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Refresher Course - GENERAL EDUCATION


Use of four fundamental Operations in problem solving 6. Measurement and units of measure
1. Operations with whole numbers, decimals, a. Perimeter
fractions and integers b. Area
2. Least common multiple; greatest common factor c. Volume
3. Divisibility rules d. Capacity
4. Ratio and proportion e. Weight
5. Percentage, rate and base 7. Number Theory
a. Prime and composite numbers
b. Prime factorization


1. Draw a diagram figure and subtract from it the area of the
For any geometry question for which a figure is unshaded region.
not provided, draw one (as accurately as
possible) never attempt a geometry problem 6. Dont do more than you have to
without first drawing a diagram. Very often a problem can be solved in more than
one way. You should always try to do it in the
2. Trust a diagram that has been drawn to scale easiest way possible.
Whenever diagrams have been drawn to scale,
they can be trusted. This means that you can 7. Pay attention to units
look at the diagram and use your eyes to There are instances where items given are not
accurately estimate the sizes of angles and line consistent with the units in the options. There
segments. will be a need for you to change the unit of your
answer. It will be good to watch over units and
3. Exaggerate or otherwise change a diagram be consistent in using them.
Sometimes it is appropriate to take a diagram
that appears to be drawn to scale and 8. Systematically make lists
intentionally exaggerate it. Why would we do When a question asks how many often the best
this? strategy is to make a list of all the possibilities. If
4. Add a line to a diagram you do this it is important that you make the list
Occasionally, after staring at a diagram, you still in a systematic fashion so that you dont
have no idea how to solve the problem to which inadvertently leave something out. Usually, this
it applies. It looks as though not enough means listing the possibilities in numerical or
information has been given. When this happens, alphabetical order. Often, shortly after starting
it often helps to draw another line in the the list, you can see a pattern developing and
diagram. you can figure out how many more entries there
will be without writing them all down. Even if
5. Subtract to find the shaded region the question does not specifically ask how
Whenever part of a figure is shaded, the many you may need to count something to
straightforward way to find the area of the answer it: in case, as well, the best plan may be
shaded portion is to find the area of the entire to write out a list.

LET Review 2011 Page 1

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
Round off and estimate wherever possible. Consider what is asked and focus on it, do not
Minimize calculation. spend time completing your solution.
It is easier to divide and use cancellation method Since most tests are in multiple choice formats,
than to multiply first and later divide. This will consider the options.
help make quick calculations. Go through the entire test, doing only the
Look for shortcuts that are built into many problems that can be solved easily.
problems. Go back through the test, doing the problems
Work on units (hours, ounces, square miles) that seem to be on familiar material but will take
consistent with those in the answer choices. a little time to figure out.
Break down complex word problems and make Finally, if there is time, use answer choices as a
computations one step at a time. guide in re-examining items previously
Consider using labels and symbols to represent answered.
long sentences, statements, and ideas. This will At each step, be careful to mark the correct space
help you have a good grasp of the problem. on the answer sheet.

Number System

Sets of Numbers (8) Prime Numbers = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19,}
(1) Even Numbers = {2, 4, 6,..} (9) Real Numbers (R)= set of all rational and
(2) Odd Numbers = {1, 3, 5, 7,} irrational numbers
(3) Positive Integers = {1,2,3,} (10) Natural Numbers (N) a.k.a. Counting
(4) Negative Integers = {, -3, -2, -1} Numbers = {1,2,3,}
(5) Whole Numbers (W) = {0, 1, 2, 3,} (11) Irrational Numbers = Set of numbers which
(6) Integers (Z) = {, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2,3,} cannot be expressed in the form ; where a and
(7) Rational Numbers (Q) = {x/x = ; a, b Z, b 0} b Z, b 0}

Properties of Real Numbers

Least Common Multiple (LCM) the smallest natural Example: and 5/7, the LCD is 28. Since 28 has for its
number that has both of them as factor. factors, 7 and 4.
Example: 12 is the LCM of 3 and 4. Greatest Common Factor (GCF) refers to the largest
integer which is a factor of each of the given number.
Least Common Denominator (LCD) the smallest Example: the factors of 40 (5,23) and 70(7,2 and 5). The
integer that contains both the denominators as factor. common factors are 2 and 5. The GCF is 5.

Fractions are numbers expressed as the ratio of two greater than or equal to the absolute value of the
numbers, and are used primarily to express a comparison
denominator (e.g. )
between parts and a whole.
Mixed numbers
A kind of fraction, percentage, always has denominator is
A mixed number is the sum of a whole number and a proper
always 100. Thus 75% means 75/100.
fraction. This sum is implied without the use of any visible
In mathematics, the set of all numbers which can be
operator such as "+"; the whole and fractional parts of the
expressed as a fraction m/n, where m and n are integers and
n is not zero, is called the set of rational numbers. This set is number are written next to each other: .
represented by the symbol Q. Reciprocals and the "invisible denominator"
Vulgar, proper, and improper fractions The reciprocal of a fraction is another fraction with the
A vulgar fraction (or common fraction or simple fraction)
is a rational number written as one integer (the numerator) numerator and denominator reversed. The reciprocal of ,

divided by a non-zero integer (the denominator) such as . for instance, is .

A vulgar fraction is said to be a proper fraction if the Because any number divided by one results in the same
absolute value of the numerator is less than the absolute number, it is possible to write any whole number as a
value of the denominatorthat is, if the absolute value of the fraction by using 1 as the denominator: 17 = (1 is
entire fraction is less than 1; a vulgar fraction is said to be an sometimes referred to as the "invisible denominator").
improper fraction if the absolute value of the numerator is Therefore, except for zero, every fraction or whole number
has a reciprocal. The reciprocal of 17 would be .

LET Review 2012 Page 2

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
Place Value

Conversion factors Metric Prefixes

Additional: 1 score = 20 years ; 1 mL = 1 cm3


Polynomial (from Greek poly, "many" and medieval Latin A polynomial is a sum of terms. For example, the
binomium, "binomial) is an expression of finite length following is a polynomial:
constructed from variables (also known as indeterminates)
and constants, using only the operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer
exponents. For example, x2 4x + 7 is a polynomial, but x2 the degree of a non-zero polynomial is the largest degree of
4/x + 7x3/2 is not, because its second term involves division any one term
by the variable x (4/x) and because its third term contains an
exponent that is not a whole number (3/2).

