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Revegetation Strategies for Bauxite Refinery Residue:
A Case Study of Alcan Gove in Northern Territory,
J. BERNHARD WEHR tated. This is challenging because of the alkaline and sodic
School of Land and Food Sciences nature of the residue. At Alcan Gove's bauxite refinery in
The University of Queensland Gove, Northern Territory, Australia, research into revegeta-
St. Lucia, QLD, 4072, Australia tion of bauxite residue has been conducted since the mid-
1970s. In this review, we discuss approaches taken by Al-
can Gove to achieve revegetation outcomes (soil capping of
Alcan Gove Pty Ltd
refinery residue) on wet-slurry disposal areas. Problems
PO Box 21 encountered in the past include poor drainage and water
Nhulunbuy, NT 0881, Australia
logging during the wet season, and salt scalding and cap-
NEAL W. MENZIES* illary rise during the dry season. The amount of available
School of Land and Food Sciences water in the soil capping is the most important determinant
The University of Queensland of vegetation survival in the seasonally dry climate. Vege-
St. Lucia, QLD, 4072, Australia tation cover was found to prevent deterioration of the soil
cover by minimising capillary rise of alkalinity from the
refinery residue. The sodicity and alkalinity of the residue in
ABSTRACT / Alumina extraction from bauxite ore with
old impoundments has diminished slightly over the 25 years
strong alkali produces waste bauxite refinery residue con-
since it was deposited. However, development of a blocky
sisting of residue sand and red mud. The amount and
structure in red mud, presumably due to desiccation, allows
composition of refinery residue depend on the purity of the
root penetration, thereby supplying additional water to salt
bauxite ore and extraction conditions, and differs between
and alkali-tolerant plant species. This has led to the estab-
refineries. The refinery residue is usually stored in engi-
lishment of an ecosystem that approaches a native
neered disposal areas that eventually have to be revege-

Alumina is extracted from bauxite ore with sodium tons (dry) of refinery residue is produced per ton of
hydroxide under high temperature and pressure aluminium metal, depending on the purity of the ore
(Bayer process). The waste remaining after alumina (Williams 1996; TAA 2000).
extraction is termed bauxite refinery residue and con- An estimated 70 million metric dry tons of residue is
sists mainly of iron-, aluminium-, and titanium-oxides produced globally per year and is disposed on land in
(Table 1), as well as reactive silica (clay minerals) that large residue disposal areas (tailings dams), either as
forms a sodium alumino-silicate, also termed desilica- wet slurry or de-watered and dry-stacked (TAA 2000).
tion product (DSP) (Piga and others 1993; Whittington Several uses for bauxite refinery residue have been
and others 1998; Hausberg and others 2000). World- investigated, including waste water purification (Haake
wide production of alumina was estimated at 52.5 1988; Glenister and others 1992; Apak and others 1998;
million metric tons in 2003, with Australia contributing Lopez and others 1998; TAA 2000; Gupta and Sharma
about one third of global alumina production (Inter- 2002; Genc and others 2003; Gupta and others 2004),
national Aluminum Institute 2003). Between 0.6 and 4 soil amendment to immobilize heavy metals and
phosphate (Glenister and others 1992; Lombi and
others 2002a, 2002b; Friesl and others 2004) or in-
KEY WORDS: Rehabilitation; Red mud; Residue sand; Gypsum;
crease soil pH (Snars and others 2003, 2004), trace
Drainage; Capillary rise
element recovery (Haake 1988; McConchie and others
Published online January 24, 2006.
