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11 Evaporative cooling

Evaporative cooling is a popular and intuitive Where m is the mass of vapour and K is a
mechanism for explaining the Mpemba effect, proportionality constant, which depends on
which causes a liquid (water in this case) to the surface area; and other variables assumed
vaporise at its exposed surface. This results in to be constant.
faster cooling and a mass loss in the
remaining liquid. The rate of evaporation By combining equations and , the
increases for increasing temperatures where following equation is produced:
it reaches its maximum at the boiling point
100C for water. [Cite] = ( ) (3)

Therefore water at a higher initial
The latent heat - , the specific heat capacity
temperature will have a greater mass loss
- and the vapour pressure - , vary with
throughout its cooling process than water at a
temperature and hence are implicitly
lower initial temperature; where the effects
functions of temperature. The vapour
of evaporation and mass loss are negligible
pressure varies with values ranging from
[cite]. In his paper The Freezing of Hot and
to [cite]
Cold Water, G. P. Kell provided an explanation
of how evaporation can allow hot water to In addition to this equation Kell describes the
cool and freeze faster than cold water: freezing process where the loss of heat (and
mass loss) due to vaporization is provided by
If equal masses are taken at two starting
the latent heat released in the liquid to ice
temperatures, more rapid evaporation from
phase transition:
the hotter one may diminish its mass enough
to compensate for the greater temperature = (1)
range it must cover to reach freezing [Kell].
Where Lf is the latent heat of fusion (due to
Kell claims that the cooling (and freezing) freezing) and M is the mass of ice formed.
process of water inside wooden pails is partly
Newtonian and partly by evaporation. Kell The temperature of the body of water, T0, is
argues that at sufficiently high temperatures now the temperature at which water begins
evaporation is more important. Kell assumes to freeze i.e. its freezing point. The mass loss
that the loss of heat (enthalpy) for the body of for the freezing process is still given by
water is solely due to the latent heat of equation where the vapour pressure, is
vaporization of water. now evaluated at the freezing point, T0.

= (1) Kell solves these equations by integrating

numerically using a computer program. The
calculations for a unit mass at different
temperatures shows that evaporative cooling
can explain why hot water cools (and freezes)
In addition he assumes that the rate of faster than cold water.
change of mass of water vapour is
Fig. 3 shows the graph produced by Kell
proportional to the difference in vapour
showing the cooling (a and c) and the freezing
pressure, Pv and the surrounding ambient
times (b and d) against the initial temperature
pressure of the air, Pa. of the body of water using Kells model. The
observed maxima occurring at and for a
= ( ) (2) non-zero ambient (partial) pressure; indicates

that increasing the temperature past this
maxima causes both the freezing and cooling Walker also supports Kells model, claiming
times to decrease hence for this temperature that his own experiments appear to be in line
interval the mpemba effect is predicted to with Kells calculations. [Walker] However,
occur. some of Walkers results had large deviations
from the expected results, despite most of the
As seen in fig. the cooling (and freezing)
results being reproducible [Walker, Jeng].
times for the temperatures and are the
One of the main issues concerning the role of
roughly equal. This shows that if the two
evaporative cooling in the Mpemba effect
initial temperatures are less than (or equal) to
concerns the mass loss predicted by Kells
the temperature corresponding to maximum
cooling (or freezing) time; or if the two initial
temperatures are too wide apart i.e. one Many experimenters have claimed that the
temperature below the maxima and one amount of mass-loss measured is not
above, then the model predicts that no sufficient for evaporative cooling to solely
Mpemba-Effect will be observed. explain the Mpemba effect. [Bregovic, JH
Thomas, Ibekwe, Brownridge, Mpemba,
R.P.Gamage and S.R.D.Rosa, Elizabeth H.
Oakes, Auerbach] This was the case for
Osbourne, who only reported a mass loss of
up to 6%. Osbourne ruled out the role of
evaporation as a valid explanation for the
Mpemba effect. [Osbourne, Mind on Ice]

