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Background events (3)

Falsely accused of wrongdoing Samwell was falsely accused of a jealous girl of laying with a
landed Knights daughter leaving her with a bastard. The truth was later uncovered and his
reputation was restored.
Involved in a battle Young Lord Ashford was part of a battle against a company of sell-
swords prone to pillaging and raiding his fathers lands.
Achieved a significant deed Samwell ended the life of the Sellsword captain personally in
single combat.

Other stuff
Goal: Love Samwell seeks to find true love and build a family
Motivation: Lust he is a lustful man
Virtue: Just he is what a knight should be, just, seeking to act within the pretents of the
Vice: Cruelty deep inside Samwell Ashford is cruel, those who suffer at his hands going
through agonizing pain.

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