Exponents and Radicals

Laws of Exponent m=
a0 = 1 Factors and Products
aman = am+n a(x + y) = ax + ay
Laws of Radicals
(x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2
(x y)2 = x2 2xy + y2
n = =
(x y) (x + y) = x2 y2

= = (x3 + y3) = (x + y) (x2 xy + y2)

= (x3 y3) = (x y) (x2 + xy + y2)
= (x + y)3 = x3 + 3xy2 + 3xy2 + y3
(ab)m = amam
(x y)3 = x3 3x2y + 3xy2 y3

LET Review 2012 Page 3

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
Solving Equations in One variable

Example 1
2x + 7 = 3x Example 3
7 = 3x 2x ; combining like terms 2x + 7 = 3 3x
7=x ; after simplifying 2x + 3x = 3 + 7 ; combining like terms, transposing terms with
x to one side and those without to the other
Example 2 5x = 10 ; after simplifying
4y 7 = 1 (5x / 5) = 10/5; dividing both sides with the coefficient of x
4y = 1 + 7 ; combining like terms, transposing 7 to the x = 2 ; after simplifying
other side
4y = 8 ; after simplifying, (adding 1 and 7)
4y / 4 = 8 / 4 ; dividing both sides with the coefficient
of y, to leave y
y = 2 ; after simplifying


3x - 3y = 3
Options: 7x =7
1. Elimination (7x/7) = (7/7)
2. Substitution x=1
* through inspection, the two equations may be added

Example 1 After solving for x, either of the two equations may be

2x + 3y = 4 ; equation 1 solved to solve for y; using equation 2 solve for y:
2x + 2y = 1 ; equation 2 3x - 3y = 3
3(1) 3y = 3
Using the elimination method: 3 3y = 3
2x + 3y = 4 3y = 3 3
2x + 2y = 1 3y = 0
y=3 (3y / 3) = (0 / 3)
* through inspection, the two equations may be y=0
subtracted to solve for y.
Final Answers: x = 1 ; y = 0
After solving for y, x could be solved using either of the
two equations. Considering the first equation: 2x + 3y = USING SUBSTITUTION METHOD
4 and substituting the value of y:
2x + 3y = 4 Example 1
2x + 3(3) = 4 4x + y = 1 ; equation 1
2x + 9 = 4 3x + y = 3 ; equation 2
2x = 4 9
2x = 5 Substitution means that an equation will be used to
(2x/2) = (5/2) replace one-variable to the other equation. This leaves
x = 5/2 one-variable for the combination of the equations. This
makes the equation as an equation in one-variable.
Final Answers: x = 5/2 ; y = 3
By inspection, y can be used to for substitution
Example 2
4x + 3y = 4 ; equation 1 4x + y = 1 y = 1 4x ; this new form of the
3x - 3y = 3 ; equation 2 equation can now be used for substitution to the second
Using the elimination method: 3x + y = 3 3x + (1 4x) = 3
4x + 3y = 4 3x 4x = 3 - 1 ; combining like terms

LET Review 2012 Page 4

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
-x = 2 ; simplifying *using this equation for substitution to the second
(-x)(-1) = (2)(-1) ;multiplying both sides by -1 equation
x=-2 ; after simplifying
Solving for y 2x + 2y = 3 2 (2 4y) + 2y = 3
4 4y + 2y = 3 ; after distribution
Since one of the variables is already known, either of 4 4y = 3 ; after simplifying
the initial two equations may be used to solve for the - 4y = 3 4 ; combining like terms
other variable: using equation 2: 3x + y = 3 and - 4y = -1 ; simplifying
substituting the value of x: (-4y)/(-4) = (-1)/(-4) ; dividing both sides by (-4)
3(-2) + y = 3 Since one of the variables is already known, either of
-6 + y = 3 the initial two equations may be used to solve for the
y=3+6 other variable:
y=9 using equation (1): x + 4y = 2
Final Answers: x = -2 ; y = 9
x + 4(1/4) = 2
x+1=2 ; after simplifying
x=21 ; combining like terms
Example 2 x=1 ; after simplifying
x + 4y = 2 ; equation 1
2x + 2y = 3 ; equation 2 Final Answers: x = 1; y = 1/4
* through inspection; the first equation may be used for
substitution to the second equation:

x + 4y = 2 ; equation 1 x = 2 4y

Clock angle problems Equation for the degrees on the minute hand
relate two different
measurements: angles min. = 6M
and time. To answer the
problem the where:
relationship between
is the angle in degrees of the hand measured clockwise
the time shown (or an from the 12 o'clock position.
elapsed time) and the is the minute.
position of the hands (as
given by an angle) has to Example
be found.
The time is 5:24. The angle in degrees of the hour hand is:
The hour hand of a normal 12-hour analogue clock turns
360 in 12 hours (720 minutes) or 0.5 per minute. The
minute hand rotates through 360 in 60 minutes or 6 per
The angle in degrees of the minute hand is:
Equation for the angle of the hour hand

Equation for the angle between the hands

The angle between the hands can also be found using the
where: formula:

is the angle in degrees of the hand measured clockwise

from the 12 o'clock position.
is the hour.
is the minutes past the hour.
is the minutes past 12 o'clock.

LET Review 2012 Page 5

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
Example Hour and minute hands are superimposed only when their
The time is 2:40. angle is the same.

is the hour
is the minute
is an integer in the range 011. This gives times of: 0:00,
1:05.45, 2:10.90, 3:16.36, etc.
When are hour and minute hands of a clock

Interest problems
Interest = Principal x interest rate per period x period

I = Prt Where: I = interest , P principal amount, r rate, t time

Note: the unit for rate should be consistent with time. Example if r = 5%/year; time should be in years

Work Problems
For the case where two persons/instruments/machines are working to achieve a single goal
; Where: t total time
x and y persons/instruments/machines time in working for a goal
For the case where two persons/instruments/machines are working against each other. The goal of the other is
the reverse of another. (e.g., one pipe fills a pool and the other pipe drains the pool)
; Where: t total time
x and y persons/instruments/machines time in working for a goal
Motion Problem
Speed = distance/time
s = d/t where: s speed, d distance and t - time
Triangle Circle
Perimeter (P) sum of Area (A): A = r2
sides (s): P = s1 + s2 + s3 Circumference (C):
Area (A): A = (b)(h) C = 2 r = D
Isosceles triangle:
Where: r - radius and
triangle with two sides
Triangle Circle D diameter
and two angles equal
Area (A): A = s2
Right triangle: a triangle
a c
with one of the angles
Perimeter (P) = 4s
equal to 90 degrees.

