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IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)

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Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2017 ISSN 2321-5992

Priority Based Eavesdropping Attack

Prevention in Wireless Sensor Networks
(M.Tech , Computer Networks and Information Security, G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science,
Hyderabad, India
Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science,
Hyderabad, India

Industrial networks are increasingly based on open protocols and platforms that are also employed in the IT
industry and Internet environment. In this paper we are going to Introduces a concept of Intercept performance
Analysis of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Eavesdropping Attack. In this paper it produces
the intercept action of an industrial wireless sensor Network , it includes sink node and multiple sensor. Gradually
depending upon the exposed protocols and platforms, the industrial networks are engaged in the IT industry and
internet background. By using wireless channel, Sensor transmitting the sensed information to the sink node
through the wireless channels. Radio wave propagation has transmission concentrate hence wireless transmission
from the sensor to the sensor can be eagerly heard by the eavesdropper for interception functions. Maximum
industries operate wireless networks for interacting the information and data, because of huge cable cost. Most of
the industries use wireless networks for communicating information and data, due to high cable cost. By
considering this, the wireless networks are insecure, which is significant to protect the detracting the instruction and
data at the time of transmission. The difference between the main link and wiretap link of the wireless transmission
is called secrecy capacity, and this secrecy capacity is used to anticipated the eavesdropper at the time of
transmitting the data, if it is intercepted. When the secrecy capacity have exhaust then it considered as a transmitted
data is intercepted. In all industrial area the existence of machinery obstacles, metallic frictions, and engine
vibrations causes the wireless fading variation immensely. This shows the decline of the secrecy capacity. So, to
overcome this problem we are going to introduce a method called optimal sensor scheduling scheme. In this
proposal applying the optimal sensor scheduling scheme a sensor with highest secrecy capacity is chosen and data is
transmitted. Moreover, RC4 encryption and decryption algorithm is enhanced for data while transmission, it
protects the data to long time. And also, the assessment of asymptotic intercept probability is operated in order to
give an to be anticipated into the impression of the sensor scheduling on the wireless security. Numerical results
demonstrate that the projected device planning theme outperforms the standard round-robin scheduling in terms of
the intercept chance.

Index Terms- Intercept Behavior, Wireless Sensor Networks, Eavesdropping Attack, Sensor Scheduling, Round Robin
Algorithm, Encryption Algorithm, Secrecy capacity, Channel capacity.

In industrial WSNs, as a result of the published nature of radio propagation, the wireless medium is hospitable be
accessed by each licensed and unauthorized users, leading WSNs to be a lot of susceptible to the eavesdropping attack
than wired device networks, wherever communication nodes area unit physically connected with wire cables and a node
while not being connected is unable to access for contraband activities. To be specific, as long as AN listener hides
within the industrial WSNs, the legitimate wireless transmissions among the sensors may be pronto overheard by the
listener, which can decode its a broach transmissions and violate the confidentiality of the sensors info
communications. Therefore, it's of importance to research the protection of business WSNs against the eavesdropping
attack. Traditionally, the science techniques were exploited to shield the wireless communications against
eavesdropping, which generally place confidence in secret keys and might stop associate hearer with restricted machine
capability from intercepting the info transmission between wireless sensors. However, associate hearer with unlimited
computing power remains able to crack the encrypted information communications with the help of complete key
search (known because the brute-force attack). Moreover, the key distribution and agreement between the wireless
Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2017 Page 16
IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2017 ISSN 2321-5992

sensors exhibit varied vulnerabilities and more increase the protection risk. to the present finish, physical-layer security
is rising as a promising paradigm for secure communications by exploiting the physical characteristics of wireless
channels, which may effectively shield the confidentiality of communication against the eavesdropping attack, even
with unlimited machine power .

The physical-layer security work was pioneered by Claude Shannon and extended by Wiener, wherever Associate in
Nursing information-theoretic framework was established by developing possible secrecy rates for a classical wiretap
channel model consisting of 1 supply, one destination Associate in Nursing an hearer. the alleged secrecy capability
was shown because the distinction between the data rate of the most link from supply to destination which of the
wiretap link from supply to hearer. If the secrecy capability becomes non-positive(i.e., the data rate of the most link
becomes but that of the wiretap link), the hearer can reach intercepting the supply message Associate in Nursingd an
intercept event is taken into account to occur during this case. this means that increasing the secrecy capability will
effectively decrease the chance that the hearer with success intercepts the supply message. However, the secrecy
capability of wireless transmission is severely restricted owing to the wireless attenuation result. Moreover, the presence
of machinery obstacles, metallic frictions and engine vibrations in industrial environments makes the wireless
attenuation fluctuate drastically, leading to an extra degradation of the secrecy capability.

