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in Relation to

By Harry Boddington
Author of the series,
" University of Spiritualism,"
in "Psychic News"

Obtainable from the author at

17 Ashmere Grove, Acre Lane, London, S.W.2



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WHAT SPIRIT CONTROL MEANS ...... ........... 1-5

BIBLICAL PARALLELS ...... ... ... ... .. ... ... 6-9

METHODS OF DEVELOPMENT ...... ... ... ... ... ... 10-16


HYPNOTISM IN THEORY AND PRACTICE ... ... ... ... ... 23-28

ANALYSIS OF PSYCHIC SENSATIONS ... .. .. ....... 29-32

MENTAL OBSTRUCTIONS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 33-37

PROCESS EXPLAINED BY SPIRITS ....... ... .. ... ... 38-43

SUBCONSCIOUS INTERFERENCE ... ... ... .. ... ... 44-48

COLOURED SPIRIT CO-OPERATORS ... ... ... ... ... ... 49-55

SPECIMENS OF TRANCE ADDRESSES ... ... ... ... ... 56-61

CONCLUSIONS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 62-64

T proved most conclusively how

HE recent Meurig Morris case
hazy most people are as to the
meaning of the word "trance."
medium's own ideas or words during
spirit control. This is akin to tele-
pathy through a hypnotized subject,
whose subconscious interference is
Yet, if one said of scenery, " It is often discernible.
entrancing; I was spellbound," or of
a thrilling play, " I was hypnotized; RELIGIOUS IMPLICATIONS
I could not take my eyes off the actor," Scientific investigators look with
everyone would immediately realize suspicion on all forms of emotionalism,
that a conditioned limitation of con- and even discount obviously religious
sciousness was implied. implications in the messages them-
In the Meurig Morris case, it was selves, not merely as non-evidential but
abundantly clear the jury accepted as proving subconscious action.
that idea of trance, and repudiated any Yet it is an incontrovertible fact
suggestion of dishonesty on the that, almost without exception,
medium's part. mediums able to give satisfactory
The only difference of opinion pre- evidence of discarnate action, sooner
sented was as to what caused the or later emphasize the religious
trance. Those who had not satisfied aspects.
themselves that spirit people exist The next point that forces itself
capable of inducing trance states, re- upon the attention is that statements
pudiated the theory offhand, and of themselves, during entrancement, do
sought every other possible explana- not prove discarnate action. Lec-
tion. turers may discourse for weeks with-
out in any way revealing their identity.
SPIRITS' MENTAL INTERFERENCE In the nature of things it must be so.
Those who argued by inference that How, then, are we to decide whether
Mrs. Morris, unaided by external in- a medium is entranced by a discarnate
telligences, was incapable of producing entity or merely expressing a phase of
the lengthy discourses that pour consciousness normally quiescent ?
through her lips in a continuous, The answer is simple but clear. It is
coherent stream, often repudiated all when fnediums speak foreign lan-
other theories. guages they could not have learned,
From my standpoint, both parties or deal explicitly with subjects of
are right in varying degrees, because which they have no normal knowledge,
all trance states are induced through that the spirit hypothesis is acclaimed
a limitation or expansion of conscious- as the only one that satisfactorily
ness in the instrument affected. covers all the facts.
In addition, Spiritualists recognize, It is upon this groundwork that
that the brain and vocal organs of a Spiritualists take their stand. Very
sensitive cannot be employed by any few deny that the discarnate mentality
discarnate entity without some mental is unaffected by the medium's own
interference by the owner of the mind.
mechanism. For a clear understanding of trance,
In the result, no fact is more fully it is therefore essential that students
recognized among Spiritualists than should grasp some theories of hypnot-
that of the impingement of the ism as well as self-induced but little

understood phases of mentality classi- organized two of the most successful

fied under the head of psychology. societies in London.
It is gratifying to note that those
"OPEN DOOR" TO KNOWLEDGE who are following in our steps find it
We must also note the medium's necessary to adopt our working hypo-
religious beliefs, together with all thesis to secure results. This is at
other possible sources of acquired least presumptive evidence that we
knowledge and ideas, before we can were on the right track.
clearly decide what part of the mani- But it is to be regretted that the
festation is subnormal and what may rough and ready methods of pioneers
be more correctly classified as super- are not improved upon and a deeper
normal or normal. insight into the rationale of medium-
Trance mediumship is the " open ship discovered and utilised.
door " to boundless fields of knowledge Many and varied are the authorities
and experience. Comparatively few who will assure you that my conclu-
cross its threshold and retain complete sions are wrong. On examination it
remembrance of all they realize, be- will be found that fully ninety per
cause the physical brain dims the spirit cent. of these " authorities" are
memory, and because we have no entirely ignorant of elementary seance-
analogies by which psychic experience room experience. Impertinent assump-
can be translated into language. tion is their sole qualification.
Nor can everyone pass through that The remaining ten per cent. can
door, though the vast majority can usually be dismissed because their un-
glance through the portals of the warrantable fears, prejudice or in-
mystic realm and forever realize "I tolerance render them useless as
am a spirit." teachers.
Others merely witness specific
THE PSYCHIC'S EQUIPMENT phases of development and erroneously
The pre-requisites for exploration conclude that what applies to one in-
are physical adaptability and psychic dividual applies to all. This generali-
or soul quality. You can discover zation is often wrong because the
whether you possess these by sitting finished product is in no way com-
calmly and prayerfully awaiting the parable to the stumbling, experimental
" descent of the holy spirit." phases of early development.
Whether the possessor of these Mediumship is as natural as the use
qualifications will gain response from of eyes and ears. It is merely a dif-
ferent mode of utilizing consciousness.
a "holy" spirit or one of humanity's
During early development, the sensa-
misfits, is determined by his measure of
tions induced often lead to widely
aspiration, will, persistence and the-
divergent conclusions.
nature of his mental and physiGal sur-
roundings, for all these affect the "A LITTLE LEARNING- "
result. At this point it is emphatically true
During the "opening of the door " that "a little learning is a dangerous
many curious experiences befall the in- thing." Hundreds of people rush into
vestigator. It is because these are so print with entirely misleading state-
generally misunderstood that I shall ments which more mature experience
narrate in simple language conclu- would correct.
sions resulting from nearly forty years Hence it is that mediums uncon-
experimental research, in which the scious of their powers, become the prey
development of mediumship played a of rogues, or suffer under priestly con-
conspicuous part. demnation. They greedily swallow
For seventeen years, with my wife theories advanced by inexperienced
as acting medium, we kept open house people whose " authority " is an
free to all comers, and during that time isolated text from scripture, or quota-

tions from literature they completely saying while entranced, gradually be-
misunderstand. comes part of normal consciousness.
Too often, books are written for We therefore evolve an approximation
mere sensationalism, or with the de- to genius in the developed medium.
liberate purpose of scaring investiga- Genius was said to be allied to mad-
tors. It is essential to clearly recognize ness because the instrument is so ex-
these aspects in order that we may ceedingly delicate that the least over-
immediately jettison fear and super- strain upsets mental poise. Mediumship
stition, for until these go overboard it may likewise be defined as "mentality
will be unwise for you to develop delicately poised," because the slightest
psychic powers. interference often destroys its evi-
The true Spiritualist attitude is dential value.
scientific. First marshal and examine In the latter case, it does not indicate
your facts. Philosophy and religion lunacy, but that the gates of heaven
will evolve naturally from that basis. have suddenly closed, and the medium,
No people have been more mis- like Paul, is left wondering whether he
understood than mediums-at one time is "in the spirit or not."
worshipped as fetish or saviour, and In development, the best results are
anon burned as witches and wizards. gained by regular times of sitting with
In modern life they figure as genius all minds definitely agreeable to the
or crank, and may be considered for- work in hand. The home circle thus
tunate if their eccentricity is insuffi- forms the bedrock of Spiritualism,
ciently pronounced to land them in the because it is happily natural and free
lunatic asylum. from the hypercriticism of pseudo
Small wonder, then, that thousands scientific investigators, who invariably
hide their experiences from the world "kill the goose that lays the golden
rather than incur its ignorant con- eggs."
demnation. Thanks to the advent of Their methods are often similar to
modern Spiritualism, ignorance is those of the child who first pricks his
gradually being ousted by knowledge, air balloon and then marvels that he
and neither priest nor materialist can cannot afterwards inflate it.
stay its onward march.
In England alone we have over five SITTERS' ATTITUDE OF MIND
hundred organized societies, and In seance work, thought is the
thousands of independent investigators dominant factor. Injudiciously direc-
advocating its claims. Scientists are ted, it neutralizes the very elements we
continually adding their testimony, so are examining. The mental attitude
that even " the man in the street" now of all present istherefore our primary
patronizingly admits there may be consideration.
something in psychic phenomena worth To recognize the facts of hypnotism
considering. and telepathy, and ignore their opera-
tions during so-called scientific seances,
WHAT IS A GENIUS? is childish folly.
The difference between a genius and In public or semi-public gatherings,
a medium is that the former is born harmony is best created by hymn and
with mediumship already operative prayer, preceded by a judiciously
which escapes observation because the selected reading that focuses all minds
blending of spirit action with normal on the purpose of the meeting. When
expression is perfect. Identical sitting alone, meditation induces
results may be obtained by mediums similar conditions.
who pass through unconscious control Care must be taken to eliminate
to conscious co-operation-our ideal. auto-suggestion, but do not make a
The best mediums discover as de- bogey of it. Some people are so bitten
velopment proceeds, that a dawning with this theory, that the most marvel-
knowledge of what they have been lous manifestations are attributed to

