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Neurosurg Clin N Am 15 (2004) 319334

Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia

James K. Liu, MD, Ronald I. Apfelbaum, MD*
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Utah School of Medicine, 30 North 1900 East, Suite 3B409,
Salt Lake City, UT 84132, USA

Trigeminal neuralgia, also known as tic dou- bothersome dysesthesia, anesthesia dolorosa, cor-
loureux, is a clinical syndrome distinguished by neal anesthesia, and neuroparalytic keratitis. The
brief, repetitive, extremely intense paroxysms of latter can result in loss of vision, whereas patients
unilateral lancinating facial pain. These paroxysms who develop anesthesia dolorosa are in such misery
are conned entirely to one or more divisions of the that they are scarcely better than they were with
trigeminal nerve [1,2], with the second and third trigeminal neuralgia [1,2,48].
divisions, either alone or in combination, aected The primary treatment for patients with tri-
most often. The pain can be triggered by cutaneous geminal neuralgia is medical therapy [9]. Several
stimuli, including those resulting from daily activ- surgical therapies can be oered to patients when
ities such as chewing, talking, brushing the teeth, medical therapy is ineective or associated with
shaving, or washing the face. A breeze on the face signicant side eects. These procedures include
can also trigger severe pain. Patients may experi- percutaneous glycerol rhizotomy, radiofrequency
ence many attacks daily and, although they are rhizotomy, mechanical balloon compression, pe-
pain-free between attacks, they live in fear of ripheral nerve section, and microvascular decom-
impending pain. Despite their repeated occurrence, pression. Most procedures have high rates of
the painful spasms occur infrequently at night, and initial pain relief and obviate the need for medi-
periods of spontaneous remission are common. An cations. Recently, radiosurgery has been added to
accurate history is paramount for proper diagno- the armamentarium of therapies to treat patients
sis, because physical ndings are minimal or absent; with trigeminal neuralgia [1015]. Surgeons
few syndromes are as consistent and no other should have the expertise to use dierent surgical
condition has this history. Nonconforming fea- procedures depending on the patients age, med-
tures or presentations should alert the clinician to ical condition, pain location, and preference.
question the diagnosis. The condition may begin at
any age, although it tends to occur more frequently
with advancing age and it aicts women somewhat Medical therapy
more often than men.
Many physicians have sought to understand the Medical therapy is to be considered the initial
nature of trigeminal neuralgia and to devise meth- treatment of choice before resorting to any surgical
ods to control the pain. Thus, many diverse tech- alternatives in patients with trigeminal neuralgia.
niques have been advocated. Historically, however, Because of the extreme intensity and brief duration
eective persistent relief has been achieved only by of pain, narcotic analgesics are seldom useful.
destructive lesions placed within the trigeminal Carbamazepine (Tegretol, Carbatrol) and oxcar-
system [3]. Such lesions, which usually produce bazepine (Trileptal) are the most eective thera-
signicant sensory loss, can be associated with peutic agents. Several other medications, most of
which are anticonvulsants, have been used as
ancillary drugs and may, on rare occasions, pro-
* Corresponding author. vide an additional measure of control, either alone
E-mail address: or in conjunction with carbamazepine or phenyt-
(R.I. Apfelbaum). oin [16,17]. These include clonazepam (Klonopin),
1042-3680/04/$ - see front matter 2004 Ronald Apfelbaum. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
320 J.K. Liu, R.I. Apfelbaum / Neurosurg Clin N Am 15 (2004) 319334

