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PASTOR TITO: Into this union, RUBEN and SHEENA come
5 July 2014
now to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they
may not lawfully be married, speak now, or forever hold your
PASTOR TITO: Dearly beloved, we have come together in the
peace. If none, let us proceed to offer praise and thanksgiving to
presence of God to witness and proclaim the joining together of
God for this joyous event.
RUBEN and SHEENA in the holy bond of marriage. Marriage
is as old as the human family. It is the highest of lifes
LET US PRAY: Dear Father and Lord: With praise, joy,
relationships. It is the ordaining of the Creator in the very
thanksgiving, and blessing we enter into this time of worship.
nature of our being man and woman. Gods fatherly intention
Praise You for Your goodness. Praise You for Your love. Praise
toward his children is revealed through this relationship.
You for Your provision for Your children. Praise You for
Christian homes and Christian marriage. Praise You for making
For us Christians, this occasion is not spectacle but worship; it
this day possible in the life of RUBEN and SHEENA. Praise
is not mere formal observance, but a participation in the will of
You for leading them to this holy and sacred moment. May
God for life. The union of man and woman is the celebration of
Your Word nurture them all the days of their lives that their
the highest we know in love the pledging of the deepest fidelity,
dreams and aspirations for life may find fulfilment in the doing
the expression of the aspiration and act of praise and
of Your will in all things. Now may we recognize Your love and
thanksgiving to God. A relationship so sacred must not be
Your presence as vows and lifetime commitments are made. All
entered into casually or flippantly but thoughtfully and
that we are we yield to You. Our emotions, our thoughts, our
deliberately, and in accord with the purpose for which it was
hopes, our dreams, are Yours. Bless this ceremony and all who
instituted by God.
share in it, that Your name might be exalted. In Jesus name I
pray, Amen.
On this occasion, RUBEN and SHEENA come before family,
friends, church and community to affirm their decision to give
RUBEN and SHEENA, today you will begin your life together.
their life and love to each other in order to establish a home and
You will make your vows to Christ and one another. You have
to raise a family where Gods will is obeyed, where love and
every intention of living together faithfully for the rest of your
peace will abide.
married lives. I can assure you that the vows and the
commitments you make today will be severely tested along the
pathway of life. Those challenges can either make or break your
marriage. Be confident that with Gods assistance and
leadership not only can your marriage endure, but it will
prosper. Now, let the Word of God remind both of you about Marriage is the blending of two unique personalities in
marriage: all facets of life and in circumstances of life to form a
new and wonderful relationship ( Eccl. 4:9-12 ).
1) Marriage is of DIVINE ORIGIN. MARRIAGE IS Marriage is not a ninety-day wonder but a lifelong
GODs IDEA AND NOT MANs. God Himself process. It is one that should ever be becoming and
performed the first marriage ceremony in the Garden of never arriving. It takes a lifetime to build a Christian
Eden. God saw Adam and said, It is not good for the home.
man to be alone (Genesis 2:18). So He created woman
and gave her to him to be his companion, his wife. 4) Marriage is meant to be PERMANENT. This is
Someone said, Woman was made out of the side of strongly taught in many Bible passages. Legal
Adam. Not out of his feet to be trampled upon, but out separation/divorce only comes because of the hardness
of his side to be equal with him, under his arms to be of human hearts. It is important you remember the
protected, near his heart to be loved. seriousness with which the Heavenly Father looks at
the permanency of marriage.
2) Marriage is more of a PERSONAL COMMITMENT
than a civil contract. Civil contracts have escape clauses, 5) Marriage was THOUGHT OF HIGHLY BY OUR
but a spiritual commitment never has any excuse to LORD JESUS CHRIST. He performed His first miracle
merit dissolution. As you both gave your individual at a wedding feast in Cana of Galilee. What He thinks
lives to Jesus Christ in faith, so now you come in faith of highly, so should we ( John 2:1,2).
to commit your lives to one another in marriage.
6) Marriage is the CORNERSTONE of an orderly society.
3) Marriage is better understood as a PROCESS than as a It is an honourable estate instituted by God and
single act. Genesis 2:21 to 24 says: so the Lord God signifying to us the union which exists between Christ
caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; and His church. For this reason, marriage is not to be
then He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh at entered into lightly, but reverently and with confidence
that place. And the Lord God fashioned into a woman of Gods approval.
the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought
her to the man. And the man said, This is now bone of I CHARGE YOU, RUBEN and SHEENA that you remember
my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called this covenant is not only a pledge of faith to each other, but also
Woman, because she was taken out of Man. For this a promise to God to honor the promises you are about to make
cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall to Him and to one another. I CHARGE YOU RUBEN, to love
cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. SHEENA, just as Christ loves His church and gave Himself for
it. I CHARGE YOU SHEENA, to be submissive to RUBEN, RUBEN: Sheena, wear this ring as a symbol of the love we
even as the church is obedient to the lordship of Christ. share, of how God has woven our lives to glorify Him as one. In
the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
PASTOR TITO: Who gives this woman to be married to this SHEENA: Ruben, wear this ring to represent our union of that
man? which is Gods, as He strengthens our constant faith and
abiding love. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the
BRIDEs PARENTS: We do. Holy Spirit. Amen.


(Dra. Michelle Tiatco-De los Reyes)
PASTOR TITO: This ARRHAE symbolizes Gods loving
NEW TESTAMENT READING: EPHESIANS 5:21-33 concern for your physical well-being. It should remind you both
(Kristine Ruth D. Aniceto) that every good and perfect gift of life comes from God. Your
material possessions like life itself are a trust from God and you
THE EXCHANGE OF VOWS are stewards of Gods blessings.

