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Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploieti

Departamentul pentru Pregtirea Personalului Didactic

Gradul II
Sesiunea August 2004

Limba i literatura englez

Varianta 1

I. a) Identify innovative elements in the work of an Modernist

b) Enlarge upon the use of tradition in work of a
Postmodernit Novelist.

II. Discuss and exemplify the values of Present Perfect versus

Past Tense.
III. Devise a 15 minute activity for intermediate level student to
help them avoid common mistakes in the use of Present
Perfect and Past Tense.

I. Se acord 10p din care:
1p din oficiu
3p pentru acurateea i ncadrarea n subiect
1p pentru corectitudinea gramatical i lexical
0.5p pentru originalitatea abordrii

II. Se acord 10p din care:

3p pentru acurateea informaiei
1p pentru corectitudinea i relevana exemplelor
0.5p pentru organizarea prezentrii

III. Se acord 10p din care:

1p din oficiu
5p pentru acurateea informaiei i ncadrarea n subiect
3p pentru originalitatea activitilor propuse

1p pentru corectitudinea gramatical i lexical

Nota final reprezint media aritmetic a notelor acordate pentru

cele 3 subiecte.

Varianta 2

I. a) Enlarge upon version of realism in the Victorian Novel.

b) Identify features of the Shakespearean Comedy.
II. Discuss and exemplify intransitive predications.
III. Comment on types of tests.

Varianta 3

I. a) Enlarge upon the specificity of Whitmans poetry.

II. Discuss and exemplify the values of the conditional mood.
III. Design a lesson plan for teaching the conditional mood to
11th graders.

Varianta 4

I. a) Enlarge upon the representation of power in the

Shakespearean tragedy.
b) Identify and discuss features of modernisty in Conrads
II. Discuss and exemplify the progressive aspect.
III. Design a lesson plan for teaching the progressive aspect to
11th graders.

Varianta 5

I. a) Enlarge upon symbolic patterns in English Romantic

b) Identify features of Postmodernism in the work of Thomas
II. Discuss and exemplify the perspective aspect.
III. Design a lesson plan for 11th graders to revise the types of
conditional clauses.

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