However, there is much variation in the mass

loss reported by different experiments [cite];
this could be due to the different factors that
affect the evaporation rate, for example the
surface area of the exposed water, the shape
of the containers. [Jeng, Firth, Walker].
Thomas reported that in his experiments none
of the samples of water reduced their mass by
more than 3.0% regardless of the initial
temperature. [Joseph H. Thomas, 2007]
Fig. - Cooling and freezing time, maxima
for vacuum pressure and not vacuum. He argues that such a small mass reduction
would require a very large difference in the
Kells model predicts that water initially at thermal energy transfer to explain the
100oC will lose 16% of its mass throughout difference in freezing times on the order of
the cooling process (cooling to 0oC) and an thousands of seconds [Joseph H. Thomas,
additional 10% mass loss after it has comp- 2007]. Freeman reported a more optimistic
letely frozen. Kell verified the mass loss mass loss of 10% for water cooling from 100oC
predicted by his model using dewar flasks and a mass loss of 1% for an initial
containing water at 88oC and 61oC with an temperature of 20oC. However, he claims that
equal mass of 1550 g. Kell showed that when for this amount of mass loss that Kells model
the warmer water cooled to 39oC it had a is not applicable to this experimental
mass of 1440 g. These results were consistent situation. [Freeman]
with the predicted mass of 1430 g (within
experimental precision of the measurements)
computed from Kells model. [Kell]
The disagreement in the mass loss predicted Freeman compared the freezing times for a
by Kells model compared with measurements plastic and aluminium beaker with the same
by other experimenters can be partly dimensions. Freeman observed no Mpemba
explained by the assumptions made in Kells effect for either beaker but noted that the
model. Kells model is a lumped mass model, aluminium beaker froze 30% faster than the
which assumes the temperature to be plastic beaker. [Freeman] A more important
uniform throughout the body of water. quantity to observe the effects of
[Vynnycky]. This implies that the water has no evaporation, is the ratio between the surface
variation in temperature and hence no area of the exposed water and the sides of
temperature gradients within the water. the container. [Walker]
[Firth] The model neglects the effects of
Walker suggests that there might be a
conduction and convection [Vynnycky], which
particular advantageous ratio that might
rely on temperature gradients within the
enhance the Mpemba effect. [Walker]
water and at the boundaries - the container.
This might also explain why the Mpemba
In addition, Kell assumes there is no heat loss effect may not be observed when using less
through the sides of the container - the favourable ratios. Walker noted that a beaker
water is assumed to be in a container with with double the surface area (compared with
adiabatic walls without a lid. [Vynnycky] a smaller beaker) resulted in a greater rate of
Kell argues that hot water will only freeze evaporation. This suggests that evaporation
faster than cold water when using wooden will have a greater advantage over the heat
pails since metal pails lose too much heat. loss through the sides of the
[Kell] This might be one explanation why the container.[Walker]
effect is not commonly observed and
Therefore, Kells model becomes valid for
understood since most are metal pails. [Kell]
large exposed surface areas [Freeman],
One possible explanation suggested by Firth is
[Balazovic], where evaporation dominates
that wood has a much lower thermal
over heat losses by/at the container. The
conductivity than metal [Firth] [textbook],
Effects of evaporation can be further
and thus has less heat loss at the sides of the
restricted or eliminated entirely by placing a
container as compared to the metal pails.
lid on a container or by adding a thin layer of
This is further supported in Kells experiment, oil over the water. [Freeman] [Firth][Walker]
which uses dewar flasks with a low thermal [Jeng] This could indicate whether evapor-
conductivity [Firth]. This suggests that the ation has a necessary role in causing the
Mpemba effect may be more likely to occur Mpemba effect. If the Mpemba effect were
with containers of low thermal conductivity. It observed with restricted evaporation or
is evident that the effects of heat loss through completely eliminated; this would suggest
the sides could be an important factor in that evapor-ation is not the sole explanation
observing the Mpemba effect. Walker claims for the Mpemba effect.
that faster conduction through the walls and
The Mpemba effect was observed in a closed
the bottom of the container may diminish the
container by Worciejowski et al., whom
importance of evaporation [Walker]
attributed the Mpemba effect to dissolved
The effects of heat loss through the container solutes [Worciejowski]. However Jeng argues
can be investigated by using: that this does not disprove the role of
evaporation in the Mpemba effect; since
1. Containers with different amounts of
Worciejowskis experiment is the only
thermal insulation [Jeng] [Walker]
experiment that has observed the Mpemba
2. Containers made from different
materials [Walker], [Jeng] effect with a closed container.
A considerable amount of study into the role In addition the insufficient mass loss
of evaporation in the Mpemba effect has measured by many experimenters makes
been presented where other authors, critics Kells model not applicable to these cases,
have simply dismissed due to insufficient most notably with Mpembas original
mass loss. [Bregovic, Burridge] Kells experiments. [Osbourne cool, mind on ice]
calculations predict the Mpemba effect to
Arguably, there is no unique explanation that
occur from evaporative cooling for specific
different explanations for different
conditions mass loss of 16% in the cooling
process, in containers with low thermal
conductivity e.g. wooden pails, dewar flasks. This is only one model proposed by Kell can
However these assumptions made by Kells be extended to 1D, 2D, 3D beyond lumped
model make it limited in applicability. [Kell] mass model to account for non uniform
temperatures (greater)

