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KsharaSutra Treatment: Introduction,

Indication, Contra Indications

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) and Dr Manasa, BAMS

Haemorrhoids, Fistula-in-ano and Anal fissures are the common embarrassing and painful problems
occurring in the anal region. They dont even allow you to sit at peace for a while.

They keep on annoying you at all times and also stain your bottom with blood, pus and other discharges.
Many people also feel shy expressing these problems and suffer to selves. They are also associated with
many other disorders like inflammatory bowel disease, constipation etc.

Ayurveda provides excellent and highly effective remedies towards these anal disorders. Kshara Sutra is
the best among them.

Kshara Sutra is a minimal invasive Ayurvedic Para-surgical procedure and time-tested Ayurvedic technique
in the management of Anorectal disorders. It is safe, sure and cost effective method of treatment for
fistula-in-ano, haemorrhoids and other sinus diseases.
Though the therapy has been described in Ayurveda by Acharya Sushruta, Charaka and Vagbhata and has
been in practice since centuries, the efficacy of this therapy was re-established by the Dept. of Shalya
Tantra (Ayurvedic surgical science), Banaras Hindu University (BHU) and in later period revalidated by
scientific organizations like CCRAS and ICMR. This technique is successfully being practiced in India and
other countries towards effectively combating the ano-rectal disorders.

Meaning of Kshara Sutra

Kshara means alkali
Sutra means thread

Kshara Sutra means thread smeared or impregnated with herbal alkalis. In this procedure, Kshara Sutra or
the alkali thread is inserted and knotted into the fistula, pile mass, sinus in anal region or fistula in anal
region and left in place for few days. The alkali, by the virtue of its intense and deep penetrating action and
by the virtue of its hot potency, burns the pathological area (cauterization effect) and eliminates them from
the base. Thus, Kshara Sutra is supposed to be one-shot and permanent remedy for these ailing anal
conditions, of course with a good follow up and maintenance.

Kshara sutra comes from the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. It is highly effective remedy for these disorders.
It has been practiced for ages and has provided relief to millions of people.

Indications of Kshara Sutra

Kshara Sutra is an effective remedy for the below mentioned conditions:

Bhagandara Fistula-in-ano or anal fistula

Arshas Piles or haemorrhoids
Nadi Vrana Pilonidal sinus
Sentinel piles
Rectal polyps
Anal Polyps
Anal warts

Contraindications of Kshara sutra

Contraindications of Kshara are the contraindications of ksharasutra. Kshara sutra should not be done in the
presence of the below said conditions

Pitta prakopa Pitta vitiation

Rakta kopa vitiation of blood
Abala vata diminished vata
Jwara fever
Atisara diarrhoea
Hrut roga diseases of the heart
Murdha roga diseases of the head
Pandu liver disorders, anaemia
Aruchi anorexia
Timira blindness, dimness of vision
Kruta samshuddha in those who have been administered with Panchakarma therapies recently
(cleansing treatments)
Sarvagata shwayathu swelling all over the body
Bheeru patients who have fear, cowards
Garbhini pregnant woman
Rutumati woman in menstruation (during monthly periods)
Udavrutta phala yonishu displacement of vagina or uterus in woman
Ajeerne anne indigestion of food
Shishu children, infants
Vruddha old aged people
Dhamani marma sandhishu over the arteries, blood vessels, joints and vital parts and organs
Taruna asthi on cartilages
Siraa on blood vessels, veins
Snayu on ligaments
Sevani on sutures of the body
Gala on the throat
Nabhi over the navel region
Alpa mamsa desha over the areas of body where there is less muscles or less protected by muscles
Vrushana over the testes
Medhra over the penis
Srotas in the passages of the body (orifices)
Nakhantare into the interior of nails
Aksha roga in the eye diseases (except diseases of eyelids)
Sheeta on cold days
Varsha on rainy days
Ushna summer
Durdina cloudy days

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