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rNeodmg @md

Topics clothes, daily life, people, names, colours, body and

' the costle? Listen
the people ot
Functions describing people (appearance), using numbers, qnd drow lines. Port I
giving the spelling and meaning of words
Grammar present continuous and simple, questions o Ask How mang people ore there in the picture? (9)
(Wh o? Wh ichT WhoO), when clauses How mong names ore there? (7)
Vocabulary See the wordlist on page 124 of the Whot ore the king ond queen doing? (sitting, toughing)
Student's Book. Whot are the other people doing? (woving, corrging,
ptoging music, smiling, running, stonding, sitting)
Not in YLE wordlists: ftnger, king
Flyers practice Reading and Wdting part l, Speaking o Plog the CD. Leqrners listen to the exomple ond look ot
Part 4 the line from Helen to the queen. Check leqrners know
whot to do. Leqrners then listen to questions 1-5 qnd
Flyers test Listening Part I
drow [ines from the nctmes to the people in the picture.
Equipment needed
Plog the recording q second time if necessorg.
Flyers CD lC,
Check onswers: Lines should be drqwn between:
Flyers tip I Horrg ond king
Clothes and appearance vocabulary is tested in part I of 2 Michoel qnd mon in oronge tights
the Flyers ListeningTest. For example, some people in the 3 Morg ond gir[ ptoging with puppu
picture might be wearing similar clothes or have similar hair: 4 Sorqh ond womon corrging fruit
Some people might also be doing similar aclivities, Learners 5 Peter ond mqn running with piece of poper
need to be aware of these similarities in order to identify
correctly the names of the people in the picture. Leqrners onswer further questions.You mog need to plog
the recording ogoin for leorners to onswer.Alternotivelg
test their memorg.Ask:
f *n"t om I wecring? Whot wos the name of the costle? (Skg Costte)
o Different lesrners tell gou one thing thot gou ore Who does the king tell his secrets to? (Michoet)
weoring. Encouroge them to sqg the colour too. For Which person is the queen's best friend? (Soroh)
One man is running.What's he corrgino? (on importont
exomple: Youie weoring a white shirt I black shoes / o red
sweoter. Leqrners then te[[ you one thing thot theg ore
letter for the king)
Whot's the gueen! doughter wearing? (o btue dress qnd
weoring todog. For exomple: l'm weoring block shorts I o
blueT-shirt / green socks.
white gtoves)
What's she plaging with? (a puppC)
o Leorners look ot the pictures. Point to eoch picture in
turn qnd qsk Whot is this/these?Teoch/revise belt,coot,
. Can gou remember?Which name didn,t we heor? (Robert)

dress, gloves, jocket,tights.

Which people have not got o line to o nome? (the bog
Ask Are gou weoring a belt I
gloves (etc.) todag? Leorners nod
reoding, the mon ploging the drums, the girt qt the top
or shoke their heods.
of the costte).
r Leorners complete the words next to the pictures bg
writing in the missing vowels. The whole clqss decides which person is Robert ond
leorners drow o line from this nome to the chosen bog/
mon in the picture. Leorners suggest nomes for the
S a,r.le the correct word. other two peopte.The closs chooses two nomes from the
o list. Leqrners write these nomes on the two lines in their
Leqrners look ot the cqstte picture.Ask:
books ond drow lines from the nqmes to the other two
Are ollthese people smiting? (ges)
Are these people hoving fun? (ges)
o Look ot the first sentence with leqrners: Ihe queen is
o Ask leorners if ongone knows the word for the drum
in the picture. (lf not, tet[ one leqrner to look in o
weoring o beautiful dress. Point to the circle round dress,
dictionorg ond find the word.) Ask them to spel[ it for
then point to the queen in the picture. Sog: Ihe gueen,s
the closs.Write it on the boord.
weoring c dress, not a coat.
o ln pqirs, leqrners reqd sentences 2-5 ond circte the
correct word. ond lookThere is one exomple.
Gir[: This is mg fovourite picture in mg storgbook
Check qnswers: 2 three 3 fruit 4 tights cbout Skg Costle, Uncle Jsck.
5 round
Mon: It looks greqt.Who ore qll these people?
Girl: Welt, the queen, the womon in the long red
dress who's sitting in the smqller chqir, is
cqlled Helen.
Mon: I see.
Con gou see the line?This is on exomple.
Point to the two word boxes with no numbers.Ask:
Which clothes con we write here?Ie[[ leorners thot the
Now gou listen ond draw lines. pictures in E con help them choose. (hogsockslscorfl
One shoes) Leorners write the two extro words in the
Msn: And who's thot person? ls he the kingl crossword.
Gir[: Yes. I love his blue jocket ond curlg block hoir. Leqrners colour the squores contoining the'things
Mon: He looks verg importont.Whot! his name? we wesr' words (belt, coot, shorts, tights, gloves, pocket,
Girt: He's cqlled Horrg in the storg. uniform, ond the two extrq words) green.Theg cotour the
squores contoining the'things we ccrrrg' words oronge
(rucksocl<" umb rello,suitcose, h an dbog).
Girl: And there's Michoet. He! verg clever.The king
tetls him q[[ his secrets.
Mon: Which one's he? Write the words below the pictures.
Girl: The mon who's ptoging. lt's not o guitor, but Where do we weor these on our bodg?
it looks like one. His oronge tights ore funng, Drow lines.
oren't theg?
Msn: Yes. Lots of men wore tights then. Leqrners look ot the pictures qnd write the words under
Girl: I know. eoch one.