lamotrigine (Lamictal), valproic acid, gabapentin, it seem to be the best candidates for phenytoin.
and baclofen [1825]. In general, they are not as Phenytoin can also be useful when used in con-
eective as carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, or phe- junction with carbamazepine. The dose required to
nytoin but serve as minor agents that may benet achieve pain control is usually 5 to 7 mg/kg/d.
some patients occasionally. Therapeutic levels of phenytoin (plasma concen-
Currently, carbamazepine is the initial drug of tration of 1020 lg/mL) can usually be achieved
choice for the management of trigeminal neuralgia with the administration of 100 mg three to four
[2628] because it controls the pain in approxi- times per day after an initial loading dose. Plasma
mately 90% of patients. Our recommended dosage levels are useful for dosage regulation and to avoid
is 100 mg twice daily with meals, increasing by 100 toxicity. Because only 25% to 60% of patients
mg every other day until pain control is achieved or achieve satisfactory control [31], phenytoin has not
toxicity develops. The gradual increase in dosage typically been the initial drug of choice.
allows many patients to tolerate large doses of this Phenytoin toxicity may be manifested by nys-
medication. Although an average controlling dose tagmus, ataxia, slurred speech, or mental confu-
is 400 to 800 mg/d, some patients may require, and sion. A morbilliform rash can commonly occur.
tolerate, twice this dosage. Response to medication Other common side eects include gingival hyper-
and clinical side eects are the most useful dosing plasia, acne, hirsutism, gastrointestinal upset, and
indicators; blood levels do not correlate well with hematopoietic complications. Manifestations of
clinical response. systemic hypersensitivity include Stevens-Johnson
Twenty percent to 40% of patients treated with syndrome, hepatitis, a lupus-like syndrome, and
carbamazepine experience drug-related side ef- folate-responsive megaloblastic anemia [9].
fects, including somnolence, dizziness, nausea, Baclofen, a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
and nystagmus. They occur more commonly in agonist, has some ecacy in the treatment of
the elderly and when the drug dose is increased trigeminal neuralgia [24,25,32]. There seems to be
rapidly. Five percent to 10% percent of patients a synergism between baclofen and either carbama-
can experience a rash, erythema multiforme, or, zepine or phenytoin; therefore, combination ther-
rarely, Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The most com- apy in specic cases is a reasonable option [33]. The
mon idiosyncratic side eects are hematologic, initial dose is 10 mg three times daily. The dose
including neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and, should be increased incrementally until pain relief
rarely, aplastic anemia. Less common side eects is achieved or toxicity is encountered. The typical
include hepatotoxicity, hyponatremia, and conges- maintenance dose required in trigeminal neuralgia
tive heart failure. is 50 to 60 mg/d. Common dose-dependent side
A baseline complete blood cell count and liver eects include somnolence, dizziness, and gas-
and renal function tests should be obtained before trointestinal distress. Baclofen is typically well
initiating carbamazepine therapy. These studies tolerated and does not have the potentially
should be repeated at 2-week intervals initially life-threatening side eects of carbamazepine or
and then periodically thereafter. Carbamazepine phenytoin.
should be discontinued if the peripheral white Clonazepam, a benzodiazepine derivative, has
blood cell count drops below 3000 cells/lL or if been used in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia
side eects become intolerable. since 1975 [19]. Several clinical trials have demon-
Oxcarbazepine, a derivative of carbamazepine, strated clinical ecacy in 60% to 70% of patients
is a newer drug that is reported to have similar with trigeminal neuralgia [17,18]. A typical main-
clinical eectiveness but fewer side eects than tenance dose of clonazepam for trigeminal neural-
carbamazepine [29,30]. Because there are fewer side gia is 6 to 8 mg/d. Sedation, which is the major
eects, higher doses of oxcarbazepine are often dose-related side eect, limits its usefulness.
tolerated. Patients with trigeminal neuralgia re- Gabapentin (Neurontin) has apparently been
fractory to carbamazepine have demonstrated widely promoted for the treatment of trigeminal
a good response when they were switched to neuralgia, although it is has not been approved by
oxcarbazepine. the US Food and Drug Administration for this
Phenytoin (Dilantin), although somewhat less indication. It has fewer clinical side eects than
eective than carbamazepine, may be useful in some of the other anticonvulsants; however, there
many patients because it has lower toxicity [31]. are no good published studies documenting e-
Patients who have obtained eective pain relief cacy. In our experience, its eectiveness in classi-
while on carbamazepine but can no longer tolerate cal trigeminal neuralgia is low, probably less than
J.K. Liu, R.I. Apfelbaum / Neurosurg Clin N Am 15 (2004) 319334 321

10%. It is more useful for deinnervation and

dysesthetic pain syndromes.

Surgical therapy
There are two main types of surgical proce-
dures that have proven to be clinically useful:
selective percutaneous lesioning of the trigeminal
nerve and microvascular decompression of the
trigeminal nerve via a posterior fossa craniectomy
[47,34]. Because of the success of most medical
therapies, patients who have become refractory
to medical therapy, whose symptoms are incom-
pletely controlled, or who have developed toxicity
necessitating discontinuation of these drugs are
primarily candidates for surgical therapy.

Percutaneous neurolysis techniques

The percutaneous techniques for the treatment
Fig. 1. Placement of the needle through the lateral cheek
of trigeminal neuralgia produce a partial destruc- and into the foramen ovale for percutaneous lesioning of
tive lesion in the preganglionic trigeminal rootlets the gasserian ganglion. (From Hardy RW. Percutaneous
(Figs. 1 and 2). Such lesions have been shown to gasserian thermocoagulation in the treatment of tri-
relieve the pain of trigeminal neuralgia for a vari- geminal neuralgia. Cleve Clin Q 1977;44:1137. Copy-
able period while usually sparing some trigeminal right The Cleveland Clinic Foundation.
sensory function. The percutaneous approach to
the foramen ovale is a useful and well-tolerated older patients and those with signicant medical
option for elderly patients. These techniques have problems.
replaced peripheral nerve sections or injections Radiofrequency lesioning has been used for
and intracranial sections, because a more con- a longer time than other techniques. It tends to
trolled selective partial destruction of the nerve produce a dense lesion that causes more numbness,
can be produced. The useful percutaneous ap- corneal anesthesia, and anesthesia dolorosa but
proaches to lesioning the nerve include radio- has a longer duration of eectiveness [8,35,36,38,
frequency thermocoagulation [8,3539], glycerol 49]. If physiologic testing is used to try to limit the
chemoneurolysis [5,4044], and mechanical injury degree of facial numbness, an awake and cooper-
of the nerve using balloon compression [4548]. ative patient is required for the procedure, which
Percutaneous procedures, by intent, damage may be painful for the patient.
the nerve and produce numbness, which may Balloon microcompression reportedly causes
result in corneal anesthesia and anesthesia dolo- less facial numbness, but it often results in tempo-
rosa. In addition, they are temporizing procedures rary trigeminal motor loss. This procedure requires
by nature. Recurrence is to be expected, although insertion of a larger needle and often evokes a
these procedures can provide years of relief in signicant trigeminocardiac reex with bradycar-
some patients. They are also safer because they dia and profound blood pressure changes. For the
avoid an open craniotomy. Although quite rare, latter reason, some advocates of balloon micro-
however, lethal complications have also occurred compression recommend placing a temporary
with percutaneous procedures. pacemaker in the patient and using endotracheal
Recurrence of trigeminal neuralgia can be anesthesia while performing the procedure [4548].
treated with a repeat percutaneous procedure, In contrast, glycerol chemoneurolysis is a sim-
but repetition can cause increased numbness and ple easily performed procedure that is well toler-
dysesthesia. Therefore, microvascular decompres- ated by the patient. Patients readily accept and
sion is recommended for the initial treatment of request repeat procedures if trigeminal pain re-
younger healthy patients (usually before the age curs. This procedure is less destructive than radio-
of 6570 years) with trigeminal neuralgia, and frequency thermocoagulation and balloon
percutaneous procedures are recommended for microcompression [4,5,41]. Usually, it produces
322 J.K. Liu, R.I. Apfelbaum / Neurosurg Clin N Am 15 (2004) 319334

