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Step One: Describe the social issue, organization(s) Background, purpose, and focus of your


Briefly identify the social issues, sometimes referred to as the wicked problem, your plan will
be addressing (e.g. tobacco use, air pollution, water contamination, homelessness, literacy).

The issue that the organization will address is shortage of organ donors in the
state of Ohio.

Identify the organizations(s) involved in developing and implementing the plan.

Organizations that will be involved in implementing this plan will be Donate

Life Ohio (DLO) and Do It Now program.

Summarize key background information leading to the development of this plan, ideally using
reliable statistics (e.g.) Percent decrease in salmon populations.

Donate Life Ohio (DLO) and Do It Now program are looking to decrease the
shortage of organ donors in the state of Ohio. This is because there are currently
2,500 people in the state of Ohio alone who are waiting for organ transplants.

What is the campaign purpose, the intended impact (e.g. reduced teen pregnancies increased
protection of salmon habitats?

It is intended to impact specifically college students on Cleveland State

University campus behavior as far as signing up and willing to be organ donors.

What is the campaign focus, the approach you will be using to contribute to your plans purpose
((e.g residential garden practices)? Areas of focus may be solution-oriented (e.g. soft shore
buffers), Population-based (eg homes on streams) or product-related strategies, (eg native plants)
The campaigns focus will be about getting as many CSU Students ages 17-18
(Freshman) to sign up to be organ donors.
Our approach will be face to face by setting up tables with information as well as
forms that students can fill out in person once a week along with t-shirts and
water bottles with the organizations name on it to give out.
The organizations product will be will be social media such. Preferably
Facebook considering well have a page for the organization where people can
like our page and get more information on the forms and organ donating in

Refer to chapter 4 for a detailed description of the process

Organizational Factors: Organizational Resources, Service Delivery Capabilities, Expertise,

Management support, Issue Priority, Internal Publics, Current Alliances and Partnerships, Past

What organizational strengths will your pan maximize?

Our strengths will be getting the information about organ donating to a huge audience
through social media (Facebook).
Displaying and broadcasting vital information about organ donation.
Using real people to show how organ donating has changed their lives or the lives
someone they may know.

What organizational weaknesses will your plan minimize?

People lying about their medical background when filing out the application.
People lying about their experiences when it comes down to organ donation and how it
may have affected their lives or someone they may know lives.
Reducing anti organ donation advocates information that may be passed around.

External forces: Cultural Technological, Demographic, Natural Economic, Political/Legal,

External Publics

What environmental opportunities will your plan take advantage of?

Recruiting student on campus not only to become organ donors, but become advocates
for the organization as well.
Using students to reach out to their peers and spread the information about organ
donating by word of mouth.
Using a hashtag #organdonatingrocks
What environmental threats will your plan prepare for?

People who are selling their organs.

Organ theft/harvesting.
People lying on organ donor application.

Prior and Similar Efforts.

What findings from prior and similar efforts are noteworthy those of yours and others

Refer to chapter 5.

According to United Network for Organ Sharing: ,

organ donating is consistent with most religions or religious beliefs.
Organs or tissues that are able to be donated are heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, liver,
intestines, corneas, skin, tendons, bone, nerve and heart valves.
The donors family or estate will not be charged any cost for organ and tissue donation.
Organ donation may only be considered when a physician confirms that a person is brain

Select Target audiences

Describe the primary target audience for your program/campaign in terms of size, problem
incidence and severity. And relevant variables, including demographics, psychographics/values
and lifestyles, geographies, related behaviors, and or readiness to act (eg homeowners on the
shoreline properties engaged in landscaping and interested in protecting the environment.)

The primary target audience will be the whole freshman class at Cleveland State
University ages 17-18 (On campus and off campus)
A total of 500 freshmen between the ages of 17-18 attend Cleveland State University
according to the enrollment services office.
If you have additional important audiences that you will need to influence as well as describe
them here, to keep them in mind as you develop strategies they may end up being messengers or
distribution channels (eg garden centers and nurseries)

Our secondary primary audience would be professors with high student ratings.
The more the professor is liked by students the more influential they may be on students
when it comes to influencing student to be willing to be donors.

Chapter 5

Step 4 Set behaviors and objectives and target goals.

What very specifically do you want to influence your target audience to do as a result of this
campaign or project (ex plant native plants).

We want our target audience to sign up to become organ donors.

We want our target audience to get their peers to sign up to be organ donors.

