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KLffi&ru&Lil* * ffiK
KI-EANAE-L - EX is a liquid, all purp*s* *l**n*, for general maintenance use.
To offers affecti'ue detergent solvent action againsi a wise variety of soils. It is
n*n-flamn:ablen unaff*cted by freezing and has a rnild, Bleasant arcma * n*
trace *f which rernains after applicati*n. KL*ATALL - HX rinses easily, without
filming +r streaking"

rtr,t I Ur(E
Formulated for use of many surfaces. KLHAHALL- EX cleans metals, glass,
wuod, washable painted sudaces, most pfastics leather &. rubber. it is non-
corrosive in use soluti*n to steel, alumlnumn magnesium and other light metal
nlloys. BflEAffALL- fX will remove oil, wax, dyes, grease, ink, soap, earhcn
deposits, guffi, dirt, peneii marks. crayon, protein and vegetable soils, etc,

KI-EANAI-I-- EX is especially recornmended for use on antistatic floars !n

hospitals. The quaternary will neutraliz* and prevent accumulaticn cf
electrostatic field which will attaek dirt, gemxs and dust.

is used for disinfectinE operation theatres, nursery areasr
pediatric wards, l*unges. hallway, and reception areas. its bact*ricldal prcperties
renders the produet can be easily deactivated by ionic sr negatively charged

Cant'd pg. 2

PT. Prolekindo Sonito

E-moil :
Jqkorto Monodo Chempro Technology (m) Sdn. Bhd, (Kuching)
Jl. Suci Gg. Asmin No. 3 Jokorlo I 3750, Indonesio Tel. r{0431) 838 840 Fox. r (0a31) 838 840 Tel. : (082) 3621 17 Fox : (082) 365177
Tel. :(021) 840 0954, Fox; (021) 8779 5071
Mokossar Protek Chemicols & Engineering (b) Sdn. Bhd, (Erunoi)
Bondung Tel.:{04i1) 435127 tox.: {0411) 435127 Tel. : {6732) 334982Fox: (6732) 336698
Tel. :(022) 9161 2310 Fox.: (022) 6002355
Protek Chemicols & Engineering (h.k) Ltd. (Hong KonE)
Yogyokorto Protek Chemicols & Engineering Ptd, Lrd
Tei. r (8522) 7978303 Fox r (8522) 3433989
Iel. :\027 4) 487 924 Fot. : I0 - I 2 Tuo Avenue 9 Jurong lndusiriol Estoie Singopore 6391 73
1027 4) 487 924
Tel : (65) 68618282 tcx: i65) 68616161
Prolek Chemirols & Engineering 0. Ltd. (lhoilond)
Suroboyo Tel : (6602) 7085531"4 Fox: (6602) 7085535
Chempro Ierhnology (m) Sdn, Bhd. (Kuulo lumpur)
Tel. :{031) 5012269 Fox. : (031) 5012269
Tel: {03) 51212618 Fox: (03) 51216619
Boli Chempro Technology (m) Sdn. Bhd. (Penong)
Tel.: (0361) 7440062"63, Fox: {0361) 778 t63 Tel ; (04) 6262335 Fox: 104) 6262169
KLEANALL-EX {cont'di

A special free plastlc applicator is availebtre for spring KI-EAHAI-L- EX. To use,
the bottle first filled wit the proper dilution'of KLEAilALL- EX and the spray
device then firnrly attached" Calibrated for aceurate filling. Purnping ef the
causes and adjustable spray of KLEANALL- EX to be applied
into the surfac* to be cleaned.

For sanitizing fc*d preparation surfaces i"lse at a dilution of 1 : S* or L : 50. The

coneentration to use depends on the cases to be considered. Example. At 1 : 6*
Staphylococci, Escl'rerichia and Safim*n*lla, contact 5 minutes at 2* time:
deg C. At 1 : 8* *ffeetive against ps*u**monas aeruginosa P/2 c*nta$ tlme
3 minutes at 44 deg C.

For the other place ditute with water to t'Lrefigth required for particular job.
Concentratisn from 2 fluid ounces per gallon of water {1:60} ta 6 fiuid ounces
per gallon {1:20} are recommended f*r maderate scils. Use undiluted for
remsval of extra heavy depasits.

Apply by spray, cioth, sponEe or brush. Rinse with water. KLEAfT$ALI- EX may
be used as an effective immersion soak followed by water rinse,

Painted Surfaces :Use no strongar than 12 fluid oufices per gallon

(1:10) follow with a rinse.

Asphalt Tile ; use rro sfrCInser than 12 ffuid ounees pei= galhn
(1:10). Do not allcw to stand on asphalt * rinse
quickly tc avoid Attack cn sufaces.

Windows : Use at 2 fluld ounces per gallon (1:60i. Spray on-

wipe of ino rinse is rrecessary at this ditutioni

Wax Removal : Add 12 fluid ounces of KLEANALL-EX per gallcn cf

water (1:1S). Allew to stand until wax is softened.
Rinse thoroughiy.
Fc:i' i"r-r*re infr:rlrr*ti*r r, c*nsuit Prwtek's Sai*s Reprerer"lt*iiv*,

PT. Prolekindo Sonitq

E-moil :
Jokorto Monodo Chempro Technology (m) Sdn, Bhd. (Kuching)
Jl. Suci Gg. Asmin No. 3 Jokorto I 3750, lndonesio Tel. :(0431) 838 840 Fox. r (0431) 838 8a0 Tel. : (082) 3621 17 Fox : (082) 365177
Tel. :(021) 840 0954, Fox: (021) 8779 5071
Mokossor Protek Chemicols & Engineering (b) Sdn. Bhd, (Brunoi)
Bondung Tel.:(04i1) 435127 Fox r (0411)435127 Tel. ; {6732) 334982Fox: (6732) 336698
Tel. :(022) 9161 2310 Fox.: (022) 6002355
Protek Chemicols & Engineering (h.k) ttd. (Hong Kong)
Yogyokorlo Protek Chemicols & Engineering Ptd, Ltd
Tel. : {8522) 7978303 Fox : (8522) 3433989
Tel, :(0274) 487 924 Fox.:102741 487 92a I0 - I 2 Tuo Avenue 9 Jurong lndushioi Estoie Singopore 6391 73
Iel: (65) 68618282 Fox: (65) 68616161
Protek Chemitols & Engineering Co. [td. (lhoilond)
Chempro Technology (m) 5dn, thd. ((uolo [umpur) Tel. ; (6602) 7085531"4 Fox; (6602) 7085535
Tel.:(031) 5012269 Fox. r (031) 5012269
Tel: (03) 51212618 Fox: {03) 51216619
Boli Chempro Technology (m) Sdn. Bhd. (Penong)
Tel.: (0361) 7440062-63, Fox: (0361) 778 163 Tel r {04J 6262335 Fox:104\ 6262269

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