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Business Plan

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Business Plan

A first sketch[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

1 Almi. Reproduction may be made on this line of text is preserved. 2011-10-15

Page 2

Preparing your own business - a development


You yourself as an entrepreneur

Running your own business is exciting and a great challenge - it's a way of life. Being self-employed
means freedom, but also personal responsibility for all decisions relating to the company.
Even if you are well prepared business plans you have understood your own ability and your personal
conditions essential for success. Go through the questions under the heading Are you one with your
business idea of Almi website,, in New enterprise / Thinking of starting a business. Using
a number of issues you can try if you are as a person is suitable for the business venture that you want.

2 Almi. Reproduction may be made on this line of text is preserved. 2011-10-15[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

Page 3

Make your business plan Does the business idea?

In this working, we show that one can do

their preparations in a certain order. Then it is also t Business idea
greatest opportunity to work with what is
significantly. It is just the information that t
banks and other reviewers will ask ef- Keeps Explore
ter. See the picture and follow the points below. business idea company
t environment
First Start from your preliminary business idea.
2nd Examine the future business environment, ie. t
customers, markets and competitors. t Create
Counting Competition
3rd Designing the company so that it can be competitive ability
capacity. Product, marketing, effective
activity mm.
4th Count, that makes budget. Will the business profitable
sam? If you get hold of the money needed for the opera-
5th Are you now prepared to decide to pre- your business depends on the specific rules and to-
tags idea is, or do you need to adjust fretagspla-about?
Who are your competitors? What do you know about competition
Maybe you need to do another round of pre- clean the product or service. What does the competition
redelsekedjan frn 1 to 5. Eventually feel States well and what they do so well? Can you become
whether the evidence is good enough for you better? How much does the competition? What is
could decide to start or not start. their market shares?
Does your business idea - make it then that your
corporate mission. When you run the company What are the licensing requirements or rules that govern
the type
there is reason to occasionally reconsider the business of business you have in mind? How does it affect
1 business idea
3 Creating competitive
You based on a preliminary idea of what to
have on business, what to offer for the product The more you know about the business environment, the better
or service. Call it a business idea. Say for exampleone can design the company will be up-
it is a pottery for everyday items. Or is it successfully.
sales of industrial supplies? How will the product or service designed to
the appeals to the customer? What prices are you keeping?
2 Explore the business environment How will the product or service to be customer
Now the business idea explored. Are there real- provided? How can you influence the customer to up-
cover you? Is it through advertisements, flyers,
Recreational opportunities to build a business on the
idea? Think about what it is for customers. What personal
have theyinfluence, or what? What about your
and staff skills and appearance? Pas-
the needs, values, purchasing power etc. of importance.
Can you distinguish different customer groups withshows you the business idea? How can you achieve that
needs, values, etc.? all customer contacts with you, your company, product
product / service provides the customer with such a positive feeling /
Market, it is actually the total number of
experience that the customer will return? Building
potential customers and their purchasing power. Which geo-
a customer base of returning customers is good for
graphical area, you process? What industry?
What is the total purchasing power? What is your share?
Obviously, the production of goods or
The market is rarely stable. What can change?
provision of goods or services to be
Fashion? Technology? Depending on political decisions? Will
efficient enough to be able to compete.

