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Name: __________________________________

Heart Rate Information

Heart Rate
A good way to monitor the intensity of your workout is to measure your heart rate during
exercise. During any cardio training you can monitor intensity by counting your hearts beat
per minute (bpm).

There are three heart rate readings; resting heart rate, target heart rate, and recovery heart
rate. Your resting heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute when you
are relaxing. Your target heart rate is the level at which your heart and lungs receive the most
benefit from a workout. Your recovery heart rate is how quickly your heart rate returns to
normal right after exercise is stopped. The higher your fitness level the quicker your heart rate
will return to normal.

Your target heart rate zone is calculated as 60%-80% of your maximum heart rate (max
level your heart should reach during activity). To improve your cardiovascular endurance (heart
and lung), you should attempt to stay in your target heart rate zone for 20-30 minutes during
activity. People at different fitness levels will reach their target heart rate zones at different
intensity. If you have a high fitness level you have to work harder to reach your target zone. If
you are at a lower fitness level you may reach your zone at a low intensity level.

Calculating Your Target Heart Rate Zone

1. Find your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220.
2. Multiply your maximum heart rate by 60% to find the low end of your zone and by 80%
to find the high end of your zone.

Answer the Following Questions:

1. Calculate Your Target Heart Rate Zone
a. (220 - ______ ) x .60 = _____________bpm (low end of zone)
b. (220 - ______ ) x .80 = _____________bpm (high end of zone)

2. My target heart rate zone is ______________ to ______________.
Heart Rate Lab

Objective: You will have an opportunity to assess the level of intensity needed to reach your
target heart rate zone in order to get maximum benefit out of your cardiovascular activities.

Directions: Using the chart below you will complete different intensity workouts for 1-3
minutes. After each activity you will check your heart rate/pulse. For each exercise you will
enter your results in the table below.

Practice Finding Your Pulse

1. Neck Pulse
Using your index and middle finger find the groove that runs down both sides of your
neck. Take the two fingers and press them into the groove for your pulse.

2. Wrist Pulse
Using your index and middle finger find the ligament that runs down the wrist. Place
your fingers in the groove that is on the thumb side (outside) of this ligament.

You will complete each activity for 1-3 minutes. After each activity you will check your pulse for
one minute.

Resting Heart Rate: _________________ beats per minute

Activity Pulse Target Zone? (Yes or No)
Light Jog



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