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Subject + Base Verb + Object


I like pizza.
She lives in Toronto.
We have a dog.
They go to school.

For "he", "she", and "it" use the third-person verb. This is the same as the base verb, but it has
an "s" on the end:

1. Base Verb -------- play, live, run

2. 3rd Person Verb -------- plays, lives, runs

This table shows the difference between the third person pronouns. Notice the "s" on the end of
the word.

Here are all the pronouns with the verbs in simple present:

I like pizza.
You like pizza.
He likes pizza.
She likes pizza.
It likes pizza.
We like pizza.
They like pizza.


Negatives in simple present use do not or does not. They also use be + not.

Do Not/Does Not

Subject + Do/Does +not + base verb


I do not like pizza.

She does not play baseball.

After do not or does not the verb is always in the base form.

He likes soccer.
He does not like soccer.
She studies English.
She does not study English.
Here is a table that shows all the negative forms using do not or does not in the simple

Be + Not

Negative sentences can also use the verb to be and not. They
look like these examples:

I am not a doctor.
She is not hungry.
They are not from Africa.


Tom works at a bank. He is the manager. He starts work every day at 8:00 am. He finishes work
every day at 6:00 pm. He lives very close to the bank. He walks to work every day. His brother
and sister also work at the bank. But, they do not live close to the bank. They drive cars
to work. They start work at 9:00 am. In the bank, Tom is the boss. He helps all the workers and
tells them what to do. He likes his job. He is also very good at his job. Many customers like
Tom, and they say hello to him when they come to the bank. Tom likes to talk to the customers
and make them feel happy. Tom really likes his job

Choose the correct option for the simple present reading.

1. What time does Tom start work?

a) 8:00 am
b) 9:00 am

2. Does Tom drive a car to work?

a) Yes
b) No

3. Does Tom live close to the bank?

a) Yes
b) No

4. Does Tom talk to customers?

a) Yes
b) No
5. How does Tom feel about his job?

a) Good
b) Bad

Tom trabaja en un banco. l es el gerente. Comienza a trabajar todos los das a las 8:00 am . Termina
trabajar todos los das a las 6:00 pm . Vive muy cerca de la orilla . Camina a trabajar todos los das . Su
hermano y hermana tambin trabajan en el banco. Sin embargo , ellos no viven cerca de la orilla .
Conducen autos para trabajar . Ellos empiezan a trabajar a las 9:00 am . En el banco , Tom es el jefe. l
ayuda a todos los trabajadores y les dice qu hacer . Le gusta su trabajo. Tambin es muy bueno en su
trabajo . Muchos clientes como Tom , y dicen hola a l cuando vienen al banco. Tom le gusta hablar a los
clientes y hacer que se sientan felices . Tom le gusta mucho su trabajo

Elige la opcin correcta para la lectura presente simple .

1. A qu hora se inicia Tom trabajo?

a) 08 a.m.
b ) 9:00 maana

2. Tom conducen un coche para trabajar?

a) S
b ) No se

3. Tom viven cerca de la orilla ?

a) S
b ) No se

4. Tom hablar con los clientes ?

a) S
b ) No se
5. Cmo Tom se sienten acerca de su trabajo?

un bien
b ) Malo


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