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NAME : Kurniawan Abdullah

NIM : 2016 63 006

DEPARTMENT : S1. Mining Engineering

Bad News Is A Good News

Nowadays a lot of bad news phenomenon that too often are shown to the public. News
about corruption, murder, sexual abuse, drug trafficking, poverty, natural disasters, and a myriad
of other problems that occur in this country. News evils country unceasingly aired by mass media
can actually have an impact on a wide audience. Impact is what to watch. As citizens certainly
have the desire to improve his nation, as well as journalists.
Almost all of the media if lifting a headline, will usually cover it tends to be negative
(bad news) to attract the attention of prospective readers. Whereas in accordance with the ethics
of the media that should have been media reports objectively and not just the negative alone, but
if it were informed of the positive things that often it is not attractive to consumers.
Changing the paradigm herald of bad news is good news is the first step to do. Preaching
to be displayed in public is not necessarily negative news. It is precisely the people needed now
is positive news to boost the spirit towards change for the better.
By changing the paradigm, of course news shows will not always negative. Basically, the
negative news is duping the general public. If the news is presented is news about the
achievements of the nation, of the people will more appreciate it.
Among the members of the press, the technical term "a bad news is good news". For the
press, the bad events that's good news. No wonder why in various media many emerging news
about the unrest, corruption, crime, disaster and human tragedy, because the news as it makes a
lot of people interested. Others cry, shame, and even sore endure, we cover, and then publicized
through the media where we work, and read, heard or watched by thousands to millions of
human beings, so that they know what is going on with you at the end. That is the world of the
press, "a bad news" is like a lump of highly valuable treasure and has a high value. If the reporter
got the treasure, and then packaged and processed well, it is not impossible to accelerate the
appreciation coming her career. If you usually so reporters covering (reporter), it is possible that
he is so famous and widely known by the public through the journalistic works.
Preaching to the paradigm of bad news is good news carried by the hunter or the press is
news to attract readers and increase profits for them. Bad news is good news has been
considerable concern in most of the mass media in Indonesia. Bad news, whether it corruption,
crime, robbery, violence, sexual harassment is a selection of good news to be displayed on the
front page of the Media Indonesia.
Media are required to always be accurate, and should not be lying. In modern society, the
media content is a dominant information sources, so the media is required to present the correct
news. It is not always easy to establish accuracy, especially if economic reasons into the barrier.
Yellow newspapers remain present sensational headlines versatile enough to win the buyer. Time
pressure and high media coverage is also a reason for not showing the whole truth.
Sometimes the press is stuck in rhetoric rather than facts, and the pursuit of sensation
rather than honesty. In fact, many news articles are not only wrong but misleading. In general,
public trust in them is quite high, although not a few others, who then abused that trust. Some
press sued for fault coverage.
The mass media is an industry or company. Of course always relate profit or loss in
issuing a message. News that comes out is not valid, but the news for the company.

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