1996; Subrahmanyam and Singh 1997), and as an
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; email:
ingredient in the plastic, steel, and construction industry (Haake 1988; Glenister and others 1992; TAA

Environmental Management Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 297306 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
298 J. B. Wehr and others

Table 1. Elemental composition (%) and loss on ignition (LOI) of various bauxite residues
Origin of residue Al Fe Ti Ca Na Si LOI
Australia Gladstone (Hanahan and others 2004) 1116 1524 25 14 48 912 916
Australia Gove (Menzies and others 2004) 11 21 5 2 6 8 10
Australia Kwinana (Ward 1987) 611 1821 12 04 02 1938 611
Canada (Fortin and Karam 1998) 10 27 4 3 5 9
Greece (Ochsenkuhn-Petropulu and others 1994) 8 28 4 14 1 6
India (Mohapatra and others 2000) 8 35 2 1 6
Jamaica (Li 2001) 210 3638 57 34 1 1 613
Spain (Lopez and others 1998) 11 21 14 4 4 4
Turkey (Alp and Goral 2003) 11 25 4 1 7 11 9

2000; Martinent-Catalot and others 2002). Such uses neutralised refinery residue with freshwater then low-
would be feasible, but high transport costs and the ers the salinity of the residue and makes the material
radioactivity of some refinery residue (Glenister and more suitable for vegetation establishment (Meecham
others 1992; Von Philipsborn and Kuhnast 1992; and Bell 1977a; Ward 1987). This approach works best
Summers and others 1993; Cooper and others 1995; for the coarse-grained residue sand and has been used
TAA 2000) precludes use for brick and steel by Alcan Gove. At other refineries, inclusion of gypsum
manufacture or large-scale soil application. Currently, (CaSO4 2H2O) and other material (sewage sludge, fly
the quantities of residue produced vastly exceed de- ash, chicken manure) is used to improve the physical
mand, requiring that refinery disposal areas are re- characteristics and reduce nutrient deficiencies (Fuller
vegetated when decommissioned to minimise and others 1982; Ward 1987; Wong and Ho 1991, 1993,
environmental impact and improve visual amenity 1995; Lewis and others 1995; Ward and others 1996;
(Ward 1987; Williams 1996; TAA 2000). Fortin and Karam 1998; Polcaro and others 2000).
Although revegetation of bauxite mine sites is rela- However, a major constraint may arise from the pres-
tively straightforward, the refinery residue is difficult to ence of DSP, which forms during the Bayer process
revegetate. The refinery residue is characterised by (Hausberg and others 2000) and dissolves very slowly.
high pH (pH >10), high electrical conductivity The DSP releases sodium and hydroxyl ions (Wong
(EC > 30 dS m)1), and high exchangeable sodium and Ho 1995; Whittington and others 1998) and leads
percentage (>70%) (Meecham and Bell 1977a; Fuller to sustained sodicity and alkalinity, which cannot be
and others 1982; Hinz 1982; Ward 1987; Wong and Ho overcome by seawater neutralisation and freshwater
1993; Fortin and Karam 1998; Snars and others 2003; leaching (Barrow 1982; Wong and Ho 1995; Polcaro
Friesl and others 2004). On the other hand, concen- and others 2000). Our preliminary data indicate that
trations of plant nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, the dissolution of DSP is controlled by the sodium
manganese, and phosphorus are low (Meecham and concentration of the residue; hence in seawater neu-
Bell 1977b; Barrow 1982; Hinz 1982; Fortin and Karam tralised residue, DSP will dissolve over timeframes of
1998) and the fine texture impedes penetration of decades rather than years (Menzies and others 2004).
plant roots (Meecham and Bell 1977a, b; Lewis and Because the type and quantity of DSP present in
others 1995). Consequently, the chemical and physical bauxite ore is dependent on the source of the ore, clay
limitations of the refinery residues must be addressed impurities, extraction temperature, and pressure (Li
prior to revegetation if the refinery residues are to 1998, 2001; Whittington and others 1998; Hausberg
form part of the plant growth medium. and others 2000), large differences in DSP composi-
The chemical characteristics of refinery residue can tion have been observed between refineries, which
be improved by neutralising with seawater because this ultimately affects the ease with which the residue can
increases the concentration of plant-available calcium be revegetated.