Fig. 2. Trigeminal ganglion, preganglionic rootlets, and postganglionic divisions are shown. The needle is placed
through the foramen ovale, through the ganglion, and into the trigeminal cistern containing the preganglionic rootlets.
(From Ferner H. Die Trigeminuszisterne und ihre praktische Bedeutung fur die Alkoholinjektion in das Gassersche
Ganglion. Nervenarzt 1949;20:269; with permission.)

only mild circumoral numbness, although (as with This procedure can be performed either in the
all these procedures) some patients can experience operating room or in the radiology suite. Short-
more numbness, which can be a problem. Corneal acting sedatives are given intravenously during the
anesthesia, although rare, can also occur, but procedure. Neuroleptic analgesia can be provided
keratitis has not been seen in any of the senior with fentanyl combined with droperidol. Alterna-
authors patients. Anesthesia dolorosa is also tively, methohexital, propofol, or remifentanil can
extremely rare. Glycerol chemoneurolysis is the be given. The patients heart rate, blood pressure,
senior authors percutaneous procedure of choice. and oxygen saturation are monitored continu-
Although it has a slightly lower long-term success ously during the procedure.
rate than radiofrequency lesioning, it has fewer The patient is placed in the supine position.
side eects of trigeminal dysfunction and better Using the Hartel technique [52], a standard 100-
patient tolerance. mm length 18- to 20-gauge needle or cannula with
a stylet is inserted in the cheek approximately 2.5
Percutaneous radiofrequency thermocoagulation cm lateral to the oral commissure and through the
Percutaneous radiofrequency thermal lesioning foramen ovale under uoroscopic guidance (Figs.
of the trigeminal nerve was repopularized by Sweet 3 and 4) [8]. Once the needle is in place, the stylet
and Wepsic [50] in 1974. They made modications is withdrawn to check for free ow of cerebrospi-
to earlier gross electrocoagulation techniques of nal uid (CSF). Proper placement in the trigem-
the gasserian ganglion by using short-acting anes- inal cistern usually results in egress of CSF in
thetic agents, electrical stimulation for precise most patients; however, CSF may not be obtained
localization, reliable radiofrequency current for in patients who have previously undergone a per-
precise lesion production, and temperature moni- cutaneous procedure.
toring to control lesion conguration precisely. After the stylet is removed, an electrode is
This technique is based on the ndings that the inserted through the cannula. One technique uses
compound action potentials of nociceptive bers a curved electrode tip, which is a coil spring that
(A-d and C bers) in nerves are blocked at lower carries a thermocouple and is used for stimulation
temperatures than those of larger A-a and A-b and lesion generation [35]. It can be rotated
bers carrying tactile sensations [51]. through an axis of 360( for stimulation and lesion
J.K. Liu, R.I. Apfelbaum / Neurosurg Clin N Am 15 (2004) 319334 323

