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Project name

Sheet no
Vessel 120-06-04
XYZ Fabrications Ltd Fabrication code
EN 13445-5: 2002
Creation date 17-02-2006 Granta Park, Cambridge, CB1 6AL, UK Welding code EN 15614-1: 2004
Item No. PV44100 Record No. 012215
Drawing No. DWG-002-06-112 Customer AGIP KCO
Welding Map No. WM7443-06

General Material Process Welder NDT Weld NDT

Joint ID Material Heat No. Material Heat No. Process WPS No. Welder Name Welders ID Date Visual Insp. Rep. No. PT Rpt No. Acc Others Acc Clear Remarks
001 1565542 1333883 SMAW WPS012 Martin Tindall 123 9/2/2006 VIS0221 PT611 Acc Yes None
002 1333883 001121 SMAW WPS012 Martin Tindall 123 9/2/2006 VIS0222 PT611 Acc Yes None
003 01121 0122451 GTAW WPS016 Martin Tindall 123 10/2/2006 VIS0224 PT611 Acc Yes None
004 0166111 0002041 GTAW WPS031 Philip Collis 124 10/2/2006 VIS0241 PT612 Acc Yes Additional alloy verification - Acc.
005 0002041 0020011 SMAW WPS050 Philip Collis 124 10/2/2006 VIS0245 PT612 Acc No
005-R1 0002041 0020011 SMAW WPS050 Philip Collis 124 10/2/2006 VIS0248 PT613 Acc Yes None
006 01225 01226 SMAW WPS012 Pierre Lascale 126 12/2/2006 VIS0251 PT613 Acc Yes None
007 01226 014431 SMAW WPS012 Pierre Lascale 126 12/2/2006 VIS0252 Ready...
008 017721 021221 SMAW WPS026 Martin Tindall 123 11/2/2006 VIS0258 Ready...
009 021221 12242 GTAW WPS031 Philip Collis 124 13/2/2006 VIS0259 Ready...
010 011261 011262
011 011262 01263
012 002122 002443

Stage of manufacture: Fabrication The information in this box will be displayed in the footer of the wds if the page disclaimer is set to active
Notes XYZ Fabrications Customer Representative
Name Signature Name Signature

Date Date

Quality Control
Name Signature


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