b Follows Pythagorean
Right Triangle theorem: c2 = a2 + b2
b2 Perimeter (P):
a a1 a2 P = a1 + a2 + b 1 + b 2
Area (A) = bh
h Area (A):
Perimeter (P) = 2a + 2b b1
b A=
Parallelogram Trapezoid
Where: a & b sides
h - height

LET Review 2012 Page 6

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
Rectangular Prism Cube
Rectangular Prism Cube Total Surface Area (TSA):
Total Surface Area (TSA): TSA = 6e2
h TSA = 2lw + 2wh + 2lh Volume = e3 = s3
l Volume (V): Where: e - edge
w V = lwh

Right Circular Cylinder Total Surface Area (TSA): Rectangular Prism Rectangular Prism
TSA = 2r2 + 2 rh Volume (V):
Volume (V): V = Abaseh
h V = r2h
Where: Abase Area of the
Circular base h - height
Right Circular Cone Right Circular Cone Rectangular base

Total Surface Area (TSA):

TSA = r2 + rs
r Volume (V):
Circular base V = (r2)(h)

Probability and Statistics

Range = HS LS + 1
Where: HS Highest Score
LS Lowest Score
Harmonic mean (HM)
Arithmetic mean (AM)
The harmonic mean is an average which is useful for
The arithmetic mean is the "standard" average, often simply sets of numbers which are defined in relation to some unit,
called the "mean". for example speed (distance per unit of time).

For example, the arithmetic mean of six values: 34, 27, 45,
55, 22, 34 is For example, the harmonic mean of the six
values: 34, 27, 45, 55, 22, and 34 is

Geometric mean (GM)

The geometric mean is an average that is useful for sets of

positive numbers that are interpreted according to their
product and not their sum (as is the case with the arithmetic
Measures of Central Tendency
mean) e.g. rates of growth.
Arithmetic Mean

The arithmetic mean is the most common measure of central

tendency. It simply the sum of the numbers divided by the
number of numbers. The symbol mm is used for the mean of
a population. The symbol MM is used for the mean of a
For example, the geometric mean of six values: 34, 27, sample. The formula for mm is shown below: m=XN m X
45, 55, 22, 34 is: N where X X is the sum of all the numbers in the
numbers in the sample and NN is the number of numbers in
the sample. As an example, the mean of the numbers
1+2+3+6+8=205=4 1 2 3 6 8 20 5 4 regardless of whether

LET Review 2012 Page 7

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
the numbers constitute the entire population or just a Computation of the Median: When there is an odd number of
sample from the population. numbers, the median is simply the middle number. For
example, the median of 2, 4, and 7 is 4. When there is an even
The table, Number of touchdown passes, shows the number number of numbers, the median is the mean of the two
of touchdown (TD) passes thrown by each of the 31 teams in middle numbers. Thus, the median of the numbers 22, 44, 77,
the National Football League in the 2000 season. The mean 1212 is 4+72=5.5 4 7 2 5.5 .
number of touchdown passes thrown is 20.4516 as shown
below. m=XN=63431=20.4516 m X N 634 31 20.4516 Mode

37 33 33 32 29 28 28 23 The mode is the most frequently occuring value. For the data
in the table, Number of touchdown passes, the mode is 18
22 22 22 21 21 21 20 20 since more teams (4) had 18 touchdown passes than any
other number of touchdown passes. With continuous data
19 19 18 18 18 18 16 15 such as response time measured to many decimals, the
frequency of each value is one since no two scores will be
14 14 14 12 12 9 6 exactly the same (see discussion of continuous variables).
Therefore the mode of continuous data is normally
Table 1: Number of touchdown computed from a grouped frequency distribution. The
passes Grouped frequency distribution table shows a grouped
frequency distribution for the target response time data.
Since the interval with the highest frequency is 600-700, the
Although the arithmetic mean is not the only "mean" mode is the middle of that interval (650).
(there is also a geometic mean), it is by far the most
commonly used. Therefore, if the term "mean" is used Range Frequency
without specifying whether it is the arithmetic mean, the
geometic mean, or some other mean, it is assumed to refer to 500-600 3
the arithmetic mean.
600-700 6
700-800 5
The median is also a frequently used measure of
central tendency. The median is the midpoint of a 800-900 5
distribution: the same number of scores are above the
median as below it. For the data in the table, Number of 900-1000 0
touchdown passes, there are 31 scores. The 16th highest
score (which equals 20) is the median because there are 15 1000-1100 1
scores below the 16th score and 15 scores above the 16th
score. The median can also be thought of as the 50th Table 3: Grouped frequency
percentile. distribution

Let's return to the made up example of the quiz on

which you made a three discussed previously in the module Permutation and Combination
Introduction to Central Tendency and shown in Table 2.
Student Dataset 1 Dataset 2 Dataset 3
BY THE PERMUTATIONS of the letters abc we mean all
You 3 3 3 of their possible arrangements:
abc bca
John's 3 4 2 acb cab
bac cba
Maria's 3 4 2
There are 6 permutations of three different things. As
Shareecia's 3 4 2 the number of things (letters) increases, their
Luther's 3 5 1 permutations grow astronomically. For example, if
twelve different things are permuted, then the number
Table 2: Three possible datasets for the 5-point make-up of their permutations is 479,001,600.
Now, this enormous number was not found by counting
them. It is derived theoretically from the Fundamental
For Dataset 1, the median is three, the same as your score. Principle of Counting:
For Dataset 2, the median is 4. Therefore, your score is below
the median. This means you are in the lower half of the class. If something can be chosen, or can happen, or be
Finally for Dataset 3, the median is 2. For this dataset, your done, in m different ways, and, after that has happened,
score is above the median and therefore in the upper half of
the distribution.

