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Disanvantari Nagar, Puducherry ~6, Y REGIONAL CANCER CENTRE HOSPITAL BASED CANCER REGISTRY & PATTERN OF CARE SURVIVAL STUDIES Webs te: worn mera in Phone: 04132296420 E-Mail: offistbinnermsoom Mobile: 9655506997 ray (dn tsieion of National Inprionce, Under Mir of Heth & Fam Wel, Government fd Dates 12082017 HOSPITAL BASED CANCER REGISTRY REGIONAL CANCER CENTRE Applications ae invited fo STATISTICIAN on Gorrat Basis Tr te Projct of Hospital Based Cancer Registry & Pattern of Careand Survival Studie” Repional Caner Cente, IPMER, Padchery 6 ost STATISTICIAN “The jobs tie bound fora perio of 1 yer (hike to comtaue beyond 1 year depending on story perfomance ‘The flowing are the eter for the candidates [aor [as Stra et] Ean Gui & Tapers Blair Gain TS | Ne TORT Fa RT a + Rion a RS Ri Soe mo | ecntine + Tie guise in] ste te SPSS EPI, Er.sTaT A | atm wi Sus we he roo pce ie MSO | ir aE / Opto | pager seman Sates | Te wrk mar a gud of snr cinta ‘ Pret a medial sical bots and to semen shove mod bi To yo co-sing ese mgrammesin the ae of Dipl Cong Api ‘spacing cancer research ae in Page ot ‘+ No Benefit of provident fund, Leave Travel Concession, Medical Claim ew be consider, sne the post ix rely on oni bas ‘+The toa uration of ppoinsment in the projects maximum ONE YEAR 1 ye) ‘The above pot is ld purely on contrat Basis co- terminus ofthe proj the canst wil ave no ght chim for penne emplyrment in the nsitietuner NCDIRINCRPICM or continuation of hiv services in tye je. +The candidate wil elected based on the merit in writen examination, NoTAIDA wil be psi for atendng the exvinrvew. +The caidas are advised not wo bing ay poll or eer recommendations to influence tee seleoh. Such candidates wil be summariy rected, + Itrested and eligible Candas may submit hl pplication nthe resid forma (append) sang with he aested copies ofthe flowing i. ABE proof Cetfcat (10h /2th Mark she’Biah Cenifite) Degree Provo cent Experience fan) Is. *Necbjction Crete” fom te present employer isc. ‘The applications should reach othe blow adress om or before 31” AUGUST 2017 by reitered pat oaly. Aplications received beyond the presra date wil be summarily rej. + Allfutrecorespondse wil be sent via E-Mail ony, Hen all are requested provide valid / correc email) without fal, “The envelope shouldbe labelled as "Appliation for the post of Statistieian” for the Projct "Hospital Hased Cancer Registry & Pattern of Care Survival Studies". Eligible candidates wil be called for writen tesvil text Date and venue of exam wil be intimated. through e-mail only. Interested and eligible Candidates may submit ther application in the presibed format long with the aesod copes of enon which shove ‘each oe below adress on or before 31" AUGUST, 2017 by registered pot ony. Application reve teyon the prescribe dat il smarty ‘eject Al ture correspudence wil be set via E-Mall only Heneal ae requested fo provide vali corret Email/Mobile Numbers without Situ ons edie be conde i ts ron procs ot Principal investigator, Additonal Profesor & Deputy Medical Supeitendent, Hospi! Base Cancer Regist ater: of Care and Survival Sts, Department of Raoterspy, Regional Cancer Centre, STPMER,Padchery 605006 Dr OUNASEELAN. K Prin Investigator HBCR & POCSS Dr. GUNASHELAN. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR WBCR & pocss REC IPMER p32

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