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Explorations, Diagnoses,
and Conjectures

Edited by.

George Klzo/lschan _and Walter Hirsch


With an Introduction by

Schenkman Publismng Company

; A Halsted Press Book ,"


New York - London - Sidney - Toronto

In a recent artiele, Kingsley Davis (6) bas proposed such a catholic

13 David Lockwood
definition of functionalism as to make it virtually indistinguishable from
the most hasic presuppositions of contemporary saciology.
very cornforting. But if by functionalism nothing more were
This is a11
meant than
seeing society as a system of interdependent parts, and an aversion to
"reductionism," then most of those who have been engaged in criticism
of functionalism would be proselytized overoight. How many would ac-
cept the attendant ideas, such as that of "functional requisites," is more
debatable, and would probably depend on bow they were interpreted.
Again, exactly what elements are included as "parts" of a social system,
and the exact implieations of the idea of "interdependence" itself, are ob-
Social Integration and viously areas of potential disagreement (10).
But, omitting these eansiderations, surely the "general" funetionalist
standpoint which Davis has restated must be distinguished from its more
System Integration specifie and controversial fann. Davis avoids mentianing preeisely those
characteristics which are now widely associated with, though not logically
entaile.d by, a functionalist orientation: fust, the emphatic role attributed
to "common vaIue elements" in the integration of social action; and
secand, the unwarranted assumption tbat the study of social stahility must
precede the analysis of social change. Both these predispositions, but
especially the :6rst, typify what we wish to speak of from now on as norma-
The terro "social change" will be taken to mean a change in the institu- tive functionalism. 1
tiona] structure of a soCial system; more particularly, a transformation of Before going on to examine the position to which we are led by the
the core instituti(!!laLor.deL of a society such that we can .peak of a critics of nonnative functionalism, one further distinetion is relevant to
chan'ge intYPe'~f society. 1 do _Dot beleve that it is necessary to reach the subsequent argumento It is the wholly artificial one between "social
agreement on what is meant by the "core institutional arder" of a society integration" and "system integration." Whereas tbe prohlem of social
aI on how a typology of societies i5 to be diHerentiated befare tbere can integration focuses attentia_n upon the orderly or eonHictful re1ationships
be.meaningful discussion of how the process of change takes place. That between the actors, the prohlem of system integration focuses on tbe or-
is, unless there is sorne a priori commitment to a "dominant factor" theory derly or conflictful relationships between the pan., of a social system.
of social change; in which case the wrangle about whether change has It may be said at once that tbe connection between tbese twe aspects
"really" taken place can be endless. of integration is neatly made by normative fuflctionalism. The logic js
The main purpose of tbis chap'ter is to discuss sorne of the implications simple. Since the ouly systematically differentiated parts of a society
of recent criticisms of functionalism, especially those which have a bear- are its institutional patterns, the only sauree of social disorder arising
Jng on how social change is internally generated in a society. The fuesiS from system disorder is that which takes the form of role conHict stem-
is tliat, in concentrating their fire on a s.pecial, albeit prominent, --version ming from incompatible institutional pattems. If, however, it js held that
..J 1.,
'oJ \.
such institutional pattems do not exhaust the generally relevant u parts '"
,1 , of functionalism ("normative functionalism"), cIltlcs have hecome over-
involved with what may be called the problems of "social integration."
1 Couldner quite properly points out that tlrls tendency has amounted to what i8
As a result, they have tended to ignore what is just as relevant to their in fact "implicit factor-tbeorizing": "Although the methodological position of the
central interests in con:8ict and social change, namely, the problem of earlier functionaUsts commonly a-ffirmed an amorphous, :lnterdependence of parts
"system integration." And here the perspective of general functionalism within a social system, it does not follow that the specmc empirical analysis in which
they -engaged actually utilized this principIe. In particular, the classic contributioDs,
would still seem to be the most useful instrumento from Comte to Parsons, haya gone out of their way to stress the significance oI
'shared vaIne elements' in maintaining the equilibrlwn of social systems" (10
p.265). '
of a social system, then this particular articulation of system and social (authority) over others is the most general farol' of "scarce resource" and
integration is only one way of relating tbe phenomena of devianee'" and one that is inherent in society itself. "The distribution of authority in
"conillct" to the operation of the system as a functioning entity. 'Fo!bis associations," writes Dahrendorf, "is the ultimate 'caus~' of the formation
point we shalI return later. For tbe moment, what needs stressing is tlt!t of conillct groups" (5, p. 172). Thus, if potential conHicts of interest be-
th.e exities of normative functionalism have devated their critique entirely tween those who exercise authority and those over whom authority is
to the way in which !bis theory handles the problem oE social integration; exercised are a "normal" feature of social organization, the de-instirntion-
and particularly to the ambiguities of the concept of "institution." alization of power, and the use of power to maintainmstitutions, are ever
present possibilities. In any realistic and dynamie vew of instirntionaliza-
tion, the role of power, both in the generation and control of conHict, is of
prime concern.