Fig. 3. Guide lines on the patients face help to orient

the needle close to the foramen ovale. The entry site is
2.5 to 3 mm lateral to the corner of the mouth. Two
guide lines through this point are drawn, one to a point Fig. 4. Fluoroscopic view of a right-sided percutaneous
one third of the way from the external auditory canal to approach to the foramen ovale. The patients neck is
the lateral canthus of the eye and another toward the hyperextended, and the head is rotated to the contralat-
medial side of the iris of the eye. A needle kept eral side about 15( to 20(. This allows uoroscopic
perpendicular to both of these lines will arrive at the visualization directly along the needle pathway, with the
skull base in close proximity to the foramen ovale. Final foramen ovale (curved arrow) seen projecting over the
placement through the medial end of the foramen is petrous ridge (open arrow). Note that the foramen ovale
performed using a uoroscope. (From Apfelbaum RI. is punctured at its medial end to enter the trigeminal
Glycerol trigeminal neurolysis. Tech Neurosurg cistern properly. S, maxillary sinus; M, mandible. (From
1999;5:22531; with permission.) Apfelbaum RI. Glycerol trigeminal neurolysis. Tech
Neurosurg 1999;5:22531; with permission.)
production. Stimulation is used to localize the
appropriate divisions of the trigeminal nerve,
adjusting the position of the electrode as neces- nerve, producing a larger area of numbness than
sary. Proper localization is achieved when the desired. After each incremental lesion, the patient
patient perceives a nonpainful vibratory or par- is allowed to awaken from the anesthesia and is
esthetic sensation in the appropriate division at re-examined. The procedure is terminated when
a threshold of less than 0.4 V (50 Hz, 2.5- the patient develops dense hypalgesia but not
millisecond continuous pulse train). The radio- anesthesia in the primarily aected division,
frequency current is then placed on the electrode, especially over the trigger zone, and when touch-
which raises the temperature of the electrode tip ing the trigger zone cannot reproduce trigeminal
to a predetermined level, producing some thermo- pain [35,49]. After recovery from anesthesia,
coagulation of the preganglionic trigeminal nerve patients may resume full activity and a regular
bers. Using this technique, heating to a prede- diet. They are usually discharged after an over-
ned temperature for 45 to 60 seconds is per- night hospital stay.
formed after transiently deepening the anesthesia. This procedure is well tolerated by elderly or
Alternatively, some surgeons prefer to use a thin medically debilitated patients. Pain is immediately
wire electrode without temperature monitoring relieved in 99% of patients [35]. The rate of pain
(see Fig. 2). The exposed portion of the electrode recurrence is approximately 15% to 20% over 10
can be bent to localize the electrode position to 15 years [36]. Patients must be aware that this
within the preganglionic bers, using stimulation procedure permanently alters facial sensation,
as described previously. Using small, carefully producing signicant numbness in 90% of cases,
applied, graded increments of heating and re- and that it may produce corneal anesthesia if the
peatedly testing the patient, the surgeon can then rst division is aected or the lesion spreads to
usually remove pain perception, while some useful involve that division. In a review of 500 patients
touch is preserved in the treated area, because the by Taha and Tew [49], 9% of patients described
thin unmyelinated pain bers are more sensitive to an intermittent crawling, burning, or itching
thermal destruction than the larger myelinated sensation that did not require treatment, 2%
touch bers. complained of numbness that required treatment,
With either technique, the lesion occasionally 0.2% developed anesthesia dolorosa, and less
spreads to adjacent divisions of the trigeminal than 1% developed neurogenic keratitis or
324 J.K. Liu, R.I. Apfelbaum / Neurosurg Clin N Am 15 (2004) 319334

corneal abrasions. Other complications, such as The entry site, approximately 2 to 3 cm from the
ocular nerve injury, carotid artery injury, seizures, corner of the mouth (see Fig. 3), is selected
meningitis, stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, and uoroscopically by placing the patient with the
death, have been reported but are rare [53]. neck hyperextended and the head rotated to the
Postoperative dysesthesias are the major ad- contralateral side about 15( to 20(. This allows
verse eects experienced by patients who have uoroscopic visualization directly along the nee-
undergone percutaneous radiofrequency thermo- dle pathway, with the foramen ovale seen project-
coagulation [54]. Patients who suer from anal- ing over the petrous ridge.
gesia dolorosa or anesthesia dolorosa are Needle puncture and advancement through the
bothered by constant and severe burning, itching, foramen ovale are accomplished with the patient
or crawling sensations, which they may nd as briey anesthetized using methohexital, 40 to 60
intolerable as their initial trigeminal neuralgic mg. Other short-acting agents, such as propofol,
pain. Unfortunately, these sensations are often fentanyl, or remifentanil, can also be used. It is
refractory to treatment, although some patients important that the foramen ovale be punctured at
respond to a combination of perphenazine and its medial end to enter the trigeminal cistern
amitriptyline. properly (see Fig. 4). Once the needle is in place
The incidence of postoperative dysesthesias and a free ow of CSF is obtained after removing
has largely declined after the technique modica- the stylet, the patient is allowed to awaken. The
tions described by Tew and Taha [55]. Some of patient is then placed in the vertical sitting
these modications include using the curved position by putting the oorboard under the
electrode, which allows close contact with the patients buttocks and then tilting the x-ray table
involved sensory bers enabling selective lesion- 90( (Fig. 5). A cisternogram is performed by
ing; continuous sensory examinations during le- slowly injecting iohexol (Omnipaque, Amersham
sion making; asking the patient whether facial Health, Princeton, New Jersey, 300 mg%) con-
numbness is tolerable during the procedure; and trast agent into the needle. If the needle is
quantitating the numbness by asking the patient properly placed, the contrast lls the small cup-
to compare the pinprick sensation on the treated shaped trigeminal cistern and then overows into
side with that on the untreated contralateral side the posterior fossa under uoroscopic visualiza-
[35]. tion in the anteroposterior projection (Fig. 6). The
cisternogram conrms the correct placement and
Percutaneous glycerol chemoneurolysis allows quantication of the size of the trigeminal
Various chemical agents have historically been cistern.
used as neurolytic agents to treat trigeminal The patient is then tilted back into the supine
neuralgia. Most chemical agents, such as phenol position to allow the contrast agent to ow out of
and ethanol, are strong neurolytics and result in the cistern, which is conrmed uoroscopically. A
a dense lesion with signicant deaerentation [5]. gentle ush with preservative-free saline can be
Percutaneous chemoneurolysis with glycerol was used to wash out the remainder of the contrast. The
introduced in 1981 by Hakanson [56]. Glycerol, patient is transferred to a hospital bed and placed
a mild neurolytic, provides excellent pain relief back in the sitting upright position. A quantity of
while largely sparing trigeminal nerve function in glycerol equal to the volume of the cistern is
most patients. It is not known whether the instilled slowly (Fig. 7). This maneuver may pro-
glycerol works by direct chemical action or by duce trigeminal pain, so it is best to premedicate
hyperosmotic damage to the nerve. For successful the patient with analgesics. The patient must then
lesioning, pure anhydrous (99.5%) glycerol is be kept sitting up at all times for about 2 hours to
instilled into the trigeminal cistern. Although this keep the glycerol in the trigeminal cistern. Most
form is not currently commercially available as patients are pain-free within a few hours and may
a pharmaceutic product, most hospital pharma- be discharged the following morning.
cies can package pure laboratory reagent grade Ninety percent of patients experience good
anhydrous glycerol in small rubber-stoppered relief from a single injection. Some may experi-
bottles and sterilize them for use. ence a lesser degree of trigeminal pain for 7 to 10
The procedure is performed in the radiology days before the onset of complete pain relief. If
suite using the same technique for puncturing the a patients pain continues beyond 7 days, a repeat
foramen ovale under direct uoroscopic guidance procedure is recommended. This strategy is eec-
that is used for radiofrequency lesioning [5,52]. tive in most patients. For those who experience
J.K. Liu, R.I. Apfelbaum / Neurosurg Clin N Am 15 (2004) 319334 325