Three Checkqnswers: 2 o ring 3 oscqrf 4 socks

Girl: And there's the queen's doughter. 5 sunglosses 5 shorts
Mqn: The girl whot woving on the castle wqll?
Girt: No, not her. I meqn the girt with the long Leorners drow lines to the words to show where people
btonde hqir. wecrr these things.
Mqn: I cqn see her. She's sitting on the gross.
Girl: Thot's right. Her nome's Morg. Check onsvvers: 2 o ring - finger
3 qscqrf-neck 4 socks-feet
Four 5 sunglosses - nose 6 shorts - legs
Mon: And whqt qbout the womqn whol corrging
the fruitl Write on the boqrd: Some people weor ... when theg .. . .

GirL Thot's Ssrqh. She's the queen's best friend, but Ask leorners to complete the sentence obout o ring.
she works in the cqstle kitchen, Suggested onswer: Some peopte weor o ring when
Mon: ls she o cook? theg ore mqrried.
Girl: Yes. I love her green belt. I think it's verg
ln poirs, leqrners write sentences obout the other clothes.
beoutiful.The queen gcrve it to her.
Suggested qnswers: Some people weor o hot when
Five theg sit in the sun. Some people weqr o scorf when
Mqn: Whg is thot person running? theg ore cold. Some people weor socks on their feet
Gir[: You meqn the mon with the piece of poper in when theg go for wqlks in winter. Some people weor
his hond? sunglosses when theg go to the beoch. Some people
Mqn: Yes. weor shorts when theg do sport.
GirL He's got on importont letter for the king. His
nome's Peter.
Mon: Oh!
Plog the gtrme!Whg trre gou together?
GirL l'm going to read the next port of the storg o Choose q porticulor feoture (see suggestions below)
now! which q number of leqrners in the clqss hqve in common.
Man: Greqt!
Ask different leorners to move to different ports of the
room, qccording to whqt gou hove chosen.

# Reod the sentences and write the

For exomple , sog: Morto, Morio, Juan. Go ond stond beside
the door.
Leqrners guess whg eoch group is stonding together.
Reqd out the first sentence below the crossword. Point Theg put up their honds to qnswer. For exompte:Theg oll
to the qnswer, number 1 down, in the crossword (belt). hove block hoir. Leorners con qlso guess whg their own
Leorners individuollg or in poirs reod the other clues qnd group is stonding together. For exomple:We're oll girls.
complete the crossword. Note; Lorge closses could plog this in teqms, with teoms
trging to guess the reqson ond winning o point.
Check onswers:
Down: 2 3 umbrello 4 coot 5 shorts
rucksock Suggested critericr: bogs or girls / whot leorners ore
weoring / the colour of leqrners' clothes / the length or
Across:6suitcqse 7 hondbog I tighrs 9 gloves
kind of hoir theg hqve / the colour of their eges / their
10 pocket 11 uniform
height / the first letter of their nomes / their interests if
known / their oges if known
sp@ffi @rDd sGr0re

Topics clothes, possessions, colours, body and

hobbies, time, people
face, travel, # m Listen qnd
colour qnd drow Listening
Functions describing people, talking about the weather ond write. Port 5

Grammar prepositional phrases and relative clauses to

describe people and things (who,whtch), present continuous, Leqrners look ot the picture ogoin. Plog the exomple on
pronouns (someone, something), prepositions of place the recording. Check leorners hove understood the two
things obout the mon. (He's reoding o newspoper qnd he
Vocabulary See the wordlist on page I 24 of the
hos q brown beord.)
Student's Book.
Flyers practice Plog the rest of the recording twice, pousing the CD for
five seconds the first time to give [eorners 15 seconds to
Speakrng Part I

colour, drqw or write.