PASTOR TITO: Now, will you face each other and join hands THE BIBLE CEREMONY
and exchange your vows.
PASTOR TITO: Our Lord Jesus Christ said : Man shall not
Marriage Vow of the Groom live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the
Marriage Vow of the Bride mouth of God. Receive this Holy Book and feed your hearts
and minds with the eternal words of life from God.
PASTOR TITO (holding one of the rings up for all in the
community to see): PASTOR TITO: RUBEN and SHEENA, the center candle
which you just lighted shall signify to you not only the
The ring is a symbol of the love you have for each other. Its wondrous mystery of this moment when your separate lives
unending circle represents loves eternal quality and the gold have been woven into a single tapestry of love. Let the light of
speaks of the purity of real love. It will be a ceaseless reminder the candle be the glorious assurance than even in the darkness
of this hour and as a seal of the vows you take, you now give night of life, the light of God in Christ will never fail to illumine
and receive rings. your way. For the promise of Christ to us is this: I am the
light of the world, they who walk in my light shall not walk in ought to love their wives just as their own bodies. No one ever
darkness but shall have light of life. hates his own body. Instead he feeds it and takes care of it, just
as Christ does the church for we are members of His body. As
THE VEIL AND CORD CEREMONY the Bible says, For this reason a man will leave his father and
mother and unite with his wife and the two will become one.
PASTOR TITO: This veil which covers your head SHEENA, There is a deep secret truth revealed in this Scripture, which I
and is placed on your shoulder RUBEN, should remind you of understand as applying to Christ and the Church. But it also
the sacred meaning and significance of your relationship which applies to you: every husband must love his wife, and every wife
transcends all human relations. For Christian marriage is a must respect her husband.
replica of that divine relationship which Christ has for His
Church. Listen to these words of the Bible: Submit yourselves Your rights over SHEENA in submitting herself completely to
to one another because of your reverence for Christ. Wives you as her husband finds justification not in your being a man
submit yourselves to your husbands as to the Lord. For the but in your love and devotion to her, that love which emanates
husbands has the authority over his wife just as Christ has from Christs love, a love that never gives up, where faith and
authority over the Church, and Christ Himself is the Savior of hope never fail. It is the love that withholds nothing, even if
the Church, His body. And so wives must submit themselves ones life is to bear a cross for the sake of SHEENA.
completely to their husbands just as the Church submits itself
to Christ. This veil which covers your head SHEENA, is a This CORD, like your wedding rings, is in the form of a circle,
symbolic gesture of your willingness to submit yourself the ancient symbol for things eternal, for a circle has no
completely to RUBEN your husband, not because you are a beginning and end. Let not this cord be to you a mere souvenir
woman but for no other reason than this: that you have just to be kept for sentimental reasons. But let this cord speak to
pledged the fullness of your love to your husband who is more you of Gods eternal love, by whose providence you have been
than just someone to be loved. He is a gift of Gods love to be brought together to become one in His eternal love. Let
ever treasured in your heart. nothing, therefore, distract your heart from this truth that
unless God builds the home, they labor in vain that build it.
RUBEN, this veil which covers SHEENAs head is the same
veil placed on your shoulder to make you realize that the same
inspired words of the Bible apply to you as well: Husbands,
love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave His life for
it. He did this to dedicate the church to God, in order to
present the church to Himself in all its beauty, pure and
faultless, without spot or wrinkle, or any imperfection. Men
CHARGE TO THE SPONSORS DONINA, JR. are now husband and wife according to the
ordinance of God and the law of the land; in the name of the
PASTOR TITO: Dear sponsors, RUBEN and SHEENA look Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
up to you with great respect and love, and see in you the
embodiment of the kind of persons they would wish to emulate. HONORING OF THE PARENTS
Be an example to them of kindness, understanding and love, as
today you have been named co-parents with their own parents. Honor to the Parents of the Groom
Yours is the sacred responsibility to pray for their welfare and Honor to the Parents of the Bride
help them within your means as you would to those whom you
love and have become a part of your own individual life. Will PRESENTATION TO THE CONGREGATION/COMMUNITY
you accept this sacred responsibility?
PASTOR TITO: Dear friends, may I present to you Mr. and
RESPONSE OF THE SPONSORS: By Gods grace, we will. Mrs. Ruben Donina, Jr. Your witness and participation in their
pledge of love for each other show your personal interest and
THE SIGNING OF THE MARRIAGE CONTRACT concern for their happy life together. May you continue to
sustain them with your concern and prayer as they grow in
PRAYER OF DEDICATION their life together and in the Lord.

PASTOR TITO: Our Heavenly Father, who consecrated the BENEDICTION: NOW TO HIM WHO IS ABLE TO KEEP
state of marriage to be a sign of the spiritual union between YOU FROM FALLING AND TO PRESENT YOU
Christ and His Church: Bless these your servants, that they may WITHOUT BLEMISH BEFORE THE PRESENCE OF HIS
love, honor, and cherish each other in faithfulness and patience, GLORY WITH REJOICING, TO THE ONLY GOD, OUR
in wisdom and true godliness, that their home may be a haven SAVIOR THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, BE
of blessings and of peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. GLORY, MAJESTY, DOMINION, AND AUTHORITY,
PASTOR TITO : RUBEN and SHEENA, treasure this happy
moment and keep it ever sacred, remembering that whom God
hath joined together, let no one put asunder.
By the authority committed to me as a Minister of the Church
of our Lord Jesus Christ, I declare that RUBEN and SHEENA

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