LET Review 2012 Page 8

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
something else can be chosen in n different ways, then eq. Therefore, the total number of ways they can be
the number of ways of choosing both of them is m n. next to each other is 2 5! = 240.
For example, imagine putting the letters a, b, c, d Permutations of less than all
into a hat, and then drawing two of them in
We have seen that the number of ways of choosing 2
succession. We can draw the first in 4 different
letters from 4 is 4 3 = 12. We call this
ways: either a or b or c or d. After that has happened,
there are 3 ways to choose the second. That is, to each "The number of permutations of 4 different things
of those 4 ways there correspond 3. Therefore, there are taken 2 at a time."
4 3 or 12 possible ways to choose two letters from We will symbolize this as 4P2:
four. 4P
2 = 4 3
ab ba ca da
The lower index 2 indicates the number of
ac bc cb db factors. The upper index 4 indicates the first factor.
ad bd cd dc
For example, 8P3 means "the number of permutations of
8 different things taken 3 at a time." And
ab means that a was chosen first and b second; ba
8P3 = 8 7 6
means that b was chosen first and a second; and so on.
Let us now consider the total number of = 56 6
permutations of all four letters. There are 4 ways to
choose the first. 3 ways remain to choose the second, 2 = 50 6 + 6 6
ways to choose the third, and 1 way to choose the = 336
last. Therefore the number of permutations of 4
different things is
For, there are 8 ways to choose the first, 7 ways to choose
4 3 2 1 = 24 the second, and 6 ways to choose the third.
Thus the number of permutations of 4 different
things taken 4 at a time is 4!. In general,
nPk = n(n 1)(n 2) to k factors
(To say taken 4 at a time is a convention. We mean, "4! is
the number of permutations of 4 different things taken Factorial representation
from a total of 4 different things.")
We saw in the Topic on factorials,
In general, 8!
= 8 7 6
The number of permutations of n different
things taken n at a time 5! is a factor of 8!, and therefore the 5!'s cancel.
is n!. Now, 8 7 6 is 8P3. We see, then, that 8P3 can
be expressed in terms of factorials as
Example 1. Five different books are on a shelf. In
how many different ways could you arrange them? 8P3
8! 8!
= =
(8 3)! 5!
Answer. 5! = 1 2 3 4 5 = 120

Example 2. There are 6! permutations of the 6 In general, the number of arrangements --

letters of the word square. permutations -- of n things taken k at a time, can be
a) In how many of them is r the second letter? _ r _ _ represented as follows:
__ n!
nPk = . . . . . . . . . . . .(1)
b) In how many of them are q and e next to each (n k)!
Solution. The upper factorial is the upper index of P,
a) Let r be the second letter. Then there are 5 ways while the lower factorial is the difference of the
to fill the first spot. After that has happened, there indices.
are 4 ways to fill the third, 3 to fill the fourth, and so
on. There are 5! such permutations. Example 3. Express 10P4 in terms of factorials.

b) Let q and e be next to each other as qe. Then we 10!

Solution. 10P4 =
will be permuting the 5 units qe, s, u a, r.. They have 6!
5! permutations. But q and e could be together as

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Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
The upper factorial is the upper index, and the lower many permutations as combinations. 4C3 , therefore, will
factorial is the difference of the indices. When the 6!'s be 4P3 divided by 3! -- the number of permutations that
cancel, the numerator becomes 10 9 8 7. each combination generates.
4C3 =
4 3 2
This is the number of permutations of 10 different things =
3! 1 2 3
taken 4 at a time.

Notice: The numerator and denominator have the

Example 4. Calculate nPn.
same number of factors, 3, which is indicated by the lower
n! n! n! index. The numerator has 3 factors starting with the
Solution. nPn = = = = n!
(n n)! 0! 1 upper index and going down, while the denominator is 3!.

n is the number of permutations of n different In general, nCk = .
things taken n at a time -- it is the total number of
permutations of n things: n!. The definition 0! = n(n 1)(n 2) to k factors
nC =
1 makes line (1) above valid for all values of k: k = 0, 1, k!
2, . . . , n.

Example 1. How many combinations are there of 5

In permutations, the order is all important -- we count abc distinct things taken 4 at a time?
as different from bca. But in combinations we are 5 4 3 2
concerned only that a, b, and c have been selected. abc and Solution. 5C4 = = 5.
1 2 3 4
bca are the same combination.
Again, both the numerator and denominator have
Here are all the combinations of abcd taken three at a time:
the number of factors indicated by the lower index, which
abc abd acd bcd. in this case is 4. The numerator has four factors
beginning with the upper index 5 and going
There are four such combinations. We call this
backwards. The denominator is 4!.
The number of combinations of 4 distinct things taken 3 at
a time. Example 2. Evaluate 8C6.

We will denote this number as 4C3. In general, 8 7 6 5 4 3

Solution. 8C6 = = 28.
1 2 3 4 5 6
nCk = The number of combinations of n distinct things taken
k at a time.
Both the numerator and denominator have 6
Now, how are the number of combinations nCk related to factors. The entire denominator cancels into the
the number of permutations, nPk ? To be specific, how are numerator. This will always be the case.
the combinations 4C3 related to the permutations 4P3?
Example 3. Evaluate 8C2.
Since the order does not matter in combinations, there are 8 7
Solution. 8C2 = = 28.
clearly fewer combinations than permutations. The 1 2
combinations are contained among the permutations --
they are a "subset" of the permutations. Each of those four We see that 8C2 , the number of ways of taking 2
combinations, in fact, will give rise to 3! permutations: things from 8, is equal to 8C6 (Example 2), the number of
abc abd acd bcd ways of taking 8 minus 2, or 6. For, the number of ways of
taking 2, is the same as the number of ways of leaving 6
acb adb adc bdc
bac bad cad cbd
bca bda cda cdb
nCk = nCn k
cab dab dac dbc
The bottom indices, k on the left and n k on the
cba dba dca dcb
right, together add up to n.

Each column is the 3! permutations of that Example 4. Write out nC3.

combination. But they are all one combination -- because
the order does not matter. Hence there are 3! times as

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Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
Note also the convention that the factorial of the lower index,
n(n 1)(n 2) k, is written in the denominator on the right.
Solution. nC 3 =
1 2 3
8! . (Note: 5 + 3 in the denominator
The 3 factors in the numerator begin with n and go 5! equals 8 in
5. 8C3 =
down. 3! the numerator.

Factorial representation
8 7 6
In terms of factorials, the number of selections -- Show that this is equal to .
1 2 3
combinations -- of n distinct things taken k at a time, can
be represented as follows:
Solution. 5! is a factor of 8!, so it will cancel.
nC =
k 8! 8 7 6 5! 8 7 6
(n k)! k! = = .
5! 3! 5! 1 2 3 1 2 3

This is nPk divided by k!. Compare line (1) of Section 1. Final Answer: 56

Notice: In the denominator, n k and k together equal the

numerator n.

Additional Concepts

Calendar Dates:
Months with 30 days: September, April, June and November
Months with 31 days: January, March, May, July, August, October, December
February has either 28/29 days. The 29th day is added during leap years. Every four years. Years that are
divisible by 4.