3 Almi. Reproduction may be made on this line of text is preserved. 2011-10-15

Page 4[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

Would it cost more than its competitors, it is the exactly how much money is needed requires a lot
the risk that profitability is too bad. Some studies and calculations. The first
calculation must be pretty rough. Later, the
Already have contact with potential customers? Have
greater detail.
You tied good supplier contacts? Maybe you
You thought a collaboration with other companiesCalculate
to just how much capital you need to-
get special competitive advantages? again before you can start the business and take
after your first clients. So - what do
4 A-D Count and make budget you money? Need to change rooms? How
Start by making a sales budget. Since much does plant and equipment? How big
You found out a lot about the market size, inventories are needed in the start? Expect also to
customers' buying habits, etc., you can assess how the need for additional working capital at the start of all the
much you can sell in a year. Of course you take payments must be made before money came-
also determine the purchase price of the goods you more
sealfrom customers. When you purchase goods and in-
lines and the subcontractors you need to hire for equipment used in the beginning, you also need to be laid out with
to fulfill your delivery (such as laundry expenses VAT, although for a shorter time.
of the hotel you will drive). Where will the money come from for the business start?
Can you divide the "sales territories", you get a If you deposit your own money? How much do you
better opportunity to get close to reality. Take borrow?
bicycle shop as an example. Now you can profit budget be completed. Selling
Selling 1. Assess the sales figure for bikes Financial and related costs for goods and
and what the purchases of bicycles costs. Note thatmaterial purchases, variable costs, we have already
it is the purchase cost of the bikes that you seal made. It remains to assess other costs,
lines (variable costs) and not the ones you beyondfixed costs, in turn, of the Rules of matter-
purchased for inventory. lets profit budget. Finally you will get the budget
cash earnings. The performance budget should not be
Sale 2. Assess the sale of repairs VAT.
(Sale of "hours"), plus the sale of re-
spare parts, then the cost of purchasing the re- When the company started and operates
spare parts supply you with the repairs (moving hot money will flow in and out. In advance
costs). Practically do you go that way calculate these money flows, ie make a
that you find out from the industry the proportioncash
of budget, you can do now if you want to be
sale price as a spare cost bru- careful assessment of capital needs.
carboxylic be the average. You can read more about this in the next section of text you want
count in Excel? Use the template Budget Kiss.
Once you have assessed sales size, you get a
perception of the prospective company's "size", 4D Cash Budget - if pay-
the need of inventories, needs of local areas, tions
equipment etc..
How availability of cash, liquidity,
This leads us to the next step, Kapitalbehov/Finan-will be during the starting period, are often completely off
financing - to think through what we need moneycrucial for business investment. Lack of money when
to start and where they come from. Knowing needed immediately, like a noose around the neck.
Money from customers
Planning for a good liquidity before you start! It
is a difficult time for the sale will
started and the money flowing into the company. First
main challenge is to find the customers that we are faster
Want to work directly in the computer? Download BassWord
can Template
get to buyonand pay. Opt for customers
Almi's website to write your first sketch to af-
business plan and Excel Template, Budget Kiss, paying
to make now - with cash. In some
budget. business context can even get
Of course you can also write your business planprepayment!
without Beware of customers who are happy
template, but starting from the well structure and headings in
Almi templates. buy but never pay. Take a personal information /
credit! Bill quickly if you can not

4 Almi. Reproduction may be made on this line of text is preserved. 2011-10-15

Page 5[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

get cash. Can you delfakturera larger If you are unemployed, you may be eligible to start
job to do. Leave no longer customer credit than business, called StartUp - contributions from
what is common in the industry! Employment Service,
No unnecessary Taxes and loans
Try to supplier credits. Sometimes it is fac- Talk to your financial advisor before you leave
your tax and fee notification to the Tax Ever-
cally despite being newcomers. Continue your "digestive
ra "businesses start to cut back on everything that Administration.
costs Ensure that payment of preliminary corporation tax and
unnecessarily during at least the first year. VAT as far as possible follows the opera-
consistent development of the company.
Drive your own car and take out the mileage from pre-
time. Do not take out more than the mileage thatShouldis you apply for a loan, try to get the redemption period during
"Tax". Is it possible to arrange the premises and der the first time. Account Credit (overdraft) can
interior with its own craft without lowering be appropriate for the reason that the company uses
quality of the results? Relatives and friends may credit if needed and pay back when it
assists in the "peaks" in the start. Can you lend- the money for the company.
equipment instead of buying? Can you buy second- Working capital is often arranged through invoice factoring /
nat as well as new? Can certain investments
factoring. Bank or other credit institution lending,
wait? Consider carefully how much merchandise you're Maybebuying
75% of the invoice amount, against their taking over
in. In some contexts, it is possible to sell the va-
invoices and bill your clients. Think ige-
goods on commission, ie. supplier owns them untilthrough if it works right in the business start and
they are sold.
there are seasonal fluctuations in the company.
Supply Do it the other way
Its own supply usually means large out-
Some business ventures may need to be reconsidered
payments from the company. Can you live on the all other
that money will not be enough. It
income for a period? Have family
may be other ways to set up plans. When-
overall revenue so that it can survive for some time?