The leading exponent of the general functionalist school, Robert K. Al lirst sight, it would seem that the image of society constructed by
5 Merton, has aIready drawn attention to the static connotation of tbe tenn nonnative functionalism has given rise to counter-arguments which
~ institution: "It is not enough," he writes, "to refer to tbe <institutions' as bring us round fu]] cirele to the polemical starting point of modern soci-
:S thougb they were all uniformly supported by all groups .and strata in the '" ology, namely, the debate on social contracto But forhmately both nor-
:" 'SOcietY. Unless systematic consideration is given to th.e degree of su.p- --~ mative functionalists and conillct theorists are not prepared to recognize
c" port of particular 'institutions' by specific groups we shall overlook the -l: \:1 as a real issue the Greenian dichob;>my of ''Will'' versus "Force" (ll).
?:. important place of power in society" (15, p. 122). The major criticism' ~ ~ 111e themes of norms-consensus-order, and power-alienation-conBict are
;:::r- of normative functionalism which has frequently heen made is that it '-' --... not regarded as viable sociological alternatives. a
;!::: _ treats institutions primarily as moral entities, with.out rigorously exploring _ " =
... It is, ,therefor<:..a little surprising to find that both Dahrendorf and Rex
: th e. in~erp~ay.between norms ":,,d power that is univ."rsally present iniL~\\\ ~ consider it necessary to develop their antitheses to normative functional-
.;;. maJor IDstitutional contexts. This weakness has beeo seIzed upon by such ism in- a systematc fOnDo These take th.e shape, respectively, of a "coer-
'" writers as Dahrendorf (5) and Rexl!9). -Their basic theses are sufll-M cion theory of society" and a "conillct model of society".' For!bis strategy
~" " ciently similar to be treated jointly. For the sake of convenience, their..n they give reasons which are even more surprising. The rust is that they
-::::;--S ideas may be called "conillct theory." ".- both feel their <fmodels" or frames of reference" are specially suited to
~ ~ The conHict theorists have pointed out fust that nonns and power must certain problem areas in sociology, particularly to the shldy of industrial
""" ~ be considered as general alternative modes of "institutionalizing" social societies (5, pp. 161-164; 19, p. 112, p. 114). And, second, Dahrendorf
. .:;; relationships. To quote Rex: feels that the unification of the "integration theory" (normative function-

We have also to recognise tbat sorne of the ends which the aetors in om tation of the legitimacy of specific acts means that authority is never given, but is al-
system purseS.ay be random ends frOID the point of view of the systern or ways contingent upon its exercise. It is precisely with such conHicts arising within
aetually in conflict with it. If there is an actual conflict of ends, the be- the inte'rstices of iDstitutionalized power that "conBict theory" 1s concerned; and
not simply with the more unosual approximations to "unstructured" power conHicts.
haviour of actors towards one another may not be detennined by shared 3 At any rate, in fonnal tenns. For instance, Parsons: 1 do not think it is usefuI
Donns but by the success which each has in ~ the other to act to postulate a deep dichotomy between theones which give importance to bellefs
in aecordance with his interests. Power then becomes a crucial variable and values on the one hand, to allegedly 'reaUstic' interests, e.g., economic, on the
in lhe study of social systems (19, p. 112). other. Bellefs and valnes are actualized, partially and imperfectly, in realistic situa-
tions of social interaction and the outcomes are always codetennined by the values
aud reaUstic exigencies; conversely what on concrete leveIs are called 'interests' are
Second, potential conHicts of interest are seen as endemic in aU social by no means independent of the values which have been institutionallzed in the
systems which uinstitutionalize" power relatonships,.2 because power relevant groups" (18, p. 173). See also Dahrendon (5, p. 159, p. 163) and Rex
(19, p. 112). But while there is formal agreement on this point, both the norma-
.2 Briefly, to define authorlty as institutIonallzed power is to beg exactly the ques- tive functionallsts and the conflict theorists fail to explore in any rigorous way the
tion that Mrton raises, if the Une between authorlty and, power is drawn -in teIlDs interre1ationship of "normative" and "realistic" elements oI social systems.
