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This question paper consists of 15 pages.

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Grade 12Prep. Exam.


Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions.

1. Answer ALL the questions.

2. Write ALL the answers in your ANSWER BOOK.

3. Start the answers to EACH question at the top of a NEW page.

4. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this
question paper.

5. Present your answers according to the instructions of each question.

6. Do ALL drawings in pencil and label them in blue or black ink.

7. Draw diagrams, tables or flow charts only when asked to do so.

8. The diagrams in this question paper are NOT necessarily drawn to scale.

9. Do NOT use graph paper.

10. You may use a non-programmable calculator, protractor and a compass where

11. Write neatly and legibly.

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Grade 12Prep. Exam.



1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.
Choose the correct answer and write only the letter (AD) next to the question
number ( in your ANSWER BOOK, for example 1.1.11 D.

1.1.1 The membrane lining the cranium and vertebral canal is the

A chorion.
B cataract.
C epidermis.
D meninges.

1.1.2 Which ONE of the following functions is the effect of adrenalin being
released into the blood?

A Dilation of pupils to improve vision

B Decreased sweat production
C Dilation of blood vessels to the skin and intestines
D Decreased rate and depth of breathing

1.1.3 In an amniotic egg, the role of the allantois is to

A provide oxygen for the growing embryo.

B store waste products produced by the embryo.
C serve as food for the embryo.
D act as a shock absorber to prevent possible mechanical

1.1.4 The fluid-filled structure that develops in the ovary before ovulation
takes place is the

A amnion.
B urethra.
C oviduct.
D follicle.

1.1.5 A micrograph of a dividing cell from a mouse showed 19 chromosomes,

each consisting of two sister chromatids. The micrograph was taken

A telophase II.
B prophase I.
C anaphase II.
D prophase II.

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1.1.6 A natural population of plants can be sustainably harvested if

A the community members can collect enough to feed their

B the community members are able to sell whatever they collect.
C the plant population recovers so that plants can again be
harvested in the future.
D it does not harm the tourist potential of the area.

1.1.7 Which ONE of the following is a reproductive strategy in which the

young develop from eggs that are fertilised internally and retained
within the mothers body after fertilisation, but obtain their nutrients
from the egg yolk and not from the mother?

A Ovipary
B Ovovivipary
C Vivipary
D Cleavage

1.1.8 The number of chromatids found making up a pair of homologous

chromosomes are

A two.
B four.
C one.
D eight.

1.1.9 The following two chemical substances found in the seeds of plants
have either a stimulatory or an inhibitory effect on the germination of

The chemical substances referred to are

A auxins and abscisic acid.

B auxins and gibberellins.
C gibberellins and abscisic acid.
D gibberellins and the growth hormone.

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1.1.10 The concentric circles X, Y and Z indicate different blood sugar

concentrations as indicated in the key below.

The dotted line on the chart below shows the variations in the blood
sugar level of a person for one day.


Blood Sugar Concentration

X 70 milligrams per 100 millilitres

Y 90 milligrams per 100 millilitres
Z 110 milligrams per 100 millilitres

From this data we can infer that the

A person drank glucose at 14:00.

B person was active at 10:00.
C persons pancreas began to secrete more glucagon at
D persons pancreas began to secrete more insulin at 16:00.
(10 x 2) (20)

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1.2 Provide the correct biological term for each of the following descriptions. Write
only the term next to the question number ( in your ANSWER BOOK.

1.2.1 The type of development in birds where the offspring are born
small and helpless

1.2.2 A duct that carries spermatozoa from the epididymis to the

seminal vesicle

1.2.3 The part of the brain that enables you to understand what you

1.2.4 The jelly-like substance found in the space between the lens
and the retina

1.2.5 Structure found in the middle piece of a sperm cell, providing

energy for movement

1.2.6 A layer of gas in the stratosphere that absorbs harmful ultra-

violet rays

1.2.7 Points where chromatids of homologous chromosomes overlap

to exchange genes

1.2.8 The disease that occurs in the brain, causing permanent

memory loss (8)

1.3 Indicate whether each of the statements in COLUMN I apply to A ONLY, B

ONLY, BOTH A and B or NONE of the items in COLUMN II. Write A only, B
only, both A and B, or NONE next to the question number ( in the

1.3.1 A nuclear division that occurs A Meiosis
to form somatic cells B Mitosis
1.3.2 Specialised cells inside the A Cells of Leydig
seminiferous tubules that play B Cells of Sertoli
a role in the nutrition of newly
formed spermatozoa
1.3.3 Having access to enough food A Food security
on a regular basis, so as to B Food sampling
ensure healthy living
1.3.4 A visual disorder which is A Long-sightedness
corrected with biconcave B Short-sightedness
(diverging) lenses
1.3.5 Could reduce quality of water A Mining
B Excessive use of inorganic
fertilizers (10)

1.4 The diagrams below represent parts of the human eye and ear.
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Part of human eye

Part of human ear

Give the LETTER and the NAME of the part which:

1.4.1 Protects the delicate inner layers of the eye (2)

1.4.2 Converts sound stimuli to nerve impulses (2)

1.4.3 Passes vibrations from the inner ear back to the middle ear, to
prevent sound reflection (2)

1.4.4 Regulates the amount of light entering the eye (2)

1.4.5 Assists in maintaining equal pressure on either side of the

tympanum (2)

1.4.6 Conducts impulses to the cerebellum (2)



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2.1 Read the passage below.