Fig. 5. (A) The patient is initially in the supine position with the neck hyperextended and turned to the contralateral side
for insertion of the needle under uoroscopic visualization. (B) After the needle is in place, the patient is then placed in
the vertical sitting position by placing the footboard under the buttocks and then tilting the x-ray table 90(. (From
Apfelbaum RI. Glycerol trigeminal neurolysis. Tech Neurosurg 1999;5:22531; with permission.)

recurrence, the procedure can be readily repeated sides of the face. This degree of sensory decit is
with good tolerance. well tolerated and patients quickly adapt to this
Sensory loss is variable. Most patients report change. Some may achieve good pain relief
mild numbness, usually in the circumoral region. without detectable facial numbness. Others may
They can distinguish even light touch and appre- experience a more profound sensory loss, but this
ciate a dierence in sensation between the two is infrequent. Any numbness that occurs tends to

Fig. 6. While the patient is in the upright position,

a cisternogram is performed outlining the trigeminal
cistern. Note that even with the needle at the medial end Fig. 7. After the patient is transferred to a hospital bed
of the foramen ovale, the needle is near the lateral extent and placed in the sitting upright position, a quantity of
of the cistern. The lling defect dorsally (arrow) in the glycerol equal to the volume of the trigeminal cistern is
cistern is the trigeminal root. (From Apfelbaum RI. instilled slowly. The patient must then be kept sitting up
Glycerol trigeminal neurolysis. Tech Neurosurg at all times for about 2 hours to keep the glycerol in the
1999;5:22531; with permission.) trigeminal cistern.
326 J.K. Liu, R.I. Apfelbaum / Neurosurg Clin N Am 15 (2004) 319334

fade slowly during a period of several months to sure to compress the neural structures. The
several years. In a small number of patients, corneal technique is based on the observation that
anesthesia may occur with or without dense facial mechanical trauma could relieve the pain of
numbness. These patients are cautioned to check trigeminal neuralgia, often for a signicant period.
their eyes daily for signs of irritation and are urged Histologic studies have shown that compres-
to make this a routine along with other daily sion selectively injures the large myelinated bers
hygiene care, such as dental cleaning. If patients that mediate light touch and preserves the small
note irritation, they are advised to seek immediate unmyelinated bers that mediate pain sensation
ophthalmologic evaluation. [45]. This probably reduces sensory input to the
In the senior authors experience with 303 nerve, turning o the trigger to trigeminal pain.
patients who underwent percutaneous glycerol Percutaneous balloon compression is particu-
chemoneurolysis for trigeminal neuralgia, 181 larly eective for rst-division trigeminal neuralgia
patients received one injection, 83 received two, because of its low risk of corneal anesthesia and
19 received three, and 20 received four or more because unmyelinated bers that control the cor-
injections (average, 1.55 injections per patient). neal reex are not injured by compression. It is less
The average time to recurrence after the rst likely to cause corneal anesthesia because it does
treatment was 21 months, whereas the average not selectively impair A-d and C bers, as does the
time to recurrence was 16 months with subsequent radiofrequency thermocoagulation technique. This
treatments. Seventy-two percent of the patients procedure is also good for patients with second- or
experienced at least 3 years of relief, and 60% rst-division pain who have not responded to
remained pain-free after one injection for more previous percutaneous procedures and want to
than 10 years. The success rate for a second pursue another percutaneous technique.
injection is identical, but eectiveness does sub- The procedure is performed in the radiology
side somewhat for subsequent injections. For suite with the patient under general endotracheal
many patients, however, this treatment is quite anesthesia. An external pacemaker is used to
eective. control the bradyarrhythmias that sometimes
About 3% of patients experience dysesthesias, occur during balloon compression. This also
which are usually mild and often self-limited. provides an additional monitor for successful
Anesthesia dolorosa is extremely rare and has injury of the nerve. Digital pressure monitoring
occurred in only one patient in the senior authors provides additional control of the extent of nerve
series. injury. The goal is to compress the nerve at 1100
Complications other than trigeminal sensory mm Hg or 1.3 to 1.5 atmospheres. Corneal injury
loss and its associated sequelae are fortunately is unlikely at this pressure, as is severe numbness.
rare. Two patients had meningeal infections In a review of 183 patients who underwent
recognized by fever within 16 hours of the pro- percutaneous balloon compression for trigeminal
cedure and diagnosed by lumbar puncture. Proper neuralgia, 93% achieved pain relief, 61% had
treatment prevented any permanent sequelae in facial numbness (80% mild, 14% moderate, and
those two patients. Because of this potentially 6% severe), and 19% had minor jaw muscle
serious complication, patients are kept overnight weakness that resolved within 3 to 12 months.
in the hospital after glycerol chemoneurolysis. Anesthesia dolorosa did not occur in any patient
in this series. The overall occurrence rate was
Percutaneous balloon compression 25%, and 68% of patients who underwent a repeat
Percutaneous balloon compression of the gas- compression for recurrence achieved lasting pain
serian ganglion with a balloon catheter was in- relief [45].
troduced by Mullan and Lichtor [57] in 1983 as
a technique to traumatize the trigeminal ganglion
Microvascular decompression
and preganglionic rootlets mechanically using
a percutaneously inserted balloon-tipped catheter. Microvascular decompression is an eective
This requires a larger needle (14-gauge), which is treatment for trigeminal neuralgia [6,7,34,58].
placed at the external end of the foramen ovale This operation is based on the observation made
but not within the foramen. The catheter is by Dandy [59] that the cause of trigeminal
threaded through the foramen ovale and into the neuralgia is compression of the trigeminal nerve
trigeminal cistern. It is then inated using a radi- at its root entry zone adjacent to the brain stem
opaque contrast agent to a predetermined pres- (except in patients with multiple sclerosis [MS],
J.K. Liu, R.I. Apfelbaum / Neurosurg Clin N Am 15 (2004) 319334 327