LET Review 2012 Page 11

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
Refresher Course - GENERAL EDUCATION
(Previous LET Items)

Use of four fundamental Operations in problem solving 6. Measurement and units of measure
1. Operations with whole numbers, decimals, a. Perimeter
fractions and integers b. Area
2. Least common multiple; greatest common factor c. Volume
3. Divisibility rules d. Capacity
4. Ratio and proportion e. Weight
5. Percentage, rate and base 7. Number Theory
a. Prime and composite numbers
b. Prime factorization

LET SEPTEMBER 2010 items 8. Only 682 examinees passed in a Nurse Licensure
Examination out of 2550 examinees. What is the passing
1. Two times a certain number added to 40 gives the same percentage?
result as three times the same number subtracted from 75. a. 26% b. 26.7% c. 26.8% d. 26.5%
What is the number?
a. 7 b. 30 c. 15 d. 10 9. To find perimeter (P) of a rectangle that has length of 16
inches and width of 12 inches which of the following
2. A pancake was cut into 8 pieces. Three brothers ate one equation can be used?
piece each. What part of the cake was left? a. P = 2(16)(12) c. P = 2(16) + (12)
a. b. 2/8 c. 5/8 d. b. P = (16) + (12) d. P = 2(16+12)

3. A meat dealer sold his butchered cow for P 21, 500. If each 10. A swimming pool is an equilateral triangle in shape. One
kilogram of beef cost P120 each, how many kilograms side is 11 meters. How many meters rope are needed to
were realized from one cow? enclose the pool?
a. 179.16 kg c. 180 kg a. 55 meters c. 44 meters
b. 179.18 kg d. 178 kg b. 45 meters d. 33 meters

4. How many twenty thousand are there in one million? 11. Mrs. Alices rectangular bathroom has to be covered with
a. 100 b. 500 c. 50 d. 1000 tiles. The edge of the bathroom needs a rubberized tile. If the
tub is 2.3 meters long and 1.8 meters wide, how many
5. What is the cube root of (32 x 3)? meters of rubberized tiles are required?
a. 9 b. 3 x 3 c. 27 d. 3 a. 9.2 meters c. 8.2 meters
b. 4.6 meters d. 2.3 meters
6. Which expresses the polynomial in the following?
a. 2x + 4x 3 c. x x + 9 3x + 10x 12. An executive office has to be carpeted. The area is 3 m by
b. xy x 6 d. x 4x + 2x x + 2 4 m. The carpet costs P 1, 000.00 per square meter. How
much will be spent for the purchase of the carpet?
7. A swimming contest is held in a four lane swimming pool a. P120, 000.00 c. P10, 000.00
of 50 meters long. The contest is for the 200 meter. How b. P12, 000.00 d. P 1, 000.00
many times will each swimmer complete in this contest?
a. 10 times c. 5 times 13. Write this ratio in its simplest form: 3 dm to 20 cm.
b. 16 times d. 4 times a. 20:3 b. 20:30 c. 3:2 d. 3:20

LET Review 2012 Page 12

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
14. Which of the following is CLOSEST to the square root of 26. Which of the following gives the sum of the polynomials
4000? (a2 + b2 + ab) and (3a2 + 4ab 2b2)?
a. 63 b. 200 c. 22 d. 19 a. 4a2 + b2 + 5ab c. 3a2 + 5ab 2b2
b. 5a2 + 5b2 + 5ab d. 4a2 + 5ab b2
15. The arithmetic mean of a set of 50 numbers is 38. If two
numbers 45 and 35 are discarded, the mean of the 27. Of 50 students enrolled in the subject, Curriculum and
remaining set of numbers is: Instruction, 90% took the final examination at the end of
a. 37.24 b. 37.92 c. 37.0 d. 36.5 the term. Two-thirds of those who took the final
examination passed. How many students passed the
16. If 5x>0 which of the following must be TRUE? exam?
I. x <0 II. 1/x>0 III. x<0 a. 33 b. 45 c. 34 d. 30

a. II only b. II and III c. I and II d. I only 28. A cube is a rectangular solid, the length, width and height
of which have the same measure called the edge (e) of the
17. If P is a positive integer in the equation 12p = q, then q cube. The volume of the cube is found by cubing the
must be a: measure of the edge. What is the volume of the cube
a. positive even integer c. positive odd integer whose edge is 4 cm?
b. negative even integer d. negative odd integer a. 27 cm3 b. 64 cm3 c. 206 cm3 d. 125 cm3

18. What is the range of the following: 29. If a function is defined by the set of ordered pairs (1,2),
86, 70, 83, 90, 85, 78, 79, 81, 87 (2,4), (3,8), (4,16), (5,Y), then the value of Y is:
a. 12 b. 15 c. 16 d. 21 a. 10 b. 32 c. 20 d. 25

19. Change the following percents to decimals: 23%, 5%, 3%, 30. If n<m and a<b, then _____________________
3.5%. a. n + a > m +b c. n = a
a. 2.3, 500, 0.30, 30.5 c. 0.23, 0.05, 0.03, 0.035 b. m = b d. n + a < m + b
b. 0.23, 50, 03, 3.05 d. 0.023, 5.00, 3.0, 03.5

20. If the scores of 10 students are: 76, 80, 75, 83, 80, 79, 85, LET SEPTEMBER 2009
80, 88, 90, the mode is:
a. 79 b. 85 c. 80 d. 88 1. How much greater is the sum of the first 20 counting
numbers than the sum of the first 10 counting numbers?
21. A vehicle consumes one liter of gasoline to travel 10 a. 110 b. 55 c. 100 d. 155
kilometers. After a tune-up, it travels 15% farther on one
liter. To the nearest tenth, how many liters of gasoline will 2. Which of these statements is always TRUE?
it take for the vehicle to travel 230 kilometers?
a. 23 liters b. 20 liters c. 23.15 liters d. 20.15 liters a. The sum of 3 consecutive pages of a book is always odd.
b. The sum of two square numbers CANNOT be odd
22. How many thousand are there in one million? c. The sum of the page number of two consecutive pages
a. 100 b. 500 c. 50 d. 1000 of a book is even
d. The sum of 5 consecutive numbers is always divisible
23. How many twenty thousands are there in one million? by 5
a. 500 b. 50 c. 100 d. 1000
3. A father and son working together can finish painting a
24. Which of the following is the numerical form for twenty room in 6 hours. Working alone, the father takes 9 hours to
thousand twenty? do the painting. How many painting hours will it take the
a. 2,020 b. 2,000,020 c. 20,020 d. 20,000,20 son, working alone, to finish painting the room?
a. 18 b. 15 c. 75 d. 12
25. A rectangle has sides of 10 and 12 units. How can the
area of a square be computed if it has the same perimeter 4. Which common fraction is equivalent to 0.216?
as the rectangle? a. 53/250 b. 27/125 c. 21/50 d. 108/375
a. Add 10 and 12, double the sum, then multiply by 4
b. Add 10 and 12, double the sum, divide by 4, then 5. From a 72 m bolt/roll of clothing material, 28 school
multiply by 4 uniforms are made. Each uniform uses 2-m. How many
c. Add 10 and 12, double the sum, divide by 4, then meters of material are left?
multiply by 4 a. 8 and 3/4 c. 16
d. Add 10 and 12, double the sum, divide by 4, then square b. 10 d. 12
the quotient

