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Public Advisory on Pigeons feeding

Relevant legislation for information:

Under the Animals and Birds (Pigeon) Rules, it is an offence to feed
pigeons in Singapore. The maximum penalty upon conviction is $500.

Nuisance caused by pigeons

Pigeon droppings soil the environment and damages property. Significant costs can be
incurred in cleaning up the environment. These birds are attracted to congregate at places
where food is accessible or there are opportunities to roost.

In addition, pigeons can potentially spread certain diseases through contaminated droppings
or contact with a diseased bird. Examples of diseases caused by pigeons are Cryptococcosis,
Psittacosis and Gastroenteritis. Prolonged exposure by inhalation or accidental ingestion at
significant concentration of the bacteria can cause infection in the lungs (if inhaled) or stomach
and intestinal tract (if accidentally ingested).

Feeding pigeons will increase their population and the environmental problems associated. To
preserve public sanitation and protect personal hygiene, members of the public are
encouraged to act responsibly by applying the following measures:

1. Inform AVA (1800-4761-600) when you see people feeding pigeons in your
neighbourhood, workplace or anywhere in Singapore
2. Contact your local Town Council Office for assistance on pigeon issues
3. Approach your building contractor or pest control company for professional advice on
control measures to prevent the nesting or roosting of pigeons

1. Do not feed the pigeons in your neighbourhood or anywhere in Singapore.
2. Do not allow pigeons to have access to food and water through food remnants left
behind after consumption.
3. Do not leave behind food remnants in a public place as it shall deemed to be littering
and anyone caught littering can be fined up to $1,000 under the Environmental Public
Health Act administered by the National Environmental Agency (NEA)

All these regulations are in place to safeguard public health and interests against nuisance
caused by pigeons. We thank you for playing your part to help keep the environment clean
and safer for everyone.

Updated July 2012 Page 1 of 1

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