who have a demyelinating plaque in the same The choice of treatment modality should be
area). The usual cause of this compression is an made by an informed patient and the ability to
aberrantly located and elongated arterial loop; tolerate an open surgical procedure under general
however, venous channels and tumors have also endotracheal anesthesia. The key to this decision
been encountered (Fig. 8). Jannetta and his should involve consideration of the patients age,
colleagues [34,58,60,61] devised an operative pro- associated illnesses, and assessment of the risks
cedure that involves a limited retromastoid cra- that the patient is willing to assume. Younger
niectomy and microsurgical techniques. This patients have a better chance of tolerating an open
approach allows dissection at the root entry zone procedure without complications. Because they
of the trigeminal nerve and displacement of the have a longer life expectancy, they have a higher
oending vascular structure, usually by the in- risk of recurrence from percutaneous procedures
sertion of a small synthetic sponge prosthesis and thus have increased cumulative eects with
interposed between the nerve and artery. regard to deinnervation. Older patients have
The advantages of microvascular decompres- increased risks of complications from open surgi-
sion over the other percutaneous treatments are cal procedures and have a shorter remaining life
that it treats the primary etiology of the disease; the expectancy. Therefore, they are likely to require
trigeminal nerve is preserved and not damaged; fewer repetitions of percutaneous procedures with
deinnervation sequelae, such as facial numbness less cumulative trigeminal deinnervation. In our
and dysesthesia, are avoided; and it has a lower practice, we recommend microvascular decom-
rate of recurrence over long-term follow-up. Nev- pression for younger patients (generally, age less
ertheless, microvascular decompression incurs the than 6570 years) who are in good medical
risk of an open surgical procedure. condition.

Fig. 8. Illustration demonstrating Dandys operative approach for partial sectioning of the trigeminal sensory root.
Note the vascular compression of the trigeminal nerve adjacent to the brain stem by the superior cerebellar artery. (From
Dandy WE. The brain. In: Walters W, Ellis FH, Jr, editors. Lewis-Walters practice of surgery. Hagerstown, MD: WF
Prior Co.; 1963. p. 1671.)
328 J.K. Liu, R.I. Apfelbaum / Neurosurg Clin N Am 15 (2004) 319334

The procedure involves a limited suboccipital and secured with a small plastic sponge prosthesis,
retromastoid craniectomy performed under gen- usually Ivalon or a shredded Teon sponge (Figs.
eral anesthesia [6]. In the senior authors practice, 13 and 14). The goal is to redirect the arterial
a sitting position is preferred for this operation pulsation away from the root entry zone.
(Fig. 9); however, equally satisfactory results can After satisfactory decompression, the dura is
be achieved using a lateral position. Because of closed in a watertight fashion and the wound is
the risk of air embolization when the sitting closed in layers. We routinely place patients on
position is used, we employ a Doppler precordial steroids before surgery and for 24 hours after
detector and an end-tidal carbon dioxide monitor surgery. Most patients tolerate this procedure well
to detect minute amounts of air. This early and are able to begin oral intake and to get out of
detection allows the anesthesiologist to raise the bed on the rst postoperative day. If patients are
venous pressure and prevent the further entrain- operated on in the sitting position, they usually
ment of air, avoiding the serious complication of have moderate postoperative headache, which can
massive air embolization. be controlled with oral analgesics. Most patients
Access to the trigeminal nerve is achieved by can be discharged 3 to 5 days after surgery.
placing the craniectomy just below the transverse In the senior authors personal series of more
sinus and just medial to the sigmoid sinus (Figs. than 500 patients treated with microvascular de-
1012). Opening the dura close to these venous compression, the pain of trigeminal neuralgia was
sinuses allows exposure of the cerebellopontine fully relieved in 91% and reduced in another 6%
angle along the superior lateral margin of the cere- of the patients [7]. Recurrences of severe pain
bellum. The petrosal vein is usually coagulated refractory to treatment occurred in approximately
and divided to gain access to the region of the 1% of our patients per year. At a 14-year follow-
trigeminal nerve, and the arachnoid around the up, 81% remained with good pain control. Thus,
nerve is opened widely to inspect this area fully. unlike percutaneous lesioning, a steady increase in
Elongated arterial loops impinging on and the frequency of recurrences with time has not
cross-compressing the root entry zone of the been observed with microvascular decompression.
trigeminal nerve are the most common ndings Signicant complications have included cerebellar
in patients undergoing this operation [61]. Occa- hematomas (1.2%), supratentorial strokes (0.6%),
sionally, venous channels impinging on the nerve transient cranial nerve palsies (up to 3%), and
in a similar manner are found. They can be unilateral hearing loss (3%). Five deaths have
coagulated and divided to decompress the root occurred in this series.
entry zone of the nerve. Arterial channels are Microvascular decompression thus should not
dissected completely free of the root entry zone be undertaken lightly and requires special micro-

