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8/23/2017 Goniometry | Intro | Goniometry

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Dr. Kosmahl Home > Faculty > Kosmah > Courses > Goniometry > Intro >

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End Feel
> Goniometry
a. the quality of resistance at end of range
> Orthopaedics b. each joint has a normal end feel at a normal point in the range of
motion (ROM)
> Schedule
c. incorrect end feel, or correct end feel at incorrect ROM indicate
Contact Me d. Terms: I suggest my terms for clarity of communication (to clearly
identify the structure that the tester feels is limiting the ROM). Other
Dr. Edmund M. Kosmahl
authors use different terms - e.g. hard, rm, soft, etc. I feel these
"vague" terms lead to communication errors.
Voice: (570) 941-4314
Capsular - indicates that the joint capsule is limiting the ROM. Feels
O ce:Old Loyola 203
like stretching a leather belt. Example - knee extension.
Ligamentous - indicates that ligament tightness is limiting the ROM.
Edmund M. Kosmahl, PT,
Feels like stretching a leather belt. Example - wrist radial deviation.
Bony - indicates that bone touching bone is limiting the ROM. Feels
like pushing two wooden surfaces together. Example - elbow
Department of Physical
Muscle Stretch - indicates that muscle tightness is limiting the ROM.
University of Scranton
Feels like stretching a bicycle tire inner-tube. Example - hip exion
800 Linden Street
Scranton, PA 18510 1/3
8/23/2017 Goniometry | Intro | Goniometry

while maintaining knee extension (straight leg raise) when

hamstrings are tight.
Soft Tissue Approximation - indicates that subcutaneous tissues
(muscle bulk, fat) are pushing against each other and limiting the
ROM. Feels like squeezing two balloons together. Example - calf
pressing against thigh during knee exion.
Springy - indicates that a loose body is limiting the ROM. Feels
"bouncy" like you are compressing a spring. Example - torn meniscal
(knee) tissue limiting knee extension.
Empty - indicates that the examiner did not reach the end feel
(usually the patient is not willing to allow motion to end of range
because of anticipated pain). Feels like the joint has more range
available, but the patient is purposefully preventing movement
through the full ROM.

Testing End Feel for Elbow Extension

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