subconscious action, notwithstanding It may require still more to admit

the fact that results are definitely the contrary. But what have you to
traceable to spirit guidance. ?
fear You have but discovered other
Do not sit alone during development attributes of your own soul and can
if you fear loss of consciousness. This now educate faculties that will prove
stage is only permissible when experi- permanent "treasures in heaven."
enced sitters are present. Spiritualists are on solid ground.
The seance-room must not be over- Their methods of research have yielded
heated or the breath impeded, or more definite proof of spirit life and
natural sleepiness may be mistaken conditioning than centuries of theo-
for the somnolence of entrancement. logical speculation achieved.
A few minutes dumb-bell exercise be- They are vivifying decadent systems
fore the sitting induces healthy breath- of religion, as well as laying scientific
ing and should never be neglected by foundations for the universal religion
phlegmatic temperaments. of the future. Progress is slow and
Then sit upright and meditate upon error dies hard, because those who
the motive influencing your desires. If adopted the profession of preaching
these are purely material, or positively as a mode of livelihood in the same
degrading, postpone development until spirit as their brothers took up
you learn more of conditions apper- soldiering or law, oppose every step of
taining to spirit life; its grey lands, the way.
obsession, psychic maladies, and Even when compelled to acknow-
various results incidental to the abuse ledge psychic experiences they often
of psychic powers. confuse the issues by attaching the
If you are satisfied that your motive phenomena to ancient errors in order
is to bless humanity, rest assured that to retain their grip on the unthinking
the blessing you desire for others will masses. Realize these aspects, and
be yours. resolve to be scientific.
Ignorance of mediumship is prob- Do not allow prejudice, superstition
ably responsible for more real lunacy or emotionalism to mislead you.
than any other cause. The terrible Absorb all of truth you possibly can,
fear that " visions," or "voices," may and do not distort it, for if you desire
be premonitory symptoms of nervous the highest mediumship, you must
breakdown, and lead to incarceration resolve to stand firmly for "the truth,
in a lunatic asylum for life, has often the whole truth, and nothing but the
transformed incipient mediumship into truth."
a ghastly horror that actualizes its own In the domain of materialism, our
fears. contribution has been no less forceful.
In conscious development that dread Long before the average mind grasped
is unknown, and magnetization by the significance of interpenetrating
spirit helpers continually restores ner- ethers, spirit operators were teaching
vous equilibrium. Properly under- Spiritualists how they manipulated its
stood, mediumship will do much elements.
towards emptying the asylums and, Thanks to Sir William Crookes and
instead of being regarded as a curse, other channels of inspiration, Science
will be recognized as the greatest has definitely advanced. Our hypo-
possible manifestation of divine love. theses are sound and, though con-
tinually attacked, emerge triumphant
Love of truth with modesty and firm- The mere fact that Spiritualism
ness are essential to clear and concise alone produces the very mediums
mediumship. It requires great courage scientists are belatedly examining is
to admit that what you hitherto attri- sufficient proof of our basis.
buted to unaided ability was in reality Opponents are now busy classifying
due to spirit help. evidences they can no longer deny.

Their terminologies often obscure the defence ! If not, then it will be best
origin of the phenomena they learnedly to wait awhile before adding to your
dogmatize upon, and import the pre- responsibilities.
judices of word-makers into the new But, if you wish to join hands with
vocabulary that is arising. reformers everywhere, and are willing
DOORWAY TO TRUTH to emblazon on your standard " Truth
Thus do they rob the angels of their Against the World," the angels have
meed of praise in the vain endeavour need of you; go forward.
to prove that the soul of Man is but They teach that the attributes of
a bundle of conscienceless constituents. God are Love, Truth and Wisdom, and
If Spiritualism opens the doorway where these lead you must follow and
of Truth for you, are you brave enough thus become attuned to infinite pro-
to "plough a lonely furrow" in its gression.
words " holy " and " spirit " with
FEW people
the New Testament
teaching of understand
control. They readily per-
the actual
ceive that " evil" spirits controlled, but
capital letters.
The plain and simple truth was thus
obliterated. Remove the capital letters
quite fail to see that "holy " spirits and the reading of the New Testament
controlled far more often and took an will require neither theological juggling
active part in " casting out" those nor superstitious blindness to under-
who abused the privileges of medium- stand its simple teaching.
ship. Please note that the word "ghost"
It was by the control of a "holy" is more correctly rendered " spirit"
spirit that the psychic faculties of all in the Welsh and other versions of the
upon whom they " descended" were Bible.
" quickened." As " spirit " is derived from
" spiritus" "breath," the literal mean-
THE HOLY GHOST ing of the "descent of the holy
Spiritualists are fully aware that one spirit" is, that when the breath of
of the best methods of developing God-spirit power-floods our being,
"spiritual gifts" is via the trance if at the same moment the aspirant is
state induced by a " holy " spirit. "baptized "-i.e. a magnetic per-
I spell the words "holy" and sonality establishes the essential link
" spirit " with small letters instead of by means of the " imposition of hands "
capitals. No disrespect is intended by -a " holy spirit " will thereafter asso-
this more correct method of writing ciate himself with the medium.
the words. The reason you have not Read your Bible with this key in
perceived the obvious truth before, is your minds and you will find it unlocks
because theologians and translators of its mysteries. The ceremony is still
the Bible have persistently mistrans- used in some churches where faith
lated passages in order to support healing is practised, but having long
trinitarianism. since degenerated into a superstitious
They believed that a personal God formality divorced from all under
alone performed the " miracles" standing of psychic laws, it is rarely
recorded in the New Testament. effective.
Now and again a magnetic healer,
They positively ignored the human unconscious of his powers, joins them,
element indicated. The day has now and the beneficent results of his work
passed when you can control the think- are then attributed to a special en-
ing world by suggesting mysterious dorsement by God of their sectarian
limits beyond which the mind must not observances.
soar, and we now dare to question even The actual truth is, that they are
the possibilities and nature of the unconsciously utilizing a law common
Godhead itself. to all mankind.
Miracles are now supplanted by
knowledge of natural laws, and, as PRINTERS TO BLAME
priest-created boundaries fall, we Translate the words "holy spirit"
realise that if the reputed "miracles " and " holy ghost" as " spirit power"
happened, it was by the operation of if you wish, but please note that it
laws it is our bounden duty to study. always manifests as an individuality.
In both Greek and Hebrew versions, The language spoken is purely human,
the word " holy " means " separate." and it is in every way identical with
Instead of the revisers recognizing that what Spiritualists recognize as a
this connotes "individualized," they "control " or " spirit guide."
have imported Deity into purely Owing to their training, printers are
human happenings by printing the probably the worst offenders by per-

sisting in printing "ghost" and accelerates all the latent faculties of the
" spirit" in capital letters and thus sensitive.
importing the wrong idea into the We must note the fact that many
words. people have co-operated with "holy"
Even in books which repudiate the spirits all their lives but are quite
deity of Jesus, this inconsistency will ignorant as to the personalities of their
be found, making the arguments of the guides, until clairvoyants describe them
writers absurd. and reveal the similarity of tastes
The Rev. G. Vale Owen pointed out between medium and spirit.
to me that the Bible itself does not so Most extempore speakers, poets and
often write pronouns referring to musical improvisors are mediums of
Jesus in capital letters as does the this order. Their soul's expression,
modern printer. He corrected his rather than approbation or physical
printer's copy many times, but finally necessities, is the dominant note in
gave it up as hopeless. their lives.
Entrancement by capable (i.e. Love of an ideal is the very best
" holy " or " separate ") spirit guides form of development psychics can
is 'a frequent preliminary to general choose. It attracts like-minded souls
unfoldment of psychic powers. Spirit only too anxious to further *their
control stimulates hitherto unused por- ambitions. Some are born with psychic
tions of the brain and psychic organism faculties all ready to blossom forth as
in a perfectly healthy and natural soon as " quickening by a holy spirit"
manner. causes them to burst into manifestation.
PSYCHIC EXERCISES Perfect development becomes pos-
Exercise produces precisely the sible only when holy aspiration blends
same effect upon the psychic or spirit with the unfoldment of the soul's
body as the exercise of physical powers. If psychic gifts are deve-
muscles on the material body. That loped from purely selfish motives, it is
is to say, they become stronger. quite possible that true spiritual de-
The word " gift" is to this extent velopment may be delayed.
a misnomer. Just as a strong man This constitutes abuse instead of
can do things impossible to the weak- right use of psychic powers. Therein
ling, so is a medium merely one who is the difference between control by a
uses the normal attributes of the soul "holy" spirit and others.
in a somewhat different way to his REPRESSED POWERS
fellows. Many begin investigations, merely
The natural aptitudes of mediums to discover that they have been busy
thus come into play much sooner than all their lives suppressing what they
if they slowly plod through life in the erroneously thought was evidence of a
ordinary way. The coalescing of the diseased imagination.
mentality of the spirit with that of These people quickly respond to
the medium brings about, by tele- mediumistic training, and their rapid
pathic processes, precisely the same development proves to be but the
result as a teacher in constant contact operation of faculties previously mis-
with a pupil. understood.
This is clearly seen when an appar- If control by holy spirits had not
ently non-musical medium co-operates been instituted, the New Testament
with a spirit guide having a passion could not have been written. It is
for music. Similar tastes and-talents solely because of the psychic evidences
very quickly display themselves in the presented, that the Bible is regarded as
medium. His indifference to music sacred writings.
gradually changes to appreciative Our explanation rationally inter-
delight. prets the frequent mention of the
After a spirit has mastered the " descent of the holy spirit" with all
subtleties of control, he automatically its personal attributes. Results were