of the presence or absence of a c1aim to legitimacy, not in terms of .tbe sentimenj:s """ Both authors state their propositions in smnmary form (5~ pp. 236-240; 19~ pp.
of tbose (prlncipally) over whom authority is exerc1sed. Perhaps the most general" 129-131, p. 195, pp. 236-240). Their premises are _very sinilar: "Every society
consideration which makes tbe "de-institUtionallzation" of authority an ever-present clisplays at every point ci!~P~ and conHict; social conflict. is ubiquitous" (5, p.
possibility is the fact that, whereas the legitimacy _o- authority tends to taIce the form 162"); "Instead f being organised arcond a consensos oI values, social systems may
of general principIes, acts of authoritjt. are always specrnc; and fuey are always. be thought of as involving eonflict situations at central points" (19, p. 129). The
more specific than derived rules of authority, no matter how well developed the m'ajor disagreement between the two would seem to be how fat, in fact, Unes oI social
18tter. Thus, the "exploitable" ambiguity surrounding the divation and interpre- CQnilict overlap. See Rex (19, pp. 117-118).
aJism) and the "coercion theory" is unlikelyand probrbly impossible (5, than in procnring an agreed defintion of "institution" or "society,'" that
p. 164). r J~ \) I f1 ~ re
'~ nt", ( the desired uuification of whicb Dabrendorf is so sceptical is constantly
Neither DI these reasons is very. compellin..s. You cannot _ass~~ that being achieved. In actual fact, the divergence between wbat he calls
society is unthinkable as...ei.the a purely moral ar a purely coercive entity, "ntegration theory" and "coercion theory'" s much more evident in de-
and then ;uggest that a vocabulary built around one or the other of these fining problems than in solving lhem.
unthinkable premises is necessary because sorne societies are manifestly Why, then, the concentration on the development of alternative con~
more orderly al conHictful than others. To be sure, fue degree to which ceptual schemes in wbieh the ideas of power and conflict playa central
power enters into social relationships is a factor indispensable far tbe- role? PartIy because the recognition given by normative functionalism
understanding DI both the imperfectiou" af consensus aud the propeusity to the arguments put fOlward along these 'lines has so far amounted to
'1 \ to confli<;:t, But even in siruations where power is very evident aud C0D-' nothing more than lip service. More fundamentally, perhaps, it is be-
{Ve ~Jl flict enderic, it is. doubtful wbether the phenomena of conflict can be cause, in seeing equilibrium analysis combined in normative functional-
kadeguatel'L.. grasped withot incorporating into conflict theory many sm with a focus on shared vaIue elements, Dahr~ndorf and Rex, with
(l),',\~V\cl( DI the concepts ano propositions concerning tbe dynamic properties of their manifest nterest in social change, have as a consequence sought
, iD
I value systems (or ideologies) ~eh have been developed, or taken over, the key to this problem in the area of power and conflic!. lf this is so,
;; I'\~t( by normative functionalism. ~iven the power structure, the nature how far do the. conflict theorists take us in the analysis of social ehange?
::: of the vaIue system is of signallll1portance for the genesis, intensity, and Dabrendorf and Rex assert that social cbange is a result of the sbifting
direction of potential conflicto Particularly crucial is the way in wbieh balance of power between conflict groups (5, pp. 231-236; 19, p. 196).
it structures the levels of aspiration of different social strata. It may, of Now, while social chang~ is very freqnentIy associated with conBict, the
its own accord, create aspirations which generate demands for change, reverse does not necessarily hold. Conillct may be both endemic and
or add fuel to the fire of conHicting material interests. It may be sumo intense in a social system withont causing any basic structural change.
ciently open and ambiguous to be exploited simultaneously by difIerent Why does sorne conillct result in change while other conHict does ;not?