5 Almi. Reproduction may be made on this line of text is preserved. 2011-10-15

Page 6

closer cooperation with other companies, combined

with other activities, combining employment and Payment of taxes
business leisure etc. Go through the possibilities Limited companies. Employer and preliminary-
with your advisor. tax (A tax) calculated as a percentage of
Liquidity Plan and skills salaries and paid to the tax account[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

months after the payment of wages. Any

In order to do a cash flow budget required some
preliminary F-tax (corporate tax) are also paid
basic knowledge. Contact Almi for information
about courses.
Sole trader. Preliminary F tax paid Mon-
Should you book the advice of Almi,
Monthly. Personal contribution, preliminary ownership tax and
NyfretagarCentrum or another - take your
Provisional Tax is in preliminary corporation tax
first sketch to the business plan and your "budget kiss".
for companies with annual sales of up to one
Looking for loans from Almi and banking - attach a million.
business plan. A template that is specifically adapted to the pre-
At higher sales are VAT
tation found on Almis website - Enhanced
every three months based on purchases made
work with the business plan. Combine it with the-
and successful sales, or monthly
residents Budget Template.
(After application). The preliminary F-tax
5 Adjust the business idea then contains only preliminary ownership tax and
preliminary self-
The result was good or not so good? There was great fee.
loss, it is perhaps not a good business idea. But
likely it is that you have to start again in the prepa-From the Tax Office or via www.skattever-
and the process by considering the market you can get the brochure "How to fill in
assumptions and think through how you will Tax and fee notice "containing
get customers interested in your business and your more information about taxes and fees. See
offer. Also and

Note that preparation points from 1

to 5 will be back in working the material headlines.

6 Almi. Reproduction may be made on this line of text is preserved. 2011-10-15

Page 7

Business plan - a first sketch The business plan is finalized dates


Company Name
Mailing address
Company Company[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

Contact Fax
Company Phone Mobile
Web page E-mail
Bank details and contact
Accountant, bookkeeper, etc..

Describe the business in a few words such as construction company for site assembly of prefabricated houses, webshop
children's clothing, day spa.

Summarize the business venture in a few sentences. For example, enter focus of the organization,
place of business and the location of the resort, when the company planned to start, a little about the background of the initiative and own-
the reasons to start or associates reasons to invest together. Example: With two employees I launch advertising-
eri in Blnarps village with facilities in the northern industrial area. Scheduled to start in October. With fifteen years behind me
advertising sales and the bankruptcy of my employer, this is an opportunity to implement a plan I had in a long time.
The employees are from the same printer as me.

Names of all partners, their interest and their duty and working in the company. Have you written KOMPAN
jonavtal? (Personal details, background and other items on the next page. An example per partner.)

eg personal contact at Almi or NyfretagarCentrum

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Page 8


Name Personal
Zipcode and city Fax
E-mail Mobile

Occupation and employment. Education. Please write in chronological order.[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

Which of your professional and industry experience and what training is particularly important for business investment?

What do you currently use? Are you as employed, unemployed, self-employed, studying.

What indicates that you have good entrepreneurial characteristics and entrepreneurial skills?


Describe personal contacts and contacts that have particular relevance to your business.

Have you participated in business training of any kind? If so, which one?

What about your personal finances? Do you have savings that can be used during boot time? How much sets
in as own contribution? Do you have arrears? How much do you charge from the company net monthly
to manage your personal expenses the first year?

Vision. Describe their roles and now as you want it to be in five years. Example: Webshop I
handle all by yourself; Merchanting in A-town with 12 employees and 25% of export sales with myself sljinrik-
tad CEO.

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Page 9

First Business idea / concept

Summarize in a few words what the company's operations will consist in. Define what is the company's product / service and
the categories of customer company to sell to. What is the company's particular strengths in the competition for customers?

2nd Operating Environment

Describe customers closer. Are there special categories? Who buying habits do they have? What purchasing power? Describe the customer
needs of the company to satisfy. Assess if possible sales by customer category. The sum will be sales
performance budget.[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

Within the geographical area or industry, the products / services are sold?

How big is the market in number of customers, in terms of volume or dollars?

Which market will own company, roughly assessed?

Does it require any authorization, approval, or the like for your business? How far do you have in that case, come with your

How do you think the market will change in the next few years in areas such as technology, trends,
shopping, trends in society, changes in the environment or anything else that is relevant to your business venture?

What are the most difficult competition? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What market share do they have?
If there are competitors - how do customers their needs / problems in other ways?

