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Inflection morphemes related to the grammatical function but never create a new

word and do not change the meaning and the part of speech. Inflection morpheme
related to syntax. In addition inflection is very productive, it's means that can
be added in almost all of noun. And inflection always be in the end of the sentence
after derivation morphemes. Inflection only related to the suffixes.

? Derivation morphemes can change the part of speech and the meaning the word that
follow. Derivation not related to the syntax. Furthermore, derivation morphemes
just added to certain words. Position of derivation is before inflection. And the
derivation not only about the suffix but also the prefix.


khaerun nisaApril 12, 2017 at 12:29 PM

Name : Khaerunnisa
Stambuk : 15020144
The inflection is the addition of a suffix to a word without meaning lexical change
and still
maintain his class. While the derivation is a process of
change in the word by adding prefix or suffix with or without
removal of the word class.


Suci MaisyantiApril 12, 2017 at 11:18 PM

Name : Suci Maisyanti
Class : B
Nim : 15020205

The inflection is the addition of the suffix (suffix) on a word without changing
the meaning of lexical and still maintain his class. In particular changes in the
form of a word by maintaining the identity of the word the same meaning by changing
the shape of the word, but the meaning of the word contained in the word does not

Derivation is a process of change in the word by adding a prefix or suffix with or

without removal of the word class.


MuafidahApril 13, 2017 at 12:30 PM

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MuafidahApril 13, 2017 at 12:42 PM

According to Nida quoted Ba'dulu and Herman (2005: 11) the difference between
flexion and derivation is as follows:
1. Inflection
- Tend to an outside formation, appear further away from the stem rather than affix
- Tends to be less variable, but with a wide distribution.
- Used to match the words to use in syntax, but never change the word class.
2. Derivasi
- Tend to the formation in, appears closer to the stem rather than affix
- Tends to be variable, but with a limited distribution. - Used to define words in
a class and generally change the word class.

JolandaApril 13, 2017 at 1:08 PM

Name : Jolanda
Nim : 15020142
A. The derivation is the process of forming new words that resulted leksem (produce
different words from a different paradigm).
B. Inflection of word formation which results in the formation of different words
with the same paradigm. Formation of derivation is not predictable, while the
formation of inflection is unpredictable.


KarmilaApril 13, 2017 at 7:52 PM

Name : Karmila
Nim : 15020143
Inflectional morphemes are affixes which carry grammatical meaning (for example,
the plural-sincatsor progressive-inginsailing). They do not change the part of
speech or meaning of the word; they function to ensure that the word is in the
appropriate form so the sentence is grammatically correct.
Derivational morphemes are affixes which are added to a lexeme to change its
meaning or function. They are used to make a new, different lexeme (for example,-
lychanges the adjectivesadinto the adverbsadly).


Reny 02April 14, 2017 at 1:25 AM

Name : Reni
Class : B
Nim :15020183

The morphemes in the list on the left contribute in some way to the insertion of
the words in a particular grammatical context, so that the word agrees with this
context in terms of tense, number, person etc. The changes in meaning that these
morphemes bring are minimal. These are called inflectional morphemes, note that
these are all suffixes.

The morphemes in the list on the right bring considerable semantic changes to the
word, often word class is changed, e.g. modern (adj.) > modernise (v.); drink (v.)
> drinkable (adj.); nation (n.) > national (adj). These are called derivational
morphemes because they are used to derive new words. Derivational morphemes may be
prefixes or suffixes.


srikandi cut wanipa IbrahimApril 14, 2017 at 7:58 AM

Name : Srikandi cut Wanipa Ibrahim

Class : B
Nim :15020203

Inflectional morpheme is a suffix that's added to a word to assign a particular

grammatical property to that word. Compare with derivational morpheme.
Inflectional morphemes serve as grammatical markers that indicate tense, number,
possession, or comparison. Inflectional morphemes in English include the bound
morphemes -s (or -es); 's (or s'); -ed; -en; -er; -est; and -ing.
Derivational morpheme is an affix that's added to a word to create a new word or a
new form of a word. Compare with inflectional morpheme. Derivational morphemes can
change the grammatical category (or part of speech) of a word. For example, adding
-ful to beauty changes the word from a noun to an adjective (beautiful), while
adding -(e)r to merge changes the word from a verb to a noun (merger).


nurilmia15020167April 14, 2017 at 11:01 PM

Name : Nur Ilmia
Nim : 15020167

Is the morphemes which serve a purely grammatical function never creating a new
word but only a different form of the same word.
Is the morphemes which change the meaning or part of speech of a word they attach.