conillct groups; Dr, contrariwise, be capa:ble of absorbing counter-ideolo- Conflict theory would bave to answer that tbis is decided by the variable
gies within itself. Or, sudden change in the relative material positions oI factors affecting the power balance between groups. Here we reach the
different groups may result in widespread conillct as a consequence oI analytcallimits of conHict theory. As a reaction to normative function~
what Durkheim calls "moral de-classification." It could, therefore, be aJism it is entirely confined to the problem of social integration. What is
argued that even the analysls 01 t1iat facefOISocial integration to which missing is the system integration focus of "general functionalism, which,
Dahrendorf and Rex consider their" theories to be especially relevant- by contrast with normative functionalism, involves no prior cornmihnent
namely, social conflict - requires nothing less than a systematic extension to the study of system stabiJity. 6
of their framework to take explicitly into acconnt the variable properties Tbis is exceedingly interesting because both Dabrendorf and Rex
of vaIne systems that have been the focus of normative functionalism. 5 arrive at their respective positions throngh a "generalization of Marx. Yet
To the extent that this is done, their conflict theory ceases to be a "spe- it is precisely Marx who clearly differentiates social and system integra-
ciar' approach. That 'status is reserved for the unmodified version of tion. The propensity to c1ass antagonisffi (social integration aspect) is
normative functionalism. generally a function of the eharacter of production relationsbips (e.g.,
Finally, both normative functionaJism and conflict theory quite ob- possibilities of intra-class iclentification and cornrnunication). But the
viously utilize many sociological concepts (which are tbe property 01 dynamics of c1ass antagonisms are clearly related to the progressively
neither the one perspective nor the other for the solntion oI their re- 61 may refer here once more to the excellent essay by Gouldner (10) and espe-
spective problems). Witness only Dahrendorf's (5, pp. 213-218) extensive cially to his idea of the "functional autonomy" of parts. This concept prevides D.n
use of the concept of "multiple group relationships" to account for. the obvious link between social and system integration. He explicitly points out tbat
"the concept of the differential functional autonomy of parts directs atlention to the
variability of cIass conflict in a way that is not at alI dissimilar from the need to distnguish between parts having a greater or lesser vested interest in system
way it is used, for example, by WilIiams (24, pp. 560-561). Surely it is in maintenance," and that "not only efforts to change the system, but ruso those directed
at maintain1ng it are likely to entail confUct and resistance" as a result of differential
the active use of precisely such common concepts and propositions, rather functional autonomy. What 1 find a little ambiguous, however, is rus use of the term
"parls" of a system: at one stage they seem to mean structural aspects (e.g., ecologi-
15 To take an actual example, compare the explJcit use of the idea o the "explona- cal conditions)j at another, actual groups (the French bourgeoisie). The "parts"
bllity" of the common value system by Parsons (17, p. 293, p. 355) in accounting for which may become functionally D.utonomous are sureIy g10UpS; the "parls" whose
the intensification o "deviance" with the implicit reference to such an idea by Rex. interplay conditions their functional autonomy are the stTuct1Jlal elements of the sys-
(19, p. 125) in discussing class conflicto temo 1 hope this will become clear in the subsequent argumento

growing "contradictions" DI the economia system. One might almost say 'odependence of such relationships from other social in the
that the "conflict" which in Marxian theory is decisive for change is Dot same society varies very considerably; .and that in particular, the salleney
the power conIDat arising from the relationships in the productive -system, oE the economie system under capitalism is not at aH characterist:fe of
but the system conillct arising from "contradictions" between "property most histdrical societies in which the mode of political organization
institutions" and the "forces of productiono" Though definitely linked, heavily conditioned the structure and potential change of productive re-
these two aspects of integration are not only analyticaIly separable, but lationships.7 Marxian theory has not, for fairly obvious reasons, been
also, because of tbe time element involved, factuaIly distinguishable. overmuch concerned to rehut such criticisms of its basie sociological \
Thus it is perfectly possible, according to !bis theory, to say that at any assumptions. Given its premises about the general long~run decisiveness
particular paint DI time a society has a high degree of social integration of the eeonomie arder for social change, it has quite logically confined its
( eogo, relative absence of class conllict) and yet bas a low degree of sys- discussion of system integration to the internal dynamics of -the mode of
tem integration (mounting excess productive capacity ). production itseIf - to the economc theory of the contradiction between
Further interest atlaches ta the faet tbat the idea DI stIucturaI contra- "forces of production" (tecbnological potential) and lhe "relations of
diatians is central to the general functionalist view of change: production" (property institutions ) 8 0

Wbile !bis narrowing down of the problem of system integration is

The key concept bridging the gap between statics and dynamics in
functional theory is that of strain. tension. contraruction. or discrepancy higbly questionable, the idea of a contradiction between the material
between the component elements of social and cultural structure. Such conditions of production and the productive institutioDS of the economic
strains may be dysfunctional for the social system in its then existing fonn; system has a more general relevance that should not be ignored.