Flyers test
Listening Part 5, Reading and Writing Part 2 Check qnswers:
Equipment needed I Colour bigger bog! gloves - purple
r Flyers CD 28. 2 Drow getlow spots on beqr next to mon
a Colouring pens or pencils, 3 Colour skirt of womon drinking coffee - blue
a Piqlures of different flags. See C. (See also:
4 Write'sport' on bog next to girl on the phone
www. cam b ri d ge,org/elVfu nfo r)
Magazines with piclures of people (one for each group
5 Colour flower on smo[[ gir['s dress - oronge
of threelear ners). See E
Note: Point out thot stripes ond spots cqn be described
in two wogs.Write on the boord:
Flyers tip
A bear with spots on it A spotted bear.
Point or-rl to learners that in Part 5 of the Flyers Listening
Test, the things they have to colour are identified in two A jacket with stripes on it.A striped jocket.
different ways. For example: Ftnd the boy who's woll<ng with Ask leorners to point to the beqr with spots ond the
hrs mother. He's toller thon hrs brother. Colour his gloves purple, striped jocket in the picture.
plecse. Both pieces of information (taller boy and gtoves) Topescript
will be necessary to find the correct item to colour:
Listen and look at the picture.There is one exomple.
Gir[: I tike this picrure. lt's greot!
Look ond reod. Reoding & Mon: Con gou see the mqn who's sitting down?
Write ges or no. riting Port 2
Gir[: Yes, I csn. He! reoding o newspoper!
Mon: Thot's right. Colour his beord brown.
Leorners look ot the picture.Ask them questions: Girl: OK. I'm doing thot now.
How mong people are there? (10)
Con gou see the msn with the brown beard? Now Aou listen
Where ore theg? (At the oirport.) and colour ond drow ond write.
How mong planes can gou see1 (Three - one big plone
ond two tog plones.)
Mqn: Now find the bog who's wqlking with his
Leqrners look ot the two exomples.Ask:
Whg is'ges'written ofter the frst sentence? (Becouse the Girl: I cqn see him. He's tq[ler than his brother.
bog is weoring o scorf ond gtoves.) Mon: Yes, he is. Colour his gloves purple, pleose.
Whg is'no' written after the second sentence? (Becouse the Gir[: OK, I con do thqt!
girl is unhoppg * she's crging.) Two
Leorners reqd the other sentences ond write yes or no. Mon; Woutd gou like to do some drowing now?
Girl: Yes pleose! I like drowing.
Check onswers: I no 2 no 3 ges Mqn: Drqw some spots on the beqr. Con gou see it?
4ges 5no 6ges Tges Girt: The one thot's on the choir?
Mon: Yes.Then colour them gellow.
Ask leqrners to chqnge one word in eoch of the
Gir[: Thot witl look funng!
incorrect sentences (including the second exomple
sentence) to mqke them true obout the picture. Three
Mon: Now, con gou see the womon who's drinking
Check qnsu/ers: Exomple: hqppg - unhoppgisod coffee?
1 four - three 2 writing - reoding Girl: Yes. She! there, look, under the clock!
5 hqtf - o quorter Mqn: Thot's right. Con gou colour her skirtl
Girl: Yes. Cqn I colour it green?
Mon: No, mqke it blue, pleose.
Gir[: OK,I'tt do thqt. now.
in poirs. Eqch leorner chooses one ftog (either from this
picture, or qnother countrg flog) ond describes it.Their
Mon: Would gou like to write something in this
picture, tool
portner listens ond drows ond colours the flog.
Girl: Oh ges!Whqt sholl I write? Note: You could qlso qsk lesrners to design their own ftog
Mon: We[[, cqn gou see the bogl qnd then describe lt to their portner to drow.
Girl: The one thot's next to the gir[ whol totking
on the phone? Comptete the sentences obout the
Mon: Yes. Con gou write '.sport' on it, pleose?
second picture.
Gir[: OK.Thott eosg!

Tell leorners to reod the first sentence qnd to find the
Gir[: Whqt else con I colour? boot,the green flogs qnd the shqrks.
Mqn: I know. Con gou see the two chitdren who ore Leqrners complete sentences 2-6. Remind them thot
ploging with the iog ptones? theg con use no more thqn one or two words.
Girl: Yes. Shotl I colour one of the plones?
Mqn: No. Cotour the flower on the girl's dress. Check onswers: 2 shoes 3 suitcoses/o suitcose
Moke it orqnge. 4 short curlg 5 mouth 6 getlow stripes
Gir[: OK.This picture tooks much better now!

Tolk obout the differences between the

Complete the sentences obout the picture. pictures.
o On the boord, write the beginning of sentences obout Point to the two pictures in C qnd D ond sog:
the picture in A (see be[ow). Leorners put their honds up Here ore two pictures.Theg're neorlg the some,but some
ond suggest wogs of completing them. things are different. For exomple, in this picture (point to the
1 The womon who's drinking coffee ... (is (stonding) under first picture) there are two boots,but in this picture (point
the clock.) to the second picture) there's one.
2 The mon with the beord ... (is sitting down / is reoding ln poirs, leqrners discuss whot the differences ore qnd
o newspoper.) how theg cqn describe them.
3 The children who ore sitting on the floor ... (ore ploging Point to the first picture ond sog:
with tog plones.) In mg picture,the two bogs ore carrging rucksocks.
4 The girl who's crging ... (hos got curlg hqir / is weoring Leorners tell gou how the second picture is different. (ln
o long skirt ond T-shirt.) this picture, the two bogs ore carrging suitcoses.)
5 The womon with the suitcoses ... (is weoring o dress Do the some for these sentences qnd differences:
with ftowers on it.)
ln mg piaure,the man qnd the girl ore trAing to catch some
fsh. (ore woshing/cteoning the boot)
Tolk obout the flogs in the first In mg picture,the birds have got block stripes on their wings.
picture. (don't hove / hoven't got block stripes on their wings)
Ask leorners to te[[ gou ten things theg con see in the ln mg picture, eight flogs are flging in the wind. (three ftogs
picture in C. ore flging in the wind)