always the same, and identical with make a most significant difference to
those of every seance room. The one these texts.
: "baptised" became a prophet, healer "Having received from the Father
or seer, or spoke in foreign languages, the promise of the holy spirit, he hath
or in other ways proved that he poured forth that which ye see and
was associating with mentalities of a hear" (Acts ii. 33).
purely human type, whose knowledge Nothing vague or nebulous about
was in many ways superior to his own. that. What the people around saw and
heard was simple Galileans under
PROOFS OF TEACHINGS spirit control speaking in foreign lan-
Even the name of the "holy" spirit guages it was impossible for them to
is sometimes given, as in Luke i. 15, have learned. The following is equally
17: "He shall be filled with the holy definite :
ghost from his mother's womb ... and "The holy spirit whom God hath
he shall go before him in the spirit given to them that obey Him " (Acts
and power of Elias." What happened v. 32).
to John the Baptist is a fairly common Perhaps the clearest text illustrating
experience among strikingly evidential the Spiritualist standpoint is John xiv.
mediums. 26: "But the comforter, even the holy
Thp strength of the Nazarene's spirit whom the Father will send in
teaching lay in the fact that he proved my name, he shall teach you all things,
his case by mediumistic evidences. and bring to your remembrance all
These were so powerful that he has that I said to you."
since been worshipped as a God, de- The "holy" spirit is therefore a
spite his definite objections. person, one who talks in understand-
For those who cling to the idea that able human language, and not a mys-
the holy spirit so often referred to in terious portion of God Himself.
the Bible was a vague, nebulous non-
entity, an impersonal power, I com- LAYING ON OF HANDS
mend dispassionate consideration of The "imposition of hands," con-
the following texts: tinually referred to throughout the
Acts xiii. 2 and 3. " The holy ghost New Testament, formed an essential
said: 'Separate me Barnabas and link in assisting spirits to take firm
Saul for the work whereunto I have control. It is now systematized and
called them. And when they had termed " magnetization."
fasted and prayed and laid their hands This is simply a revival of ordinary
upon them, they sent them away.' " mesmeric passes without proceeding to
The holy ghost always spoke in the the induction of sleep or hallucinatory
vernacular; clear, purely human lan- stages. Its purpose is to induce pas-
guage. In this case the hands were sivity and strengthen the link between
used to impart power, but when Jesus the medium and spirit operators.
materialized, breath was used for the Healers with a superabundant
same purpose. Those who have used vitality are undoubtedly the best
the breath in magnetic treatments will people for this work. If at the same
understand why. (See John xx. 22.) time they are themselves controlled by
Could one have a clearer indication a spirit the result is more effective.
of trance speaking than the following: Both magnetizer and aspirant must
"It is not ye that speak, but the be clean both in body and mind, or
holy spirit" (Mark xiii. 11). spirit control will be induced that is
"For a holy spirit shall teach you not of the highest type.
in that same hour what ye ought to Mesmerists have thus, all uncon-
say" (Luke xii. 12). sciously, laid lines for rehabilitating
The more correct translation of the the miracles of the New Testament.
particles "a" and "the " would often In its highest forms, magnetization re-

produces the effects of "baptism by " Psychic Healing." These neither in-
the holy spirit," of apostolic times. duce sleep nor passivity, but remove
The principal danger to guard stagnation from the nerve centres.
against is unconscious mesmeric con-
trol by the magnetizer of the develop- INDUCING TRANCE
ing medium. This would have the Saturation passes over the head and
dtal effect of preventing control by chest then follow to induce passivity.
spirit people, and rendering the sensi- About five minutes is sufficient in most
tive responsive to the operator's per- cases. This should be reduced at each
sonal suggestions, thoughts and feel- sitting, and stopped immediately any
ings, which a medium may mistake for symptoms of control or clairvoyance
his own or attribute to spirit people. make their appearance.
Misunderstanding thereby arises, The only real difference between
which is avoided by those who are not control by a "holy" spirit and obses-
magnetized. When the subject passes sion by an undeveloped one lays in the
under the obvious control of a spirit, effect upon the medium.
this contingency is avoided. It is for you to decide which type
Easily hypnotized people are rarely shall control you. Aspirations will do
reliable as mediums because they much, but the application of your
readily express ideas from the opera- aspirations by actual practice will
tor or audience, and pass them off as carry you a great deal further.
spirit messages.
All your spiritual associates express
Another difficulty arises from the qualities of your own mind. If your
sense of comfort and exaltation
motives are wholly selfish or impure,
aroused by magnetic treatment, which
the law of like attracting like men-
sometimes causes sensitives to make
unwise requests to continue magnetiz- talities will hold good.
ing in order to prolong their ecstasy. Do not play with fire. It warms
This wilfully places them en rapport and cheers. It gladdens all hearts
with their magnetizer, to the definite when wisely used. But it can burn
exclusion of higher intelligences. also.
The first passes used for the purpose God's laws never change. Holy
of development are the "clearing" motives attract " holy" spirits. Make
passes described in our book on your choice.

ference between the material and
not true that spirit people have
to popular belief, it is
our physical bodies, houses, and
spirit world.
On earth, only the people we call
mediums or clairvoyants understand
other objects under their continual
observation. On the contrary, it is rare these phases of existence. To produce
for spirits to see that which is objective this sensitiveness two factors are
to our sight. essential.
Except on very rare occasions, it is First, the physical body must be
only by concentrating on spirit planes adaptable to manipulation by discar-
that clairvoyants can see into that nate entities, and, secondly, the mind
realm. The law is simply reversed and senses of the recipient must be
when one loses the physical body. responsive as well as attractive to those
In the vast majority of cases it is who desire to communicate.
untrue to say that spirits watch all Development means that practice
our actions and manipulate our brains. enables spirits to function through the
This needs a stage of development far medium's senses, and thus relate them-
is advance of most controlling spirits' selves to earth life again. Conscious
power. co-operation, with set times of meet-
Trance mediumship provides spirit ing are essential to methodical spirit
people with a means of once more con- communion or mediumship.
tacting material planes. They then see For the purposes of classification,
through the eyes and hear through the methods of development are placed
ears of the sensitive. roughly under two heads-" positive"
Under other conditions, they sense and " passive.
human beings rather as spiritual quali- LOSING CONSCIOUSNESS
ties than physical bodies. It is via the
psychic organism that control of the Schools of thought which adopt the
" positive" method often object to loss
physical is obtained.
of consciousness on the ground that it
UNCONSCIOUS TELEPATHY is never advisable, lest it rob us of
Experience proves that the vast personal initiative. The reply is, that
majority of spirits drift quite uncon- long experience proves the assumption
sciously into our mental atmosphere to be utterly unwarrantable, and that
and telepathically become a part of ordinary common sense is a sufficient
our waking consciousness without safeguard.
either spirit or mortal being aware of Others deny spirit co-operation and
the fact. Intensify this condition into affirm that sensitives galvanize ele-
conscious manipulation by spirit mental forces into momentary life.
people, and you understand what is Again we retort that the assumption
meant when Spiritualists talk of trance has no foundation in fact, and that ex-
mediumship. perience utterly disproves it. Greater
In spirit life, spirits may walk, run intellectual power, and not less, is the
or play in fields and cities as objec- almost invariable accompaniment of
tive to their sight and senses as earth the trance state. The theory was
life is to us, but in a second, without based on Mme. Blavatsky's vain effort
using visible means of transit, a friend to "smash Spiritualism."
will appear at their side, and dis- The psychical research theory is that
appear with the same lack of objective during entrancement, nothing more is
means to the end, immediately their given off than resides within the normal
purpose is accomplished. capacity of the medium, that no evi-
This constitutes a tremendous dif- dence of discarnate action is presented,