and magnesium, while at the same time reducing the Furthermore, the texture of the refinery residue
sodicity and pH of the residue (Meecham and Bell plays an important role. The fraction of coarse-tex-
1977a; McConchie and others 1996; Hanahan and tured material in the refinery residue (residue sand) to
others 2004; Menzies and others 2004). Seawater neu- fine-textured red mud is dependent on the ore and the
tralisation, feasible for refineries located near the sea, operational parameters of the Bayer process, in par-
is utilised by Alcan Gove and Queensland Alumina ticular, grinding and digestion temperature (Williams
Limited in Australia. Further flushing of the seawater- 1996; Li 1998, 2001; Hausberg and others 2000)
Bauxite Residue Revegetation in Monsoonal Climates 299

Table 2. Textural analysis of various bauxite refinery residues

Origin of residue Sand (%) 20.02 mm Silt (%) 0.020.002 mm Clay (%) <0.002 mm
Australia Gove 13 40 47
Australia Kwinana (Wong 1990) 30 30 40
Canada (Fortin and Karam 1998) 0 47 36
Jamaica (Li 1998) 49 919 7180
Spain (Lopez and others 1998) 12 50 38
USA Texas (Wong 1990) 8 66 26

(Table 2). The coarse fraction has a low buffering 2004; Fuller and others 1982; Thomann and Portier
capacity and a high hydraulic conductivity (0.2 m h)1) 1981), soil (Lewis and others 1995; Wong and Ho
(Menzies and others 2004), which enables the rapid 1991), and combinations thereof. The quantities of
neutralisation of the residue sand and allows for good ameliorants required ranged from 3577 t ha)1 gypsum
revegetation outcomes (Fuller and others 1982; Hinz to 110400 t ha)1 compost, and vegetation survival was
1982; Ward 1987; Glenister and others 1992; Ward and only good at the highest application rates. Most
others 1996). On the other hand, the fine fraction has researchers attributed the positive effect of high addi-
a high buffering capacity and low hydraulic conduc- tion rates to improvement of the physical structure
tivity (<0.004 m h)1) (Ward 1987; Wong and Ho 1991). (bulk density, porosity) of red mud, thereby improving
Consequently, red mud cannot be flushed well with drainage and leaching of salts from red mud. However,
fresh water and direct revegetation of red mud is there are no indications that vegetation would have
generally unsuccessful (Ward 1987; Wong 1990; Lewis survived over longer timescales or with minimal input,
and others 1995; Ward and others 1996; Fortin and or that roots penetrated into the unamended red mud.
Karam 1998). Depending on the operational processes, Furthermore, the quantities suggested by these studies
the refinery residue can be separated into residue sand are economically unlikely to be viable.
and red mud, allowing the use of residue sand to cover Capping of the residue with more benign material has
the red mud. This improves revegetation outcomes by been evaluated. For instance, Wong and Ho (1991)
providing a surface material that can, after ameliora- placed 20 cm of sandy soil onto red mud at Kwinana in
tion, be exploited by plant roots. Western Australia, while Mohan and others (1997) tried
The ratio of red mud to residue sand in the refinery marine dredging sediment as capping material for red
residue has a profound effect on the revegetation out- mud at Point Comfort, Texas. Both studies indicated a
come (Tacey and others 1977), and this ratio differs lack of long-term success, probably due to lack of suffi-
between refineries (Williams 1996). Consequently, a cient water and nutrients in the capping. Capping can
direct comparison of revegetation approaches and out- prevent erosion of the red mud by wind and water and
come between refineries is not very revealing. For reduce the amount of ameliorants, but the approach
example, at Gove (Australia), the sand fraction consti- requires large quantities of capping materials.
tutes only 13% of the refinery residue, while in the case of Published revegetation outcomes indicate that
Kwinana in Western Australia, sand constitutes 30% of drainage and amelioration of refinery residue is nec-
the waste (Table 2). Furthermore, the sand at Kwinana is essary if it is to form part of the growing medium. A
predominantly quartz and hence is easier to ameliorate lowering of pH and decrease in salinity, although
(Ward 1987; Ward and others 1996; Williams 1996). helpful, is not imperative for successful revegetation if
Published research into rehabilitation of bauxite salt- and alkali-tolerant plant species are being used.