LET Review 2012 Page 13

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
6. Nelia takes hour to dress and get ready for school. It 17. If the width of a rectangle is reduced by 20% and the
takes 4/5 hour to reach the school. If her class starts length is also reduced by 20%, what percent of the original
promptly at 8:15 am; what is the latest time she can jump area is the new area of the rectangle?
out of bed in order not to be late for school? a. 60% b. 64% c. 80% d. 36%
a. 6:42 am b. 6:50 am c. 6:45 am d. 7:22 am
18. How many square inches are in 1 square yard?
7. In a playground for Kindergarten kids, 18 children are a. 900 b. 144 c. 1296 d. 648
riding tricycles or bicycles. If there are 43 wheels in all,
how many tricycles are there? 19. Which of these has the longest perimeter?
a. 8 b. 9 c. 7 d. 11 a. A square 21 cm on a side
b. A rectangle 19 cm long and 24 cm wide
8. Simplify 5 - 4 c. An equilateral triangle whose side is 28 cm
a. 13 b. c. 33 d. 17 d. A right triangle whose two legs are 24 and 32 cm

9. A child can be admitted to Grade I if he/she is at least 5 20. Determine the midpoint of the line segment joining the
years and 10 months old by June of the school year. Which points (5, -3) and (-1, 6).
of these birthdates will disqualify a child from being a. (2, 3/2) b. (2, -3/2) c. (3, 3/2) d. (1, 5/2)
admitted to Grade I on June 15, 2009?
a. June 10, 2003 c. May 5, 2003 21. The legs of one right triangle are 9 and 12, while those of
b. Jan. 10, 2003 d. April 30, 2003 another right triangle are 12 and 16. How much longer is
the perimeter of the larger triangle than the perimeter of
10. A time deposit in bank will mature after 91 days. If the the smaller triangle?
deposit was made on April 28, on what date will it a. 84 b. 7 c. 12 d. 14
22. A student has ten posters to pin up on the walls of her
a. June 28 b. July 18 c. July 28 d. July 29
room, but there is space for seven. In how many ways can
she choose the posters to be pinned up?
11. One side of a 45 - 45 - 90 triangle measures 5 cm. What
a. 5,040 b. 604,800 c. 120 d. 7
is the length of its hypotenuse?
a. 5 cm b. 5 cm c. (5 )/2 cm d. 5 cm 23. One angle of a parallelogram is 35. What are the
measures of the three other angles?
12. An online shop sells a certain calculator for P850 and a. 145 , 35 , 145 c. 85 , 135 , 140
charges P250 for shipping within Manila, regardless of the b. 45 , 65 , 170 d. 35 , 65 , 65
number of calculators ordered. Which of the following
equations shows the total cost (y) of an order as a 24. A series of a square figures are made with match sticks. If
function of the number of calculators ordered (x)? the first three figures are the following, how many
a. y = (850 + 250)x c. y = 850x + 250 matchsticks will be needed to form the sixth figure?
b. y = 250x +850 d. y = 850x + 250

13. How many glasses of Cola each to be filled with 150 cu

cm of liquid can be made from 5 family size bottles of cola
each containing 1.5 liters? a. 60 b. 5 c. 84 d. 40
a. 60 b. 45 c. 40 d. 50
14. A retailer buys candies for P37.50. The pack has 25 25. If 1/x = a/b then x equals the ______________
pieces of candies. If she sells each candy for P2.25, how a. product of a and b c. difference of a and b
much profit does she make? b. sum of a and b d. quotient of b and a
a. P15.50 b. P56.25 c. P37.50 d. P18.75
26. On a certain day, three computer technicians took turns
15. The edges of a cubical frame are made from plastic in manning a 24-hour internet shop. The number of hours
straws. How much longer is the total length of the plastic Cesar, Bert, and Danny were on duty was in the ratio
edges of a cube whose edge is 10 cm compared to a cube 1:2:3, respectively. The shop owner pays them P40 per
whose edge is 8 cm? hour. How much would Danny receive for that day?
a. 32 cm b. 8 cm c. 24 cm d. 16 cm a. P 230 b. P960 c. P160 d. P480

16. How many different rectangles can be found in the 27. Rubens grades in 6 subjects are 88, 89, 87, 90, 91 and
diagram below? 86? What is the least grade that should aim for in the 7th
subject if he has to have an average of 88?
a. 91 b. 90 c. 93 d. 92
a. 8 b. 4 c. 5 d. 9

LET Review 2012 Page 14

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
LET SEPTEMBER 2008 16. 259:37 as _______________.
1. In a certain school, the ratio of boys to girls is 3 is to 7. If a. 84:12 b. 25:4 c. 5:1 d. 63:441
there are 150 boys and girls in the school, how many boys
are there? 17. Which common fraction is equivalent to 0.216?
a. 105 b. 90 c. 45 d. 75 a. 53/50 b. 27/125 c. 21/50 d. 108/375

2. The edges of a rectangular solid have these measures: 1.5 18. What value of x will make this proportion correct?
feet by feet by 3 inches. What is its volume in cubic 13 : x = 3.25 : 8
inches? a. 2 b. 3.5 c. 32 d. 20
a. 324 b. 225 c. 272 d. 27
19. How much greater is the sum of the first 20 counting
3. A water tank contains 8 liters when it is 20% full. How numbers greater than the sum of the first 10 counting
many liters does it contain when 75% full? numbers?
a. 60 b. 30 c. 58 d. 15 a. 110 b. 55 c. 155 d. 100