Knowledge objectives

Is there anything you need them to know in order to act (ex how to identify native plants at a

We need them to know that they cant have any type of Sexual Transmittable
They must know that when filling out the forms to become an organ donor, they have to
be completely honest.
They must know that when they fill out these forms and give their personal information,
it will not be released to the public due to the HIPAA laws (Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act).

Belief Objective

Is there anything you need them to believe in order to act? (ex. native plants can be beautiful and
easy to maintain.

We need for potential donors to believe that donating organs will change the lives of
someone else for the greater good.
Potential organ donors also need to believe that this will benefit them to know that they
are making a difference and supporting a cause that needs to be supported.

What Quantifiable measurable goals are you targeting

Ideally these are started in terms of behavior change. Ex increase in sales of native plants. Other
potential target goals are campaign awareness recall or response to changes knowledgeable belief
or behavior intent levels.

Monitoring the number of organs donated within a years time.

Monitoring how many students signed up to be organ donors.

Step 5 Identify target audience barriers, benefits, and motivators: the competition and influential


Make a list of barriers your audience may have to adapting the desired behavior. These maybe
related to something, physical, psychological, economical, skills, knowledge, awareness, or
attitude. (Try for list of 5 to 10)

The thought of having their body parts or organs taken out of them might be scary for
The thought of their body part or organs being given to a stranger might be something
that a person wont like.
People might think that they are charged a fee or their families are charged fees for
donating an organ.
People may not want to donate their organs to someone outside of their family
People might not understand the full concept of organ donation.


What are the key benefits your target audience wants in exchange for performing the behavior
(e.g a yard thats easier to maintain and increased wildlife on their property)? This answer the
question Whats in it for me? (Try for a list of 2 or 3.)

The feeling of knowing that theyve possibly made a change in someones life.
Knowing that they could possibly donate an organ to someone that is a close family
member or friend.


What does your target audience say will make it more likely that they would do the behavior?
Ask them if there is something you can give them, say to them, or show them that would help
them (e.g. an easy way to know which nurseries sell native plants and to identify plants at the

If they know that they could make a difference in someones life.

If they know they could possibly help put someone close to them.

What are the major competing alternative behaviors (e.g. planting nonnative plants)?

Not wanting to become an organ donor for ridiculous reasons such as thinking that if they
were to ever undergo surgery their organs would be taken from them.
Not wanting to become organ donors at all in general.

What benefits do your audiences associate with these behaviors (eg easier to find)?

Helping others who may be in need.

What costs do your audiences associate with these behaviors (eg requires more fertilizing)?

Living a healthier life style.

Giving up certain things such as alcohol or smoking to keep organs healthy.

Influential Others

Relative to the desired behavior, who does your target audience listen to, watch, and/or look up


5.8 What do you know about these midstream audiences are currently saying and doing
regarding the desired behavior (eg staff at nurseries)?

Chapter 7 for detailed description of process and worksheet C on page 520.

Step 6: Develop a positioning Statement

Write a statement similar to the following, filling in the blanks:

We want Cleveland State Students to see [that donating organs can save many peoples lives in
not only the state of Ohio, but in the whole country.
Step 7: Develop Marketing Strategies

product: creating the product platform

Core Product: What is the major perceived benefit your target audience wants from performing
the behavior that you will highlight? (Choose one or a few from those identified in 5.2)

The thought of helping someone else

Making a huge difference in someones life.

Actual Product: What, if any, tangible goods and services will you be offering and/or promoting
(eg 100 native plants to choose from, fruits and vegetables, life vests, blood monitoring
equipment, low-flow showerheads)?

Kenny the Giving Kidney (Mascot which will be placed in the student center) will
promote the campaign and be the face of it.
Social Media Fan Page with vital information
Bottles, recyclable bags, rubber bracelets, t-shirts

Augmented Product: Are there any additional tangible goods or services that would assist your
target audience in performing the behavior (eg workshop on designing a native plant garden)?

Poster boards with facts about organ donating

Seminars on organ donation

Refer to chapter 10 for detailed description of these process.

Price: fees and monetary and nonmonetary Incentives and Discentives

Nonmonetary incentives for the target audiences will be Kenny the Giving Kidney.

Describe any monetary incentives for your target audience (eg coupons, and rebates).

There will be none.

Describe any nonmonetary incentives (eg, recognition, such as yard plaques).

Everything will have the JUST DO IT logo printed on them.

Kenny the Kidney will be played by one of the employees of the nonprofit.