residues focussed on two approaches: 1) amelioration Also, there is consensus that material with good
of the surface layer of the residue, and 2) capping with hydraulic conductivity (residue sand) can be revege-
soil materials. Vegetation, most commonly a grass tated more easily than ameliorated red mud. However,
species, is then planted into the amended surface layer. the quantities of amendments added in the studies are
The vegetation then derives its water and nutrients unlikely to be implemented in the field due to scarcity
primarily from the amended top layer. of materials and costs involved. A major shortcoming
Amelioration of the surface layer has been widely of the published information is that all studies re-
attempted using gypsum (Wong and Ho 1991), man- ported were conducted for a short duration (a few
ure/compost (Fortin and Karam 1998; Thomann and months to 1 year), and it is not known how the vege-
Portier 1981), sewage sludge (Wong and Ho 1991; tation cover would have survived over longer periods
Courtney and others 2003; Courtney and Timpson with no or minimal further input.
300 J. B. Wehr and others

Revegetation Experience at Gove, Northern Table 3. Alkali- and salt-tolerant plants used for
Territory bauxite residue revegetation at Gove
Species Origin
The Alcan Gove bauxite mine and refinery is located
on the Gove peninsula (latitude 1215) in the North- Chloris gayana Kunth. Exotic pasture grass
ern Territory, Australia. Alcan Gove currently produces Cynodon dactylon L. (Pers.) Exotic pasture grass
Sporobolus virginicus (L.) Kunth. Native grass
approximately 2 million tonnes of alumina and an
Stylosanthes humilis cv Exotic pasture legume
equal amount of bauxite residue per annum. The Townsville Kunth.
climate at Gove is monsoonal, with an average annual Acacia holosericea A.Cunn. ex G.Don. Native tree
rainfall of 1330 mm, of which more than 90% falls in Acacia leptocarpa A.Cunn. ex Benth. Native tree
the December to April wet season. The reference Acacia multisiliqua (Benth.) Native shrub
evapotranspiration of 959 mm and 1104 mm for the
Eucalyptus alba Reinw. ex Blume Native tree
wet and dry season, respectively, was calculated with the Eucalyptus polycarpa F. Muell. Native tree
computer program ETo (Raes 2000). Melaleuca viridiflora Sol. ex Gaertn. Native tree
Research into revegetation of bauxite refinery dis- Casuarina equisetifolia L. Native tree
posal areas at Alcan Goves operation started in 1974,
allowing us to review more than 30 years of
accumulated research, highlighting some problems sion spectroscopy and the elemental composition of
encountered and identifying factors critical to suc- residue by X-ray fluorescence. Hydraulic conductivity
cessful long-term revegetation of bauxite refinery resi- was determined by the constant head method (Klute
due. The philosophy of the revegetation approach was and Dirksen 1986), and the soil water characteristic
to use exotic and native salt- and alkali-tolerant plant using a pressure plate apparatus (Klute 1986). Red
species that can be planted onto ameliorated refinery mud was characterised by high pH (pH 10.5), whereas
residue with only a minimal layer of capping soil, be- the residue sand fraction was less alkaline (pH 9.7).
