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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur 603 203



Regulation 2013
Academic Year 2017 18

Prepared by
Mr. G. Kumaresan, Assistant Professor/CSE
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur 603203.


SEM / YEAR: VII Semester / IV Year


XML document structure Well formed and valid documents Namespaces DTD XML Schema
Qn. BT
No. Questions Level Competence
1 Define XML. BTL1 Remembering
2 What is meant by element and attributes in xml? Describe with
example. BTL2 Understanding
3 Demonstrate the meaning of namespace in XML. BTL3 Applying
4 List out the rules of xml structure. BTL1 Remembering
5 Assess XPATH and mention its syntax BTL5 Evaluating
6 Describe Entity reference with an example. BTL2 Understanding
7 Analyze the DTD drawbacks. BTL4 Analysing
8 Identify what is well formed and valid document. BTL1 Remembering
9 Illustrate DTD and write the syntax for it. BTL3 Applying
10 Explain the DTD attributes types. BTL4 Analysing
11 Distinguish between XML and HTML. BTL2 Understanding
12 Mention the software that are required to develop to install the X-Files
application. BTL6 Creating
13 List the building blocks of XML document structure. BTL1 Remembering
14 Evaluate XSD BTL5 Evaluating
15 Define Xml Declaration and mention its components. BTL1 Remembering
16 Give a code snippet for simple XML document. BTL2 Understanding
17 How to prepare the X-Files application using Java servlets. BTL6 Creating
18 Define Document type declaration and mention its components. BTL1 Remembering
19 Illustrate the various DTD element rules. BTL3 Applying
20 Analyze the XML predefined entities. BTL4 Analysing
1 Describe in detail about XML document Structure.
i. XML decleration (4)
ii. The document type decleration (4)
iii. Element data and Attribute data (4)
iv. Character data or XML content (4) BTL1 Remembering
2 Give an XML program for storing book details. (16) BTL2 Understanding
3 Examine in detail about DTD.
i. DTD elements and DTD element rules. (8)
ii. DTD element symbols and attributes. (8) BTL1 Remembering
4 Illustrate how to transform XML documents to other forms. (16) BTL3 Applying
5 i. Explain in detail how to represent data types in XML Schema.(8)
ii. Explain with example how to represent data types in XML Schema. (8) BTL4 Analyzing
6 Discuss in detail about Form Navigation with an example. (16) BTL2 Understanding
7 Describe in detail about XML schema. (16) BTL1 Remembering
8 i. Differentiate between internal and external DTD .(8)
ii. Classify the architecture of the X-Files application .(8) BTL4 Analyzing
9 Examine what is the main role of XPath in selecting the XML Data.(16) BTL3 Applying
10 Describe in detail about XFILES
i. XPath. (8)
ii. XPointer and XLink. (8) BTL1 Remembering
11 Summarize in detail the steps to display XML data on browser. (16) BTL2 Understanding
12 i. Illustrate about XML. (8)
ii. Describe how to Create HTML Documents with the help of XML. (8) BTL3 Applying
13 Deduce how to create a XML DTD for displaying student details. (16) BTL5 Evaluating
14 Develop a program for Library Management System using XML
Schema. (16) BTL6 Creating


Parsing XML using DOM, SAX XML Transformation and XSL XSL Formatting Modeling
Databases in XML
1 Define DOM. BTL1 Remembering
2 Give the disadvantages of DOM. BTL2 Understanding
3 Describe the need of DOM. BTL1 Remembering
4 Distinguish between DOM and SAX. BTL2 Understanding
5 Tell the steps in parsing XML document using DOM. BTL1 Remembering
6 List DOM Levels. BTL1 Remembering
7 Describe SAX. BTL2 Understanding
8 Identify what is Core DOM. BTL1 Remembering
9 What is Range? List out the range Interfaces. BTL1 Remembering
10 Illustrate the disadvantages of SAX. BTL3 Applying
11 Interpret what is XERCES. BTL2 Understanding
12 Show what XSLT is. BTL3 Applying
13 Illustrate the disadvantages of JAXB. BTL4 Analysing
14 Point out where XSLT can be used? BTL4 Analysing
15 Demonstrate the meaning of JAXB. BTL3 Applying
16 Explain how XSLT works? BTL4 Analysing
17 What is XSL:if ? Support with an example for it. BTL5 Evaluating
18 How do you create a DAO? BTL6 Creating
19 Summarize the steps in creating JAXB solution. BTL5 Evaluating
20 Write the steps involved in steps involved in creating database in. XML BTL6 Creating
1 i. Describe in detail about DOM ore and Interfaces. (8)
ii. DOM Traversal and Range with example. (8) BTL1 Remembering
2 i. Discuss what are steps in modeling database in XML? (8)
ii. Discuss with example about modeling database in XML. (8) BTL2 Understanding
3 Describe in detail about various XSL tags with an example. (16) BTL2 Understanding
4 Examine in detail about parsing XML using SAX. (16) BTL1 Remembering
5 Give an example to demonstrate the uses of DefaultHandler to SAX-
parser and XML document to perform mapping of xml to model class and
generate list of objects. (16) BTL2 Understanding
6 i. Describe in detail about XSLT for document publishing. (8)
ii. Describe in detail about XSLT processor. (8) BTL1 Remembering
7 Explain in detail about the following terms in XSL-FO
i. XSL-FO formatting engines. (8)
ii. Basic document structure. (8) BTL1 Remembering
8 Demonstrate how the template based Transformation achieved with the
help of XSLT. (16) BTL3 Applying
9 Explain the different possibility of writing XML processing rules with
XSLT. (16) BTL5 Evaluating
10 i. Explain in detail about DOM Parser(8)
ii. Explain the XML representation of a relational database with
example of a single database with two table.(8) BTL4 Analyzing
11 Show the difference between DOM and SAX XML Parser XSL FO
(XSLFO) example with font attributes introduced above Borders,
Padding, and Background. (16) BTL3 Applying
12 i. Demonstrate in detail about various XSL tags with an
ii. Point out the DOM XML Parser with Example how to get the
node by name, and display the value.(8) BTL4 Analyzing
13 What way a namespace in the XML document or the schema document
affects validation? Illustrate it with an example. (16) BTL3 Applying
14 Create a code to populate an Employee objects to DOM -parser using an
xml content. (16) BTL6 Creating