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Page 10

3rd The company becomes competitive and efficient

Describe your product or service offering. Do you have different product, maybe both goods and services? Are
product / service tailored to customer needs? Specify the advantages and disadvantages compared to the competition. Is there
patents, designs or similar?

Selling, pay, deliver

How will the company's products / services (1) sold, (2) paid and (3) supplied / provided? What advantages and disadvantages have
your methods in comparison with its competitors? Example: A gift shop and a day spa with a cash payment at
provision of goods or services in their own local; An internet shop with package delivery and freight; One engineering
company with sales via agent with installments in advance and the balance upon delivery of the finished machine.[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

Market Penetration
How will the market be processed / informed about the company offer? Is it through personal selling, advertising,
PR, internet or otherwise? Please indicate if you have an attachment with a more detailed plan for marketing activities.

What price range are you keeping? How will the level to be compared with its competitors? Is the price per unit, per
hours, subscription or otherwise?

Premises and location as a competitive tool

What significance does the premises and the state of competition?

Describe how the premises and exterior should be designed in a promotional manner.

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Page 11

Personal and staff

Have you as a business owner's personal qualities, skills, contacts, or anything that gives specific competitive
parts? Are there any of the other owners or employees of such conditions offering special competitive advantages? Available
both expertise about the product's ability to create good customer relations?

The primary competitive means

What will mainly give your company competitive? Is the product / service that is unique? Is it your way
to sell and service the market? Is it the price, you as a person or another?

Effective and sustainable business

Briefly describe how the business - service production, manufacture, trade - should be conducted. How good knowledge,
equipment and organization of activities does your company compared to competitors? Explain also your
choice of suppliers.[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

How will you organize the company's management, accounting, reporting, accounting work, etc.? How do you follow up the economy
reduced development?

Environmental impact
Will the company's operations, production, transport, products, product use, etc. to affect the environment?
If so, describe how and what to do to overcome it.

Required capacity in terms of area and others. What rent? Available lease? Need for equipment, furniture and staff.
Set respectively. service's duties, skill requirements and salary level. Note the purchase price for the equipment. It is
basis for capital calculation and the calculation of depreciation in the income budget.

Equipment, machinery, etc.


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Page 12

4 A. Sales Budget. Amounts in SEK excluding VAT

Sales by customer type, by geographic region, by industry, by product or division listed below
and the corresponding cost of goods and the purchase of service (eg, consulting or craft services).
Example: A bike shop can divide their budget on repairs, including parts and sales of
bicycles and accessories.
Enter the budget period, eg year 1 and year 2

Sales 1 + +

Goods and materials purchasing one - -

Purchases of services 1 - -
Gross profit 1 = =

Sales 2 + +

Goods and materials purchases 2 - -

Purchases of services 2 - -
Gross 2 = =

Sale 3 + +

Goods and materials purchasing 3 - -

Purchases of services 3 - -[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

Gross 3 = =

Total sales + +

Total product and material purchases - -

Total purchases of services - -

Total gross profit = =

The summations above are transferred to Profit Budget.


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Page 13

4 B. Capital and financing. Amounts in SEK excluding VAT

This, I need money to start businesses:
(Capital: Working Capital and Investments)

Preparing the premises. Remodeling, furnishings, office equipment

Machinery, tools, etc.. Equipment to be used for several years
Marketing materials such as signs and brochures
Inventories. "Start Inventory" to the purchase price
Liquid funds, ie money in cash and bank
Additional working capital at the start in anticipation of the money from the customers.

Tax on the above purchases (input VAT)

Reserve for unforeseen

The money do I as follows:

Custom and associates bet. (Operated equipment - see below)

Bank loans + Overdraft =

Almi loans

Other funding
Total (same as the total need of money)

Equipment can be deployed as a separate effort. It will then also be included in the amounts of capital. Owners can also[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

equipment used in the enterprise without the part of the company's assets. Describe the equipment.

Value of equipment
Equipment financed by leasing

If leased equipment had been purchased, it would have cost

Leasing does not exist in the table above without lease payments are included in the income budget as other expense.