cause capping materials or ameliorants are not readily The residue was solar dried, resulting in shrinkage and
available at Gove. The aim of revegetation at Gove is to cracking of the residue. Progressive rehabilitation of
re-establish an open woodland ecosystem. Initially, pot the area occurred from 1978 through to 1982 and in-
trials were undertaken to identify plant species able to volved capping with 75150 cm of clayey subsoil (30%
grow in a thin soil capping overlying the alkaline and clay, 9% silt, 61% sand; pH 6.47.6, EC 0.1 dS m)1) and
sodic residue with daily irrigation (Hinz and Doettling approximately 15 cm of sandy topsoil (38% gravel, 51%
1979; Hinz 1982). The plant species identified sand, 9% silt and 2% clay; pH 5.86.0, EC 0.04 dS m)1)
(Table 3) were subsequently used for revegetation of a (Hinz 1982). The calculated plant-available water con-
decommissioned residue disposal area. The applica- tent (PAWC; i.e., water content at field capacity water
bility of the concept of using alkali- and salt-tolerant content at permanent wilting point) was 9 mm and 15
plant species for revegetation was later confirmed by mm per 10 cm of topsoil and subsoil, respectively.
Bell and others (1993) for the Mediterranean climate Therefore, the overall PAWC of the capping was 130
region of Western Australia, which has a different na- 220 mm, depending on the thickness of the capping.
tive plant composition. The whole area was ripped to a depth of 60 cm with a
The rehabilitation experience discussed in the fol- bulldozer. A mix of exotic pasture and native seeds was
lowing section relates to an 80-ha pond, which was the broadcast (6 kg ha)1) and pot-grown seedlings
initial disposal area at Gove and was utilised from 1972 (Table 3) were planted. The area was fertilised (11.7%
to 1975. The residue was deposited as wet slurry. The N, 5.1% P, and 14.9% K plus trace elements, Tropigro
western end of the disposal area had a higher pro- Pty Ltd) at a rate 1200 kg ha)1 plus an additional 300
portion of residue sand that was partially seawater kg ha)1 superphosphate (Hinz 1982). No supplemen-
neutralised, whereas the eastern end was dominated by tary irrigation was applied.
red mud that was minimally seawater neutralised. Soil Natural vegetation adjacent to the disposal area is
samples were obtained either by augering or from dominated by Eucalyptus tetrodonta F. Muell., Eucalyptus
drenches dug by backhoe. The pH and EC was deter- miniata Cunn. ex Schauer, Acacia leptocarpa A.Cunn. ex
mined on 1:5 suspensions in water, and the particle Benth, Acacia aulacocarpa Cunn. ex Benth, Livistona
size by the pipette method (Gee and Bauder 1986). humilis R.Br., Sterculia diversifolia G. Don., Brachychiton
Total and exchangeable cations (Gillman and Sumpter paradoxus Schott & Endl., and Grevillea pteridifolia
1986) were determined by atomic adsorption spec- Knight. The vegetation cover, comprising planted
troscopy or inductively coupled plasma atomic emis- seedlings (Table 3) and seedlings emerged from the
Bauxite Residue Revegetation in Monsoonal Climates 301

soil-derived seedbank, grew well, and in 1982, a vege- in bare areas to <0.1 dS m)1 in vegetated areas
tation survey revealed that the site was also colonised by (Sanders 1996).