Fig. 9. Illustration of the sitting position used for the retromastoid microvascular decompression procedure. (From
Apfelbaum RI. Microvascular decompression of the trigeminal nerve. In: Wilson CB, editor. Neurosurgical procedures:
personal approaches to classic operations. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1992. p. 13753; with permission.)
J.K. Liu, R.I. Apfelbaum / Neurosurg Clin N Am 15 (2004) 319334 329

Trigeminal rhizotomy
Sectioning of the trigeminal root between the
brain stem and gasserian ganglion through a sub-
temporal approach was rst reported by Horsley
et al [62] in 1891. Dandy [63] later modied this to
a posterior fossa approach with sectioning of the
sensory root of the trigeminal nerve at the pons
(Fig. 15). As his experience grew, he resorted to
partial sectioning of the nerve. Trigeminal rhizot-
omy fell out of favor with the popularization of
percutaneous destructive approaches, however.
In a small number of patients who have
undergone microvascular decompression (3% in
the senior authors experience), a compressing
vascular loop may not be found [2]. On encoun-
tering a negative exploration, one can either close
Fig. 10. Location of the surgical incision. The external and subsequently do a percutaneous lesioning
ear is taped forward, and a vertical paramedian incision procedure or do a partial section of the nerve.
is made 3 to 5 mm medial to the mastoid notch with two This, of course, requires prior discussion of the
thirds of the incision above the notch and one third possibilities with the patient. We have adopted
below. (From Apfelbaum RI. Microvascular decompres- Dandys approach in the belief that it is most
sion of the trigeminal nerve. In: Wilson CB, editor. prudent to try to salvage a benet from the
Neurosurgical procedures: personal approaches to clas- procedure. In other patients with known demye-
sic operations. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1992. p.
linating diseases, posterior fossa trigeminal rhi-
13753; with permission.)
zotomy should be considered when percutaneous
techniques fail to give adequate relief.
surgical skill and training. Although it oers
Partial sectioning of the posterior half of the
major advantages by relieving the pain without
nerve can provide excellent long-lasting relief of
sacrice of trigeminal function (no numbness,
trigeminal pain while preserving most of the touch
dysesthetic sequelae, or corneal anesthesia oc-
sensation, sparing corneal sensation, and avoiding
curs), it does carry with it a small chance of
neuroparalytic keratitis. It should be considered
serious or even lethal complications.

Fig. 11. (A) A retromastoid craniectomy is created by placing burr holes, which are then enlarged with a rongeur to
create a circular craniectomy. (B) Inverted L-shaped dural incision for a left-sided approach. Note the location of the
transverse and sigmoid sinus at the superior and lateral margins of the craniectomy. Tenting sutures are placed in the
superior and lateral margins of the dura to expand the exposure. (From Apfelbaum RI. Microvascular decompression of
the trigeminal nerve. In: Wilson CB, editor. Neurosurgical procedures: personal approaches to classic operations.
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1992. p. 13753; with permission.)
330 J.K. Liu, R.I. Apfelbaum / Neurosurg Clin N Am 15 (2004) 319334

an appropriate strategy in patients in whom a

negative or equivocal exploration is encountered
during a microvascular decompression. It is equally
eective in patients who have demyelinating or
neurodegenerative disease causing their trigeminal
neuralgia and in whom less invasive procedures
(percutaneous lesioning or radiosurgery) have
failed to give adequate relief. It may serve as a last
line of defense for the patient who has proven to
have a recalcitrant form of trigeminal neuralgia
and has failed treatment with other more com-
monly used modalities.
In the senior authors experience, 40 patients
who had a negative exploration during microvas-
cular decompression underwent partial sectioning
of the trigeminal nerve [2]. Approximately one
third to one half of the nerve adjacent to the brain
stem was sectioned, starting at its posterior in-
ferior margin. After initially incising the pia with
sharp microscissors, the resection can be deepened
with a small microhook in a fashion similar to
Fig. 12. Position of the self-retaining retractor. Note that used by Dandy.
xation of the retractor base to the drapes via an Eighty percent of patients achieved excellent
encircling gauze sponge to provide rm three-point (complete) relief of trigeminal pain, and 5%
xation for the retractor base. The notched blade of the achieved good reduction of pain to medically
retractor serves to protect the seventh and eighth cranial
controllable levels. Five of the other six patients
nerves. (From Apfelbaum RI. Microvascular decom-
had additional percutaneous lesioning, two by
pression of the trigeminal nerve. In: Wilson CB, editor.
Neurosurgical procedures: personal approaches to clas- radiofrequency and three by glycerol; four ob-
sic operations. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1992. p. tained excellent relief, and one required medica-
13753; with permission.) tion to control the pain. Others have also reported