Suggestions: boqts, flogs, rucksocks, birds,T-shirt, shorts, In mg picture, sorneone is wearing pink shorts with gellow
jeons, towel, bogs, gir[, mon, etc. spots. (pink shorts with geltow stors)

o Ask leorners: How mong flogs con gou ln mg picture, Aou con't see ong clouds in the skg. (three
see? (8)
clouds in the skg)
Which flog is blue ond has o roinbow on it? ([eorners point
to thot flog)
Ask leqrners whot theg con see on the different flogs. (o
Con gou find the picture I've written
squore, stripes, spots, o costle, o moon, o lion, o cross) obout?
o ln poirs, leorners choose two flogs ond write o sentence Give one mogozine to eoch group of three leorners.
qbout eqch in their notebooks.Theg sog whot colour Theg choose o picture of qt leost one person qnd write
the flog is qnd the cotour of the object on the ftog. For o detoiled description, without soging the poge number
exomple: Ihere's a black flog with o white costle on it. (or the product if the picture is port of on odvert).
Ask one poir to reqd out one of the sentences.The other Groups pclss on their mogozine ond description to
leorners tisten ond sog which flogs theg ore. onother group, who reod the description, find the picture
o Ask leqrners to describe flogs for different countries qnd show it to the first group to check it is the right
theg know (inctuding their own counrrg's ftog).You coutd picture.
toke in pictures of different flogs. Optionot: Cut out pictures of people from mogozines
Optionot extension: ond give 4-5 to eoch group. Leorners choose one ond
Moke sure leorners hove cotouring pencils. Leorners work write q description. J\A
$^@\dng @md drfimg
Topics body and face, the natural world, animals, work Suggested trnswers:
Functions u nderstand ng sim ple narratives, tal ki ng about
eors - listen, heor
feelings mouth - speok, sing, shout, whistte
G ram mar pronou ns (someone, something), q uestions legs/feet - fotlow
(How?WhaOWhen? Do you?),verbs + inflnitjve (csk, te//),
present continuous, past simple
eges - crg, wotch, see

hqnds - point, cook, cotch, corrg, fee[, throw
See the wordlist on pages |24-125 of the Student,s Book heod - believe, forget, understond, remember, leorn
Flyers practice Ask leorners to listen ond sog which port of the bodg
Reading and Writing Parts 5 and 7, Speakingpart 4 we use when we: write (honds), run (legsifeet), eot
(mouth), reod (eges)
Flyers test
Reading and Writing Part 4 Divide the clqss into groups. One leqrner mimes o verb
ond the other leqrners in the group hove to guess whot
Equipment needed
it is.
r Piclures of a painting,TV radio and telephone. See B.
(See also: www.cambridge,orgleltlfunfor)
r Photocopies of page I 26 (one for each learner I pair of
Complete the sentences with look,
learners). See D. wdtch,listen or hedr.

