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THE BUFFALO TRIANGLE (Treatment, act 2)


Detailed efforts and interviews of plans and people who've tried to do

something ----

10. The Land blowing away amerika

Neil Young's 'It's a Dream' - over pix of abandoned

farmhouses and old roads blowing away on the prairie, ghost towns,
and small towns with empty storefronts on main street, etc. An elegy
to what once was, as Young sings "It's a memory without anywhere to
and it's just fading away."

11. Buffalo Commons

The SONG overlaps into interior talks by Frank and Deborah

Popper, and their 'Buffalo Commons' idea of returning 139,000 square
miles of 10 western states to the buffalo. Back in the 1980s-90s there
was a lot of talk about it, and generally contempt from the western
residents to the idea.

12. ALF and ELF

Vail condos burning where the Earth Liberation Front set them
afire, and animal pens by Animal Liberation Front, and perhaps
interivews with some of them, including, maybe, Rod Coronado, etc.

13. Intertribal Bison Cooperative

Raising buffalo herds for profit by Indians. Interviews with ITBC

guys in Rapid City office, and Indian ranchers on the reservations.

14. AIM

Interviews with American Indian Movement about plans to return

to traditional ways.

15. Hopis
The conflict between Tribal Council and Traditionals around
Peabody Coal and the Navajo power plant in Arizona, loss of water,
land, all torn apart by money and 80% unemployment. The Council
recently told Sierra Club and white environmentalists to butt out of
their affairs and land.

16. Earth First! and Monkeywrench gangs

Interviews with EF! people and Abbey's book 'The monkeywrench

Gang' to blow up Glen Canyon Dam in Utah on the Colorado River
=within the Triangle, again, as with all these.

17. Los Alamos, nuclear power plants, and nuclear weapons

Overview of Los Alamos and The Bomb, nuke plants in Phoenix

and Denver, Air Force bases in Albuquerque, Rapid City, Colorado
Springs, with B-1s, Nuke Crusie missiles, and pix of old Missile Silos

18. Ted Turner buffalo herds

Private herds-for-profit-and-meat throughout the West, pix,

interviews (we can get a lot of this on the Internet, and to hell with

19. Custer State Park

More on the thousands of Buffalo on the Park, and the Gov't

involved in buffalo profits.

20. White Buffalo herd

People near Flagstaff have several white buffaloes, they say - for
viewing behind walls, for a fee - and are developing an actual 'white
buffalo herd'. This illustrates more of the potential sacredness of the
Flagstaff Peaks introduced in Act One.

21. Federal & State Grassland Parks

Efforts by Gov't and private companies to make public lands
available for some herds, and other wildlife ecosystems like the wolves
- with clips maybe of 'Dances With Wolves' and 'Cheyenne Autumn'.

22. Colorado River & Rio Grande plateaux

Both these great rivers have their sources high in the Colorado
mountains, inside our Triangle; and analysis and maps of their
Plateaus and the water systems derived from them that big cities like
Phoenix and Los Angeles are draining, with the whole pipeline/canal
systems and dams, power plants, etc. Interviews in Telluride with Art
Goodtimes, the only Green Party man who's an elected County
Commissioner; maybe the Headwaters people at Western State
College in Gunnison, etc.

23. Denver and Rocky Flats

Denver's inside our Triangle - interview with Chicano leaders like

Ernesto Vigil, etc.

24. Cattle mutilations, crop circles

Many of the animal mutilations - not just cattle - have been

reported in our Magic Triangle, and some crop circle designs have
been recorded at ancient PICTOGLYPH sites.

This may be plenty for Act Two, leading back into the Spiritual Theme
of the GODS for the conclusions of Act Three.

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