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The set of integers consists of 0 (the point of reference), the numbers to its right (the positive integers), and the
numbers to its left (the negative integers).
For clarity, a positive number is written with a plus sign and a negative number with a minus sign. It is because
of this that the integers are also called signed numbers.
Positive integers are usually written without a sign.

Number Line and Absolute Value A number line is a straight line that extends infinitely in either direction, on
which real numbers are represented as points.

As you move to the right on a number line, the values increase.

Conversely, as you move to the left, the values decrease.

Zero separates the positive numbers (to the right of zero) and the negative numbers (to the left of zero). Zero is
neither positive nor negative.
The absolute value of a number is just the number without its sign or the distance away from zero. It is written as
two vertical lines.

Odd and Even Odd and even applies only to integers. There are no odd or even non-integer numbers. Put simply,
even numbers are integers that are divisible by 2, and odd numbers are integers that are divisible by 2.
If the last digit is even, then the integer is even.
If the last digit is odd, then the integer is odd.

Rules for Odds and Evens:

Odd + Odd = Even Odd x Odd = Odd
Even + Even = Even Even x Even = Even
Odd + Even = Odd Odd x Even = Even
You can easily establish these rules when you need them by picking sample numbers.

Addition and Subtraction of Integers

To add two numbers having the same sign, find the sum of their absolute values and prefix the common sign.
3 + 4 = + (3 + 4) = +9
-3 + -4= -(|-3| + |-4|) = - ( 3 + 4) = -7

To add two numbers with different signs, get the different signs, get the difference of their absolute values and
prefix the sign of the number having the greater absolute value.

12 + (-5) = 12 - |-5| = + ( 12 5 ) = +7
4 + (-14) = 4 - |-14| = -(14 4) = -10
To subtract integers, we convert the operation in terms of addition then use the rules above. The relationship
between addition and subtraction is:
If a and b are any two integers, a b = a + (-b)
2 11 = 2 + (-11) = -9
8 (-3) = 8 + [-(-3)] = 8 + 3 = 11

a. Perform the indicated operations
1. 23 + (-8) 6. -14 (-19) 12. 15 + 13 + (-34)
2. 35 + (-17) 7. -22 (-13) 13. 27 + (-15) + (-7)
3. -26 + 14 8. 21 35 14. -17 + 9 + (-15)
4. -37 + 25 9. 31 (-7) 15. -23 (-27) + 7
5. -25 + (-13) 10. -18 (-9) 16. 46 35 (-7)
6. 12 20 11. 9 + (-11) 17. -25 + 17 + (-9)
b. Classify each of the following statements as true or false. Give the reasons for your answers
1. -3 9 = -(3+9) 6. 5 + (-6) = 5 - 6
2. 3 9 = (9-3) 7. 11 + (-3) = -3 + 11
3. -4 + 8 = -(4 + 8) 8. -8 4 = -(8+4)
4. 5 7 = -(7 + 5) 9. 12 + 8 = -(-12 8)
5. (7 + 5) = -7 5 10. -4 + 10 = -(10 4)

c. Which of the following pairs of numbers is greater? By how much is it greater than the other number?
1. 0 , 12 4. 12 , 0 7. 1 , -1001
2. -3 , -6 5. -10 , 0 8. 10 , -10.01
3. -8 , -11 6. -4 , -13 9. -2001 , -2007
d. What must be added to:
1. +7 to give -5 4. +1 to give -25
2. -7 to give -16 5. -4 to give -12
3. 11 to give -23 6. -5 to give +35
e. What must be subtracted from:
1. +5 to give -9 4. +6 to give +30
2. -5 to give +9 5. -27 to give -14
3. -12 to give +25 6. +18 to give -21
f. Use signed numbers to solve each problem
1. From 11:00 AM to noon, the temperature rose by 2o Celsius; at noon it became cloudy so that by 1:00
PM the temperature had dropped by 1o Celsius. The next hour, it rose by 3o Celsius. What was the net
result of the temperature changes from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM?
2. Pete borrowed P45 on Monday and returned P25 on Wednesday. How much did Pete still owe?
3. The top of a building is considered as 0 distance. A ball thrown up rose 55 meters before it started
falling. What signed number can represent its position after it has dropped by 65 meters?

Multiplication and Division of Integers

When multiplying integers, the following rules apply:
The product of two integers with like signs is positive.
5(12) = +60 (-5)(-3) = +15
The product of two integers with different signs is negative.
-5(12) = -60 5(-3) = -15
When dividing integers, the following rules apply:
The quotient of two integers with like signs is positive
+20 (+4) = +5 -(20) (-4) = +5
The quotient of two integers with unlike signs is negative
-20 (+4) = -5 +20 (-4) = -5

a. Multiply the following.
1. (-25)(-30) 6. 5(-3)(-4) 11. (-5)3
2. 48(-6) 7. (-7)(-6)(-5) 12. (-3)4
3. (-7)(-12) 8. (8)(-2)(-15) 13. (-2)5
4. (6)(18) 9. (-4)(-8)(-3) 14. (-2)3(-3)3
5. (-9)(-40) 10. (-5)(-2)(-9) 15. (-5)2(-3)3
b. Perform the indicated operations
1. (-75) (-5) h. 120 (-20) + (-4) (-1)
2. 63 9 i. (-63) (-3) + 48 (-12)
3. 55 (-5) j. {100 (-5} (-45 9)
4. 72 (-8) k. (-240) (40) + 84 7
5. -84 (-6) l. 150 (-30) (-24) (3)
6. -96 8 m. (-88) 4 + 6(-2)
7. (-180) (-30) n. 450 (-9) + (-8)(-9)
c. Perform the indicated operations. Apply PEMDAS rule.
1. {3 (6 2 + 7) (2 + 16 4 x 3)}
2. 2 {15 8(2 + 6 x 3) 4[5 2 + 3 (-1)]}
3. -2{16 2 + 4 x 3] + 2 (-14 8)
4. -12{1 (-1 + 4 2 x 3) (-15 5 + 2)}
5. 2 7{-4(6 12 4) + 3(16 9 3 + 5)}
d. Solve each problem
1. The sum of two integers is 0. The difference of the same two integers is 12. What are the two
2. A frog was at the bottom of a 12-metre hole. Each day it climbed up 3 meters but slid back 2 meters.
How many days will it take the frog to get out of the hole?
3. Insert one pair of parenthesis in the following mathematical sentence to make it a true statement.
-5 x -4 + -3 - -2 - -1 = 26
4. On the number line, how many steps, each 3 units long, are required to move from the graph of -2
to the graph of +13?
5. On the number line, how many steps, each 4 units long, are required to move from the graph of +3
to the graph of -17?
6. The Fahrenheit temperature readings each morning during a certain week were: 15o, 3 o, -2 o,-5 o,-7
,-3 o,+6 o. Find the average temperature.
7. The following daily net changes in the price of a certain stock were observed in the course of a
week: -1, -3, +2, 0, +12. Find the average daily net change in price for the week.

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