Flyers tip Drqw q pointing on the boord or show leorners o

picture of o pointing.
ln Parts 4, 6 and 7 of the Reading and Writing Test, remind
learners to look both before and after the gaps to help Ask Do I look at o pointing or do I watch ir? (you took
them decide what kind of word is missing. ot it.)
Drqw oTV on the boqrd or show leqrners o picture of
Write the ports of the bodg next to Ask Do I look at aTV programme or do I wotch it? (you
the words. wotch it.)
Write on the boord: Drow q rodio on the boqrd or show o picture of q rodio.
nose eors mouth legslfeet eges honds heod AskDo / listen to the radio or do lheor ir? (you tisten
to it.)
Leqrners look ot the picture of the monkegs.
Drow o telephone on the boord or show leorners o
Ask Whot's one of the monkegs doing? (whispering)
picture of o phone. Mqke the sound of o phone ringing.
Do gou whisper with gour leg? (no)
Ask Whot can gou heorT (o phone)
Do gou whisper with gour mouth? (ges)
Leqrners complete the four sentences in B with the
Leorners look ot the picture of the mon. correct verb.
Ask Whot's he doingT (smelting o flower)
What other things con gou smell? (food, ptonts, the seo ...) Check onsu/ers: I heor 2 Look 3 listen
4 wqtch
Mime kicking o bolt.
Ask Whot am I doing? (kicking o bott)
Which part of mg bodg do / use to kick o boll? (gour foot) Use q different verb from A to
Point to the word kick in the first column of the tqble complete eoch question.
ond to the words legs/feet nexr to it in the second
Look ot the first sentence with leqrners. Check thot theg
understond whqt to do.
Tel[ leorners to find the verb smell in the tqble.
Leorners use the verbs in A to complete the questions.
Ask Whrch port of our bodg dowe use to smell? (our nose)
Leorners write nose next to the word smell in the tqbte. Check qnswers: 2 whisper 3 remember
Leorners find the verb whrsper in the tqble. 4 forget 5 understond
Ask Which port of our bodg do we use to whisper? (our a Leorners reqd the questions qnd think of their onswers.
a Leorners osk eqch other the questions in poirs.
Leorners write mouth next to whisper.
Leorners look ot the other verbs ond write the
oppropriote ports of the bodg next to them, occording
to the port of the bodg we use when we do them.The
bodg words theg need qre on the boqrd.
Reod the storg. Choose o word from Give out photocopies of the incomptete sentences
the box.Write the from poge 126 obout the storg (one to eoch poir).Ask
correct word next leqrners to complete them qbout the storg, using 1, 2, 3
Reoding &
Writing Port 4 or 4 words.
to numbers 1-5.
Point to the dog in the picture.Ask:
Check onswers: 1 Pirqte 2 eorlg
3 the sheep 4 (big otd green) truck 5 find
Where do gou see these dogs? (on o form, in the countrg)
5 behind some trees 7 (fovourite) cookies
Do gou see dogs like these in gour countrg?
Whot nomes do people sornetimes give dogs?
Whot's o good nome for this dog?
Listen ond find the words.
Te[[ leqrners to reqd the storg qnd to qnswer these o Reod out these sentences, one bg one. Leorners listen
questions: qnd find the words theg describe in the first porogroph
1 Which month was it? (August) of the storg in D.
7 Whot are the nomes of the people in the storg? (Helen, 1 This is the eighth month of the geor: (August)
her friend, Dovid, qnd his dod,Wittiom) 2 This is not south, eost or west (north)
3 Whot's the dog's nome? (Pirote) 3 lhis person lives on the seo on o boat. (pirote)
4 What's the dog's favourite food? (cookies) o ln poirs, leorners choose two words from the rest of
Reod the first sentence of the storg ogoin. Point to the the storg ond define them.Then theg join together with
words in the box ot the end of the storg ond osk: qnother poir, sog which porogroph(s) the words ore in
qnd reod the definitions.The other poir hos to find the
Con gou see the word'citg'7 (ges)
words in the storg in D.
Point to the word citg in the exomple in the text.
How mong more words ore there in the box? (9)
Ptog the gome! Moking sentences
How mang gops ore there in the storg? (5)
So,how mang words donlgou need? (4)
Leqrners reod the storg ogoin qnd write one word next Leorners telt gou the verbs from this unit (with books
closed or open depending on the closs).Write the
to numbers 1-5.
verbs on the boqrd. Divide the ctqss into teoms of 5-6
Check onswers, reminding [eqrners to look qt the words [eqrners.
before ond ofter the gops.
Note: See poge 124 of the Student's Book for o list of
1 Reqd the sentence:His dod,Williom,is o fomous ...
the verbs in this unit.
Sog: We need a word for o person.Which of the words in
One teqm chooses o verb qnd mokes o correct (ond
the box is o person? (octor)
togicot) sentence using it.
2 Do the sqme with gop 2: lots of cows and other ... lf theg give gou o correct sentence, rub the verb off the
Sog: Ihis needs to be followed bA o ...(pturol noun). boord ond give thot teom o point.
Ask Which words in the box ore plurol nouns? (onimols, For exomple,leorn'. Ilearn English otschool.
sousoges ond wings) Ask Which one is the right onswer?
lf the sentence is not correct or [ogico[, the verb stogs
on the boord ond no point is qwqrded.
3 Ask Whot kind of word do we need here? (o post verb)
The winning teom is the one with most points. lf ot the
Which words in the box ore post verbs? (climbed, pointed
end gou ore left with verbs, which no teom cqn monoge
ond whistled) Ask Con gou whistle or paint into o truck?
(no) Con gou climb into o truck? (ges) to mqke cr correct sentence with, exploin the form qnd
meoning of the verb ogoin ond then give them qnother
4 Ask Which word comes before gop 4? (verg) Whot kind
chonce to mske o sentence.
of word comes ofter'very'? (an odjective or on odverb)
Which odjeaives ore in the box? (ctoudg ond excited)
Con o dog be cloudg? (no) So,'excited'is correct here.
5 Whot kind of word do we need here? (o post verb)
Which post verbs ore in the box now? (whistled ond
pointed) Con gou whistle loudlgT (ges) Con gou point
loudlg? (no) So,'whistled'is the onswer.
Ask [eqrners to choose the best nome for the storg.
(Pirote helps on the farm) Ask Did Pirote lose his biscurts or
drive o truck in the storg? (no)
pbonffi omfrmn@b