Fig. 13. Illustration of a left trigeminal nerve decompression. (A) The superior cerebellar artery is shown indenting the
superior aspect of the trigeminal nerve adjacent to the brain stem. (B) Teon felt is interposed between the artery and the
nerve to elevate the superior cerebellar artery to a horizontal course. The thrust of the arterial force vector is redirected
away from the trigeminal nerve to decompress the root entry zone. (From Apfelbaum RI. Microvascular decompression
of the trigeminal nerve. In: Wilson CB, editor. Neurosurgical procedures: personal approaches to classic operations.
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1992. p. 13753; with permission.)
J.K. Liu, R.I. Apfelbaum / Neurosurg Clin N Am 15 (2004) 319334 331

Fig. 14. (A) Intraoperative photograph showing an elongated loop of superior cerebellar artery compressing the
trigeminal nerve at the root entry zone. (B) An Ivalon prosthesis has been inserted between the artery and vein. It sits as
a saddle over the nerve to secure it in place. Note the redirection of the artery to a horizontal course.

similar results with posterior fossa exploration of gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for tri-
with partial trigeminal rhizotomy [64]. geminal neuralgia [1113,65,66]. Their target has
In rare cases, we have encountered vascular been the root of the nerve adjacent to the brain
structures that could not be displaced to decom- stem in most cases. In 1996, Kondziolka et al [73]
press the nerve; thus, partial section of the nerve reported a nonrandomized multicenter study of 50
was performed. In one case, an artery intrinsic to patients treated with gamma knife radiosurgery to
the nerve was found, and in another, a persistent the proximal trigeminal nerve near the pons. The
trigeminal artery perforated through the nerve. target dose varied from 60 to 90 Gy, and the
These results support Dandys observations median time to pain relief was 1 month. After an
and suggest a role for partial trigeminal rhizotomy 18-month median follow-up (range: 1136
when intrinsic neural compression is not found dur-
ing an attempted microvascular decompression.

Stereotactic radiosurgery
Stereotactic radiosurgery is another treatment
option for patients with trigeminal neuralgia [10
14,6573]. It has been used as the rst procedure
in selected patients of advanced age or poor
clinical condition, in those receiving anticoagula-
tion therapy, and in those who refuse or are poor
candidates for a surgical procedure [70]. Because
radiosurgery does not reliably relieve trigeminal
neuralgia immediately, patients with acute severe
trigeminal pain are not good candidates for the
procedure. In this situation, percutaneous proce-
dures should be considered if the patient is not
a candidate for microvascular decompression.
Patients should be informed of the potential risk
of delayed facial numbness after radiosurgical
Fig. 15. Illustration demonstrating Dandys concept of
In 1971, Leksell [74] used stereotactically fo- distribution of sensation within the trigeminal nerve and
cused radiation to injure the trigeminal ganglion or site of sectioning, which is still used today. (From Dandy
sensory root partially to treat trigeminal neuralgia WE. The brain. In: Walters W, Ellis FH, Jr, editors.
in a small number of patients. Since then, several Lewis-Walters practice of surgery. Hagerstown, MD:
groups have demonstrated the ecacy and safety WF Prior Co.; 1963. p. 1671.)
332 J.K. Liu, R.I. Apfelbaum / Neurosurg Clin N Am 15 (2004) 319334

months), 58% of patients were pain free, 36% had neurosurgeons need to inform their patients of all
obtained good pain control, and 6% failed the available treatment options. The best treat-
this therapy. Three patients developed decreased ment for the patient depends on the age of the
facial sensation and increased paresthesia after patient, medical comorbidities, and the risks the
radiosurgery, which resolved completely after 6 patient is willing to assume. We recommend
weeks in 1 patient and improved in another. No microvascular decompression for younger healthy
other morbidity of treatment occurred. This study patients with a longer life expectancy. Percutane-
demonstrated that a maximum dose greater than ous trigeminal neurolysis remains a useful mini-
70 Gy (range: 7090 Gy) was associated with mally invasive approach for the older patient and
a greater chance of complete pain relief and for the patient with medical comorbidities and
duration of relief from trigeminal neuralgia than a shorter life expectancy. The role of stereotactic
a dose less than 70 Gy. radiosurgery in the treatment of trigeminal neu-
Several authors have reported their experience ralgia will be better dened in the future. Partial
treating trigeminal neuralgia with 90 Gy sectioning of the trigeminal nerve may be consid-
[67,68,70]. With this higher dose, a high degree ered in patients who have negative explorations
of pain relief is achieved; however, there is a higher during a microvascular decompression or when
incidence of trigeminal nerve sensory decit other less invasive procedures have failed to
[67,68]. Goss et al [70] reported a series of 25 provide adequate relief.
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