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Page 14

4 C. Results Budget. Amounts in SEK excluding VAT

Enter the budget period, eg year 1 and year 2

Sales of goods or services + +

Variable costs

Costs of goods, materials and external services - -

Gross profit (revenue minus variable costs) = =

Salaries and social security charges
Employees gross salary, ie. wage and tax
garln gross in the limited liability company ("average salary" *)
Arbetsgivaravg. 31% of employees' salaries + garln at AB
Arbetsmarknadsfrskr. for employees. 7% of gross salary
Personal insurance for owners. 7% of the "average salary" *
Total salary and social security costs = =
Other expenses
Travel expenses. Mileage allowance for car
Premises: rent, electricity, heating, repairs, maintenance, etc.
Office supplies, telephone, postage, etc.
Selling expenses (travel, accommodation, etc.)
Accounting. Revision
Enterprise development (training, product development, etc.)
The company's insurance
Leasing and rental of equipment. Other purchased services
Miscellaneous other expenses[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

Total other expenses = =

Depreciation and interest expenses
Depreciation 20% x investment in machinery and equ.
Interest expense. Borrowed and equity loan interest x
Total depreciation and interest expenses = =
Total "fixed costs" = - = -
Results at the company. Profit before "garln"
the sole proprietorship and partnership = =
Results Assessment for sole proprietorships and partnerships

Average salary *
Social costs
Personal contribution for the owner of 30% of the above gross salary.
Total average salary and social security costs = Compare with Results
the performance budget!
* The average salary means salary as the owner deems necessary gross, ie. including
14 Almi. Reproduction may be made on this line of text is preserved. 2011-10-15 tax, for example,
what employees would have had in the same industry and occupation.

Page 15

4 D. Liquidity budget. Month 1-6

Amounts in SEK Month 1 2 3 4 5 6

Payments VAT

Customer invoices 1 VAT%

Customer invoices 2 VAT%
Customer invoices 3 VAT%
Cash Payment VAT%
Self-insertion of money o opening cash month 1
For customers paid VAT "output VAT"
Extra line for moms. Opening balance VAT claim
VAT Payment of Tax
Total payments

Payments VAT

Supplier Invoice 1 VAT%

Supplier Invoice 2 VAT%
Supplier Invoice 3 VAT%
Cash Payment VAT%
Employee Net Pay
Proprietors netttoln (the AB)
Preliminary tax and social security contributions
Withdrawals (sole proprietorship or partnership)
Preliminary F tax
Owner / entrepreneur voluntary personal insurance
Other expenses VAT%
Other expenses VAT%
Investments in equipment, facilities, etc. VAT %
For providers paid VAT "input VAT"[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

Extra line for moms. Balance tax debt

VAT payments to the tax
Total disbursements

Liquidity Changes
Opening cash
Total payments
Total disbursements
Closing cash


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Page 16

4 D. Liquidity budget. Month 7 to 12

Amounts in SEK Month 7 8 9 10 11 12

Payments VAT

Customer invoices 1 VAT%

Customer invoices 2 VAT%
Customer invoices 3 VAT%
Cash Payment VAT%
Self-insertion of money o opening cash month 1
For customers paid VAT "output VAT"
Extra line for moms. Opening balance VAT claim
VAT Payment of Tax
Total payments

Payments VAT

Supplier Invoice 1 VAT%

Supplier Invoice 2 VAT%
Supplier Invoice 3 VAT%
Cash Payment VAT%
Employee Net Pay
Proprietors netttoln (the AB)
Preliminary tax and social security contributions
Withdrawals (sole proprietorship or partnership)
Preliminary F tax
Owner / entrepreneur voluntary personal insurance
Other expenses VAT%
Other expenses VAT%
Investments in equipment, facilities, etc. VAT %
For providers paid VAT "input VAT"
Extra line for moms. Balance tax debt
VAT payments to the tax
Total disbursements[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

Liquidity Changes

Opening cash
Total payments
Total disbursements
Closing cash


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Page 17

5th Does the business idea? Strengths and weaknesses

Note the strengths and weaknesses of the business venture. Also write down the uncertainties, threats and opportunities you will
more to deal with or that you have to observe in the future.[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

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Page 18

Other[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

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Page 20

Our vision is to create opportunities for all

strong ideas and businesses to develop.
The goal is to more innovative ideas will-
commercialized successfully, more viable
business creation and development, and to more com-
companies increase their competitiveness and growth.