Topics animals, body and face, the natural world, time, Suggested qnsvvers: run - goot;flg - bot, bird; jump
weather - bird, dotphin, goot, kongoroo; swim - fish, crocodite,
dotphin; hop - kongoroo, bird
Functions describing and giving information about animals,
talking about the weather: making comparisons, agreeing Leorners trg to fitl the columns with qs mong other
and disagreeing onimols os possible.
Grammar prepositions (in expressions and of place), Suggested qnswers (occept qng reosonqble onswers):
agreement of verbs, pronouns (reGrring bacl< to nouns) run - tiger, cot, kitren, dog, puppg, tion; flg - duck, pqrror,
Vocabulary See the wordlist on page I 25 of the swon, insect, butterflg, flg; jump - frog, cot, dog, sheep,
Student's Book. monkeg, horse; swim - hippo, crocodile, shqrk, whqle,
Not inYLE wordlists: disappeor octopus, dog;hop - robbit, pqrrot, insect
Flyers practice Reading and Writing Pants l, 5 and 7,
Speaking Parts 2 and 4 Look ond reqd. Choose the correct
Flyers test Reading and Writing Part 6 word and write it on the [ine.
Equipment needed
Ask four or five different leorners: Whot colour is gour
o Photocopies (one for each group of 3-4 learners) of
fovourite onimol?Whot con it do? (For exomple: brown, hop)
the pictures and sentences on page I 27. See E.
o Scissors - one pair for each group of 3-4 learners. Other leorners trg to guess whot the fqvourite onimol is
See E.
Leorners look ot the lqst onimol (o robbit) in the [ist to
Flyers tip the right of the box.Ask different leorners to tell gou
For Part I of the Reading and WritingTest, remind learners qbout this onimol. Sog:A robbit is ... (For exomple: brown.
to write each answer using exactly the same form (with or A robbit con hop.A robbit eots corrots.)
without the article) as given. Leqrners reod the exomple (1).Theg underline the keg
words thot describe q robbit (small animal,brown or white
Animal olphobet. fur, Iong eors, can hop).

o Leqrners toke it in turns to sog eoch [etter of the Leorners reod 2-7 ond decide which onimqls are being
olphobet.Write the letters on the boord os theg sog described. (Ask themto underline the keg words in eoch
them. description.)

r Leqrners work in teoms of 3-4. Give them o time limit Check qnswers:
(5 minutes) to write on onimol storting with everg 2 qn insect (smoll, sx legs, wings)
letter of the olphobet. lf [eorners cont think of on 3 o comel (carrg,desert)
onimol beginning with o porticulor letter, theg con write 4 swons (big birds,long necks,neor rivers ond lokes)
onother word before it. For exomple: o ongrg lion, n 5 on octopus (seo, erght legs)
nine monkegs, r red fish, z zoo onimols. 6 butterflies (wings, different colours, flg, sit on plan*,
o Suggested onswers (using words which oppeor on the flowers)
sgllobus for o[l three [evels): 7 dinosqurs (o long time ogo, extinct)
o ongrg lion b bot, beqr, bird, butterflg c comel, cot,
chicken, cow d dog, dotphin, duck e elephont f fish, ftg,
o Ask leorners which qnimql is not in the smoll pictures.
frog g giroffe, goot h hippo, horse i insect j jumping frog
k kongoroo I lion, lizord m monkeg, mouse n noughtg
monkeg o octopus p pet, pondo, porrot q quiet tiger r Dinosours!
rqbbit s shork, sheep, snoke, spider, swon t tiger u uglg
spider v verg big hippo w whole g gettow lizard z zoo
o Without looking ot the nexr poge, leorners tell gou
onimols obout dinosours.Ask:
Do dinosours live in forests now? (no)

How do theg move?Write the onimsls How mong legs did most dinosaurs hove? (four)
below eqch word. What did dinosaurs eotZ (plqnts, meot, other onimols)
Whot colour were most dinosours? (green, brown, greg)
Check leorners know the meoning of verbs run,ftg, jump,
swim ond hop. Sog one of the verbs ond qsk leorners to
Write on the boqrd: heod, foce, foot, teg, toit, bodg, necN
do the oction.
Leorners drow qnd colour on imoginorg dinosour on q
Leorners look ot the eight qnimol words in the box ond
piece of poper ond [obe[ its bodg using q[[ the words on
write them in the columns below depending on how theg
move. Point to the exampte (run - mouse).
the boord.
Reod obout dinosours.
f t,", the gome! Dotphins or bots?
Choose the right
Give out one photocopg of poge 127 to eoch group of
words ond write Reoding &
3-4 leorners. Leqrners cut up the pictures qnd sentences
them on the lines. riting Port 5
(or gou could do this in odvonce, if gou prefer).
Leqrners look qt the picture of the dinosour.Ask: For eoch poir of sentences (o ond b), one refers to
dolphins ond one refers to bqts. Leqrners hove to motch
ls this dinosour fotter I funnier I friendlier than gour dinosaur?
the sentences to the oppropriote onimq[.
Hos it got more teeth thon gour dinosour?
Groups find the two onimol pictures ond put them foce
Whot can gou see behind this dinosour? (o tree, o hitt) up on eoch of their tqbles. Leqrners put oll the sentences
Leorners reqd the text obout dinosours from beginning in onother pile ond toke it in turns to pick ct sentence
to end without completing the gops.Ask them, in poirs, ond to reod it to the group.The group decides whether
to underline or circle ong words theg dont know.Teoch/ to put it next to the dolphin or the bot picture. Leorners
revise these words before completing the exercise. in the first group to correcttg motch qll the sentences
Words thot leorners mqu not know get ore plonet,ago, with the pictures ore che winners.
worm,drier ond disoppeored.Att the other words in the
text hqve oppeored eqrtier in the Fun for ... series. Check onswers:
Te[[ leqrners to look ot the first sentence of the text dolphins:lb 2s 3o 4b 5o 5q 7q
ond qt the three possible words for the gop (living, Iives, bqts:1o 2b 3b 4o 5b 5b 7b
lived).Ask which word is correct (lived). Exptoin whg lived
is correct. (Dinosours don't live now so we need the
pqst tense.) Exploin whg living ond liyes ore wrong. (We
would need to put ore living, which is o present tense,
lives is olso present ond singulor but the word dinosours
is plurol.)
ln poirs, leqrners choose words for the gops in
questions 1-10.