Dactyloctenium aeqyptium (L.) Willd., Merremia tridentata In 2003, many areas on the western side of the dis-
ssp hastata (Hall.f.) Oost and Tephrosia Pers. species posal area still maintained a healthy vegetation cover,
(Hinz 1982). Within 5 years of planting, the pH of the and vegetation density had increased on the mounded
red mud under vegetation had decreased from pH 10.5 areas and spread to surrounding areas, indicating that
to pH 9.5, and roots penetrated up to 60 cm into red the improved drainage and the vegetation had suc-
mud (Hinz 1982). ceeded in lowering the sodicity of the soil capping. The
Six years after completion of planting, the western only areas devoid of vegetation, or having a sparse
end of the disposal area was dominated by trees and cover of Rhodes grass, were those areas that have not
shrubs of Acacia leptocarpa with Chloris gayana Kunth. been mounded or drained and were still prone to
contributing the groundcover. Acacia holosericea waterlogging during the wet season. All other areas
A.Cunn. ex G.Don and A. multisiliqua (Benth.) supported open woodland with Acacia, Melaleuca, and
Maconochie were abundant, with scattered occur- Eucalyptus trees. Successional trends in the vegetation
rences of Grevillea pteridifolia and Casuarina equisetifolia cover have been observed, with termite activity
L. Generally, vegetation was taller and more vigorous destroying healthy, stressed, and dead trees, which
on the western end than on the eastern end, where were replaced by seedlings emerging from the seed-
grasses and shrubs such as Chloris gayana, Panicum, bank. The omnivorous termite species, Mastotermes
Brachiaria sp. Buckl., Borreria sp. G. Mey., Stylosanthes darwiniensis Froggatt, is of particular importance in its
hamata (L.) Taub., A. leptocarpa, and A. holosericea were impact on trees and other vegetation across much of
dominant. The acacia species were notably absent from northern Australia (Hill 1942). Application of fertiliser
low-lying (wetter) areas. On the eastern side, areas with was necessary during the early years of the revegeta-
localised vegetation decline were observed, manifesting tion, but inclusion of legumes in the vegetation cover
as loss of trees and thinning of the grass cover, whereas supplies nitrogen to the ecosystem and nutrient cycling
areas totally devoid of vegetation had salt scald on the will take place once sufficient biomass (carbon) has
soil surface. An aerial survey of the area in 1990 re- accumulated. This requires that a dense and vigorous
vealed that the western end (30 ha) comprised 23 ha ground cover be established, which has the added
tree cover, 6 ha grass cover, and 1 ha bare areas, benefit of reducing erosion during intense wet season
whereas the eastern end (43 ha) comprised 6 ha tree storms.
cover, 32 ha grass cover, and 5 ha bare areas. Soil Our excavation of areas with full vegetation cover
analyses indicated that the soil surface became sodic on both the western and eastern sides of the tailings
(pH > 8.5, EC > 1 dS m)1) in areas with decline, dam showed that there were few roots in the clayey
whereas areas that maintained vegetation cover had pH subsoil capping (pH 7.27.6, EC 0.020.4 dS m)1, 50
5.58.8 and EC 0.050.9 dS m)1 (Pegrum 1991). It was 750 mg kg)1 Na), either due to compaction or hard-
observed that areas with shallow soil cover (0.6 0.3 setting behaviour of the soil, whereas most roots were
m) generally only supported grass cover, whereas areas found in the topsoil (pH 6.4, EC 0.04 dS m)1, 30 mg
with a deep soil capping (1.4 0.4 m) had a dense kg)1 Na) and some roots penetrated more than 60 cm
vegetation cover, comprising trees, shrubs, and grass into the structured blocky red mud. Because red
(Sanders 1996). mud was deposited as slurry, drying of the red mud,
Areas with vegetation dieback could not be reveg- either over time or due to plant water extraction, led
etated during the wet season by reseeding or fertilis- to the development of cracks and small peds, allowing
ing, making it obvious that the problem must roots to penetrate into the red mud along the peds.
originate in the soil. To pinpoint the cause of die- However, roots did not grow into the peds, and there
back, some bare areas were left while other bare areas were no differences in pH between the interior and
were re-treated in 1994 by mounding of fresh topsoil exterior of the peds (ranging between pH 9.1 and
combined with the installation of drainage lines and 9.6). The pH and depth of root exploration was
replanting. This remedial work resulted in improved similar to that described by Hinz (1982) more than 20
drainage and prevented soil contamination by a rising years earlier, indicating that chemical characteristics
watertable. A soil survey conducted in 1996 indicated of red mud change only very slowly. No roots were
that the pH of the topsoil layer was pH 6.87.2 for found to grow into unstructured soft pastey red
recently revegetated mounds and for areas with full mud. This could indicate that soft red mud is too
cover, whereas bare areas had pH > 10. The salinity hostile to plant root growth, whereas the chemical
(EC) of the top soil layer ranged from > 0.6 dS m)1 and physical constraints to plant growth in structured
302 J. B. Wehr and others

red mud have diminished, probably due to increased c

Figure 1. Flowchart of management processes required for
leaching. revegetation of red mud ponds in monsoonal climates.