4. Which of the following has the largest value? 20. Ana and Beth do a job together in two hours. Working
a. 75 b. 39 c. 64 d. 93 alone, Ana does the job in 5 hours. How long will it take
Beth to do the job alone?
5. How many vertices does a rectangular solid should have? a. 3 and 1/3 hours c. 3 hours
a. 8 b. 6 c. 4 d. 12 b. 2 and 1/3 hours d. 2 hours

6. Which of these three fractions has the largest value? 21. What is the greatest common factor of the number 48, 12,
a. 4/15 b. 3/4 c. 12/24 d. 5/9 and 32?
a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 6
7. if x = 3 and y = 2, then 2x + 3y = _____________.
a. 12 b. 10 c. 14 d. 5 22. In the following number: 5672.13498, which digit is in
the thousandths place?
8. Which of these has a value different from the other three? a. 6 b. 4 c. 3 d. 9
a. 15% b. 3/20 c. 0.15 d. 12/75

9. The vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is 30. What is the 23. By how much is 35% of P220 greater than 55% of P140?
measure of one of the base angles? a. P10.00 b. P0.00 c. P20.00 d. P16.00
a. 150 b. 60 c. 75 d. 70
24. Between January 2008 and August 2008, the price of
10. What is the value of 12 2 7 19 ? gasoline rose from 28.40 to 52.90 per liter. What is the
percent increase over the 8-month period?
a. 21 b. 22 c. 21 d. 21
a. 97.5% b. 86.27% c. 24.5% d. 46.81%

11. Joseph is 10 years older than his sister. If Joseph was 25 25. The area of a rectangle is (x2 +x-12). If its length is x + 4,
years of age in 1983, in what year could he have been what is its width?
born? a. x + 2 b. x - 3 c. x + 1 d. x + 6
a. 1948 b. 1963 c. 1958 d. 1953
12. Which number is wrong in this sequence? What should 26. In a Mathematics test, 35 students passed and 30%
the number be for the sequence to be CORRECT? 5, 15, 16, failed. How many students took the test?
48, 144, 147, 148, 444 a. 60 b. 50 c. 40 d. 30
a. 48; it should be 18 c. 144; it should be 132
b. 147; it should be 147 d. 144; it should be 49 27. At what rate per annum should P2400 be invested so that
it will earn an interest of P880 in 8 years?
13. What number is next in this sequence: 11120, 11260, a. 6 % b. 5 % c. 4.6% d. 6%
11420, 11600?
a. 11820 b. 11760 c. 11720 d. 11800
28. Each bag of rice contains 50 kg. What would be the
increase per kilogram in the price if the cost of one bag of
14. Which decimal is equal to 3/100 + 2/10 + 5/1000?
rice goes from P 950.00 to P 1,200.00?
a. 0.532 b. 0.0523 c. 0.325 d. 0.235
a. P250.00 b. P7.50 c. P3.75 d. P5.00
15. If the counting numbers 1 to 30 are written down, how
many times does the digit 2 appear?
a. 11 b. 14 c. 12 d. 13

LET Review 2012 Page 15

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
1. Three brothers inherited a cash amount of P120, 000 and 14. All the seats in a bus are occupied and six persons are
they divided it among themselves in the ratio of 5:2:1. standing. At the next bus stop, 13 persons got off and 5
How much more is the largest share than the smallest got in. How many seats were empty after this stop if
share? everyone had a seat?
a. P75,000 b. P30,000 c. P15,000 d. P60,000 a. 24 b. 23 c. 0 d. 2

2. In this number, 2457.13689, which digit is in the 15. A,B, and C are consecutive numbers. If A>B>C, what is the
thousandths place? value of (A-B)(A-C)(B-C)?
a. 8 b. 6 c. 3 d. 4 a. -2 b. 2 c. 1 d. -1

3. Joan bought 120 handkerchiefs at 10 pesos each. Then she 16. Which of the following could be a factor of n(n+1) if n is a
sold them at 3 handkerchiefs for P50. If she sold all the positive integer less than 3?
handkerchiefs, how much profit did she make? a. 8 b. 3 c. 9 d. 5
a. P400 b. P800 c. P733 d. P170
17. What number subtracted from each of 71 and 58 will
4. If the area of one circle is twice of another circle, what is result in two perfect squares?
the ratio in percent of the smaller to the larger circle? a. 22 b. 42 c. 35 d. 33
a. 70% b. 25% c. 75% d. 50%
18. A recipe which is good for 4 persons calls for 2/3 cup of
5. The average of 5 different counting numbers is 10. What is milk. How much milk will be needed by a recipe for 6
the highest possible value that one of the numbers can persons?
have? a. 4 cups b. 1 cup c. 2 cups d. 8 cups
a. 20 b. 40 c. 30 d. 38
19. Which of the following has the greatest value:
6. What value of x will satisfy the equation: a. 2 + 22 + (2 + 2)2 c. [(2 + 2)2]2
0.2(2x + 1470) = x? b. 4 3 d. (2 + 2 + 2)2
a. 490 b. 2,130 c. 1470 d. 560
20. How many numbers of Set A are factors of any numbers
7. Which of the following is a factor of the quadratic equation of Set B?
x 2x 24 = 0?
2 Set A = {0,1,2,3,4,5} Set B = {1,2,7,9,10}
a. x - 4 b. x + 2 c. x + 6 d. x + 4
a. 6 b. 5 c. 4 d. 3
8. Julie spent one-sixth of her money in one store. In the next
store, she spent three times as much as she spent in the first 21. A store lost P252,000 last year. What was its average loss
store, and had 80 pesos left. How much money did she have per month?
at the start? a. P20,000 b. P20,500 c. P21,500 d. P21,000
a. 240 pesos b. 252 pesos c. 300 pesos d. 360 pesos
22. If x is an odd integer and y is an even integer, which of
9. What part of an hour had passed from 2:48 pm to 3:20 the following is an odd integer?
pm? a. 2x-y b. x2+y-1 c. x2 + 3y d. x 1
a. 7/8 b. 1/3 c. 8/15 d. 8/2.5
23. The first 5 numbers in a sequence are 5,6,8,11 and 15.
10. What is 3m + 28 dm when converted to centimeters? What are the 8th and 10th numbers in the sequence?
a. 480 b. 4800 c. 5800 d. 580 a. 32 and 49 b. 26 and 49 c. 27 and 42 d. 33 and 50