I looked 2 ond 3 smqll

Check onswers:
4in 5of 6the Tthot 8find
9 them l0 on
Tel[ leqrners to ctose their books.Write the letter d on
the bosrd. Eoch leorner then tokes it in turns to te[[ gou
the next letter to spetl the word dinosour.
Note: There qre four different vowels in this word. On[g
e is missing. Pointing out potterns like this con hetp some
leqrners remember diffi cutt spe[[ings.

ff o" Uou know the missing word?

. Leorners reqd the first phrose in the purpte box.Ask
them whot the missing word is (0fl. Leorners write of
in the gop. Leorners reod the second phrose.Ask them
whqt the missing word is (about).
Leorners complete the other six gops with of or obout.

Check qnswers: I of 2 obout 3 of 4 of

5 of 5 obout

Leorners mqke sentences using these phroses qnd write

them in their notebooks. For exomple: There ore lots of
dinosours in this film.
$^U thfimgs
Topics animals, possessions, people
Check onswers: I hove, hoir 2 hqir, front
Functions identifing and describing oblecls 3 use, hoir
Grammar conjunctions (onc), becouse, if, so, when),
prepositions of place (obove, between, in, in
front of, next to,
o ln pqirs, leqrners choose two other words from A ond
on, on top of under), present simple, past simple write o definition for them in their notebooks.
Vocabulary See the wor dlist on page I 25 of the Suggestions:
Student's Book. A fridge:
Flyers practice People use this when theg wont to mqke food ond drink
Reading and Writing Part l, Speaking parts I and 4 cold.
Flyers test I put food ond drink inside this, then it mokes it cold.
Listening Part 3 lf gou put food ond drink inside this, it mokes it cold.
Equipment needed
A rucksock:
r Flyers CD 5C/D, People corrg things in this on their bocks.
r Colouring pencils or pens.
lf gou use this, gou con use gour honds to climb s
Flyers tip
ln Flyers Listening Part 3, learners hearthe word for each
People weor these on their hqnds in cold weqther.
picture only once in each question. lf they miss part of the
match, they shouldnl worry,They will hear each part of the lf it's cold, I put these on qnd mg honds ore wsrm!
ListeningTesl twice so they can check, or complete their A T-shirt:
answers if necessary the second time they lislen. People weor this in wqrm weqther or when theg do
lf it's hot, it's o good ideo to weor one of these!
Whot crre these? Write the words on
the lines next to the pictures. o Two poirs of leorners work together. One pcir reods out
their definitions ond the other poir guesses whot is being
Leqrners look qt the first picture. described.
Ask Whott this? (o T-shirt) point to the words o Eshjrt on
the line next to the first picture.
Sog: Ihis is an exomple. Now write the words
for the other
f w.""rirlt,urpicture
five pictures on the lines next to the piaures. Help leorners crnd write o letter Listening
with ong difficult words. in eqch box. Port 3

Check qnswers: gloves, on umbrello, a brush, Leorners look qt the qnimol pictures.
a rucksoclg o fridge Ask Whrch ones do gou know the words for?
Teoch ong words thot ore new.
Reod and choose the word from A. Ask Which of these onimols doldon't gou like?
Then complete the sentences obout Which of these animols is the smollest? (the ftg)
o brush. Which of these onimals is the biggest? (the shork/dotphin)

