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Tutorial 1 (MTES3043_M1)

1. A team of financial advisers guiding the launch of a national newspaper has modeled the
future circulation of the newspaper by the equation N = c(1 e-kt), where N is the daily
circulation after t days of publication, and c and k are positive constants. Transpose this
1 c
formula to show that t In
k c N
When the paper is launched audits show that c = 600,000 and k In 2.
(a) Calculate the daily circulation after 20 days of publication. (Answer: 222,023.69)
(b) After how many days will the daily circulation first reach 525,000 ?
(Answer: 90 days)
(c) What advice can you give the newspaper proprietor if it is know that the paper will break
even only if the daily circulation exceeds 650,000?.

2. Solve the equation below:

5 2 x 1 8 x
(Answer: x 1.412 )
3. The temperature of mercury in C , t minutes later is given by 90 . Find the minimum

number of minutes required for the temperature of the liquid to drop below 50 0 C . Round up
to the nearest whole number. (Answer: 5 minutes)

4. The temperature of plastic in 0 C , t minutes later is given by 251.6 . Find the minimum

number of minutes required for the temperature of the liquid to reach above 1800 0 C . Round
up to the nearest whole number. (Answer: 10 minutes)

5. Mr Richard invested RM10,000 in unit trust. The money invested will become
RM 10,0001.08 for a period of n years. Find the minimum number of years required for

the amount of money invested to grow to RM50,000. Round up to the nearest whole
number. (Answer: 21 years)

6. Aladdin has RM20,000 to invest. He wants to invest in the same unit trust as Mr Richard
(refer Q6). Based on the same formula, RM 20,0001.08 for a period of n year, find the

number of years required for the amount of money invested to double the initial amount
invested. Round up to the nearest whole number. (Answer: 9 years)

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