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CATHODE RAY OSCILLOSCOPE (CRO) Fluorescent Fluorescent To convert the kinetic energy

Osiloskop sinar katod (OSK) Screen screen of the electron beam into the
Structure and the functions of the main parts of the Skrin Skrin light energy
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope ( CRO) pendarfluor pendarfluor Untuk menukar tenaga
Struktur dan fungsi bahagian utama osiloskop sinar katod kinetik elektron ke tenaga

Graphite To channel the electrons

coating striking the screen to Earth

Handling CRO / Pengendalian OSK

Main part Component Function

Filament To heat up the cathode
Filamen Memanaskan katod

Cathode Emits electrons through the Knob / switch Function / control

Katod thermionic emission process On/off To on or off the CRO
Memancarkan elektron Menghidupkan / mematikan OSK
melalui proses pancaran Brilliance To control the intensity of the bright spot
termion Keamatan Mengawal keamatan tompok atau surih
pada skrin.
Electron gun Control Grid Controls the number of X-shift To adjust the horizontal position of the
Senapang Grid electrons that will through it Pesongan X bright spot / Menyesarkan tompok secara
elektron kawalan and hence control the mengufuk.
brightness of the image on Y-shift To adjust the vertical position of the bright
the screen Pesongan X spot / Menyesarkan tompok secara
Mengawal bilangan elektron menegak
yang menghentam skrin dan
Y-gain To amplified the small voltage across the
seterusnya mengawal
Gandaan Y Y-plates to deflect the electron beam. The
kecerahan tompok cahaya
control is calibrated in volt per cm
pada skrin.
Mengubah magnitud ketinggian
tompok. Skala gandaan Y
Focusing Focuses the electrons into a
adalah dalam unit volt per cm.
anode beam
Time-base controls Connected to the X-plates to control the
Anod Memfokus electron ke dalam
Dasar masa frequency at which the beam sweeps
memfokus bentuk alur
horizontally across the screen. The control
is calibrated in time per cm.
Accelerating To accelerate electrons to
Disambung ke Plat-X untuk mengawal
anode towards the screen
frekeunsi di mana alur elektron digerakkan
Anod Memecutkan alur elektron
ulang-alik secara mengufuk. Skala dasar
memecut kearah skrin
masa adalah dalam unit saat per cm.
X-input / Input X To connect the source of potential
Deflection Y-plates To deflect the electron beam
difference to X-plates
System Plat-X vertically
Terminal untuk menyambungkan voltan
Sistem Memesongkan alur elektron
kepada plat X.
pemesonga secara menegak
n Y-input / Input Y To connect the source of potential
X-plates To deflect the electron beam difference to Y-plates
Plat-Y horizontally Terminal untuk menyambungkan voltan
Memesongkan alur elektron kepada plat X.
secara mengufuk

Uses of CRO / Kegunaan CRO
(1) Displaying waveforms / Memaparkan corak gelombang
(2) As voltmeter (measuring potential difference)
Sebagai voltmeter (mengukur beza keupayaan)
(3) Measuring short time intervals and frequency
Mengukur sela masa yang singkat dan frekuensi

Y-input / Input-Y Timebase circuit / Litar dasar -masa (1)

D Diagram 4.1
None / Tiada (a) (i) Based on Diagram 4.1, name the component T.

.............................................................................. [1 mark]
d.c. power supply /
bekalan kuasa arus (ii) Explain what happens to the electrons on the surface of
terus T when T is heated.
d.c. power supply /
bekalan kuasa arus ............................................................................ [1 mark]
ulang alik
isplaying waveforms / Memaparkan corak (iii) Name the physics process in (a)(ii).
Example ............................................................................ [1 mark]
The diagram shows a waveform obtained from an a.c. power
supply connected to Y-input of a CRO. [Y-gain setting = 20 V (b) A student uses a CRO to study the output voltage of a
cm-1 and time-base control setting = 5 ms cm-1] bicycle dynamo. The time-base is set at 100 ms/division
Rajah menunjukkan bentuk gelombang yang didapati dari and the Y gain control is set at 0.5 V/division.
bekalan kuasa arus ulangalik bila bekalan kuasa
disambungkan ke input-Y sebuah OSK. [Skala gandaan Y =
20 V cm-1 dan skala dasar-masa = 5 ms cm-1]

(i)Calculate the frequency of the wave produced by the bicycle


[2 marks]

(ii) On Diagram 4.2, draw a new trace to show the voltage

Determine / Tentukan
output if the frequency of the dynamo is doubled.
(a) the period of the signal / tempoh isyarat [2 marks]

(b) the frequency of the signal / frekuensi isyarat

(c) the peak voltage / voltan puncak

18) Diagram 4.1 shows the structure of a simple cathode ray

oscilloscope (CRO).

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