and, alternatively, that even though the spiritual universe which obtain
a medium may telepathically "tap " little or no corroboration from spirit*
other sources of mental supply, no- people or clairvoyants developed with-
thing can be given that has any out this misleading bias.
value owing to subconscious action. Mentality is said to be "positive"
This we shall presently discuss in while definitely and actively engaged
all its bearings. A more rational in any given direction. Thus the
theory traces entrancement and all executant of any piece of work must be
psychic phenomena to an extensibility "positive" or he cannot concentrate
of the physical senses, i.e., we can only successfully.
manifest psychic powers while pos- Passivity, on the contrary, means
sessing a human body. an unresisting receptivity. Experience,
The Spiritualist admits "extensi- however, proves that it can be im-
bility of consciousness " as an adequate mediately transformed into " positive"
explanation for some forms of psychic resistance on demand. It is thus ap-
expression, but contends that it also parent that though a medium adopts a
proves the existence of a spiritual or "passive" or receptive attitude in
psychic organism permeating the order to permit psychic development,
physical, which persists after the death he is by no means incapable of resist-
of the body. ing any objectionable ideas or actions
he deems undesirable.
No mere adjustment or changes in SELECTING IMPRESSIONS
the brain explain consciousness. If ex- We must not therefore misunder-
tensibility is a fact, then it implies the stand the peculiar meaning attached to
possession of a mechanism adapted to the word "passive." It is your own
such extension. subconscious interference that has to
The actual meaning of the word be subordinated or " passified."
"positive " when used in this connec- Hence, there are stages in passive de-
tion is, that while remaining fully con- velopment which would be better
scious and alert, inherent psychic defined as " well regulated activity."
powers are unfolded. The uncon- It is by no means mental laziness
sciousness of trance is thus excluded. or stupor. You actually become
It is best defined as "a conscious " selective'" and distinguish your own
sensing of psychic relationships." creations from extraneous thought.
The path is long and tedious. One Consciousness is active, though ap-
has to travel a road beset with snags, parently quiescent.
without effective guidance and uncer- We do not realize the earth's
tain whether we are developing hal- velocity while we travel with it, but if
lucinations or clairvoyance. we could step off and watch its revolu-
This is the main objection to Theo- tions, we should immediately be aware
sophic, Rosicrucian and occult methods of its motion. It is the same with
in general. Owing to the training, thought.
these lay definite bases for self- Telepathic impacts blend with our
deception. The hypnotist trains his normal expression unnoticed. If we
subjects in precisely the same way. learn how to check the inrush, we can
When minds are filled with Eastern distinguish between our own thinking
imagery and stories of spooks, shells, and ideas impressed upon us, a most
elemental and various sub-human and difficult task.
non-human powers, they require very Hence, concentration forms part of
little encouragement to "discover" your "passivity " though it involves
exactly what they are taught to an apparent contradiction in terms.
expect. These " discoveries " pre- In " passive " development the sitter
sently take shape and form, and thus prayerfully awaits the help of spirit
have arisen voluminous descriptions of friends and leaves his unfoldment to

their manipulations. The objection to from the horrible voodooism of primi-

this method is that, having no control tive Man to the marvellous manifesta-
over results, we can never tell exactly tions of the saints and founders of the
what will happen. religious systems of the world.
Spiritualists say this is preferable, Hence I plead with all to develop
because the medium, having so little " quality" by first visualizing high
influence upon the manifestations, can- ideals, and thereafter regarding their
not colour them to the same extent as "gifts" as sacred possessions for
the " trained" psychic. which they must render an inevitable
Positive and passive mental states account.
interblend. No sharp dividing line can Apparent entrancement with partial
be drawn, and students whose fears or complete unconsciousness may be
cause them to refuse spirit aid often induced by widely differing causes,
awake to the discovery later on that causes which completely and obviously
their every step has been assisted by set aside the postulate of spirit
invisible helpers. control.
Conscious co-operation is therefore Sensitives are therefore warned
deemed the wisest method. Both posi- .against believing that mere uncons-
tive and passive methods, if employed ciousness is of itself proof of spirit
exclusively, have disadvantages, and control.
therefore a judicious blending of both To the onlooker, there is but little
mental attitudes is recommended. difference between catalepsy produced
This meets with approval from wise by hypnotism, spirit control, disease
minds on both sides of the veil, who or drugs. Materialism refuses to re-
constantly emphasize the need for cognize spirit control and would
practising self-control before submit- classify it under one of the other heads.
ting to spirit control. You do not On the other hand, Spiritualists
become a mere tool, but a conscious ignorant of effects produced by
co-operator instead. hypnotism, disease or drugs, could
Unfortunately, many are so im- easily mistake one for the other.
patient that they fail to understand I take this opportunity to warn
the need for studying their subject sensitives not to submit to hypnotic
before "rushing in where angels fear treatment save for curative purposes.
to tread." The initial training and general hal-
Mediums are born rather than de- lucinatory effects induced are liable to
veloped, and finding results come so recur at any time and seriously militate
easily, many are foolish enough to against the development of genuine
think there is nothing to learn. Ex- mediumship.
hortations and warnings are ignored. Magnetic treatment is different. No
hallucinations are created.
Hence, we find all types of humanity HYPNOSIS AND CONTROL
.practisingas mediums-saints, sages, Spiritualists often explain spirit
rogues and fools, a strange medley, to control as hypnotism by an unseen
which is added much unconscious self- operator, and hypnotic effects as being
deception that prohibits implicit produced by the dominant will of the
reliance upon any. operator.
From this summary, it is obvious Sometimes it is a true statement,
that-mediums are not a class set apart but many hypnotic effects are induced
by reason of their saintliness, and that where it is perfectly obvious that it is
psychic powers are the heritage of all only the mentality of the subject act-
Mankind. They manifest in accord- ing. This is true even though the
ance with obscure laws we are manifestations may be somewhat in
gradually learning to understand. advance of the sensitive's normal
Trance mediumship actually ranges output.
The assumption arises from an idea park opposition. Each fulfilled the
that spirits exercise overwhelming will condition of bringing a friend.
power, or play upon the brain of a After the usual services, a circle was
sensitive as mechanically as a player formed, with about a hundred members
moves the keys of a piano. staying behind in anticipation of
In mental phenomena, this is rarely trouble. These formed an outer ring.
true; traces of the medium's in- The " enemy," with their friends, I
dividuality permeate the whole. This placed in a group, forming them into
is clearly seen in mediums like George a separate but complete circle by
Fox, the founder of Quakerism, and themselves on the inside. Soon the
Swedenborg. usual manifestations were taking place
Both proved spirit guidance, yet among our members.
neither rises far above the subcon- Prayer, trance speaking, clairvoy-
scious element provided by early ance and healing alternated. The
training and beliefs. "inner" circle was very subdued at
our apparently ignoring their presence.
In the Rev. G. Vale Owen's scripts, Presently one of the women with the
it forms an interesting study to note " enemy " began to scream hysterically.
the polite avoidanc e of direct reply by
his spirit friends to specific questions I at once recognized the symptoms,
where they knew the natural bias in his broke up the condition, and asked her
mind, and in some of his writings the who had been hypnotizing her. She
bias is clearly seen. denied ever acting as a subject. Some-
what mystified, I returned to my seat.
We grow but slowly, and a bald Presently the same lady recommenced
statement of facts would possibly shouting.
result in failure to get the essential
message across. At times it is obvious
that controls are themselves controlled MESMERISM ADMITTED
and forced to express their message in My wife immediately attended to
consonance with the desires of their her, and, not knowing what I had pre-
amanuensis. Subconsciously, this re- viously said, asked who had been
sistance is always going on. mesmerizing her. Again came the
Auto-suggestion is the principal denial.
bugbear of developing mediums. After the meeting we taxed her with
Yet there are means of distinguishing the fact, and one of her own friends
the difference, indescribable without admitted that he had hypnotized her.
personal experience, which the follow- It transpired, later, that the girl
ing incident will prove. merely repudiated our statements for
fear of incurring her friend's dislike.
SCEPTICS AT A SEANCE But it was so obvious to her party
About thirty years ago, we used to that we could distinguish between
hypnotism and spirit control that we
go into Battersea Park and hold open-
air meetings. This would be followed afterwards became firm friends, their
principal and specific charge against
by an invitation to attend our services.
In course of time a definite opposi- us being that we deliberately hypno-
tized our mediums and that spirit
tion developed. We were challenged control was all moonshine.
to permit these park opponents to sit
with us in our circles. We accepted Under hypnotism a residue of
phenomena may be accounted for by
the challenge but stipulated they
should bring their wives or sisters with the operation of external mentalities,
but hypnotists quickly discover that in
them in order that their own definite
the majority of cases they merely set
antagonism should not nullify results. free latent faculties.
Quite unexpectedly, a big crowd The operator does not create; he
attended one evening, composed of the merely stimulates. This is duplicated

