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Caroline Anderson


University High School Morgantown, WV

GPA: 4.0(unweighted) 4.28(weighted)

SAT: 1520(760 math, 760 reading+writing)

Coursework: AP Computer Science A (5), AP Computer Science Principles(5), AP Statistics(5),

AP Physics C: Mechanics(senior year), AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism(senior year),
AP Calculus BC(senior year), Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, AP English Language(5), AP
English Literature (senior year), AP US History(5), AP European History(5), AP Psychology(5),
AP Government and Politics(senior year).

Note: Received a 5 on all 7 AP exams taken as of 7/13/2017.


June 12- August 14 2017

Independent Verification and Validation NASA, Fairmont, WV- Deliberation of Security
Vulnerabilities Incorporation Within the Adverse Conditions Database Intern

Adverse Condition- an off-nominal conditions such as power loss, a gas leak, or a hacker that
prevents both the return to nominal operations and mission success unless a technical
work-around of the causal fault is devised.

Presented work at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC.

Increased NASAs compliance with the Presidential Executive Order on Strengthening
the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure.
Leveraged work from previous internship to incorporate flight and ground security
vulnerabilities into a comprehensive database.
Worked with Information Assurance experts to organize relevant security concerns
(software threats and Common Weakness Enumerations) for entry into database.
Collaborated with toolmakers to improve the existing web-application tool (Adverse
Conditions Awareness Tool).
Spread awareness of information assurance threats to critical NASA missions throughout
the facility.

June 11 - August 5 2016

Independent Verification and Validation NASA, Fairmont, WV - Rebellious Resistance
Against Adverse Conditions Intern

Assisted the creation of an Adverse Conditions database to increase software assurance.

Learned SQL in order to architect database.
Worked with project managers for missions such as the Space Launch System to obtain
their adverse conditions database and import it into the database.
Learned how to use Microsoft Access and SQL Server.

October 2016- Present

West Virginia University Human Computer Interaction Lab- Researcher

Collaborated with e-Nable, a non-profit organization that provides 3d-printed prosthetic

hands to children.
Lead a social good-hackathon during WVUs Coding Camp by creating a twitter bot to
help 25 campers to assemble 3d printed prosthetics and teaching the campers to build
their own bots.
Created surveys to evaluate recipient(those who receive the hand) and designer
interaction and the best way for them to communicate.
Created a twitter bot for WVUs admission office.

April 2016- Present

Child Care

Provided child-care to several families after school and on weekends in Morgantown,


Awards and Honors

West Virginia AP Rising Scholar 2017
National Honors Society 2016-2017
Mu Alpha Theta 2016-2017
Quiz Bowl Prime Time Player; Team placed 2nd at state tournament 2016-2017
WV TEAMS Competition 3rd Place 9/10th Division 2015
Student of the Month March- Motivation 2017
Douglas MacArthur Award (World War II essay placed in Douglas MacArthur Memorial)
Treasurer of Model UN 2015-2017
Mylan Grant Committee Member (only 3 students chosen from 300) 2016-2017
Youth in Government 2015-2017
Science Bowl 2015-2017
Track and Field 2014-2016

Volunteer Experience
Over 200 hours of community service
Treasurer of Interact Club 2015-2017
Girls on the Run, Project Christmas Child, Ronald McDonald House,
Scotts Settlement House.
e-Nable Community Volunteer
Ruby Memorial Hospital Volunteer 2015

Rhonda Fitz, Saiph Savage, Mark Alvaro, Kerri Swails

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