they may al50 be instrumental in leading to changes in that system. When First, contradietion implies that the material means of production
social mechanisms for controlling them are operatfug effectively. these (eogo, industrial tecbnology) favor a set of potential social relationships
strains are kept within such bOWlds as to limit change of social sb."ucture (socialist ownership) wbicb constitutes a tbreat to the existing social reo
(15,po122)o lationsbips institutionalized in the property system (private ownersbip)o
Now, whatever reservations oue may have abaut the. specific linkage oI
The vital question is, oI course: what are the "component elements" industrial production with socialist property relationships, there is noth-
of social systems which give rise to strain, tension, or eontradiction? ing metapbysical about the general notion of social relatioDsbips being
General functionalism, as 1 understand it, does not attempt to fonnulate somehow implicit in a given set of material conditions. Material condi-
an answer to !bis question (10, ppo 244-248) o It is, by contrast, in norm- tions most obviously inelude tbe technological means of control over the
ative functionalism that institutional patterns emerge as the on1y gen- physical and social environment and the skills associated with these
erally identified and systematically difEerentiated components of a social means. They inelude Dot only the material means af production, hut also
system between which there can be conHict and resultant strain. Sinee what Weber frequentIy refers to as the material means of organizatioD
social systems are differentiated on1y along the institutional axis, there and violence. Such material conditions must surely be included as a
can be no place for the kind of contradictions wbich Marx envisaged, variable in any calculus of system integration, since it is cIear that they
contradictions which are obviously relevant to the problem focus oI con- may facilitate the development of "deviant" social relationsbips wbicb
fliet theory. We may ask, ther.efore, does the Mandan view contain the ron counter to the dominant institutional patterns of the system. MicheIs'
elements of a more general sociological formuJation? study of oligarcbical tendencies is only the classic exampleo
Secand, according to Marx, the actualization of these potential counter~
III relationsbips is detennined by lhe success with wbicb lhose with vested
interests in the existing order are able to resolve the functional incom-
Criticism oI the Marxian interpretatian of society and social change has patibility between the material means of production and theproperty
focused on the meaning and importance attributed to the ~<material mode frameworko In the capitalist case, !bis incompatibility arises from the
of production." Sometimes, this has been simply and erroneously inter- inability of private property institutions to accommodate the productive
preted as technology. Yet it is quite obvious that in the Marxian schema capacity of the industrial systemo The focal point of strain is "overpro-
technological change is not regarded as the prime mover, but as a force ductiono" The argrnnent, of course, goes furlher than !biso The theory of
wbich operates interdependently with the productive relations of the lhe "crisis mecbanism" not only postuIates dysfunctionality but attempts
society, that is, the prevailing organization of property and laboro The
inclusion of productive relationships in the concept mode of production" T See especially. Weber (22, pp. 739-43).
lays lhe lheory open to the criticism lhat the degree of differentiation and 8 Sea, for example, Baran (1) and Sweezy (20). For the difficulty of locating the
~<crisis mechanism" of feudalism, see Dobb (7).
to demonstrate how the internal contradictions of tbe mode of production when the concepts of "dominant" institutional order and material base
are endogenously intensi/ied to lhe point of system breakdown by lhe are applied to social systems. It may make sense to apply such a distinc-
inherent development of productive forces. This mechanism, most fully tion to some particular subsystem of a society or to sorne particular type
elaborated in the case of capitalist societies, is the conveyor belt which of corporat.e group; is it equally relevant, in the case of a society, to re.,
moves a society froID one stage of its historieal evolution to the next. But gard, fal example, the productive systern as a "material base" from the
in order to use lhe idea of a functional incompatibility between lhe domi- point of view of lhe "dominant" political system, even lhougb lhe produc-
nant institutional arder Df a social system and its material base, it i5 not tive system manifestIy ineludes institutianal elements? Insofar as the pre-
necessary to assume that the system must inevitably break down al that dominant concern is with the way in which the material preconditions
it must inevitably be succeeded by another system of a given type. 9 af a certain type of political action are, or are not, to he faund in a given
We now have a view cf system integration, particularly relevant to economic order, there would appear to be' good reasan for answering
conflict lheory, whicb may be summed up as follows: . this question in tbe aHinnative. 11 Such an answer would, of course, in
1) ODe generally conceivable sonree of tension and possible change no way prejudice the furtber explanation of how such a given economic
in a social system is that which arises from a <1ack of .6t" between its order carne about; the problem of fue "causes" of the type oI system in-
core institutional order and its material subshucture. stability under consideration is, anyway, a quite separate issue. It should
2) The material substructure in such a case facilitates the development also be noted lhat !he degree of institutional diflerentiation of economic
of social relationships whicb, if actualized, would directly lhreaten and political structures varies very considerably. In cases where the re-
the existing institutional order. latioos of production and lhe relations of political power are hot insti-
3) The system will be characterized by a typical form of "strain" tutionally very distinct, and especially where !he relations of production
arising from the functional incompatibility between its institutionaJ are institutionalized to a considerable extent around polltical goals, it
order and material base. would seem reasonable to regard the economic arder much more directly
4) The actualization of !he latent social relationships of lhe system will as a "material base" of lhe "dominant" political institutions, A brief
depend on the success with whieh groups having vested interests in the reference to Webers discussin of patrimonialisrn may serve to illustrate
maintenance of the instihrtional order are able to cope with the dys- these points as well as the propositions previously.advanced.