in many forms of mental mediumship. aberrations must form part of Spirit-

Inspiration is an excellent example in ualistic studies if we are to under-
which one's own ideas are aroused and stand how consciousness functions or
expanded to an extraordinary degree. thought is elaborated, received or
Hypnotists assume that if a medium projected.
believes spirit control will produce The degree in which our education
certain effects, he unconsciously induces and experiences differ will constitute
all that he attributes to external the measure of our different view-
mentalities. Only clear, unmistakable points in accepting or rejecting the
evidence of discarnate action can dis- Spiritualist hypothesis. This is
prove that theory. This evidence is peculiarly noticeable among hypnotists
continuously and definitely given by ignorant of psychical research and
phenomenal results and knowledge it strongly biased by their materialism.
is impossible for the medium to
I personally experimented with a To them, mind in all its manifesta-
view to understanding hypnotism. I tions is dependent upon the physical
soon discovered that no matter how brain. The idea that the ego has a
hard I willed to the contrary, the sub- wider range of perception than the five
ject's predilections, training and ex- senses is to them absurdly impossible.
pectations beat me every time. Hence their lofty refusal for a long
It was not what I willed that pro- time even to glance at the mountain
duced the effects, but what the subject of evidence Spiritualism accumulated.
thought I wanted that influenced his This state of things is rapidly pass-
speech and actions. ing away, but it brings in its train
It is extraordinary how few people further dangers in the direction of
realize the immense effect which the restricting our researches to medical
mind exercises, often quite uncon- men who use mediums as "hyp-
sciously, upon the body. Still fewer notic " subjects, " suggesting" en-
appreciate how bodily conditions tirely false hypotheses, and carefully
affect the mind, nor how mind reacts hedging us around with legal and
and induces states of consciousness medical prohibitions lest we infringe
over which we have no apparent their vested interests.
control. Some doctors would make hypnotism
and all related phenomena a penal
ALL RELATED offence-unless the practitioner is a
Yet in sleep, hypnotism, somnambul- medical man. To them, all mediums
ism and cognate states, we are con- are but "clinical" material to be
tinually confronted with them. Nor do "trained" or cut and carved as in-
some people appear to grasp the fact teresting subjects for vivisection.
that opponents, by following different They grab or cut ectoplasm for
methods of research, may discover analytical dissection. They ignore the
laws which escape the notice of other long years of the medium's practical
types of investigators. experience, and particularly the men-
All branches of psychology are talities behind the scenes who create
related, and students of mediumship the very phenomena they now pro-
must review all theories-if based on fess themselves desirous of examin-
evidence-in order to incorporate ing. The spirit hypothesis to them is
truer explanations of phenomena that "superstition."
opponents may find. Opponents' studies will form a use-
All perception of Truth is relative; ful compendium to our own when
it varies in accordance with our train- shorn of their materialism. They may
ing and consequent prejudices. No one eventually teach us how physical
school of thought possesses a mono- obstacles hinder the fuller develop-
poly, and all mental manifestations or ment of consciousness, and why both

physical and mental reactions prevent dreams and many other forms of
clear reception of the spirit message. mental manifestation.
At present they classify all the It is, therefore, essential to discover
phenomena of the seance-room under what is "sub " or "less than" con-
the head of "subconscious" activity. sciousness, or superior and abnormal,
The " subconscious" theory is easily but which during manifestation
the most formidable objection we have simulates waking consciousness. In
to meet, because it partly embraces general practice it will be found useful
explanations all Spiritualists accept. to translate subconsciousness as
In the first place, all mental pheno- "suppressed" consciousness.
mena are related to it. It really consists of memory, plus a
great collection of ideas consciously
Secondly, subconsciousness is the and unconsciously absorbed. It is
reservoir from or through which all actually the essential part of us that
forms of active consciousness must persists after the change of death.
pass. In self-defence we must limit When waking consciousness calls on
"our friend, the enemy," in the use he subconsciousness to function, they
makes of the prefix "sub." merely change places. .
If consciousness is clearly trans- In hypnotism or disease, subcon-
cended, or manifests intelligence sciousness operates without volition
higher than the normal, it is not exercising conscious control, but that
" sub" but " super" consciousness; is all. We thus discover its limita-
i.e., superior to the usual attributes of tions.
the brain. It is also clear that only the ideas we
If, in addition, it exhibits a men- have absorbed can proceed from us. If,
tality differing in many ways from therefore, knowledge emanates from a
that of the medium, and claims to be medium that he could not have ac-
a spirit entity who proves his case by quired, only two postulates are per-
exhibiting phenomena baffling our missible.
scientists or detailing matters known Either the consciousness can trans-
only to the deceased person, we must cend the limitations of the body and
refuse to accept either "sub" or collect additional information impos-
" super " as an adequate explanation. sible for the brain to have received, or
some intelligence exercising a power
Of this order are many trance ad- akin to hypnotism telepathically pro-
dresses, premonitions, talking in duces the result.
foreign languages, physical phenomena
and materialization. TELEPATHY ON OUR SIDE
That is the Spiritualist affirmation.
WHAT IS SUBCONSCIOUS ? Even when telepathy is claimed as an
We need, therefore, clearly to dis- explanation, it must be obvious that
criminate between " subconsciousness" thought transference requires two
and its alternatives. The word "sub " operators, one to project and one to
is a Latin prefix signifying "under" receive the thought.
or " less than." It is extensively used It, therefore, in no way discredits
to express a subordinate degree or im- the spirit hypothesis, which does but
perfect state. plead for the recognition of telepathy
on more planes of consciousness than
In this sense Nuttall's Dictionary materialism is willing to admit.
defines the word as "hardly" con- The psychoanalyst endows sub-
scious. From this simple definition, it consciousness with a personality ever
is now being strained to cover the vast seeking to over-ride the conscious self,
field of trance mediumship and which symbolizes in dreams ideas
materializations, together with the wide otherwise suppressed. It thus be-
range of phenomena associated with comes the interpreter of unspoken
manias, hallucinations, hypnotism, thought.

The hypnotist discovers in it an ego tive suggestion on the subconscious

in many ways superior to the normal mind which presently manifests on the
man. It is thus a higher and better outer plane.
self. It is because this is exactly how
He inhibits undesirable thoughts, spirit people inspire their subjects that
and, by appealing directly to that I want you seriously to consider the
inner self, cures dipsomania and other true relationship of hypnotism and
moral lapses. He implants the cura- mesmerism to mediumship.

the airs he thinks peculiar to that
NE in this
of the first men country was
to practise station. If he believes he is any
James Braid. His method con- well-known personage, he will some-
sists of gazing at a fixed point. In times give a really startling imper-
many subjects a state of "suggesti- sonation of the character.
bility" ensues, in which they blindly Say that his arm or leg is para-
accept the slightest suggestion made. lysed, and he promptly assumes all the
It was found by later experiments symptoms of paralysis. That he is
that even the presence of an operator drowning, and he will throw himself
is not essential, but that the belief of on the floor, and choke and splutter,
the subject is the predisposing factor. and act generally as if struggling in
Merely seeing others hypnotized is the water.
sufficient to induce hypnosis among Any conceivable death scene can be
onlookers. The recollection of an reproduced in the same way. Artists
earlier hypnosis sometimes reproduces secure more transcendental expressions
the state without any further sugges- by hypnotizing their models. Almost
tion from the operator. By what is every phase of mental mediumship has
called post-hypnotic suggestion, a per- been similarly duplicated.
fectly normal man will suddenly pass The reading, if not the actual ex-
into the hypnotic state during his perience of medical men, has
workaday life. familiarized them with these states of
consciousness, so that when we narrate
the sometimes trivial occurrences of
During a preliminary hypnosis, the the seance room, they immediately con-
subject is told that at a certain time clude it is all auto-suggestion, or self-
he will perform a specific action. hypnotization.
They often make very foolish excuses
to account for the act, but perform it THEY "EXPLAIN" IT AWAY
against their better judgment. They dismiss our exceptional illus-
Dr. Luys proved that a whole group trations as due to mal-observation or
could be hypnotised by intently gazing fraud. Their social position carries
at a revolving mirror. Similar effects weight in the world, and the masses
were obtained by listening to the tick- follow the bell-wether blindly.
ing of a clock. Innumerable means I must, therefore, impress upon
have been invented that produce simi- sensitives the difference between evi-
lar results. dence for discarnate operators and the
The conclusion arrived at by hypno- possible action of one's own mind.
tists is that the method by which the Only information which transcends
condition is induced is a negligible fac- the limitations of the five senses,
tor, and that what subjects " expect" foreign languages, or other knowledge
decides the results. the medium could not normally pos-
No matter how induced, the effects sess may be put forward as evidence
are indisputable. The subject de- for discarnate intelligences.
velops by pantomimic action, or by It does not necessarily follow that
speech or writing, all the natural manifestations are not due to the
sequences of the suggestions which operation of an external mind, but
arise in his mind. they cease to be evidence or proof of
Tell him he is a dog, he will run that fact. The crux of the position
about on all fours and bark. Suggest lies in the nature of the manifestation.
that he is a lord, and he will assume Does it signify an extension of the five