Other heat transfer mechanisms can be

incorporated that could accelerate the
effects. More pronounced maxima and mass

Kells model does not apply to Mpembas

original experiments. Kells model is too
limited not general need an explanation that
applies to more circumstances.

Convection other effects could be included

to further boost the effects of the

1D, 2D or 3D models could be applied which

explain the role of temperature gradients
furthermore predict a lower mass loss and
more prominent maximum in the cooling-time
for initial temp.
1. No heat loss at sides of the container predict less mass needed to produce
Kells model describes effects of wooden effect or more pronounced effects
pails metal pails lose too much heat. greater curvature in the maxima.
2. Firth low thermal conductivity of wood
3. Walker heat loss diminishes effects of
evaporation. Does the mpemba effect need a specific
4. Sensitive interplay between the effects explanation.
of evaporation and heat loss at the sides
of the containers. Difficult problem isolating effects or not a
single parameter/mechanism responsible.
5. Walker effects of ratio of surface areas. Convective hot top.
- Firth experiments on different ratios
increase the effects of evaporation mass Not a single mechanism is responsible
loss multiple different mechanisms may validly
- Kells model becomes valid for large explain the same effect in different
exposed surface areas (freeman, balazovic) contexts/circumstances Kells model
- The Effects of evaporation can be provides one circumstance although not very
restricted or eliminated lid on container, general where evaporation is the driving force
oil film or other methods (firth, /mechanism.
jeng,walker, freeman). Jearl walker claims that faster conduction
6. The following arguments have outlined through the walls and the bottom of the
kells assumptions and the cases when container may diminish the importance of
the model are justified. evaporation
7. Sensitive parameters such as the ratio of
areas could indicate a region of golden Such assumptions are consistent with Kells
ratios were kells model is valid and motivations for explaining how the mpemba
indeed the mpemba effect can occur. effect arises from evaporation only.
8. This also suggests why the mpemba
effect is not observed when such
conditions are not met.
9. Many argue kells model does not apply
to Mpembas original experiments.
10. Mpemba effect observed in closed
container by Worciejowksi suggests that
in these cases evaporation does not
have a (significant) role in the effect.
11. Questions - more than one way t0o
explain the mpmeba effect- numerous
ways thermal parameters can combine
to give rise to the effect.
12. Focussed on outlining how one
parameter namely the mass can affect
the cooling of a system by evaporation.
13. Effects could be amplified by other
effects [jeng], vyynycky on lack of other
models could be improved by
assuming 1D,2D,3D models,
temperature gradients. This may
-We have only looked at one model limited
theoretical and experimental model.

Coupled effects of evaporation with other

heat transfers- difficult to isolate could
eliminate the conditions for mpemba effect to
occur some proposed arguments for how to
isolate the effects of evaporation jeng,
freeman, and firth.

Coupled effects ratio of areas, different

containers jeng etc.



- Mpemba effect has also been observed in

closed containers with no evaporation [9].
Wojciechovski B, Owczarek I and Bednarz G
1988 Freezing of aqueous solutions containing
gases Cryst. Res. Technol

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