Characteristics of SOA, Comparing SOA with Client-Server and Distributed architectures Benefits of
SOA- - Principles of Service orientation Service layers

1 Define SOA. BTL1 Remembering
2 Describe how SOA address the issues that arise in a client-server
architecture. BTL2 Understanding
3 Illustrate the components of automation logic. BTL3 Applying
4 Classify the types of service autonomy. BTL4 Analyzing
5 Compare Abstract and Concrete description. BTL2 Understanding
6 Define application architecture. BTL1 Remembering
7 List any 4 principles of service orientation. BTL1 Remembering
8 How do components in an SOA inter- relate? Express it
diagrammatically. BTL2 Understanding
9 Define enterprise architecture. BTL1 Remembering
10 Distinguish SOA from distributed internet architecture. BTL2 Understanding
11 Show the different levels of Autonomy. BTL3 Applying
12 List any 4 characteristics of SOAs. BTL1 Remembering
13 Explain the primary characteristics of the two tier client server
architecture? BTL4 Analyzing
14 Explain the common pitfalls of adopting SOA. BTL5 Evaluating
15 Design the layers of abstraction identified for SOA. BTL6 Creating
16 Analyze the benefits of SOA. BTL4 Analyzing
17 Define Contemporary SOA. BTL1 Remembering
18 Evaluate the issues that are raised in the client-server and the distributed
Internet architecture? BTL5 Evaluating
19 Illustrate Wrapper Services. BTL3 Applying
20 Compose some of the characteristics of Application Service layer. BTL6 Creating
1 Compare SOA to Client-Server Architecture. (16) BTL1 Remembering
2 List the characteristics of Contemporary SOA. (16) BTL2 Understanding
3 Explain the following in detail
i. Common Misperceptions and Common tangible Benefits(8)
ii. Common pitfalls of adopting SOA (8) BTL1 Remembering
4 Discuss about three Service layers in detail. (16) BTL2 Understanding
5 What are the components of SOA? How do they inter-relate? BTL3 Applying
6 Explain about Coordination in detail
i. Coordinator composition, Coordinator types and protocols (4)
ii. Coordination context and participants (4)
iii. Activation and registration process (4)
iv. Completion process (4) BTL2 Understanding
7 Explain in detail the principles of Service Orientation? (16) BTL1 Remembering
8 i. Demonstrate Client-Server Architecture. (8)
ii. Demonstrate Distributed Architecture. (8) BTL3 Applying
9 Compare and contrast service orientation with object orientation. (16) BTL4 Analyzing
10 Explain Distributed Internet Architecture and compare with SOA.(16) BTL1 Remembering
11 Illustrate briefly about primitive SOA. (16) BTL3 Applying
12 Evaluate service layer configuration scenarios. (16) BTL5 Evaluating
13 Explain in detail the Atomic Transactions. (16) BTL4 Analyzing
14 Briefly explain about:
i) Service layer abstraction. (8)
ii) Application service layer. (8) BTL6 Creating


