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2017-2018 CLASS

Teacher: Mrs. Megan Warren

Room: 210
School Phone Number: (859) 387-8600
Email Address:

Course Description:
This course is designed to give students a basic understanding of the many processes that occur on and within
the earth. The course emphasizes the problem-solving methods of science, and provides opportunity for students
to practice using these methods in a variety of inquiry based laboratory experiences, activities, and
demonstrations. In addition this course focuses on helping students develop explanations and argumentations
through their writing.

There is no designated textbook for this class. We will be utilizing a variety of texts and the most up-to-date
resources for this class.

Required Materials:
Science notebook
2-Pocket folder

Main Course Objectives:

All goals and objectives will be aligned with the Kentucky Academic Standards to assure all students will be
College and Career Ready:

All major objectives/lessons will target the Next Generation Science Standards performance expectations for
eighth grade science.

Scientists understand the world around us by making observations and inferences. The goal in this class is to
increase students awareness of our world by providing them the necessary skills of scientific inquiry. The
assessments used in class will evaluate how well students understand the process of thinking scientifically. Our
expectations are that each student becomes a self-directed learner that is able to think critically and logically to
produce high quality work, either in a group or alone, that is accurate and reliable.

Intro: Scientific Method/Engineering Design Process and Introduction to scientific writing (1-2 weeks)
Unit 1: Earth History and Processes (4 weeks)
Unit 2: Energy Sources (4 weeks)
Unit 3: Human Impact/Environmental Issues (4 weeks)
Unit 4: Climate Change (2-3 weeks)
Unit 5: Genes and Heredity (6 weeks)
Unit 6: Energy and Physics (4 weeks)
Unit 7: Ecology and Ecosystems (3 weeks)
Unit 8: Biosystems and Change Over Time (3 weeks)
Unit 9: Nervous System (2 weeks)
Required Activities:

Class Participation:
In this course, participation is required during both laboratories and classroom situations. It is your
responsibility to be appropriately active and attentive during all classes. This will improve our class
environment as well as helping you to get more out of each class period. Your class participation is essential in
order for you to be successful in this course.

Homework/Required Reading:
Most homework assignments in this course will be turned in the day after it is assigned. The type of homework
assignments will vary, but you will be expected to turn in all assignments on the required day unless you have
specifically discussed the situation with me. Please refer to the late work section below for specifics about late
work penalties.

Students will have time to work on all projects during class. However, some parts of projects and presentations
will need to be completed outside of the designated classroom time. These projects will usually be worth more
than daily assignments, so please take them seriously. I may check on your progress, but it is your
responsibility to have it completed on time.

Assessments: I will evaluate your performance in the classroom in several ways:

1. Formal unit assessments
2. Formal quizzes (announced)
3. Pop quizzes
4. Laboratory/Project Grades
5. Classwork and Homework Assignments

Attendance Policy and Make-up Work:

If you are unexpectedly absent, it is YOUR responsibility to see me about any assignments you have missed. If
you know you will be absent on a certain day, please see me before your absence so that I can help you to stay
on track with the other students.

You have the same amount of days to make up your assignments as the number of days you have been absent.
For example: If you are absent for one day, your assignments will be due one day after you return.

If you are absent on the day an assignment is due, it will be due immediately when you return to school.

Late Work:
If you choose not to do an assignment or do not turn it in on the day it is due, there are penalties for turning an
assignment in late. The assignment will be reduced 10% each day it is late. For example if it is one day late the
highest grade you will be able to earn is a 90%.

Lab Safety:
Instructors are to review with students the safety policy in the science classroom. Students and parents must
sign a Science Safety Contract. Instructors reserve the right to exclude from laboratory work any student who
does not abide by the safety policy of the school.

Criteria for Grading:

You will earn your grade based upon your performance on all of the above assessments.

Retakes will only be given for unit assessments. In order for you to qualify for a retake you must show that you
have made an attempt to master the content that you had misconceptions on during the assessment. Please meet
with your Mrs. Warren if you are interested in a retake to determine what you need to do in order to qualify for
a retake. This will most likely involve completing an additional assignment outside of the classroom. The
highest grade that will be given on a retake assessment is an 80%.

Grading Scale:
I will keep a running total of all points you have earned in this class. I will divide that number by the total
number of possible points and that percentage will determine your final grade.

100%-90% = A
89%-80% = B
79%-70% = C
69%-60% = D
59%-0% = F

You are responsible for earning your grade.
I am always willing to help you, but you must do the work.

Please sign here to show that you have read this syllabus: ________________________

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