functional tendency of the system in the faee of particular exigencies. A1lhougb Weber's concept of patrimonialism, and especially lhat of
5) If these exigencies lead to an intensification of the funcf:ionaI in- patrimonial bureaucracy, refers primarily to a type of poJitical structure,
compatibility of the system, and if compensating measures by vested it is c1ear from his remarks lhat this structure might well be regarded
interest groups lead (unintentionally) to a furlher actualization of lhe as the core' institutional order of the sociely and as a major point of
potential social relationships of the system, a vicious circle of social reference for societal change. 'Moreover, Weber's analysis of the material
disintegration and change oI the institutional order is under way. H, preconditions of bureaucratization clearly indica tes the nature of the
on the other hand, compensating measures are effective, the institu- functional problems facing societies of the patrimonial bureaucratic type.
tional order wilI remain intact, but the focal point of strain wiIl con- These center on.the relationship between the institution oI bureaucracy
tinue to be evident so long as lhe functional incompatibility of lhe and the material substructure of a subsistence economy. After setting
system persists. out the general rule that: "A certain measure oI a developed money econ-
These propositions do not limit fue analysis oI system integration to omy is the normal precondition for the uncbanged and continued exist-
lhe productive system of a society, Nor do lhey imply a differentiation ence, ti not for the establishment, of pure bureaucratic administration,"
of types of soeieties primarily in terms of their modes oE production. Weber goes on to note lhat historical cases of "distinctly developed and
Such problems cannot be settled a priori. ConsequentIy, the dominant" quantitatively large bureaucracies" may be found which "to a very great
or ((eore" institutionaI orders may vary from one type oE society to an- extent, partly even predominantIy, have rested upon compensation DI
other; and the ide;ntification of such institutional orders would seem to be lhe oflicials in kind," This he explains byargninglhat "even ,lhough lhe
/irst and foremost a way of deflning what is meant by saying lhat a so- full development oI a money econorny is not an indispensable preeon-
ciety has changed. 10 There are, however, certain problems which arise 11 What eIse does Weber imply when he writes: "Der Zerfall des Reichs war die
notwendige politische Folge des allmaehlichen Schwindens. des Verkehrs und dar
D See the mstnlctive remarks of Coulborn (4, pp. 254-269). Zunahme de! Naturalwirtscbaft. Er bedeutete irn wesentlichen nur den Wegfall
10 Thus differences of opinion about the endurance of Western feudal society .jenes Verwalhmgsapparats und damit des geldwirtschaftlichen politischen Ueberbaus,
depend very largely on whether the military, the political, or the econornfc aspect der dem naturalwirlschaftlichen oekonomischen Unterbau nicht mehr angepasst war"
of this institutional complex is singled ou~ as the "core" order. See Hintze (13). (21, p, 306),
dition far bureacratization, bureaucracy as a permanent strucrure is knit Dr breakdown of bureaucratic institutioDs, all societies of this type ma,y
to the one presupposition of a constant incorne far maintaining it," and be studied froID tbe point oI view of their conunon contradiction. 13
that "a stable system of taxation is the precondition far the pennanent Another example of a not to"o dissimilar kind is that of the functioDal
existence of bureaucratic administration." But again: "Far -well-known tensions arising frOID -the relationship between the totalitarian political
and general reasans, onIy a- fully developed money economy ofEers a system and the industrial eeonomy of the Soviet U nion. It is noteworthy
seeure basis for sueh a taxation system" (23, pp. 205-209). in this eonneetion that many who would deny the relevanee of the idea of
TIle strategic functional problem, then, i5 one DI maintaining a taxation "internaI contr-adictions" to capitalist societies have only too readily exag-
system that can eHectively meet the material needs DI a bureaucracy in gerated the ineompatibility of industrialism and the institutions of a
the context of a subsistence, Dr near-subsistence, econorny. The central- one-party state. Be this as it may, it would seem that the type of eon-
izing goal oI bureaucratic institutions is constantIy Hable to sabotage by tradiction envisaged bere is one which those baving an interest in the dom-
the potential social relationship struchue DI fue subsistence econorny inant politieal institution bave thus far sueeessfully eontrolled, but which
whieb favors the deeentraJization and I<feudalization" of power relation- nevertheless is likely to remain as a focal point of strain and potential
ships.12 As Weber bimseIf says: "Aecording to all.historical e<perienee, change. It arises from the tendency oI an industrial mode of production
without a money economy the bureaucratic structure can hardIy avoid to create latent interest groups oI a class character. This tendency must
undergoing substantial internal changes, or indeed, .fuming into another be "dysfunctional" Ior a totalitarian politicaI system, one precondition oI
type of strueture" (23, p. 205). The relationsbip between bureaueraey which is a "c]ass1ess" society, i.e., an absence oI bases oI potentia1 social
and taxation is a highly interdependent one. The efllcieney of the bu- organization outside the party bureaucracy.