Close examination of the roots growing in struc- Depending on landform, drainage or erosion control mea-
tured red mud revealed that the roots were much sures have to be implemented. The ability of the capping to
branched and stubby, indicating nutrient imbalances. supply sufficient water to the vegetation during the dry season
This is understandable because the red mud was not is critical to revegetation success. The water requirement of
ameliorated with fertiliser and gypsum before placing the vegetation during the dry season can be calculated from
the soil cover, and the amount of nutrients present in the product of the dry season reference evaporation (ETod)
residue is insufficient. However, the presence of roots and the crop coefficient Kcd. The plant-available water con-
in the structured red mud indicates that plants are tent of the capping (PAWCtotal) can be diminished by capillary
rise of alkalinity from red mud, and only water stored in the
extracting water, and possibly nutrients, from the mud.
part of the capping unaffected by capillary rise (PAWCclean)
A 60-cm depth of red mud would contribute approxi-
can be utilised by plant roots. If PAWCclean is below the
mately 80 mm of water to the water-holding capacity of minimum water requirement of the vegetation, a capillary
the soil profile, thereby increasing survival of the break layer may be needed to prevent soil contamination. If
vegetation during the dry season. this still does not sufficiently increase plant-accessible water
Although bauxite residue contains trace elements (PAWCtotal), the red mud needs to be ameliorated, a thicker
(Ochsenkuhn-Petropulu and others 1994; Hanahan soil capping used, or irrigation applied; otherwise only a sparse
and others 2004) that can be potentially taken up by vegetation cover (which uses less water) can be maintained
plants and thus ingested by herbivores, the presence during the dry season.
of ferric hydrous oxide in the residue (Table 1) and
the high pH prevent mobility and availability of most
cationic trace elements (Barber 1984). The only ele- The requisite steps for establishing a native vegeta-
ments that may be accumulated in shoots and leaves tion cover on bauxite residue in monsoonal climates,
are Ga, Al, Se, Cr, Sn, and V, because these elements and probably any climate with strongly seasonal rain-
are more available at high pH (Kabata-Pendias and fall, is schematically presented in Figure 1. The first
Pendias 2001). In addition, plants will take up most consideration is the slope of final land form of the
elements from the soil capping, not the alkaline disposal area (Decision point 1 in Figure 1). On flat
residue, effectively minimising the risk of fauna impoundments (slope < 3%), such as wet-slurry ponds,
poisoning. drainage will be important since red mud does not
drain because of its low hydraulic conductivity, leading
to a rising water table and waterlogging of the flat
Proposed Residue Revegetation Approach surface of the disposal area with sodic water during
The rationale of our approach is to neutralise red extended rainfall in the wet season. This is aggravated
mud with seawater, thereby lowering the alkalinity of by the shallow layer of capping soil, which has a higher
the red mud to pH 9 (Menzies and others 2004). water infiltration than red mud. A similar problem was
Furthermore, we observed that on drying, seawater- noted by Tacey and others (1977) for bauxite residue
treated wet slurried red mud shrank, developing a disposal areas in the Mediterranean climate region of
stable blocky structure. This would allow leaching of Western Australia, with predominant winter rainfall
the salinity and alkalinity of red mud by rainfall and and dry summers. Extended periods of waterlogging
permit penetration of roots into red mud along the will also cause low-oxygen conditions in the soil. At
cracks. Whether such structure development will also Gove, salt scald and complete loss of vegetation was
apply to seawater-treated dry-stacked red mud would observed in areas that had shallow depressions, point-
still need investigation. Further amelioration of the ing towards contamination of the capping layer due to
surface layer (upper 0.5 m) of seawater neutralised red a rising water table during the wet season. This high-
mud with gypsum, followed by drying, ripping, and/or lights the importance of good internal drainage (e.g.,
tillage will break the red mud into smaller aggregates, subsurface drains, ditches) of the residue disposal area
because soft pastey red mud cannot be penetrated to prevent a rising water table. Drying out of the cap-
by roots. The structured substrate of red mud is then ping soil during the dry season concentrates caustic
covered (without mixing) by soil. Salt- and alkali-tol- salts in the capping layer, stressing or killing the plants.