To overcome this limitation, significant analysis efforts are dedicated to up the secrecy capability of the wireless
transmission through the bogus noise generation. The bogus noise assisted security approaches permit the legitimate
transmitters to get a specifically designed intrusive signal (called artificial noise) such solely the listener is adversely
full of the bogus noise, whereas the supposed receiver remains unaffected. This results in a degradation of the wiretap
link in terms of the data rate while not moving the data rate of the most link, leading to Associate in Nursing raised
secrecy capability. The authors thought of the utilization of multiple antennas for generating the bogus noise and
showed that the quantity of antennas at the legitimate transmitter ought to be over that at the legitimate receiver for the
sake of making certain that the most link is unaffected by the bogus noise. to boot, Gecko investigated the utilization of
cooperative relays for the bogus noise generation and in contestable a major security improvement in terms of the
secrecy capability.

The main contributions of this paper are summarized as follows. First, associate optimum detector programming theme
is projected for shielding the economic wireless transmission against the eavesdropping attack, wherever a detector
with the very best secrecy capability is chosen to transmit its perceived info to the sink. the standard round-robin
programming is additionally thought-about as a benchmark. Second, closed-form expressions of the intercept likelihood
for the standard round-robin programming and also the projected optimum detector programming schemes are derived
in Nakagami attenuation environments. Third, associate straight line intercept likelihood analysis is conducted and the
diversity order of the projected programming theme is shown because the total of Nakagami shaping factors of the most
links from the sensors to the sink. Finally, numerical results show the advantage of the projected detector programming
theme over the standard round-robin programming in terms of the intercept likelihood.

Fig 1: Industrial WSN with source, destination and eavesdropper

Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2017 Page 17

IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2017 ISSN 2321-5992

However, the secrecy capability of wireless transmission is severely restricted owing to the wireless attenuation impact.
Moreover, the presence of machinery obstacles, gold-bearing frictions and engine vibrations in industrial environments
makes the wireless attenuation fluctuate drastically, leading to an extra degradation of the secrecy capability. There by
multiple relay nodes existing, the relay choice for wireless security augmentation, wherever the relay node that may
attain the very best secrecy con to eavesdropping is chosen because the best relay to help the source-destination
transmissions. Traditionally, the science techniques were exploited to safeguard the wireless communications against
eavesdropping, which generally deem secret keys and may forestall associate Attender with unlimited ready to crack the
encrypted information communications with aid key search brute-force attack.

If the secrecy capability becomes non-positive (i.e., the data rate of the main link becomes less than that of the wiretap
link), the snooper can achieve intercepting the supply message and intercept event is taken into account to happens.
More specifically, in industrial WSNs, the wireless channel is difficult as a result of the machinery obstacles, bimetallic
frictions and engine vibrations. This motivates North American country to contemplate the employment of a posh
weakening model for characterizing the economic wireless channel, rather than a less complicated Third Baron
Rayleigh weakening model used. Finally we will improve the physical layer security with exploitation of device
programming theme.

Moreover, the key allocation and contract between the wireless sensors show varied vulnerabilities and advance
increase the safety risk. In this project, we tend to investigated the utilization of device programming to enhance the
physical-layer security of commercial WSNs against the eavesdropping attack associated projected an best device
programming theme, aiming at maximizing the secrecy capability of wireless transmissions from sensors to the sink.

First, improve the wireless physical-layer security with aid of sensing element programming theme. so as to effectively
defend against the eavesdropping attack, the sensing element programming ought to take under consideration the
channel state information (CSI) of each the most channel and wiretap channel, differing from the normal programming
methodology, wherever solely the CSI of main channel is taken into account for the turnout maximization.

Finally, associate degree optimum detector planning theme is projected for safeguarding the commercial wireless
transmission against the eavesdropping attack, wherever a detector with the best secrecy capability is chosen to transmit
its detected info to the sink. the standard round-robin planning is additionally thought-about.

3.1Round Robin Algorithm:

In this proposed technique we are using single antenna, where each network node is assembled with the single antenna.
It is of high interest to extend the results of this paper to a general scenario with multiple antennas for each network
node. Also, we dont treated the requirement of QoS in the sensor scheduling, where all the sensors are assumed with
the same priority and scheduled for data transmissions solely based on this CSI without considering specific QoS
requirements for different sensor data.
In practice, some sensors may have time-critical data with a strict real-time requirement, which should be assigned
with a higher priority than the others in accessing the wireless channel. Hence, it is highly necessary to explore the
QoS guaranteed sensor scheduling, attempting to improve the wireless security while guaranteeing each sensors
specific QoS requirement. Additionally, due to the channel estimation errors, it is impossible to obtain the perfect CSI
knowledge for the sensor scheduling. It is of thus interest to investigate the impact of CSI estimation errors on the
intercept performance of sensor scheduling.

