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Social structure and crime

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There are factors in the society that play a significant role in the occurrence of crime or

discrimination. Durkheim and Merton use sociological concepts to explain the causes of

immoralities. They provided explanations on how social structures control the ability of an

individual to engage in behaviors and activities that dont conform to societal norms. Durkheim

explains anomie using the difference in suicide rates across different religions (Nam, Parboteeah,

Cullen & Johnson, 2014). He compared the differences between Protestants and Catholics,

women and men, single and engaged people, and soldiers and civilians. Merton (1938) uses

social structure and anomie to explain the origin of deviant behaviors in an individual. The two

theorists have similarities in defining certain abnormalities in the society. This paper discusses

what Merton draws from the concepts of Durkheim in explaining the contributions of social

factors to deviant behaviors.

Merton borrows a lot from Durkheim. The former understood the influence of social

factors on deviant behaviors by comparing different groups of people. His main interest was the

reason why rates of deviance vary across different societies and different subgroups within a

given society. He explains that individuals in the low class dont have the same opportunities

people in the high-class have. The comparison is evident in the way Durkheim explains the role

of social factors on suicide rates across different religions, sexes and so on (Durkheim &

Thompson, 2004). The data from his study showed that there was a low suicide rate among the

Catholics was a result of their social structures that are different from Protestants.

Merton (1938) adopts a concept from Durkheim to analyze the situations in which the

society creates deviance and disunity. Both employed anomie but using different terms. In

Durkheims usage, anomie is the phenomenon where cultural norms deviate as a result of a

sudden change (Durkheim & Thompson, 2004). He gave the example of anomic suicide, which

increased when members of the society are not able to achieve goals they pursue. In the theory of

social structure and anomie, Merton changes the concept slightly to the situation where there is

no consistency between norms of society that defines success in life and the norms that describe

the appropriate ways of achieving success. The variables that define success and ways of

achieving success are goals and means respectively. Merton (1938) used anomie as an

explanation for the deviant behavior and its variation across different societies. Durkheim used

the concept to explain suicide and its variation across different groups of people.

Conformity results when individuals agree with both goals and means of the community.

Another idea that Merton draws from Durkheim is the criterion of classifying the outcomes of

nonconformity in the society. The classification is hierarchical.


The two sociologists used some similar concepts in explaining abnormalities in the

society. The existence of immoral actions and behaviors are influenced by social structures

which vary from society to the other. The similarity between the explanations from the two

theorists is due to the fact that they explain two different abnormal phenomena that are caused by

the same factors, specifically social structures. Merton and Durkheim argued that deviant

behaviors and suicide, respectively, are not only caused by biological and psychological factors

but also social forces. The solutions of immoral behaviors and activities in the society should

consider the influence of social structure.



Durkheim, E., & Thompson, K. (2004). Readings from Emile Durkheim. Psychology Press.

Merton, R. K. (1938). Social structure and anomie. American sociological review, 3(5), 672-682.

Nam, D. I., Parboteeah, K. P., Cullen, J. B., & Johnson, J. L. (2014). Cross-national differences

in firms undertaking innovation initiatives: An application of institutional anomie

theory. Journal of International Management, 20(2), 91-106.

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