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Elements of Physical Hydrology George M. Hornberger Patricia L. Wiberg Jefirey P. Raffensperger Paolo D’Odorico Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore when vegetation lop rust” wih bothedominet hasbeen strongly vegetation wa ‘ons with spars: Some areas othe leother teas may able of allowing Enis overland we dt, but because t ‘capacity fore ‘aturaion-exces to stration end secur These ses Dunne eta, 1975 woop there ‘unof goneration »y gravity, causing tality ofthe sis resses with dep ing localized ares wurde steamy sme ofthe water in nd contributes 8 periods. Subs ‘racks of imal furfoce storms" water doos not es the water ae vent and dachrge tow pats tough aly of grounvater periods in response Catchment Hyrology: The Hilslope Stream Continuum 267 ‘to changing inputs 0 water through net echarge In cachmens, the groundwater ds ‘charge toa seam chennel may ag the accurrence of precipitation by dy, weak, oreven ‘years When subsurfice water Rowing downslope tothe stream enters thersorted ae ‘ear the seam, some of te wate is forced to reemerge om the ground surface Because "the capciyof thesis and rocks to transi all ofthe owing water dewnslope n= sufficient, This reemerging subsurface water i known ae retara ow (igure 10.5) Like saturation-erces overland flow, retir ow canbe quit rapid in some catchments ‘with shallow water bls wher groundwater mounds may form which matically in crease al hydraulic gradients evar the seam (Freez, 19723, 1972; Winter, 185).AS ‘asthe case wih supsurface stomifow,groundvazer How can cone 1 either the ‘uicfow or basefion component ofa stream byropraph hough in mot instances the ‘ontibtion to basefow i dominant ‘As we have noted (Section 10), fr steams in freted upland crtchmens intemperate ‘imate, the bulk of quik (ven atthe peak of hydrograpt) has the chee eam postion of water tha as resident inthe subsurface prior the storm event. Tat, he Bulk of quiekow sol” water, indicating tht water contained in sols and rocks laa catchment must be able 1oreach he steam quickly under storm conditions. This obser ‘ation may sem lt glance to beat odds with the physical procestes described above in which “la” grourdvater i viewed ax contribating primarily to the Glow) basefow portion ofthe hydeoraph. There are x umber of phil processes tha ean be called ‘pono explain the cer vation that large Faction of quikflow sol wate Consider ‘ston of th pyc fi water sugges tht proceses that case “wen” ver elvered to the surfuce ofa came to displace “ld” water and force into the steam ar com- ‘mon, Forexample, ten f only «small amount of inflated water reaches he epllary fringe quickly (rough ow in maropoes, especially inthe riparian, er pearstream, are) itean change the negative capillary pressure headin the capllary fringe ta postive rere bead. Such pid nese in potive pressure head can force “sk” groundwater nto the sre rapid. Another mechanism hat corte tthe delve of “ld” water {oa stream under strm conditions i the entrainment of “old” soll water by overland ‘ow. Overland low ic riparian areas occursin patches, wth uric wae wing in he sil ining with slow sol water, and then rsemerging onthe surface. The resking ‘veal flow conti portion of the “el sol water with wich the "ew" wate has ‘mined. The comeeptlerplaatons offered above appear to be coin with ober ‘Noa, bat by themses dono proviée quantitative estimates forthe varius ows. Quant- faton requires conieraton of inflow, outflow, nd storage of wae wits etchment 4205 Contributing Ar snd Topographic Controls on Saturation [As we saw in Chapter, the topography ofthe landscape exert an enorous influence ‘on the movement of water inthe subsurface. Topography likewise should conto the ‘developmen ofaeasof surface stration and ron If we coal break x athent up ino locks (reservis"), we might beable o use the conservation of mass equation 268. Element of Physiol yerooay to determine the degree of saturation and potent! fr runt generation foreach one ach block would difer ins positon along the hillope and in the slope ofthe land rorfae (end probably the water able) rough th block. Consideration of inflows, ot ‘ows and reno potential feral of he blocks ina catchment could provide the starting int for outing water hough the catches. ‘The degree of saturation ofeach catchment “bck depends on is water balance fhe inflow tothe upslope fice of he block From higher portions ofthe catchments reter than the ou fam the downslope face of the lock, the wate table within the Bock ‘will increase The inflow cate fra catchment bce depends onthe contributing area, the are of estsheat upslope froma given block tht contributes nfl ott Bock, CConrbuting aes, 4, depends onthe distance othe divide above the block as well a whether itis convergent diverse, or planar (Figure 108) Ta defined, elevation contours ae dry ata specified contour neva (or example, 10m forthe catchment. Beginning atthe base of he catchment, ines are drawn perpen dicular to each contour they cos, forming a necvark of curves similar to he fow nets ¢ Convergent >.