3.2 Optimal Sensor Scheduling:

An optimal sensor scheduling scheme is used to maximize the secrecy capacity of the legitimate transmission.
Naturally, a sensor with the highest secrecy capacity should be chosen and scheduled to transmit its data to the sink.

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IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2017 ISSN 2321-5992

Where, S represents the set of N sensors. It is observed from that the channel state information (CSI) (i.e., |his|2 and
|hie|2) of each sensor is required for determining the optimal sensor, which can be obtained by using classic channel
estimation methods.
More specifically, each sensor may first estimate its own CSI through channel estimation and then transmits the
estimated CSI to the sink. After collecting all the sensors of CSI, the sink can readily determine the optimal
sensor and notify the whole network.
Thus, in the presence of an eavesdropper, the secrecy capacity of legitimate transmissions relying on the
proposed sensor scheduling scheme can be obtained using,

3.3 RC4 Encryption

RC4 is symmetric key and bite-oriented algorithm that encrypts the data and protects classified data message sent to
and from secure websites. RC4 is used in both encryption and unscrambling at the time of information stream practices
XOR composed with a evolution of produced secrets. It is a stream cipher. RC4 is supposed as the most traditionally
used stream figure in the realm of cryptography. It takes in keys of irregular lengths and this is known as a maker of
pseudo subjective numbers. And it is recognized with two different names, for example, the ARC4 and ARCFOUR,
which means Alleged RC4. The striking characteristics which made RC4 popular among the many web enthusiasts are
its rate in the software as well as its simplicity. However, RC4 also has its own weak points just like any other entities
in this kind of technology.
3.4 Modules:
To make our project as efficient we divided our total project into small modules. There are given as below
Sensor Scheduling: The Sensor selection problem is used to arises the when multiple sensors are mutually trying
to estimate a process but only a subset of them can take or it can use measurements at any point of time.
Security: Additionally, the wireless communication are employed by sensor network facilitates eavesdropping and
packet injection by an advisory.

3.5 Packet Formation: In my Project, we have considered the packet with different fields to transfer the data
from source to destination by considering as real time and non real time packet. There are the fields given as bellow.
Source address
Destination address
Packet type
Packet id
Number of packets
Color of the packet
Sending time
Life time
Priority(0 or 1)

By using the source address the destination can find how sent the data. Each node can route the data to specified
destination by using the destination address, and the packet type is used to know whether the packet will be the data or
controlling packet. The color is used to get clear idea while simulation (only for simulation). The sending time and life
time is used to know the ttl value of the packet, The priority field is used to denote the packet which is transferred from
the node is real time or non real time packet. In real time the packet size will be vary according to size of the each field
size, in our project we are assuming that the field will occupy maximum two bytes.

4.1 Packet Delivery Ratio [PDF]:
The Packet Delivery Ratio is based on the received and generated packets as recorded in the trace file. In general, It is
defined as the ratio between the received packets by the destination and the generated packets at the source. By using

Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2017 Page 19

IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2017 ISSN 2321-5992

awk script we can calculate the Packet Delivery Ratio .The awk script processes the trace file and produces the result.
Formula: Packet Delivery Ratio = Received packets/Generated packets*100;

4.2 Overhead:
Routing Overhead is used for how many packets are required for network communication. It is calculated by using the
awk script. The awk script processes the trace file and produces the result. It includes the overhead of routing process,
routing table and packet preparation in a sensor node. The x-axis the represents time and y-axis represents the
Formula: Routing Overhead = Forwarded packets/Required packets*100

In this paper, we tend to investigated the employment of sensing element planning to improve the physical-layer
security of commercial WSNs against the eavesdropping attack and projected an optimal sensor scheduling theme,
aiming at increasing the secrecy capacity of wireless transmissions from sensors to the sink. We additionally thought-
about the traditional round-robin scheduling as a benchmark. We tend to derived precise closed-form expressions of the
intercept chance for each the traditional round-robin planning and therefore the projected optimum planning schemes
in Nakagami fading environments. A straight line intercept probability analysis was additionally bestowed to
characterize the adversity gains of the round-robin planning and therefore the optimal sensor planning schemes.
Numerical results demonstrated that the projected optimum planning theme performs better than the traditional round-

Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2017 Page 20

IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2017 ISSN 2321-5992

robin planning in terms of the intercept chance. additionally, upon increasing the number of sensors, the intercept
chance of the projected optimal sensor planning theme considerably decreases, showing the physical-layer security
sweetening of commercial WSNs.

In the proposed paper, we only inspected the single-antenna circumstance, where all network node is equipped with the
single antenna. It is of high interest to extend the results of this paper to a general scenario with multiple antennas for
each network node. In this proposed paper by using Round robin scheme we can calculate the average time delay and
average distance, when the data is transferring from sender to receiver. And it gives security protection from this
nobody can steal the data.

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Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2017 Page 21

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