11. A street vendor sells 3 kg roasted peanuts at P5 per 24. What percent of 4 is 3/5 of 8?
packet of 25 g which she bought for P80 per kilo. She a. 83 1/3 % b. 48% c. 80% d. 120%
spent P20 for oil, fuel, and plastic bags. What is her net
gain from selling all the peanuts? 25. What is the counting number that is less than 15 and
a. P480 b. P380 c. P340 d. P400 when divided by 3 has a remainder of 1, but when divided
by 4 has a remainder of 2?
12. If x = -5, what is the value of (x 9)/(x + 3)?
2 a. 5 b. 12 c. 8 d. 10
a. 7 b. -6 c. -8 d. 5
26. Which of these weights is heaviest?
13. What is the missing terms in the series a. 2250 g b. 2.5 kg c. 5 pounds d. 4200 mg
a. 50,210 b. 40,160 c. 35,135 d. 40,120

LET Review 2012 Page 16

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
27. Which of the following is the factorization of the binomial 32. The area of a square is 32x. Which of the following could
x2 - 42? be an exact value for x?
a. (x + 4)(x + 2) c. x(x + 2x + 2) a. 2 b. 6 c. 3 d. 4
b. (x 4)2 d. (x 4)(x + 4)
33. How much is 80% of 37% of 2.4?
28. What percent of 560 is 35? a. 7.2 b. 1.92 c. 19.2 d. 0.71
a. 6.5% b. 16% c. 6.25% d. 65%
34. Two buses leave the same station at 9:00 pm. One bus
29. How much interest would be paid on a bank loan of travels north at the rate of 30 kph and the other travels
P 30,000 for 8 months at 12% annual interest? east at 40 kph. How many kilometers apart are the buses
a. P3,240 b. P2,400 c. P2,800 d. P3,600 at 10 pm?
a. 140 km b. 100 km c. 70 km d. 50 km
30. Which of the fractions has the LEAST value?
a. 7/12 b. 8/9 c. 6/17 d. 7/8

31. What is the average of , , and 1/3?

a. 13/12 b. 13/24 c. 13/23 d. 13/29

LET Review 2012 Page 17

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
Answer Sheet (Mathematics)
Name:____________________________________________________ Total Score: _________________________________________
Date Taken: _____________________________________________

Partial Score: 30
____ 1. ____ 9. ____ 17. ____ 25.
____ 2. ____ 10. ____ 18. ____ 26.
____ 3. ____ 11. ____ 19. ____ 27.
____ 4. ____ 12. ____ 20. ____ 28.
____ 5. ____ 13. ____ 21. ____ 29.
____ 6. ____ 14. ____ 22. ____ 30.
____ 7. ____ 15. ____ 23.
____ 8. ____ 16. ____ 24.

Partial Score:

____ 1. ____ 8. ____ 15. ____ 22.

____ 2. ____ 9. ____ 16. ____ 23.
____ 3. ____ 10. ____ 17. ____ 24.
____ 4. ____ 11. ____ 18. ____ 25.
____ 5. ____ 12. ____ 19. ____ 26.
____ 6. ____ 13. ____ 20. ____ 27.
____ 7. ____ 14. ____ 21.

Partial Score:
____ 1. ____ 8. ____ 15. ____ 22.
____ 2. ____ 9. ____ 16. ____ 23.
____ 3. ____ 10. ____ 17. ____ 24.
____ 4. ____ 11. ____ 18. ____ 25.
____ 5. ____ 12. ____ 19. ____ 26.
____ 6. ____ 13. ____ 20. ____ 27.
____ 7. ____ 14. ____ 21. ____ 28.

Partial Score:

____ 1. ____ 10. ____ 19. ____ 28.

____ 2. ____ 11. ____ 20. ____ 29.
____ 3. ____ 12. ____ 21. ____ 30.
____ 4. ____ 13. ____ 22. ____ 31.
____ 5. ____ 14. ____ 23. ____ 32.
____ 6. ____ 15. ____ 24. ____ 33.
____ 7. ____ 16. ____ 25. ____ 34.
____ 8. ____ 17. ____ 26.
____ 9. ____ 18. ____ 27.

LET Review 2012 Page 18

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio
Answer Sheet (Mathematics - ANSWERS)
Name:____________________________________________________ Total Score: _________________________________________
Date Taken: _____________________________________________

Partial Score: 30
_____ 1. A ____ 9. D ____ 17. A ____ 25. D
____ 2. C ____ 10. D ____ 18. A ____ 26. D
____ 3. A ____ 11. C ____ 19. D ____ 27. D
____ 4. C ____ 12. B ____ 20. C ____ 28. B
____ 5. D ____ 13. C ____ 21. B ____ 29. B
____ 6. B ____ 14. A ____ 22. D ____ 30. D
____ 7. D ____ 15. B ____ 23. B
____ 8. B ____ 16. B ____ 24. C

Partial Score:

____ 1. D ____ 8. D ____ 15. C ____ 22. B

____ 2. D ____ 9. B ____ 16. D ____ 23. A
____ 3. A ____ 10. C ____ 17. B ____ 24. D
____ 4. B ____ 11. D ____ 18. C ____ 25. D
____ 5. C ____ 12. C ____ 19. D ____ 26. D
____ 6. A ____ 13. D ____ 20. A ____ 27. A
____ 7. C ____ 14. D ____ 21. C

Partial Score:
____ 1. A ____ 8. D ____ 15. D ____ 22. B
____ 2. A ____ 9. C ____ 16. A ____ 23. B
____ 3. B ____ 10. C ____ 17. B ____ 24. B
____ 4. B ____ 11. C ____ 18. C ____ 25. B
____ 5. A ____ 12. D ____ 19. C ____ 26. B
____ 6. B ____ 13. D ____ 20. A ____ 27.C
____ 7. A ____ 14. D ____ 21. B ____ 28. D

Partial Score:

____ 1. D ____ 10. D ____ 19. C ____ 28. C

____ 2. B ____ 11. C ____ 20. C ____ 29. B
____ 3. B ____ 12. C ____ 21. D ____ 30. C
____ 4. D ____ 13. B ____ 22. C ____ 31. C
____ 5. B ____ 14. D ____ 23. D ____ 32. A
____ 6. A ____ 15. A ____ 24. D ____ 33. D
____ 7. D ____ 16. B ____ 25. D ____ 34. D
____ 8. A ____ 17. A ____ 26. B
____ 9. C ____ 18. B ____ 27. D

LET Review 2012 Page 19

Focus: Mathematics Prepared by Mr. Von Anthony G. Torio

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