromide) for the treatment of
Oral Ulcerations chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that occurred
in a patient each time when he inhaled the drug14. The
It is known that NSAIDs and beta blockers may antimetabolite drug methotrexate may also cause oral
lead to the development of oral ulceration9,10. Further- ulcerations (Fig. 3). Table 1 summarizes drugs most
more, sodium lauryl sulfate, which is found in most frequently involved in the development of oral ulcer-
toothpastes, in some people can cause lesions that look ations.

Angioedema may develop after taking many drugs
listed in Table 2. Drug-induced angioedema can be
differentiated into three main categories. Firstly, im-
mediate hypersensitivity reactions to betalactam anti-
biotics constitute the most frequent allergic reactions,
which are IgE-mediated15. Secondly, adverse reactions
to NSAID and aspirin are generally non-allergic, in
which inhibition of cyclooxygenase results in major
alterations in arachidonic acid metabolism such as
Fig. 3. Ulceration due to the use of methotrexate (source: ar- cysteinyl leukotriene overproduction15. ACE inhibi-
chives of the Department of Oral Medicine, School of Den- tors do not mediate angioedema through an allergic
tal Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia). or idiosyncratic reaction; they seem to facilitate an-

210 Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 54, No. 2, 2015

Vanja Vuievi Boras et al. Oral adverse drug reactions

gioedema in predisposed individuals. The mechanism Table 3. Drug-related gingival swelling

of angioedema with regard to ACE inhibitor therapy
is believed to be related to the kallikrein-kinin plasma Antihypertensives (amlodipine, diltiazem, felodipine,
effector system. One hypothesis is that bradykinin, lacidipin, nifedipine, verapamil)
which is normally degraded by kininase II/ACE, ac- Antimicrobials (erythromycin) and co-trimoxazole
cumulates in tissues15. Immunosuppressants (cyclosporin, interferon-alpha)
Psychotropics (lithium, sertraline)
Gingival Hyperplasia
Oral contraceptives
A well known side effect of antihypertensive drugs, Anticonvulsants (lamotrigine, phenobarbitone,
anticonvulsants and cyclosporine is gingival hyperpla- phenytoin valproate, vigabatrin)
sia, which usually occurs several months after therapy
with the drug has started. Hyperplasia worsens with a Many drugs21 can lead to the development of EM
lack of oral hygiene, so frequent dental check-ups are and the most common ones are listed in Table 4. The
recommended. Calcium channel blocker amlodipine, etiopathogenesis of EM is not completely understood,
a medication used to lower blood pressure, can cause but it seems to involve a hypersensitivity reaction to
gingival hyperplasia (Fig. 4). Other drugs16-18 can microbial and chemical agents. It seems that oral mu-
lead to gingival hyperplasia less frequently and some cosa changes correspond to the ones seen in the skin
are listed in Table 3. Phenytoin has been shown to of people affected with EM. In the beginning, epi-
induce gingival overgrowth by its interaction with a dermis becomes infiltrated with CD8 T-lymphocytes
subpopulation of sensitive fibroblasts19. Cyclosporine and macrophages, whereas the dermis shows slight
has been suggested to affect the metabolic function
of fibroblast (e.g., collagen synthesis, breakdown), Table 4. Drug-related erythema multiforme
whereas nifedipine, which potentiates the effect of cy-
closporine, reduces protein synthesis of fibroblasts20. Analgesics (acetylsalicylic acid, codeine, diclofenac,
phenylbutazone, piroxicam, tenoxicam)
Erythema Multiforme Anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, hydantoin,
Erythema multiforme (EM) lesions can appear on
Antifungals (griseofulvin, fluconazole)
the lips, oral mucosa and conjunctiva. Oral manifesta-
tions of EM include bullae and erosions (Fig. 5). The Antihypertensives (amlodipine, digitalis, diltiazem,
nifedipine, verapamil)
condition can also affect other mucous membranes.
Antimicrobials (clindamycin, chloramphenicol,
ethambutol, penicillin derivatives, rifampicin,
streptomycin, tetracyclines, vancomycin), co-
Diuretics (furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide,
Hormones (minoxidil, mesterolone, progesterone)
Measles/mumps/rubella vaccines
Allopurinol, busulfan, fluorouracil
Fig. 4. Amlodipine induced gingival enlargement (source:
archives of the Department of Oral Medicine, School of Theophylline
Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia). Zidovudine

Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 54, No. 2, 2015 211

Vanja Vuievi Boras et al. Oral adverse drug reactions

Lichenoid Reaction
The emergence of oral lichenoid reactions to the
medication has variable latency period that can last
from several weeks to several years from the mo-
ment when the patient started taking the offending
drug. Probably the formation of lichenoid reactions
depends on many factors such as the type, dosage,
previous exposure to the drug, etc. 23. Today, it is
considered that NSAIDs and ACE inhibitors often
lead to lichenoid reactions in the oral cavity24,25. It
Fig. 5. Erythema multiforme after taking Sinersul (sul- is also known that other drugs may induce oral li-
famethoxazole and trimethoprim) (source: archives of the chenoid reactions (Table 5). The most reliable evi-
Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medi- dence is disappearance of lichenoid reaction after
cine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia). drug discontinuation and recurrence of lesions after
re-taking the drug, which is often difficult because of
the risk of anaphylactic reaction1. Several years ago,
influx of CD4 lymphocytes. These immunologically
a patient was referred to our Department and had
active cells are not present in sufficient numbers to be
lichenoid reaction to alendronate (Fosamax) (Fig.
directly responsible for epithelial cell death. Instead,
6). The pathogenetic mechanism of lichenoid drug
they release cytokines, which mediate the inflamma-
reaction is incompletely understood. T cells, kerati-
tory reaction and lead to death of epithelial cells22.
nocytes, dendritic cells and endothelial cells, which
express activation markers and adhesion molecules,
Table 5. Drug-related lichenoid reactions are thought to be involved in the inflammatory reac-
tion that ultimately leads to apoptosis of basal kera-
Analgesics (phenylbutazone, piroxicam) tinocytes26.
Antidiabetics (chlorpropamide, metformin,
Anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, phenytoin)
Antihypertensives (captopril, flunarizine, labetalol,
methyldopa, oxprenolol, prazosin, procainamide,
Antifungals (griseofulvin, ketoconazole)
Antimalarials (chloroquine, colchicine, dapsone,
hydroxychloroquine, quinine)
Antimicrobials (levamisole, lincomycin,
metronidazole, niridazole, penicillamine, penicillins,
prothionamide, rifampicin, streptomycin,
sulfonamides, tetracycline)
Drugs that act upon the central nervous system
(amiphenazole, barbiturates, chloral hydrate,
cinnarizine, lorazepam, lithium, phenothiazines)
Antiplatelet activity (dipyridamole, phenindione)
Oral contraceptives Fig. 6. Lichenoid reaction to alendronate (Fosamax)
(source: archives of the Department of Oral Medicine,
Protease inhibitors
School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb,
BCG, cholera, hepatitis B vaccines Croatia).

212 Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 54, No. 2, 2015

Vanja Vuievi Boras et al. Oral adverse drug reactions

Table 6. Drug-related oral mucosal pigmentation

Analgesics (aminophenazone)
Antihypertensives (methyldopa, propranolol,
Antimicrobials (clofazimine, doxorubicin, doxycycline,
ketoconazole, minocycline)
Antimalarials (chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine)
Antiretrovirals (zidovudine)
Chemotherapeutic agents (busulfan,
cyclophosphamide, fluorouracil)
Fig. 7. Oral mucositis due to 5-fluorouracil (source: ar-
Hormone-replacement therapy, contraceptives, chives of the Department of Oral Medicine, School of
diethylstilbestrol Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croa-
Psychotropic drugs (fluoxetine) tia).

Oral Mucosal Pigmentations Mucositis

Drugs can induce oral mucosal pigmentation. Chemotherapeutic agents such as 5-fluorouracil
Most common drugs that induce oral mucosal pig- (Fig. 7), methotrexate, bleomycin, doxorubicin, mel-
mentations are listed in Table 6. Discoloration of oral phalan and mercaptopurine may lead to the develop-
mucosa also occurs with intoxication with bismuth ment of mucositis28. Mucositis occurs when chemo-
(blue, brown and black), copper (green), bromine, therapy induces breakdown of the rapidly dividing
gold, iron, manganese, lead and silver (gray and blue)1. epithelial cells lining the gastrointestinal tract, leaving
The pathogenesis of drug-induced pigmentation de- the mucosal tissue open to ulceration and infection.
pends on the causative drug. It can result from ac- During the initiation phase, chemotherapeutic agents
cumulation of melanin, deposits of the drug or one of lead to the generation of free radicals and DNA dam-
its metabolites. Furthermore, some drugs may induce age29.
synthesis of pigments or iron can be deposited after
damage to the blood vessels27.

Fig. 8a and b. Atrophic and pseudomembranous candidiasis as a result of medication use (antibiotics and bronchodila-
tors) (source: archives of the Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb,

Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 54, No. 2, 2015

Vanja Vuievi Boras et al. Oral adverse drug reactions

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Nuspojave uzimanja lijekova na sluznici usne upljine

V. Vuievi Boras, A. Andabak-Rogulj, V. Brailo, D. Vidovi Juras, D. Gabri, S. Kraljevi imunkovi i D. V. Vrdoljak

Svaki lijek moe imati neeljene nuspojave, ak i kada se koristi u terapijskim dozama i prema propisanom reimu.
Neeljene nuspojave u usnoj upljini mogu se pojaviti na bilo kojem dijelu oralne sluznice i mogu biti posljedica primjene
lijeka lokalnim ili sustavnim putem. Nuspojave lijekova u usnoj upljini nisu specifine i ponekad ih je teko prepoznati.
Prilikom dijagnosticiranja nuspojava lijekova u usnoj upljini iskusni lijenik obino e dijagnosticirati stanje na temelju
detaljne povijesti bolesti i klinikog nalaza. Meutim, jedini objektivni dokaz koji bi upuivao na uzroni lijek je tzv. re-
challenge, odnosno ponovna izloenost lijeku nakon prestanka njegove primjene. S obzirom na to da takav nain testiranja
nosi veliku opasnost od razvoja anafilaktine reakcije treba ga provesti u kontroliranim bolnikim uvjetima. Lijeenje se
temelji na trenutnom prekidu uzimanja uzronog lijeka, a ako su prisutne lezije u usnoj upljini ordinira se lokalna i/ili
sustavna terapija kortikosteroidima. Ovaj pregledni lanak je nastao na temelju prikaza bolesnika koji su upueni na Zavod
za oralnu medicinu u Zagrebu.
Kljune rijei: Farmaceutski pripravci nuspojave; Oralne manifestacije dijagnostika; Oralne manifestacije terapija

Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 54, No. 2, 2015 215

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