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Construction of a Custom-Shaded Interim

Denture Using Visible-Light-Cured Resin

C. Brent Haeberle, DMD,' and Zajulla Khan, DDS, MS2

A patient treatment is presented to demonstrate a technique using visible-light-cured (VLC)

resin to create a characterized denture base for an interim denture. This indication for characteriza-
tion is routinely seen with African-Americanswith dark-pigmented gingiva. Using a combination of
blue VLC tray resin and pink VLC denture base resin, the mixture achieves a darker-colored denture
base. This technique was used for the fabrication of an interim denture for a patient who required
an immediate interim denture. The prosthesis was worn during the healing phase and allowed the
patient to function while the definitive prosthesiswas being fabricated.
J Prosthod 1997;6: 153-156.Copyright 0 1997 by The American College of Prosthodontists.

INDEX WORDS: characterized denture base, light-cured resin, interim denture

VARIETY OF TECHNIQL-ES to characterize clear visible-light-cured (VLC) gel. Their technique

A d cnturc base resin has been described in thc could easily be adapted to this patient prcsentation.8
literature. Pound was the first to characterize dcn- Therc are limitations in denture-base shade selec-
ture base resin intrinsically by sifting colored methyl tion when matching gingival tissue shades of darker-
methaciylate polymers into the resin.' Using this pigmented patients, particularly African,4rnericans,
method along wilh varying the architecture to sirnu- Eastern Europeans, and Native Americans. Cur-
late gingival contour, Pound created an extremely rently, darker shades of denture-base material are
lifelike denture base. Estrinsic staining was uscd by not available commercially in a visiblc-light-cured
Powers, but it lacked the natural appearance that resin. Thc ability to easily characterize or modify
was achieved using Pound's The work of existing visible-light-cured resin for an interim den-
Gerhard and Sawyer3 led to thc devclopmcnt of ture would enable the clinician to fabricate such a
Coe-Lor acrylics (COE Laboratories, Inc, Chicago, prosthesis in the office and modify it as necessary.
IT,). These are three difrering shades of' pigmented This article denionstrates a technique in which pres-
resin for persons with darker gingival tissues. ently available visible-light-cured resins are used in a
inixturc to create deeper gingival tones for dcnture
Quinlivian and Zimmerman both describe meth-
bascs to match darkcr-pigmcntcd gingiva or to match
ods of characterization of dcnturc basc resin using
an opposing, existing prosthesis.
Pound's t~chnique,'~but the technique seems to be
tedious and costly. The complexity ofthese character-
ization techniques may not be cost effective for use
with an interim complete denture. Interim denlures Case Report
are often thought to be used as a transition from a A 37-year-old African-American fcmalc with mul-
dentulous Lo an edentulous state-a plastic bandage tiple fractured teeth and periodontal disease needed
or sorts; therefore, the need for such a customizcd extraction of all her remaining teeth (Fig 1). An
denture base is unnecessary, because the prosthcsis interim transitional mandibular dcnturc was fabri-
will only be utilized for a short period."' Berte and cated for use during healing, followed by a convcn-
Hansen dcscribed a technique for using tints with tional overdenture prosthesis after implant place-

1. Primary impressions were made of the niaxillary
denture arid mandibular dcntition using irrevers-
ible liydrocolloid. An imprcssion of the lower
remaining teeth was madc using a double-
impression technique. (Fig 2)
154 Curlom-Stiadd Intmni llenture Haeberle and Khan

Figure 1. Patients mandibu-

lar arch before extraction.

2. Master casts were mounted on an articulator at 4. Existing teeth were removed from the lower stone
the patients vertical dimension of occlusion. model. A separating medium (tinfoil substitute)
.?. A denture tooth shade was selected to be compat- was applied to the model as stone teeth were
ible with the upper complete denture teeth. removed and denture teeth added.

Figure 2. Two-stage impres-

sion of mandibular arch.
appearance simulating the shade of the maxillary
denture of the patient was the end result. By
varying the ratio of blue and pink matcrials,
different shades of light and dark, rather than one
continuous shade, can also be created. After the
material has been adapted, the cast is placed in a
curing unit (Triad, Dentsply Corp) for 10 minutes.
7. The denture was finished with acrylic burs, thcn
polished with pumice and polishing compound.
The prosthesis was relined with a soft liner (Coe
Laboratories, Inc) because of tissue changes, arid it
was worn by the patient for a few months before a
new denture was made. The paticnt was satisfied
with the esthetics of this interim denture (Fig 4). The
interim prosthesis did stain readily, but that was
routinely maintained with each visit. Because of the
position of the mandibular denture intraorally, no
additional characterization was ncccssary. After a
Figure 3. Stock shadrs ofvisiblr-lightciired resin period of 3 months to determine if the ridgc resorp-
tion had stabilizcd, the paticnt was evaluated for
fabrication of a new mandibular complete denture.
5. Denture teeth were placed with a small amount of
VLC resin (Triad, Dentsply Corp, York, PA) on
the ridgc lap of the denturc tooth and cured with a
hand-held curing light (Dernetron Optilux 400;
Uemetron Research Corp, Danbur); CT). Becausc visible-light-cured rcsins are easier to use,
6.Additional VLC resin was adapted on the cast faster, and there is no need lor a monomer liquid, the
from the base into the buccal and lingual vesti- use of these resins has become more prevalent in
bulrs, and around the necks of the denture teeth. clinical situations over the past few years. A tech-
VLC base resin was custom-shadcd by adding blur nique has been described that demonstrates the use
tray V I E resin to the existing pink VLC denture of VLC resin to create a custom-shadc denturc basc
resin (Fig 3). After mixing thc resins togethrr in a for an immediate transitional denture to match the
ratio of 4 parts pink to 1 part blue, a darker darker-pigmented existing denture base for this pa-

Figure 4. Completed CW in-

terim denture.
tient. It uses denture teeth placed on a cast after the 2. Powcrs JL: Brush-on tcclinicluc in natural coloring of c u r d
stone (natural) teeth are removed indi\idually. VLC: cross-linked plastic artificial denture materia1s.J Prosthet Dent
resin is used to attach the denture teeth directly to 3. Gerhard K, Sawyer N: Dentures to harmonize with hralrily
the cast. Mixing pink VLC dcnturc rcsin and bluc pigmented tissues.J Am Dent Assoc 1966;73:94-95
tray VLC resin, applying it around the necks of the 4. Qiiinlivan 1 Characterization of denture hasps. Dent Clin
teeth, and extending it buccally and linpally makes North A111 1975;1Y:2:3:! 1-332
a darker-pigmented gingiva, which produces a close 5,Zimrrierrnan D, P o m e r a n t ~JM, Sanfacon DG, et al: Dentiirc
Base Color. Denture Esthetics (III). Quintesaencr Interna-
match resembling some patients existing gingiva or tional 1982;13:547-758
their existing prosthesis. 6. Fellniari S: Visibk light-cured denturr base I-rsin rirrd in
making dentures bvith conventional teeth. J Prostliet Drnt
7. Khan Z, Harberle GB: One-aplmintmcnr ronstnrtion of an
References immediate transitional cornplctc denture using Tisible light-
cured resin.J Prosthrt Drnt 19!?2;68:500-502
1. Pound E: Esthetic dentiires arid their phonrtir valups. J Pros- 8. Henr J, Hansrn C;: Custom tintin5 denture bases by visible
h e 1 Dent lY51;1:98-lll light ciirc lamination.J Prosthodont 199514:129-132

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