erant plants will then derive most of their nutrients and On sloping (>3%) impoundments such as dry-
water from the capping layer, but will also grow into stacked dewatered red mud, the outward sloping
the red mud for water, presumably once the soil cap- landform will minimise waterlogging and ponding
ping has dried out during the dry season. problems, simplifying the revegetation of dry-stacked
Bauxite Residue Revegetation in Monsoonal Climates 303
304 J. B. Wehr and others

disposal areas. However, erosion control measures will points 2 and 3 in Figure 1). Consequently, either a
be needed on dry-stacked disposal areas, especially on thicker layer of capping soil, amelioration of the red
steep batter slopes. mud, or irrigation is necessary to meet the water
The experience at Gove shows that the water balance requirement of the desired vegetation cover.
of revegetation areas is a key determinant of revegeta-
tion success, and this is directly related to the thickness
of the soil cover layer and the type of soil available. The
total plant-available water content of the soil capping Red mud, being highly saline and alkaline, is too
layer (PAWCtotal) and the fraction unimpaired by hostile for plant root growth and needs amelioration.
capillary rise (PAWCclean) needs to be assessed by Although mixing of large quantities of amendments
simple laboratory experimentation. Capillary rise dur- (around 100 t ha)1) into the surface of red mud
ing the dry season will draw water and dissolved salts impoundments is generally insufficient to ensure long-
upwards (McIntyre 1982), which will be concentrated in term survival of vegetation, this approach is precluded
the soil capping, leading to salt scald on the surface. at Gove due to the scarcity of ameliorants. Therefore,
Although capillary rise from red mud is limited by its soil capping of seawater-neutralised red mud is the
low hydraulic conductivity of approximately 0.003 mm currently preferred revegetation approach at Gove.
h)1 (N. Menzies, unpublished data), which equates to a Slow dissolution of DSP implies that alkalinity and
rise of circa 15 mm of water during the dry season, it will salinity will be a long-term problem (tens of years) that
contaminate the lower 1020 cm of the capping layer. requires the use of salt- and alkali-tolerant plants. Al-
To prevent this, a layer of coarse textured material (e.g., though plants can lower their rhizosphere pH in
residue sand) can be placed between the red mud and bauxite residue (Kopittke and Menzies 2004), this
the capping. However, such a capillary break layer was process would take a long time to have an effect on the
not installed on the pond during construction of the bulk of the residue, because red mud is strongly buf-
capping layer. It was suggested by Hinz (personal fered (in part through DSP dissolution). Therefore, it
communication) that salt accumulation in the capping is unlikely that a native ecosystem encompassing salt-
layer due to capillary rise of caustic porewater during and alkalinity-sensitive plants can be established on
the dry season is considerable if the soil capping is left capped red mud disposal areas until DSP has dissolved.
exposed, necessitating rapid establishment of a vegeta- Nevertheless, Alcan Gove has succeeded in establishing
tion cover after placement of the capping layer. If a a self-sustainable vegetation cover for over 20 years
good vegetation cover can be maintained, it can act as a using plant species that can tolerate saline and alkaline
pump, thereby limiting capillary rise and preventing conditions, resulting in the development of a stable
deterioration of the soil cover. This principle is also ecosystem that approaches a native ecosystem.
used in alleviating dryland salinity with deep-rooted
vegetation. Should the vegetation cover be killed due to
drought, flooding, or fire, the capillary rise would be Acknowledgments
more pronounced because no deep-rooted species We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of
would be present that could lower the water table, Alcan Gove, and the Australian Research Council
resulting in deterioration of the soil cover and conse- Linkage program.
quently impairing the re-establishment of vegetation.
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