senses, or is it more feasible that the The broad distinction between

information could only be derived hypnotism and mesmerism is that
from discarnate mentalities hypnotists consistently aim at creat-
It is the most difficult problem ing and directing hallucinations,
Spiritualists have to grapple with; whereas the mesmerist frequently
but it must be bravely faced. Mere enhanced psychic powers by enabling
assertions are not proof. Obviously the ego to manifest with greater
if there is no extension of the percep- freedom.
tions, neither medium nor hypnotic Both schools induced somewhat
subject can express more than they analogous phases, the hypnotists claim-
have absorbed. ing that "suggestion " accounts for
If extension is proven, then you all the phenomena, while mesmerists
prove that mentality functions outside asserted that a universal fluid or
or beyond the material mechanism--a animal magnetism formed the basis or
tremendous advance. If more than link whereby they established control
this is accomplished, the case for the over their subjects.
spirit world is proven. Spiritualists are able to see truth
Sensitives alone can discover and in both schools of thought, because the
define the lines of demarcation-if any phenomena of the seance room indis-
-- between sub, super, and normal con- putably re-establishes the reality of
sciousness, and those manifestations the aura, and certain stages of spirit
which lie beyond the range of all control indicate the part suggestibility
three, and which may, therefore, be must necessarily play.
quite properly attributed to discarnate What was called a universal fluid
mentalities. by Mesmer was merely another name
Don't worry overmuch about these for what is now called aura when in-
details in the early days of your de- visible, and psychoplasm when solidi-
velopment. Merely note the detail, fied.
or your fear will intrude itself con- Spiritualists reject the hypnotists'
tinuously, and spoil otherwise genuine theory for most of the phenomena of
tests. Always reserve the acid test of the seance room, because it would be
critical analysis until after the seance. absurd to credit uneducated mediums
Most modern books on hypnotism with the startling information that
are avowedly materialistic. Hypo- pours through entranced lips.
theses are strained to breaking point, The intelligences using them claim
merely to repudiate mesmeric theories. to be discarnate beings who once
Mesmerists were dubbed rogues and lived upon the earth, and prove it by
charlatans because they recognized speaking their native language, nar-
attributes of the soul in addition to rating contemporary history with
normal senses. homely detail, and dealing with facts
that research verifies.
It is true that superstitions peculiar IGNORANT SCIENTISTS
to their day and generation were Through entranced lips came in-
sometimes associated with mesmerism, structions for seance work. Then fol-
but these in no way invalidate their lowed materialization and a host of
testimony on actual statements of bewildering phenomena clearly indi-
fact. cating knowledge of powers and
Under mesmerism, clairvoyance and forces of which our greatest scientists
psychic phenomena were fairly fre- were absolutely ignorant.
quent. Under hypnotism they prac- The inference must be pressed to its
tically ceased, except where the de- logical conclusion. Physical pheno-
spised "passes" were used, or when mena are not merely phenomenal in-
a born seer submitted to experimenta- cidents. They are evidence of men-
tion. . tality superior to that of the medium.

Remembering that "sub" means this will eventually do much to

"less than," in what department of eradicate the bone of contention be-
the subconscious are we to discover tween these opposing schools of
knowledge one has no means of col- thought.
lecting ? Nothing can come out from How are we to account for the drivel
the wells of memory, save that which which occasionally masquerades as
we have garnered. spirit control? It is here that our
This is the theory of materialists opponents' theories help us.
themselves, and if they admit that the It explains the infinitesimal fraction
mind has access to fields of knowledge that occasionally mystifies us. Imper-
in which the brain plays no part, they sonation by intruding spirits does not
destroy materialism. All their efforts explain it-the talking lacks individu-
to prove that psychic phenomena are ality. It is simply auto-suggestion.
a mere extension of physical powers, Every investigator quickly decides
land them on the horns of a dilemma that a liberal discount must be
every time. allowed for the interblending of the
They must either admit the exist- medium's own mind with the spirit
ence of the aura as a mind field, or message. The amount of this discount
adopt the spirit hypothesis. is always a vexed problem because it
By no possible law of auto-sugges- varies with every manifestation.
tion could Cora Tappan, a child Many reputed mediums obtain
eleven years old, dig out from her nothing of a distinctly evidential
inner consciousness knowledge- that nature, but clairvoyants prove they
enabled her to wield a surgeon's knife are assisted by spirit people, because
successfully, speak four definitely the same guide will be described by
proven foreign languages, and deliver different mediums over and over again.
hundreds of scientific and philosophic Others are able to prove the identity
addresses without a moment's pre- of their controls almost at will.
These examples can be multiplied ANALYSIS DEFIED
by the thousand. Neither race nor The majority, however, present a
religion makes any difference. Truly, compound of mentalities so inextric-
"God is no respecter of persons." ably blended that they defy analysis.
That is our case. Where the ideas are uplifting, it is
immaterial, from the Spiritualist
FACT v. THEORY standpoint, as to whether they are due
The spirit people's explanations of to spirit agency or not.
the phenomena are far more satisfac- But it is an entirely different matter
tory than theories framed apparently if we claim to be controlled by specific
for no other purpose than to dis- spirits. We now need decisive evi-
credit any testimony that proves dis- dence of a very convincing character
carnate action. before accepting assertions.
All experienced mediums are cuite This aspect must be bravely faced
sure they are continually subjected to in order to " warn off" masqueraders
magnetizing by means of spirit hands who think they have but to shut their,
making passes over them, identical with eyes and pretend to be spirit con-
what were common among mesmerists. trolled, to be taken at their own valua-
It is equally clear that mediums are tion. Experience proves that this is
responsive to thought processes akin the class who sit in judgment upon all
to telepathy, in which the clear re- other mediums, and while teaching
ception of thought is obtained with- charity, spread, petty jealousies and
out any obvious means to the end. stupid misrepresentation of the actual
Spiritualists can therefore confirm facts of mediumship.
both mesmeric and hypnotic theories Their awakening is usually abrupt
as to the induction of trance, and and painful, because unkind critics do

not mince matters. Analysis is there- comes imperative if the medium desires
fore essential; but it must be tact- to prevent any admixture of his own
fully accomplished, or we may destroy mentality with the message. There
the beginning of the very faculty we are other stages also where it is desir-
are desirous of examining. able the medium should train his sub-
We find this our greatest difficulty. consciousness before slipping into
The slightest suggestion of conscious trance.states.
or unconscious fraud is sufficient to He does this exactly as we do every
set back many sensitive souls at the time we go to sleep. We must de-
commencement of their development liberately refuse to think or we stay
and perhaps kill it for ever. awake.
So I advise all investigators to pro- The medium does the same, but with
ceed warily, and presently evidential another object in view. He can will
experiences will form a counteracting the exact moment he shall return and
barrier to the positive assertions of repossess his waking consciousness, and
well-meaning critics whose statements he can decide who shall or shall not
sometimes assume the force of control him.
hypnotic suggestions. Auto-suggestion has therefore its
We must always remember that valuable side as well as its objection-
sensitives are constitutionally liable to able phases.
suggestion. It is this very fact that The main difficulty is to guard
makes them mediumistic. Nor can we against subconscious interference
always trace the origin of suggestions. arising from early training, vanity or
They may arise from subconsciousness, prejudice. These most easily elude the
from their audience, or even he aroused sensitive because they are part of the
through misunderstanding spirit action. normal expression. Lookers-on, who
Their own critical examination of take a more detached view, quickly
the phenomena while in progress note similarities in the ideas and tem-
effectually checks all spirit control. It peraments of medium and control.
is for these reasons that complete un-
consciousness forms the best pre- PROOF OF IDENTITY
liminary to fuller development, but But even here the most careful in-
not if the medium has been pre- vestigator may be deceived, because
viously hypnotized. the closer the control approximates to
the mental condition of the medium,
TRAINED THOUGHTS the more perfect will some manifesta-
After this training, we can never tions become with correspondingly less
be sure that subconsciousness is not fatigue to the medium.
reproducing itself by the association We must also remember that proof
of ideas. Even when developed by of identity is not always possible by
spirit people, some of these factors speech alone. Fortunately, several
may arise incidentally; but in this other factors play their part, and
case the muddled mediumship is more spirit control is proven by the know-
often due to unintentional telepathic ledge they exhibit and the effects pro-
interference or blending of discarnate duced rather than by isolated state-
operators. ments.
The foregoing statements supply Control cannot become effective
reasons why uncritical folk develop without specific knowledge on the
trance mediumship more easily than spirit side and mental and auric
the keenly intellectual. When the affinity with the medium. Then comes
activity of the brain cannot be stayed, the main problem we are now dis-
subconsciousness is continually inter- cussing. The possible action of the
fering and deep trance becomes im- medium's own subconsciousness.
possible. The simplest explanation of palp.
It is here that auto-suggestion be- able self-deception is that of the

hypnotist. The difference between the merciful. Telepathy affects all.