< Figure 10.7 Influence of topography on outribsing ara, ‘and resootion ofthe digit elevation data, Accurate identification of the channel nt ‘work, in particular, ependson using high-esltin elevation dala, The cures sae of ‘heat technique for genering high-eslation fopographic dai light detection and ranging (han Infact te erica ned for good opographie daa 0 dete channels ‘and chanel aetwrks bas ld to ells fr lidar nap o be produced to allow acura snapping of food pains (NEC, 2007). 'A map of topapraghic indices fora catchment revels areas where runof processes ‘such as saturaton-xoes ould low ae likly to oscar (Figure 10). High values of ‘he topographic index indicate area with large contributing areas and relatively at slopes piel at the bate filelopes and ea the erear, These arte ale comespond wih expected groundwater discharge areas (Chaper 7)- Low TI values are fund athe ops of hills, were there sraively litle upslope consibuting ares and slopes are steep. “These arene correspond generally with groundwater recharge ee ‘Convergent wr Planar ofthe chanel nee The current state oF Tight detection and to define ehnnels Ie allow aecuate « ronof prossses 1) High ves of and relatively at sae akocorepond ‘esate found the slopes ar steep. ‘Topographic index In(afanp) $6 7 8 9 1011 12 19 14 15 (b) 8 ee “Topographic index Figure 10.8 Topographic indices fra catchment in Shenandosh National Park. The spatial pater (9) ndiaes ielhood of saturation in the ental valley of the atch sent The ditbution of values (8) isused in TOPMODEL calultions as deseribod in Section 106, _ ea Tera p On 272. Elements of Pyeca Mysoleny The hillslopes ofeatshments reno sai eatres ofthe landscape Overtime hillslopes change slowly det reson by runo and rpily duet andsies (lo known a de bei ows}. Landlding on top hillslope typically occur in localized areas where the soils re saturated and the wer pressure inthe pore spaces i high. Surface pol most often occurs whea Soils become saturated so that precipitation can no longer inlale (Gaturton excess overland flow), Ihe surfice rus deep enough sad the slope Steep enough, tefl can dsedge and carry soil partes from the hillslope tthe chan nel resukng in erosion ofthe blslope, Diztrch cal. (1992) combined simple expressions describing the thresholds of saturation exces overland flow, andlidng, ad hilllope erosion with deta digital levation data and careful field observations to predict locations within a catchment ‘where etch ofthese processes dominates. Assuming a consan transmissivity ofthe surface sol ayer, the eturated subsurface sl discharge across a contour ine of ength cfgiven by Dare’ lr Qasr = Ten. 06) The waterabl slope is assumed oe equal othe surface slope. The tte amount of rater reaching the length of contour () over specified period of time Aun Whee rat ™R (he Fecharge rate, (LT) and 4s the upslope conibuing area. In other ‘Word, ithe vokume of wate per nit surface ara or depth) thats moving through the hillslope per unit time. The difeence between ttl runoff pata cootouriteval (Ga) and saturated subsurface discharge tare) i sturaton-exces overland om, ‘Thus overind ow occurs when Aig > Teta) aon) 4, Tong aos) © ts Eosion by overland flow wil only out in the pat ofthe catchment whet the over Tand flow is deep enough (large specific contributing area Ac) or the slope is step enough (lage tn) for the flow to dislodge he si rans, Ditch et al (1992) pro posed be flowing expression forthe erosion threshold P+ en BF “7 where @[L?T~] characterizes the resistance af the solo erosion Jandscape, Overtime hilsloges to landslides (aso known as - ts i ocalized areas where the es sigh. Surface not most pittion can 9 longer inflate [deep enough andr the spe from the ilslope othe char 1s deserting the thresholds of Spe erosion with detailed digi 2 Nations within a eathment oasian tranamistviy T ofthe eevee contou ine ofength we, race slope. The total aneurt of a petod of ie is Ayn Where Tope contributing area. Inher (ordept) that is moving treugh tal rnof pst x conout intra ‘saturaton-eeessoveriand fw (03 (08) ofthe catchment wher the over vg area Ac) oF the slope steep eine. Ditch ot 1052) po Fs 09) Catchment hydrology: The Hilslope-Stream Continuum 273 CCohesoness material on sloping surface becomes unstable, lesing to shallow landing, when the slope othe surface exceeds ert vale dependent onthe til and water properties andthe degre of eturation described by 0.19 where pis water density Ge, 1000 gm”), js si density a saturation ofthe onder of shout 2000), 0 the degree of saturation ofthe soll mane, nd the icra ange of fiction (a parameter expresing the shear strength duet ction among soil fring), When the sil is saturated (6 1) this reduces to tan > OStang, for typi! ‘ales of si and water density, When the soli unsaturated (Qs < Onis = Outs = AM ATE t "These exresions fr thresholds of stration oerand flow (Equation 108),

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