On 9 May, 2013, the daily mean concentration of carbon dioxide in the

atmosphere measured at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, surpassed 400
parts per million for the first time since measurements began in 1958.

One of the major contributors was the increase in deforestation.

[Adapted from]

2.1.1 Besides deforestation, mention any TWO other natural sources that
contribute to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere. (2)

2.1.2 State TWO ways in which human activities add carbon dioxide to
the atmosphere. (2)

2.1.3 Explain how afforestation (to cover with forests) will contribute to
decreased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (2)

2.1.4 Describe the negative impact of the rise in the carbon dioxide
concentration in the atmosphere on the greenhouse effect. (2)

2.2 Study the diagram below that illustrates the position of two endocrine
glands in the human body.

Position of 2 endocrine glands

2.2.1 Label part A. (1)

2.2.2 State ONE function of gland B. (1)

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2.2.3 Describe the interaction between the glands marked A and B

respectively that will ensure increased heat production when
necessary. (5)

2.3 Study the graph below that shows the relative concentration of two
hormones affecting the menstrual cycle of woman.

A Womans Menstrual Cycle

Concentration (arbitrary units)




2.3.1 Which hormones concentration peaks during ovulation? (1)

2.3.2 Describe the effect that a high concentration of the hormone

mentioned in QUESTION 2.3.1 have in the female body. (3)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
2.3.3 What evidence is there in the graph that suggests that
fertilization did not occur? (2)

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Oestrogen and progesterone are not only involved with the menstrual cycle but
also during pregnancy (gestation), as illustrated in the graph below.

Hormone levels during gestation

Concentration (arbitrary units)


0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40

Gestation Period (weeks)


2.3.4 Explain why it is not possible for a womans body to produce an

ovum during gestation. (3)

2.3.5 What happens to the progesterone level during birth? (1)

2.3.6 Explain your answer in QUESTION 2.3.5 (2)


2.4 Describe oogenesis. (5)

2.5 The following questions are based on a reflex arc.

2.5.1 Define a reflex action. (2)

2.5.2 Name the THREE neurons involved in the reflex action in the
correct sequence starting from the time a stimulus is received. (3)

2.5.3 As a result of an accident a person was unable to detect the high

temperature of a stove plate although he was able to bend his

Which neuron in the reflex arc got damaged during the accident? (1)

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2.5.4 Explain why it is an advantage to have myelin sheaths around

the axons of neurons involved in a reflex action. (2)


3.1 Read the passage below which deals with methane emissions around the world.

Methane is the primary component of natural gas, but is at the same

time, also a major greenhouse gas (GHG).

Methane is released (emitted) during the production and transport of

coal, natural gas and oil. Emissions also result from livestock and other
agricultural practices and from the decay of organic waste and certain
waste water treatment systems.

The global warming potential is 25 times greater than CO 2.

[Adapted from]

3.1.1 According to the information in the passage, what can be

regarded as a danger of methane? (1)

3.1.2 Describe to what extent certain municipalities in South Africa

could use the decay of organic waste emitting methane to their
advantage. (2)

The table below shows the estimated percentage of global methane

emissions for 2010 from different sources.

Estimated Global Methane Emissions by different sources.

Source of emission % Contribution

Agriculture (manure) 4
Coal mining 6
Landfills 11
Oil and gas 20
Waste water 9
Other sources X
[Adapted from]

3.1.3 (a) Calculate the value of X. Show all the calculations. (2)

(b) Draw a pie chart that will represent the information as

illustrated in the table above. (6)

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3.2 The diagram below illustrates unequal growth of the tip of a stem towards
a stimulus.


Part of the tip of a stem

3.2.1 State the growth response shown in the diagram. (1)

3.2.2 Name the chemical substance in the stem that plays a role in the
unequal growth of the tip of the stem. (1)

3.2.3 Describe the role of the chemical substance mentioned in

QUESTION 3.2.2 on the growth of the stem as shown in the
diagram above. (7)

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3.3 The diagram below illustrates the circulation of blood in the uterus wall of a
pregnant woman. The arrows show the direction of blood flow.

3.3.1 Identify A as the region where the exchange of substances

Mothers Blood Sinuses

between the mothers body and the developing foetus takes
place. (1)

3.3.2 Identify B as the structure in which there is a vein and two

Foetal Capillaries (1)

3.3.3 Tabulate TWO differences in the composition of the blood in the

vein and in an artery found in structure B. (5)

Developing Foetus

Circulation of blood in the uterus wall of a pregnant woman

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3.4 Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow:

Spinal Cord

Diagram of human brain

Explain each of the following observations by referring to the labelled

parts of the brain.

3.4.1 Damage to the part of the brain labelled B might result in

death, even if all the other parts of the brain and body are
working. (3)

3.4.2 A blood clot in the right cerebral cortex at the position labelled
A may result in paralysis in the left arm. (2)

3.5 State the name and the function of the receptors found in the:

3.5.1 Utriculus and sacculus. (2)

3.5.2 Ampulla of the semi-circular canals. (2)

3.5.3 Retina. (4)



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Describe how the human body maintains a constant body temperature when a person
is doing strenuous exercise on a hot day and describe the role played by the
hypothalamus to regulate the water content of the body, on a hot day.

Content: (17)
Synthesis: (3)

NOTE: NO marks will be awarded for answers in the form of flow charts,
tables or diagrams.


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