Salma SaputriApril 14, 2017 at 11:57 PM


Inflection morphemes is variation in the form of a word, typically by means of an

affix, that expresses a grammatical contrast which is obligatory for the stems
word class in some given grammatical context.

Derivation morphemes is the formation of a new word or inflectable stem from

another word or stem. It typically occurs by the addition of an affix. The derived
word is often of a different word class from the original. It may thus take the
inflectional affixes of the new word class.


Yusni indaApril 15, 2017 at 12:22 AM

name : yusnida
nim : 15020218

Derivational morphemes are affixes which are added to a lexeme to change its
meaning or function. They are used to make a new, different lexeme (for example,
-ly changes the adjective sad into the adverb sadly).

Inflectional morphemes are affixes which carry grammatical meaning (for example,
the plural -s in cats or progressive -ing in sailing). They do not change the part
of speech or meaning of the word; they function to ensure that the word is in the
appropriate form so the sentence is grammatically correct.


Sunartika ArsadApril 15, 2017 at 12:27 AM

Name : Sunartika
NIM : 15020207

Inflectional is process of word formation in which items are added to the base form
of a word to express grammatical meaning.

Derivation is the process of creating a new word out of an old word, usually by
adding a prefix or asuffix.

Yusni indaApril 15, 2017 at 12:52 AM

NIM : 15020195

Inflectional morphology is an: area of morphology concerned with changes in word

shape (e.g. through affixation) that are determined by, or potentially affect, the
grammatical context in which a word appears .

Derivation is the formation of a new word or inflectable stem from another word or
stem. It typically occurs by the addition of an affix. The derived word is often of
a different word class from the original. It may thus take the inflectional affixes
of the new word class.


Salma SaputriApril 15, 2017 at 1:47 AM


Inflection morphemes is a process of word formation in which items are added to the
base form of a word to express grammatical meanings.

Derivation morphemes is in the process of creating a new word out of and old
word,usually by adding a prefix or a siffix.


Riska WatiApril 15, 2017 at 1:44 PM

Derivational morphemes that are used to create new words or to make words of a
different grammatical class from the stem (Yule,
2010, p. 69).
For example, the addition of the derivational morpheme -ize changes the adjective
normal to the verb normalize. Similarly, we can derive the adjectives helpful and
helpless by adding the derivational morphemes -ful and less to the noun help.

Derivational morphemes often change the part of speech of a word. Thus, the verb
read becomes the noun reader when we add the derivational morpheme -er. It is
simply that read is a verb, but reader is a noun.

Inflectional morphemes that are used to show some aspects of the grammatical
function of a word. We use inflectional morphemes to indicate if a word is singular
or plural, whether it is past tense or not, and whether it is a comparative or
possessive form.

Inflectional morphemes never change the grammatical category (part of speech) of a

word. For example, tall and taller are both adjectives. The inflectional morpheme
-er (comparative marker) simply produces a different version of the adjective tall.


Agustia MerdekawatiApril 15, 2017 at 9:31 PM

In English morphology, an inflectional morpheme is a suffix that's added to a word
to assign a particular grammatical property to that word. Compare with derivational
Inflectional morphemes serve as grammatical markers that indicate tense, number,
possession, or comparison. Inflectional morphemes in English include the bound
morphemes -s (or -es); 's (or s'); -ed; -en; -er; -est; and -ing.
Unlike derivational morphemes, inflectional morphemes do not change the essential
meaning or the grammatical category of a word.


NurlindaApril 16, 2017 at 12:29 AM

Name : Nurlinda
Class. : B
Nim : 15020174

The inflection is the addition of the suffix (suffix) on a word without changing
the meaning of lexical and still maintain his class. Inflection morpheme related to
syntax. In addition inflection is very productive, it's means that can be added in
almost all of noun. And inflection always be in the end of thesentence after
derivation morphemes.

=> The inflectional plural suffix -s is added to the noun to get deconstructions.

? Derivation morphemes can change the part of speech and the meaning the word that
follow. Derivation not related to the syntax. Furthermore, derivation morphemesjust
added to certain words.