Service descriptions WSDL Messaging with SOAP Service discovery UDDI Message Exchange
Patterns Orchestration Choreography WS Transactions.
1 Define service. BTL1 Remembering
2 What are the business service models that business service layer offers? BTL2 Understanding
3 What is the usage of Envelope element in SOAP message structures? BTL3 Applying
4 Define a process BTL1 Remembering
5 What are the conditions under which the web service takes the role of a
service provider? BTL1 Remembering
6 What is the role of orchestration service layer? BTL2 Understanding
7 Define choreography. BTL3 Applying
8 Define the term service provider BTL1 Remembering
9 What are the types of derived business services? BTL2 Understanding
10 Define the term intermediaries BTL1 Remembering
11 What are the potential types of logic suitable for abstract orchestration
layer? BTL4 Analyzing
12 List the 4 MEPs in WSDL 1.1 BTL2 Understanding
13 What are the design classifications of web services? BTL1 Remembering
14 Distinguish between orchestration and choreography. BTL4 Analyzing
15 What are the logical components of web services framework? BTL3 Applying
16 What are dynamic proxy and dynamic invocation interface? BTL5 Evaluating
17 Define WSIT. BTL6 Creating
18 What is message processing logic? BTL4 Analyzing
19 Give the types of intermediaries. BTL6 Creating
20 What is JAX-WS? BTL5 Evaluating
1 i. Describe the importance of messaging with SOAP. (8)
ii. Examine message exchange patterns in web services. (8) BTL1 Remembering
2 Explain Messaging with SOAP in detail. (16) BTL2 Understanding
3 i. Demonstrate the technical requirements for Orchestration. (8)
ii. Demonstrate the technical requirements for Choreography. (8) BTL3 Applying
4 Explain Message Exchange Patterns in detail. (16) BTL1 Remembering
5 Explain Orchestration in detail. (16) BTL2 Understanding
6 i. Briefly explain about WSDL basics in service oriented design. (8)
ii. Briefly explain about SOAP basics in service oriented design. (8) BTL3 Applying
7 Explain about service layer abstraction and orchestration service
layer.(16) BTL1 Remembering
8 Describe the process of messaging with SOAP and Atomic
transaction.(16) BTL2 Understanding
9 Explain entity-centric and task-centric business service design in
detail.(16) BTL3 Applying
10 Explain Service descriptions with WSDL in detail. (16) BTL1 Remembering
11 i. Explain WSDL Basics .(8)
ii. Write an example for addition of two numbers using WSDL FILE.(8) BTL5 Evaluating
12 Explain the basics of web services description language in detail. (16) BTL4 Analyzing
13 i. Design a WS-Transaction is an example of how to apply the
framework defined by WS-Coordination.(8)
ii. Explain Atomic transactions and business activity model in detail.(8) BTL6 Creating
14 i. Explain UDDI in detail (8)
ii. Sketch the anatomy of SOAP message(8) BTL4 Analyzing


Service Oriented Analysis and Design Service Modeling Design standards and guidelines
Composition WS-BPEL WS-Coordination WS-Policy WS-Security SOA support in J2EE
1 List out the component specification in service modeling. BTL1 Remembering
2 Give the different business centric applications of SOA. BTL2 Understanding
3 List out some guidelines of service modeling. BTL1 Remembering
4 Give the meaning of service oriented analysis. BTL2 Understanding
5 Demonstrate the set of basic tasks for creating web service composition. BTL3 Applying
6 Define entity-centric business service design. BTL1 Remembering
7 Analyze What are the dynamic proxy and dynamic invocation interface. BTL4 Analyzing
8 Describe Digest Method and Digest Value. BTL2 Understanding
9 List the various business activities in web services. BTL1 Remembering
10 Point out the set of structured tasks for web service composition. BTL3 Applying
11 Give the various elements in WS-BPEL? BTL2 Understanding
12 Describe the components specifications in service modeling. BTL1 Remembering
13 Analyze WS-policy. BTL4 Analyzing
14 Briefly explain about the operations in entity-centric. BTL1 Remembering
15 Classify the difference between RMI and JAX-RPC. BTL3 Applying
16 Create WS-Policy element with attributes. BTL6 Creating
17 Differentiate getVariableproperty and getVariableData functions. BTL4 Analyzing
18 Explain JAXB. BTL5 Evaluating
19 Develop a JAX-WS Scenario. BTL6 Creating
20 Formulate the between the identifier and expires elements. BTL5 Evaluating
1 Explain the following in detail
(i) Service Roles .(8)
(ii) Service Models. (8) BTL1 Remembering
2 Summarize business-centric SOA in detail. BTL2 Understanding
3 i) List out the objectives of service oriented design.(8)
ii) Explain about service oriented design process.(8) BTL1 Remembering
4 Write down the syntax of the following with example
i. The process element (4)
ii. The partnerLinks and partnerLink (4)
iii. The variable, getVariableProperty and getVariableData (4)
iv. sequence and invoke (4) BTL3 Applying
5 Describe application service design in a step by step process. (16) BTL2 Understanding
6 i) Discuss about entity-centric business service design .(8)
ii) List out the steps for composing SOA. (8) BTL1 Remembering
7 i. Describe Root element of WS- BPEL process definition. (8)
ii.Describe Series of Common child element of WS- BPEL process
definition. (8) BTL2 Understanding
8 Describe in detail about service modeling guidelines. (16) BTL1 Remembering
9 Explain briefly about WS-choreography model description. (16) BTL4 Analyzing
10 Discuss WS-BPEL Language basics in detail. (16) BTL3 Applying
11 i. Explain SOA platform.(8)
ii. Describe the APIs in J2EE which is used to build SOA. (8) BTL6 Creating
12 Write short notes on WS-coordination overview. (16) BTL3 Applying
13 i. Explain with neat sketch how WS-security relates to the other WS
specification. (8)
ii. Explain about WS-Security language basics. (8) BTL4 Analyzing
14 i. Discuss about typical J2EE service provider. (8)
ii. Discuss about how parts of the J2EE platform inter-relate. (8) BTL5 Evaluating

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