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Submitted to: Submitted by:

Aman Kundal
Dispersion from the mean: Dispersion means the spread or scatter ; it
prescribes the extent to which the values are dispersed about the
mean or central value.
(1). Deviation is the departure of the observed readings from the
arithmetic mean of the group of readings. Let the deviation of reading
x1 be 1 and that of the readings x2 be 2 etc.;
1 = x1-x ; 2 = x2-x; . n= xn-x

Where x is the arithmetic mean of the set of measurements. The

algebraic sum of the deviations is given by:
r = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + .+n
= (x1-x) + (x2-x) + .+( xn-x)
= (x1 + x2 ++ xn ) - nx
= nx nx =0
This purely mathematical result implies that the deviations ca be
positive as well as negative .
(2). Average deviation is defined as the sum of the absolute values of
the deviations divided by the number of readings

|1| |
=1 | xix
= =

(3). Standard deviation or the root mean square (rms) error of an
infinite number of data is defined as the square root of sum of
individuals deviations squared, divided by the number of readings.
12 +12 +.+n2

|| ( xix)2
= = =1

The square of the standard deviation is called variance

( xix)2
Variance= 2 = =1

In practice, the number of the observations is finite. If the number of

observations is less than 20, the standard deviation is then computed
from the following equation
12 +12 +.+n2 2 ( xix)2
= = ==1
1 1

This expression is considered to give a better representation of the

dispersion of a set particularly when the number of observation is


Let xb be the best value (approximately the true value) from a set of
data. Then deviation or individual component error is
i = xi- xh where i=1,2,3n
This deviation may be positive, zero or negative
(i) Sum of the deviations
=1 i = =1( xi- xh )
A best value would make the sum of deviation equal to zero. That is
=1( xi- xh )=0
or xh = =1 xi

Which is the arithmetic mean. Thus arithmetic mean may be

interpreted as the best value around which the chances of errors being
positive or negative are likely to be equal.
(ii) i = xi- xh
Squaring both sides
i2 = Xi2 2 Xi Xh + xh2
Sum of the squares of deviations
=1 i2 = =1 xi2 2xh =1 + n xh2
Corresponding to the best value, the sum of the squares of deviation
would be minimum. To obtain that condition, the derivation with
respect to xb must be set equal to zero. That is

[=1 i2 ]=0

or [=1 xi2 2xh =1 + n xh2 ] = 0

Since all the xis are constants, the differentiation gives

-2=1 + 2 n xh =0
xh= =1

Which is again the arithmetic mean. Obviously, the arithmetic mean is
the most probable value or the best value which one can obtain from a
set of a scattered measurement data.

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