Spiritualist and his opponent is that Thought transference intensified into
Spiritualists recognize but a very small trance states presents many per-
fraction of spirit control that may be plexing problems.
due to this subconscious element, but The lesson we learn from hypnotism
the hypnotist, with possibly no ex- is that what is termed subconsciousness
perience at all of mediumship, classi- or unconsciousness, really means sup-
fies all spirit control under this head. pressed memory or 'suppressed con-
We thus arrive at the conclusion that sciousness.
some cases of reputed spirit control are The ego is ever alert, though its
explainable on the hypothesis that activities are temporarily suspended
some sensitives attain a psychic state or diverted. Its memory during
wherein their normal powers are ex- trance states is apparently defective,
panded and exalted, and that this re- or increased by suggestion, but as soon
mains true even though the medium as the embargo is lifted, the spirit
may be unconscious of what is said or consciously contacts material relation-
done. States of consciousness often ships once more.
arise which are identical with phases The body may be rendered incap-
of hypnotism or auto-suggestion. But able of action, but reawakened mem-
this does not nullify the overwhelming ory proves that the soul never even
mass of evidence conclusively proving slept. All the thoughts and feelings
discarnate action. we have ever had, both expressed or
Inspiration and trance mediumship repressed, were stored away in the
are classified as follows :- wells of memory, and under proper
1. Inspiration. Normal powers stimuli can be drawn upon and
exalted and expanded with or with- expanded.
out apparent assistance from dis- This clearly confirms spirit teaching
carnate individualities. on the permanence of memory. The
2. Conscious control arises when psychic organism is subject to its own
the medium is conscious during the peculiar laws of development, and
delivery of an address or spirit does not disintegrate like the physical.
message, and is more or less aware The physical body and brain are
of the individuality of his mentor. said to renew every particle of their
3. Unconscious Control, Stage substance every few years. If this
One. This is fairly common during is true, then memory-if it be a
early development. The spirit or purely physical attribute-would be
medium, or both, are ignorant of annihilated.
their effects upon each other. But the theory of complete physical
SPIRIT MENTALITY renewal is perfectly tenable if we re-
cognize the body as a mechanism, and
4. Unconscious Control, Stage spiritual organism as a reservoir which
Two. The medium alone is uncon- retains the results of life's experiences.
scious of what transpires. The men-
tality of the spirit clearly expresses
itself and the individuality of the Hypnotism also illustrates a method
medium is completely changed. by which spirit people reach us
5. Partial control is an obvious through our subconsciousness. They
blending of the ideas of the consistently affirm that it is easier to
medium with the mentality of the use a medium's own words and
controlling intelligence. phrases than to thrust entirely new
6. Subconscious Action. Lastly, ideas upon him.
we must deal sympathetically with Even in the deepest trance we
the egotistic or ignorant poseur. He occasionally find the medium's words
is not a conscious fraud. Besides, are used, although the spirit indis-
you may be wrong. Be just, but be putably proves its separate identity.

Nor is materialization and direct This causes materialism to credit

voice phenomena entirely free from unconsciousness (expressed as sub-
the same defect, but here the law in consciousness) with the production of
operation can be more easily traced. the phenomena in its entirety, an
One has but to reflect that when a obvious absurdity.
body or thorax is externalized, to all The spirit enmeshed in borrowed
intents and purposes they are but material inevitably finds his words or
extensions of the medium's body. ideas occasionally supplanted, because
The elements along which the con- the thoughts of both operators travel
sciousness of the discarnate intelli- over the same line of communication,
gence travels are drawn from or like twin messages over a radio circuit
passed through the medium's body. It or telegraph line.
is the extension of the nerves along CLASH OF MINDS.
auric channels that permits a spirit's Much of this clashing of mentalities
consciousness, equally with that of the will be avoided when mechanism is
medium, to travel along them. contrived-as it will be presently-to
Occasionally they blend, and, if not dispense with auric particles drawn
checked by the superior knowledge of from the medium, but up to now we
discarnate operators, the medium find the medium a necessary and in-
would actually be able to express him- dispensable link.
self more easily through the extended The wonder of it is, not that we
mechanism than they. Occasional find the message occasionally con-
intermixing of the two minds cannot taminated, but that we get such clear
therefore be avoided. unmistakable evidence as we do.


One method directs the gaze of the
tional stages proves
ness and unconsciousness are so
subject into a crystal. He reads off
the pictures as they arise. In one
transient, that at times it is impossible after another, he unfolds the story of
to distinguish between them. It is the his life and the motives which in-
same with mediumship. fluenced actions.
A request from the operator during He is instructed to write automatic-
hypnosis to forget any specific con- ally the meaning of every picture he
versation is sufficient to erase it com- sees. They usually take symbolic
pletely from the subject's waking con- form, as in dreams, and his interpreta-
sciousness. tion of them is invaluable to the
A command to remember it gives it physician.
an exaggerated place in the normal INTERPRETING SYMBOLS
consciousness, and thus manias are It would be foolish to attribute
cured. Analogous states in medium- either the pictures he sees or his in-
ship are frequent. terpretation of them to discarnate
Mediums sometimes consciously co- spirit action, though exceptions often
operate during addresses, but cannot occur. The evidence all points to
recall a word of their speech after- their origin in the mind of the
wards. Meditation on the theme a subject.
day or two later will enable them to Nor are they due to the overwhelm-
regain its substance. Lmg influence of the operators, who
It thus becomes part of their nor- rarely know what will be revealed.
mal consciousness, and advances them To survey this aspect fully from
along the line of individual develop- opponents' standp6ints, read Milne
ment. All mediums, no matter whether Bramwell's " Hypnotism " atid Dr.
unconscious trance or otherwise, ought Barker and Dr. Moreton Prince's
to devote a'regular time to this form books.
of self-education, and not lag behind One illustration must suffice :
audiences to their own confusion and " A woman suffered all her life from
the degradation of the cause they an exaggerated fear of cats. She was
hypnotized, and an effort made to
Psychics should aim at reaching the trace the cause of the utterly un-
plane of their inspirers, and not ex- reasonable fear. Step by step she
pect to be nursed like infants all their was mentally directed backwards until
lives. Only thus can we hope to she reached early childhood.
duplicate mediums like J. J. Morse, " Questions then revealed the fact
E. W. Wallis, and the host of truly that as an infant she had been bitten
inspired workers who laid the founda- by a cat. The childish terror of the
tions for Spiritualism. moment attained the power of a ' dom-
inant idea,' or mania, which continu-
CURES BY HYPNOTISM ally reproduced itself in adult life,
The American School of Psychology though no memory of it remained in
has taken the study of hypnotism one her normal consciousness.
stage further in its efforts to cure " Discovery of the cause enabled
mental aberrations. The patient, counter-suggestions to be made which
under hypnosis, is trained to trace the wrought a cure."
whole of life's history backwards. This type of research is pregnant
Latent memories are unfolded in a with illustrations as to methods used
wonderful manner. by spirit friends to impress us or de-

velop mediumship. Controls also the main, confirmatory of spirit teach-

utilize subconsciousness to implant ing on the nature of the soul and its
ideas or eradicate them. attributes.
Materialism assumes that hypnotism So that, where hypnotists' theories
resuscitates lapsed functions of the are sound, Spiritualists have nothing
brain, but Spiritualists believe that to retract. But they are far from
the spirit cures its aberrations by more satisfactory in many ways. The
perfect control over its own supercilious attitude, the hallmark of
machinery. obstinate ignorance, places them in the
In both hypnotism and mesmerism category of "things hidden from 'the
we find the ego responsive to sug- wise, but revealed to babes and
gestions, even though they conflict sucklings."
with physical desires. In both schools Hypnotists produce colourable imi-
it is now an accepted axiom that sug- tations of control by the simple pro-
gestions repugnant to the sensitive's cess of creating hallucinations, and
higher self are foredoomed failures. assume they are one and the same
thing. By the same illogical reason-
ing, there cannot be any real bank-
The cure of dipsomania and other notes because forgers imitate them.
moral lapses prove that the better side
of one's nature is readily approached WHO IS THE BEST JUDGE ?
through the subconscious mind or Hiypnotists claim that no external
spirit self. mentalities ever find expression
In mediumship it is the same. Re- through mediums, and that what
sponsibility cannot be shuffled on to appears to be so is due to faulty
spirit controls. Subconsciously we observation or downright fraud.
resist all suggestions of which we do Emotionalism is presumed to render
not approve. Spiritualists incapable of correctly
Training and prejudice are the appraising the phenomena which has
dominant factors. This is clearly been their life's study. This insult to
traceable in automatic writing and the keen business men and scientists
trance, though a higher moral tone who have been drawn into Spiritualism
than the normal is invariably pre- would call for reprisals but for the
sented. greater charity which remembers its
GUIDES NOT TO BLAME own egotism before succumbing to
overwhelming evidence.
Sensitives cannot therefore blame Besides-when one comes to think
spirit guides for their own moral of it-we are really more flattered by
lapses. attracting these types of intellect, than
The principal lesson derived from scientists whose publicity may possibly
hypnotism is that, by inhibiting all be traced to moon-gazing or counting
sense perceptions save in the direction the hairs on a fly's leg !
specifically desired, the attributes of
one's own soul are freed and intensi- UNSCIENTIFIC SCIENCE
fied to such an extent that the almost These occupations are as liable to
miraculous is occasionally achieved. affect their mentalities as watching
This characteristic was more clearly spirit forms slowly build themselves
observable under mesmerism than up before astonished eyes.
hypnotism, because ordered suggesti- So we are unmoved when they deny
bility was not so frequently induced. point blank that there are, or ever
We thus arrive at the conclusion were, mediums who speak foreign lan-
that, though states of consciousness guages they never learned, or that
analogous to hypnotism are sometimes apports and materializations occur as
reproduced during mediumship, the the direct result of teaching received
hypnotic subject's experiences are, in through illiterate lips.