Describe any nonmonetary disincentives (eg negative visibility, a website with photos of
properties where migratory birds have disappeared).
Viewers may not understand information about organ donation on the website.

Refer to Chap11 for a detailed description of the process

Place: Develop the Place Strategy

We will reach out to students who are walking through the CSU Student Center.

As you determine each of the following, look for ways to make locations closer and more
appealing, to extend hours, and to be there at the point of decision making.

Where will you encourage and support your target audience to perform the desired behavior and

When they go to the license bureau

When they go into their doctors office
When they go to see the school nurses or counselors

Where and when will the target audience acquire any related tangible goods?

In the CSU Student Center during common hour.

Where and when will the target audience acquire any associated services?

In the CSU Student Center

Doctors office
License Bureau

Are there any groups or individuals in the distribution channel that you will target to support
efforts (eg nursery owners and their staff)?

Campus Clinics

Refer to Chap 12 for a detailed description of the process.

Promotions: Decide on Messages, Messenger, Creative Strategies, and Communication Channels

Student advocates, Kenny the Kidney will deliver the message

The Message will be to donate now to save a life
Creative Strategies will be ads with Kenny the Kidney along with advocates talking about
facts as far as organ donation.
Communication will be through social media, interpersonal communication, and
Messages: What key messages do you want your campaign to communicate to target

There are thousand out there who is in need of an organ donation.

Messengers: Who will deliver the messages and/or be the perceived sponsor?

Kenny the Kidney

People who have had organs donated

Creative Strategies: Summarize, describe, or highlight elements such as logos, taglines, copy,
visuals, colors, scripts, actors, scenes, and sounds in broadcast media.

The organization will customize its very own logo for all merchandise, advertising and
social media displaying a kidney in sunlight.

Communication Channels: Where will your messages appear?

On television ads
On social media

Refer to Cap 13 and 14 for a detailed description of the process.

Step 8: Develop A plan for monitoring and evaluation

What is the purpose of this evaluation? Why are you doing it?

The purpose of this evaluation is to see how many people have signed up to be organ
donors or are at least willing to be organ donors.
The reason why we are doing this evaluation is because we have to know how the future
of organ donating is going to look in the state of Ohio so we can help as many people as

For whom is the evaluation being conducted? To whom will you present it?

This evaluation is being conducted for University Hospital and Cleveland Clinic.
The evaluation will be presented to the hospitals board members.

What inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impact will be measured?

Inputs will be number of employees (salary and time), Ronald Berkman, student
advocates for the organization, Governor John Kasich, existing materials and
information on organ donations.
Outputs will be 2,000 brochures, 200 t-shirts, Facebook, 200 water bottles, 100 rubber
bracelets recyclable bags and mugs.
Outcome will be recruiting more organ donors from other classes outside of freshman
(sophomores, juniors, seniors), recruiting people of different ages and demographics,
such as professors to become organ donors.
Impact will be increasing the amount of organ donors by at least 35%

What techniques and methodologies will be used to conduct each of these measurements?

The techniques and methodologies that will be used to conduct each measurement will
be through online surveys, focus groups and the actual applications filled out.

When will these measurements be taken?

These measurements will be taken within a three-month period after the launch of the

How much will this cost?

This will cost a total of will be $8,000

Refer to Chap 15 for a detailed description of the process and Worksheet D on pg 521

Step 9: Establish budgets and find funding sources

What costs will be associated with product-related strategies?

Considering the fact that Facebook would be the main product for the campaign, there will be a
few more products to pass out to the students on campus to get the people interested in organ
donation such as..

Rubber Bracelets
Recyclable Bags
Aluminum Water Bottles

What costs will be associated with price-related strategies?

$1,000 will be associated with the t-shirts, mugs, rubber bracelets, recyclable bags.

What costs will be associated with place-related strategies?

$0.00 cost for tables or a place to set up in the student center

What costs will be associated with promotion-related strategies?

$1,000 for 2000 brochures, social media presence, and press releases.

What costs will be associated with evaluation-related strategies?

Labor hours
Creating and monitoring evaluations
Compiling data from evaluations and analyzing it

If costs exceed currently available funds, what potential additional funding sources can be

Refer to chapt 16 for description

Sample implementation plan refer to chapter 17 for description

Write a sample implementation plan

Who: Students
What: Organ donation websites and forms
When: Common hour
Where: Cleveland State University Student Center
Why: We want students to sign up to be organ donors

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