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Design and Specification of Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel


anddetailingin exposedsteel.The Museumof
Flightpedestrianbridgein Seattle(R)andthe
PeaceBridgeinCalgary (L) usesimilarstructur-
al approaches.butcompletelydifferentmaterial
selectionandfabricati o nmethods.TheFlight
BridgeAESS 4. Theexpectationsfromthe

at a distance less than 6m. The categor ywould
be suitable for "feature"elements where the
deSigner is comfortable allowing the viewer to
see the art ofmetalworking. The weldsshould
be generallysmooth butvisible and somegrind
markswould be acceptable. Tolerances must be
tighterthan normalstandards. Asthisstructure
therefore warrantingasmootherand more uni-
form finish and appearance.This type ofstruc-

rchitecturallyexposed structural steel CISCcreatedaSpecificationfortheEngineer, turecouldbefo undinairports.shoppingcentres,
(AESS )issteelthatmust be designed an Appendix to th e Code ofStandard Practice hospitalsorlobbiesandcouldbeexpectedtoin-
to be both structurally sufficient to for the FabricatOr and an Illustrated Guide forcur a moderate cost premium that could range
suppOrt the primary needs of the the Architect. A "Matrix" ties all ofthe docu- from 60 150percentoverstandardstructural
structure of the building, canopies, ancillary mentstOgethertocreateaverycompleteandco - steelas afunction ofthecomplexityand levelof
structures or p edestrian scale bridges, while at herentmeansfortheteamtocommunicate. final finishdesired.
thesame timebeexposed to view,and therefore There are four categories that recognize the AESS 4 isused for showcase elementswhere
isasignificantpartofthearchitecturallanguage use,distanceofviewandfinal finish onaproject. th e designer intends that the form is the pri-
ofthebuildingorStructure.Thedesign,detailing Thesearefurtherdifferentiatedbycharacteristics mar yfocus ofthe design . All welds are ground
and finish requirements ofAESS will typically and filled edges are groundsquareand true. All
offabrication thatare additive as the categories
exceed that ofstandard structural steel that is ascend.Althoughfini shesmightbeapplied last, surfacesaresandedandfilled.Tolerancesof these
normallyconcealedbyotherfinishes.AESSmust they must be acknowledged at th e outset ofa fabricated form s are more stringent, generally
be durableand maintainable. It must beable to tohalfofstandard tolerancefor standardstruc-
project as the use ofa heavier fir e retardant or
resistcorrosionifplacedinahostileenvironment galvanizedcorrosio nprotectionwouldsuggesta tural steel. All ofthe surfaces would be "glove"
andthedesignandfinishesalsoresistanttourban lessrefinedapproach tofabricationanddetailing smooth. The cost premium of th ese elements
pollutionandgen eralwear. that could afford some COSt savings.The choice would behigh andcould range from 100 250
The Canadian Institute ofSteel Con struc- touseboltedorweldedconnectionswillalsoim- per cent over standard structural steel com-
tion (C IS e) developed a new suite ofdocu- pactthechoiceof AESS type. pletelyas afuncti on ofthenatureofthedetails,
ments to assist the design and co nstruction complexityofcon structionandselectedfinishes.
AESS 1is the first step above standard struc-
industry in the effective implementation of turalsteel.Thistypeof applicationwouldbesuit- ItiscommontomixtwOcategoriesonaproj-
AESS .Prio r to thed evelopmentofthesedocu - ablefor"basic"elements,whichrequireenhanced ect in recognition ofvaried viewing distances,
mentstherewas noto nlytheabsenceofaclear workmanship. This type of exposed structure withceilingelementsoft en usingalowercatego -
standardfor AESS,butalso norecognition of could be found in rooftrusses for arenas, ware-ry. Forhighlyunusualprojectsthematrixcan be
the need to differentiate thequalities ofproj- houses, big box stOres and canopies and should used tocreateacUStOm setofrequirements.
ects as a function oftheir use, finish and the onlyrequirealowcost premium in the rangeof Although only recently released, man y proj-
ability ofpeople to see or interact with the 20 60percentdue to itsrelativelylargeviewingects in Canada are making effective use of the
building or structure. At the core ofthe ap- new AESS documents, resulting in smoother
distance as well as thelowerprofile natureofthe
proachwas therecog n itionthat"notall AESS architecturalspacesin whichit is used. communicationandamoresatisfyin gproject.CD
need be created equal". Early high profile ex- AESS 2 referstostructuresthatare intended
posed steel that was being used in airports, to be viewed at adistance more than 6 m. The Terri Meyer Boake, BES B.Arch M.Arch
atriumsormuseumshadfabricationandfinish ptocess requiresbasicallygood fabrication prac- LEED AP, is the associate director of rhe
requirements thatwould beexcessivelyexpen- ticeswithenhanced treatmentofwelds, connec- SchoolofArchitectureattheUniversityofWa-
sive ifapplied tomidtolowerendcommercial tion and fabrication details, tolerances for gaps, tedoo. She is the author ofthe "CISC AESS
orindustrialprojects. Projectscouldbe priced and copes. This type ofAESS might be found Guidefor SpecifyingArchitectural1yExposed
out ofexistence. Th ere needed to be a clear in retail and architectural applications where a Structural Steel" and "Understanding Steel
and definiti ve communicati o n betwe en the lowtomoderatecostpremiumintherangeof40 Design: AnArchitecturalDesignManual" by
enginee r, fabricatOr and architect that would 100percentovertheCOSt of standardstructural Birkhauser. To download: http:// www.dsc-
putthemallonthesamepage. steelwouldbeexpected.


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