reaucraey depends upon the effectiveness of its taxati.on systern; and Snch a contradiction could manifest itself either by sucb latent interest
the effeetiveness of the taxation system depends on the efficieney -of the groups striving Ior an autonomous corporate existence (which seems un-
Qureaucratic apparatus. Thus, for whatever reaSOD, any inerease in the likely given the nature of party eontrol) or by their subversion of the
bureaucratie load or deerease in taxation eapacity may generate a party organization from within. OI suob groups, associated with indus-
vicious cirele of decentralization of power. Indeed, it might be argued trialization, the least potentially tbreateuing is that of worker opposition.
that tbe "taxation" erisis oI patrimonial bureaueracy is essentialIy anal- Using Webers typology of class formation, worker protest hardly ad-
ogous to the "production" crisis oI capitalismo At any rate, the focal point vanced beyond tbe stage ot ~~mass reactions of a c1ass character" (labor
of strain in this type oI society is taxation capacity relative to bureau- turnover and 50 on) in the earIy phase oI Soviet indus'trialization; and,
cratic needs. while disruptive to the economy, it was not allowed to develop into a
This strategie funetional problem sets the stage for the characteristie more politioally dangerous "societal" action. More oI a threat from tbis
conHicts of interest that arise between tbe bureaucratie center, the official- point oI view, however - and this is the element oI truth in BurnhamYs
dom, landed magnates, and peasantry. The points of tension are those otherwise extravagant thesis oI a "managerial revolution" - is the 50-
wbich represent an actualization oI the potential for "feudalization": the ealled"Soviet bourgeoisi': the funetionally important quasi-group of
tendency oI officials to "appropriate" the economic and political resources predominantly industrial bureauerats which has emerged as a result of
of the ofllee; the struggle of large landowners to gain immunity f.rom rapid industrialization (9).
taxation and/or usurp fiseal and politieal funetions; and the local rela- The focal point of strain far the totalitarian politieal system is not
tionships of eeonomie and politieal dependeney into whieh the peasantry simply that tbis Jatent c1ass tends to deve10p vested interests in its po-
are forced in seeking protection against the tax burden oI the bUfeau- sition and privileges, but that it has an organizational capadty and co-
era tic center. These "centrifugal" tendencies may be seen as both a cause hesiVFness that eould form the basis of a politieal opposition. And, given
and a conseqnence of the possible failure of mechanisms for maintain- the nature of the political system, snch an interest group would be most
ing effective taxation capacity and central control. The outcome oI snch 180n the particular conditions favoring the stability of patrimonial bureaucracy
struggles, and the sueeess with whieh the funetional problem is solved in Egypt aud China, see Weber (22, pp. 706-709ff.). The most famous instance DI
breakdown, that of the later Roman Empire, 1s a case where tbe "defense mech-
by the bnreaucratic center, is, of course, decided in each. historical case anisms" introduced by the bureaucracy (apUy described by Lot as the "regime of
by the particular circumstanees facing the patrimonial bureaucracy. castes") intensified fue trend towards subsistence economy and actualized the poten-
These may vary very eonsiderably; but whether they make for stability tial foc "feudal" relationships. See Weber (21); Lot (14, pp. 62-153); Bloch (2);
and for the Byzantine case, Ostrogorsky (16). The general problem of "feudalizing"
12 The logie of t1rls 1<1 succinct1y argued by BIoch (3,. p. 68} and Hartman (12, tendencies in patrimonial bureaucratic societies is discussed in Coulbom (4). On
p.19). the major Unes of conHict :In such societies, see Eisenstadt (8).