Leorners reqd the sentences below An ... .Tett them thot Plog the first port of the recording.
the sentences qll describe the sqme thing.We con see Ask Whrch onimol can gou see in picture A? (o bot)
this thing in the pictures in A. Now look ot the picture of theT-shirt on poge l4.The letter A
Ask Which thing is it? ((on) umbreilo) Leorners write the is in the box.Whg? (Becouse Bettg's T-shirt hos got o bot
word umbrello on the line obove the sentences. on the bock.)
Point out thot the first sentence te[[s us when (in the Leqrners tisten to the rest of the recording ond write
roin) ond where (outside) we use on umbrello. the correct onimo[ letter in the box next to eoch picture
ln the second qnd third tines, the second port of the in A.
sentence te[[s us whot hoppens qs q resutt of using on
umbre[[q. (Mg heod ond shoutders ore drg becouse I Check onswers: brush - C fridge - D
hove on umbrello. I dont get wet becouse I open mg
gloves- G umbrello- E rucksock- F
Note: Point out thqt there ore two qnimol pictures thot
Leqrners complete the sentences qbout o brush. ore not used but thot qre heqrd: B flg ond H lizord.
Ask Where wos the plostic lizard? (on the shetf)
Where were the fliesl (inside the tent)
Check onswers:
Usten ond look.There is one example.Which onimal picture is C Her friend Morg gove her this qnd she uses it
on each thing? everg dog.
Girl: I love onimots, Uncte Jqck. I've got pictures D Bettg bought these when she wos on holidog o
of them evergwhere. Look. Do gou like mg long time ogo.
T:shirt? E Her cousin Ben bought it for her becouse he
Mon: Yes, it's greot, Bettg.
knows she loves these qnimols.
Girl: Mum bought it for me. She got it tost geor
when we visited the zoo. lt's got o bot on the
F Bettg took this with her when she went comping
lost summer.
bqck. Look! I weor it to school sometimes.
G Her grondmo mode these qnd she weors them
Can gou see the letter A? Now gou listen ond write a letter in when the weqther is cold.
each box.
Girl: Mg friend *ory nou" me o brush with a lovetg
butterflg picture on it. lt's up there on mg shelf ,,no the differences.
next to thot little plostic lizord. I use it everg f
dog. Sholt I show it to gou? Leorners work in A qnd B poirs. LeornerA looks qt the
Mqn: Yes, pleose. picture on poge 116 of the Student's Book ond Leqrner
Girl: But [ook! Those qre mg fovourite qnimqls of B looks ot the picture on poge 118. Ask different
ql[- the ones on the fridge door. I bought teorners to sog one thing theg con see in their own
those little swqns from o shop when I wos on pictures.
holidog o long time ogo. Mum put them there Write the words on the boqrd: rucksock,moneg,kegs,
for me. I love them, dont gou? ticket, torch, sock, ruler, shoe, book, comic,T-shirt.
Mqn: Yes.Theg're verg nice.
Sog: Your pictures ore neorlg the some but some things ore
Girl: And these ore mg new gloves. Grqndmq
different. Look ot Aour pictures together ond talk obout the
mqde them for me to weqr to school in cold
differences between them.
westher.Theg're verg worm.And [ook, she put
these purple octopuses on them. She's verg ln poirs, leorners look for differences ond tqtk obout
Mqn: Yes, she is!Whot o greot present! Differences:
Girl: Do gou like mg umbrellq? lt's got animqls on it 1 The rucksock is on the floor / on top of the cupboord.
too! Mg cousin Ben bought it for me becquse 2 The torch is between the cupboord ond the bed / in the
it's got dolphins on it. He knows I love them.
rucksock pocket.
Mqn: Thqt wos kind of him. 3 The comic is open / closed.
Mqn: Do gou have cng other qnimol pictures on
gour things?
4 The book is closed / open.
Girt: Yes, Uncle Jqck. I've got some on mg rucksock. 5 The ruler is on the bed i next to the cupboord.
I took it on holidog with me when we went 6 The moneg ond ticket qre on the bed / on the ftoor, in
comping lost summer.The shqrks on the front of the bed.
pockets look reollg dongerous. I love them, but 7 The shoe is in the cupboord / between the bed qnd the
I hqted the flies thot cqme in our tent! cupboord.

#ltF m
\:i- Find ond colour the two ports Ask ond onswer questions obout gour
of the sentences. things.
. Point to the hotves of the sentences in the two purple Leorners work inA ond B poirs. LeornerA looks ot
boxes: Her mother bought Eettg this lost gear ot the zoo poge 1 1 6 of the Student's Book, reqds the questions ond
Plog the exompte on the CD ogoin. writes their qnswers. Leorner B looks qt pqge 118 of
the Student's Book, reqds the questions qnd writes their
Point out thqt on the CD the informotion is in two
sentences ond is worded differentlg: Mum bought it for me.
She got it last yeor when we visited the zoo. Leorners osk ond qnswer the questions in poirs.
o Leqrners listen to the CD ogoin ond find ond drow o Note: See qlso qdditionql resources for teochers on
box round the second hqtf of eqch sentence (using the our website ot for on
some colour os the first holf). extension or olternotive to this octivitg.
Note: The letters A-G correspond to the letters
leqrners wrote in the boxes in A.

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