Almi Blekinge AB Almi My AB ALMI Stockholm Sdermanland AB

Ronnebygatan 46, 371 33 KarlskronaMetropol, Universitetsalln 32 Box 6198, 102 33 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel 0455-33 51 00 Fax: 0455-807 86851 71 Sundsvall Address Drottninggatan 97
info.blekinge @ tel 060-16 35 60 tel 08-458 14 00 Fax 08-33 01 04
Box 656, 831 27 stersund @
Almi Dalarna AB Address Prstgatan 39 Western Kvarngatan 62, 611 32 Nykping
Technology Valley, Forskargatan 3,Tel
70 Borlnge Tel a.m.
11 00 Fax 063-57 11:40 0155-45 10 70 Fax: 0155-45 10 77
Tel 0243-48 88 50 Fax: 0243-190 91PO Box 84, 871 22 Sundsvall Munktell Science Park
info.dalarna @ Address Nybrogatan 13 Portgatan 3, 633 42 Eskilstuna
Tel 0611-55 78 00 Fax: 0611-55 tel78 016-541
01 10 90 Fax 016-541 10 99
Almi Gotland AB , Box 866, SE-891 18 rnskldsvikVingkersvgen 18, 641 51 Katrineholm
Cramrgatan 1, 621 57 Visby Address ARK, Lasarettsg 3, Floor Tel
5 0150-36 10 60 Fax: 0150-48 87 70
Tel 0498-20 22 00 Fax 0498-20 22:15
Tel 0660-26 68 90 info.sormland @
info.gotland @ info.mitt @
Almi Uppsala AB
Almi Gavleborg AB Almi Mlardalen AB Crystal, Axel Johansson street 4-6
Box 1399, 801 38 Gvle Storagatan 16, 722 12 Vsters 754 51 Uppsala, Sweden
Address Nygatan 12 Tel 021-10 78 10 Fax 021-10 78 Tel39 018-18 52 00 Fax 018-18 52 10
Tel 026-66 36 60 Fax 026-66 36 70 info.uppsala @
info.gavleborg @ Kpmangatan 23-25, 702 23 rebro
Tel 019-17 48 00 Fax 019-17 48 30
info.malardalen @ Almi Vrmland AB
Almi Halland AB , Box 356, SE-651 08 Karlstad, Sweden
Slottsmllan, 302 31 Halmstad Address Lagergrens street 2
Tel 035-15 38 00 Fax 035-15 38 01 Almi North Ltd Tel 054-14 93 50 Fax 054-18 92 78
info.halland @ , Box 1027, SE-901 20 Ume info.varmland @
Address Renmarkstorget 5D
Almi Jnkping AB Tel 090-10 07 70 Fax 090-12 86 96
Almi West AB
Klubbhusgatan 13, 553 03 JnkpingBox 905, 971 27 Lule Box 8794, 402 67 Gothenburg
Tel 036-30 65 00 Fax 036-30 65 10 Address Kpmangatan 42 Address Maskingatan 5
info.jonkoping @ tel 0920-379 00 Fax: 0920-609 22 tel 031-779 79 00 Fax 031-779 06 85
Trdgrdsgatan 13-15, 931 31 Skellefte
Olov Holmgatan 32, 506 34 Bors
Almi Kalmar AB Tel 0910-71 15 80 Fax: 0910-77 Tel85 90
033-20 68 00 Fax 033-20 68 01
Hantverksgatan 1, 572 30 Oskarshamn
info.nord @
tel 0491-858 00 Fax: 0491-841 84 Box 133, 541 23 Skvde
info.kalmar @ ALMI Skne AB Address Kanikegrnd 3B
Baltzarsgatan 22, 211 36 Malm Tel 0500-44 62 00 Fax: 0500-44 62 01
Almi Kronoberg AB tel 040-660 39 00 Fax: 040-23 44 Nohabgatan
05 12, 461 29 Trollhttan
Box 1501, 351 15 Vxj tel 0520-894 00 Fax: 0520-894 01
Kullagatan 3, 252 20 Helsingborg
Visiting address Kungsgatan 10 Tel 042-26 90 10 Fax 042-26 90 info.vast @
tel 0470-230 40 Fax: 0470-279 37 19
info.kronoberg @ V. Main Street 51A, 291 31 Kristianstad
Almi stergtland AB
Tel 044-18 74 00 Fax 044-18 74 ,09 Box 1224, SE-581 12 Linkping, Sweden
Address Platensgatan 29
Tel 013-20 07 00 Fax 013-31 35 34
info.ostergotland @

In 2011[2012-08-28 10:45:54]
Business Plan

A[2012-08-28 10:45:54]

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