Iikely to take the fonn initial!y of eliques within the party bureaueraey. 5. Dahrendorf, BaIf. Class and Class Conflict in Industri<ll Society. Stan-
Therefore, the strategic functional probIem of the dominant instihItional ford: Stanford University Press, 1959.
arder, from this point of view, is that oI maintaining the control oE the 6. Davis, Kingsley. "The Myth of Functional Analysis as a Special Method
party bureaucracy ayer the industrial bureaucracy, and more especialIy in Sociology and Anthropology," American Sociological Review, Vol. 24,
of seeuring tbe party against infiltration by vested interest groups ofthe No. 6 (December 1959).
manageriaI elite (which ineludes insulating the latter from any wider 7. Dobb, M. H. (ed.), The TransiUon from Feudalism to Capitallsm: A
support in the society). Most fundamental!y, the party must develop Symporium. Patna, India: People's Book House, 1957.
means by which it can systematically de~classify" tbe lines of strat::ifica- 8. Eisenstadt, S. N. "Political Struggle in Buxeaucratic Societies." World
tian and interest-group fonnation that have their basis in the industrial Polities, Vol. 9, No. 1 (October 1956).
substructuIe. At the same time, however, (and heIe arises the point of 9. Feldmesser, Robert A. "Equality and Inequality under Khrushchev,"
system tension) such de-cIassification must not undermine the conditions Problems of Communism, Vol. 9. No, 2 (March-April1960).
of industrial efficieney. 10. Couldner, Alvin W. "Reciprocity and Autonomy in FunctionaJ Theory,"
in Llewellyn Gross (ed.), Symposium on Sociological Theory. New York:
IV Harper and Bros., 1959.
11. Creen, T. H. Principies 01 Poltical Obligation. London: Longmans, 1906.
'lbe foregoing examples have been al! too sketehy, but perhaps they
12. Hartman, Ludo Moritz. The Early Medieval State. London: Tbe His-
may serve the purpose of illustrating the viewpoint advanced in the main
torical Association, 1960.
body of the ehapter. It has not been the intention to elaim that this per-
13. Hintze, Otto. 'Wesen und Verbreitung des Feudalismus." Staat and Ver~
spective is the only possible way to approach the prohlem of social
f""sung. Leipzig: Koehler and Amelang. 1941.
ehange, still less to imply that there is anything other than a polemiea!
advantage to be gained by focusing on system integration as opposed 14. Lot, Ferdinand. La Fin du Monde Antique et le Debut du Moyen Age.
Paris: Michel, 1951.
to social integration. What has been suggested, however, may be summed
up as follows: 15. MertoD, Robert K. Social Theory and Social Structure. G1encoe, Ill.: The
1) The propensity to social change arising from the functional incom- Free Press, 1957.
patibility between an institutional order and its material base has been 16. OslIogorsky. Georg. "Agrarian Conditions in the Byzantine Empire in
ignored by normative functionalists because of their concentration on the Middle Ages," in J. H. Clapham and Eileen Power (eds.), The Cam-
the moral aspects of social integration. bridge Economic History, Vol. l. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1942.
2) It has been equally ignored by conflict theorists, who, in concen-
trating on the weakness of the normaJive functionalist approach to 17. Parsons, Talcott. The Social SyS/em. London: Boutledge, 1952.
social integration, have failed to relate their interest in social change lB. Parsons, Talcott. Structure and Procesa in Modern Society. Glencoe, Ill.:
to the prohlem of system integration. The Free Press, 1960.
19. Bex, Jobn. Key Problems of Soclologlcal Theory. London: Humanities
Press, 1961. -
20. Sweezy, Paul M. The Theory o, Copitalist Development. New York:
BIBLIOGRAPHY Monthly Beview, 1942. .
21. Weber, Max. "Die Sozialen Gruende des Untergangs der antiken Kultur,"
l. Baran, Paul A. The Political Economy 01 Growth. New York: Monthly in Gesammelte Aufsaetze zur Sozll- und Wirtscha!tsgeschichte. Tuebin-
Review, 1957. gen: Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1924.
2. Bloch, Marc. "The Rise of Dependent Cultivation and Seigniorial Insti- 22. Weber, Max. Wirtschaft "nd Gesellschaft. Tuebingen: Mohr (Paul Sie-
tutions," in J. H. Clapham and Eileen Power (eds.), 'The -Cambridge Eco- beck) , 1947.
nomic History, Vol. l. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1942.
23. Weber, Max. From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, translated and
3. Bloeh, Mare. Feudal Society, translated by L. A. Manyion. London: edited by H. H. Certh and C. Wright MilIs. London: Oxford University
Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1961. Press, 1948. .
4. Coulborn, R. Feudalmn in History. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University 24. Williams, Robin M., Jr. American Society, A Sociological Interpretation.
Press, 1956. NewYork: AIfredA. Knop(1960.

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