=> The derivational suffix -ion is added to the verb stem deconstruct to get the


Ummu UmayyahApril 16, 2017 at 12:58 AM

Name : Ummu Umayyah
NIM : 15020209
Inflectional Morpheme
In English morphology, an inflectional morpheme is a suffix that's added to a word
to assign a particular grammatical property to that word. Compare with derivational
morpheme.Inflectional morphemes serve as grammatical markers that indicate tense,
number, possession, or comparison. Inflectional morphemes in English include the
bound morphemes -s (or -es); 's (or s'); -ed; -en; -er; -est; and -ing.
Derivation Morpheme
In morphology, a derivational morpheme is an affix that's added to a word to create
a new word or a new form of a word. Compare with inflectional morpheme.Derivational
morphemes can change the grammatical category (or part of speech) of a word. For
example, adding -ful to beauty changes the word from a noun to an adjective
(beautiful), while adding -(e)r to merge changes the word from a verb to a noun


WahyuniApril 16, 2017 at 8:35 AM

Name : Wahyuni
NIM : 15020210
Inflection is variation in the form of a word, typically by means of an affix, that
expresses a grammatical contrast which is obligatory for the stems word class in
some given grammatical context.
Derivation is the formation of a new word or inflectable stem from another word or
stem. It typically occurs by the addition of an affix.The derived word is often of
a different word class from the original. It may thus take the inflectional affixes
of the new word class.


Nanang IrfanApril 16, 2017 at 5:22 PM

Name:Nanang Irfan
If a basic word after adding the suffix still has the same meaning without changing
"the class said" it was inflectional morphene.
If a basic word after added affix be changed "the class said" it then it
derivational morphene.
Class of words or parts of speech.
for example:

inflectional morphene

Basically Year YEARS = word (noun) after added affix menjadiYears (noun)
Basically Go GOES = word (verb) after added affix become Goes (verb)
we can see the before and after, he remained the same class.

derivational morphene

Basically Blank BLANKLY = word (adjective) after adding additive into Blankly

Basically Child Childish = word (noun) after added affix menjadiChildish

DISCUSSION = Discuss basic word (verb) after added affix become Discussion (noun)
we can see before and after class he changed.

Inflection morphology are suffixes only and derivation morphology is suffixes or



ropit erianto98April 16, 2017 at 7:58 PM


Inflection morphemes related to the grammatical function but never create a new
word and do not change the meaning and the part of speech. Inflection morpheme
related to syntax. In addition inflection is very productive, it's means that can
be added in almost all of noun. And inflection always be in the end of the sentence
after derivation morphemes. Inflection only related to the suffixes.

Derivation morphemes can change the part of speech and the meaning the word that
follow. Derivation not related to the syntax. Furthermore, derivation morphemes
just added to certain words. Position of derivation is before inflection. And the
derivation not only about the suffix but also the prefix.


NuroktapianaApril 16, 2017 at 8:12 PM

Name : Nur oktapiana
Class : B
NIM : 15020168
1.Inflection morphology
Inflectio morphemes are affixes which carry grammatical meaning (for example, the
plural -s in cats or progressive -ing in sailing). They do not change the part of
speech or meaning of the word; they function to ensure that the word is in the
appropriate form so the sentence is grammatically correct.
All inflectional morphemes in English are suffixes and are added after any
derivational suffixes.
The most common inflectional morphemes are used in verb inflection (for example,
-ed in raced, -ing in racing, -s in races) but there are suffixes for noun
inflection (for example, plural -s in horses and possessive -'s in Norma's) and
adjective inflection (for example, comparative -er in faster and superlative -est
in fastest).
2.Derivational morphology
Derivational morphemes are affixes which are added to a lexeme to change its
meaning or function. They are used to make a new, different lexeme (for example,
-ly changes the adjective sad into the adverb sadly).
Most derivational morphemes change the part of speech, for example, -ance changes
the verb resemble into the noun resemblance. Note that the 'e' is deleted at the
end of the verb resemble when the suffix is added.
The majority of derivational morphemes that don't change the part of speech are
prefixes, for example, adding un- changes the meaning of the adjective happy but it
is still an adjective unhappy.
When affixes are added to a base or stem, there is usually a specific order for
adding them. Inflectional suffixes are added last, and, once they are added, no
more derivational affixes can be added. An example of this is given below for the
word deconstructions, showing the order in which the various affixes are added:
The derivational prefix de- is added to the verb base construct to get the verb
The derivational suffix -ion is added to the verb stem deconstruct to get the noun
Lastly, the inflectional plural suffix -s is added to the noun to get


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