When compelled to admit the facts, illusions are traceable to the brain of
the same class vociferously denies our the subject himself. It was the pro-
conclusions and propounds farcical test of materialism against the Spirit-
explanations. ualism of mesmerism.
Materialism, in fighting Spiritual-
FINDING NEW WORDS ism, uses its old anti-mesmerist argu-
The theory of subconscious activity ments all over again. Almost without
to explain the phenomena as a whole is exception, spirit people claim to use an
a palpable absurdity. When compelled invisible aura.
to admit materialization, they hope to Clairvoyants often see them making
destroy the Spiritualist hypothesis by " passes " over their mediums to heal
calling it an "exteriorization of the or induce passivity. It is therefore
medium's personality," by which they only a matter of time for us to prove
mean the unconscious operation of the where the hypnotist is wrong and thus
medium's own brain. give "honour where honour is due."
The absurdity becomes a screaming
farce when we carefully analyse the THE VITAL FORCE
theory. For eighty years mediums Blank materialism refuses to recog-
have been maligned as fools or frauds. nize psychic science, and the opposition
We now awake to the startling dis- is partly due to the error of denying
covery that the poor fool of a medium Mesmer's theory of a vital force
illustrates a higher step on the ladder emanating from human bodies. They
of. evolution. would have to burn half their books if
In other words, he has so much seance room effects are produced as we
superfluous grey matter in his brain affirm.
that he can actually spare enough to The shock is too great to be accepted
make up an additional brain, body, all at once, and so the majority are at
and all its parts with independent voli- present posing like wise crows on a
tion of their own, quite equal to those fence. The suggestion behind their
of our scientific critics. attitude is, that they can explain it all,
And he does it all unconsciously, or but they won't.
subconsciously. After that, the Spirit- Meantime, in England alone, five
ualist hypothesis is necessary to enable hundred churches have been built on
ordinary folk to retain their sanity. the experiences of individuals who
It is partly because we have re- have nothing to gain but the world's
discovered the auric link emphasized condemnation by avowing their convic-
by Mesmer, and denied by the hypno- tions. From the lower walks of life
tists, that we turn more sympathetically the truth has been pressed home be-
to the experiences of the former. cause poor people had no biassed
Mesmerists were called rogues and theory to uphold nor ostracism to fear.
charlatans merely because they dis- We were all sceptical at first, but
covered marvels like introvision and after exhausting every other possible
clairvoyance, and claimed to utilize a and impossible explanation, we believe
universal fluid. the bulk of the phenomena is explain-
able by only one theory that covers
POWER OF THOUGHT all the facts.
They did not know, then, that It is that the spirit world is a real
thought does not merely build dream world, and that its inhabitants are
pictures; it also modifies or dis- making strenuous efforts to reach our
integrates them entirely. The soul understanding. Mistakes are .sme-
lives within its own mental imagery. times made because we do not realize
Hypnotism was acclaimed as a our . own inherent possibilities and
science for no better reason than that 'existing powers.
it can apparently trace all its pheno- Sometimes the mentalities of opera-
mena to physical reactions; that is, tor and subject blend and the medium

is charged with fraud or subcon- the text: "Take no thought for what
sciously producing the phenomena, but ye shall say, for in that same hour
details of this kind do not remove the it will be given unto you."
intelligences producing the phenomena.
The cynicism and hypercriticism of BEFORE AN ADDRESS
those who ignore the training of the In all cases, the best preparation is
medium while learnedly photographing meditation or actual sleep before the
the results of that training, proves the address. Engrossing conversation or
truth of the adage, "what fools these reading immediately preceding a meet-
mortals be." ing, unless it has a bearing on the
In considering trance mediumship, subject to be dealt with, is best
we have always to remember that avoided.
the mind field utilized by control- That inspirational talking and
ling spirits, is not confined within the trance states are measurably in-
auric sphere of the medium, but con- fluenced by spirit people is clear to
tacts the mentalities of sitters through all clairvoyants who watch speakers
the same channel. We thus get an giving an address. Invariably, the
explanation of differences in the lineaments of the speaker disappear,
quality of manifestations from time to and are supplanted by those of an
time. entirely different person.
Allan Kardec noted the fact that Many speakers appear to indraw
frivolous mediums meeting with like- different types of inspirer from time
minded sitters, rarely rose above fairly to time, but in most cases speakers
well-defined grades of intelligence, but learn who their chief control is from
when he was present, the information the continually repeated descriptions
received far transcended the capacities received from members of the
of his mediums. audience quite ignorant of other
In like manner, Andrew Jackson people's descriptions.
Davis formed an intellectual group of The Spirituahst is thus able to
sitters before it became possible for translate in a very literal way such
him to write his most wonderful books. texts as "I am in you and you are
in me." The process by which con-
WHEN THERE IS SYMPATHY sciousness is expanded is therein
In a lesser degree, I have noticed clearly visualized.
the ease with which I can reply to It is from experiences such as these
questions on psychic matters where that entirely new concepts of spiritual
the audience is intelligently sympa- spheres and spirit life and action are
thetic, and the difference while developing.
addressing obviously hostile audiences. Mediums, like Paul, continually
In the latter case, one has to rely wonder whether they are "in the
almost entirely upon memorized mat- spirit or not." They discover spirit
ter, but, with the former type of people surge about them at all times.
audience, unsuspected variations of Human bodies are no impediment.
quite ordinary arguments take their Spatial relations all acquire a new
place in a perfectly natural manner, interpretation.
and one is only surprised that the par- Ministering spirits are found to be
ticular line of reasoning never hap- in contact with their charges at all
pened to strike us before. times. What their actual powers are
Where trance states are used for can be only vaguely guessed at.
test messages this is more clearly evi- They claim to be only very little in
deneed. Clearly evidential matter is advance of Mankind, but it is clear
more rare than the majority of from their ability to forecast the
Spiritualists suspect, but all inspira- future, read the past, and in other
tional or partially controlled people ways rise superior to all known
quickly discover the inner meaning of methods of reasoning that we must

credit them with greater power than important for me to be told about it.
ourselves. She therefore took the earliest oppor-
Of this I am sure: they can see and tunity to ask me what it was all about.
do things incomprehensible to us, but The error was thus quickly set right.
fail completely at times when we set I had designed a cross for a birthday
them what we personally conceive to present and my wife habitually wore
be a very simple test or act of it. It was this cross that I was wear-
memory. ing at the seance that I had asked her
I attribute this to the complexity to look at and tell me what it was.
of the processes involved in getting How spirits influence mediums was
their messages across to us. But, illustrated by a mesmerist friend.
given time and persistence on both Through an open doorway, without the
sides of the veil, they astonish us both subject's knowledge, he first threw his
by their more acute memory and hands outwards as if throwing some-
knowledge of surrounding circum- thing from his finger-tips towards the
stances. subject seated on a chair with his back
Thus, at a direct voice seance on the towards the mesmerist. He im-
anniversary of my marriage, I asked mediately complained of a pain shoot-
my spirit wife if she remembered ing through his head.
what anniversary was very near. For
awhile she could not reply, but en- A MESMERIC EXPERIMENT
gaged in conversation with another The test was then made more diffi-
friend present. cult by the mesmerist mounting the
staircase and apparently through the
OVERCOMING DIFFICULTIES brick wall, but in the direction of the
Suddenly, and appropos of nothing subject, making the same pass. Once
at all, the trumpet suddenly darted in again the subject complained of a
my direction and she ejaculated: "We sharp, stabbing pain affecting his
became one." head.
Near her birthday, I put the same In my developing circle, clairvoyants
question. Again there was a tem- watch the preliminary efforts of spirit
porary loss of memory, but after a people to collect power. The usual-
time she put all her will into the effort process appears to be the amalgama-
and said, "My advent on earth." tion of the rays proceeding from each
But the next test through the same sitter's hands.
method failed completely, though in These presently coalesce, giving rise
another way it proved she was really to very beautiful colour effects. The
there. I habitually take something amalgamation continues until an
personal to herself when attending almost physically visible quantity of
special meetings, but nobody except aura is piled up on the table.
myself is aware of the fact. Spirit aura, flowing from spirit
I asked her if she knew what I was hands, is then directed upon the mass,
wearing belonging to her. She ques- causing it to whirl and form a vortex.
tioningly asked me if I meant her ring. It suddenly condenses and either moves
On this occasion I had left this at as a wave of power towards one of the
home. sensitives or takes a definite globular
Next day, a sensitive whom my wife shape and strikes her forehead.
often influences in a sleep state very In either case, if the sensitive does
nearly akin to trance, told me that my not resist, the immediate result is un-
wife had been strongly impressing her consciousness.
while I was at the meeting that I was In watching this process, I find there
discussing a cross. is a general tendency for each spirit
In many different ways by impres- guide to seize as much power as he can
sion, picturization and discussion, she for the use of his own medium.
gave her to understand that it was If one is more fully developed than

the others, or of a more dominant tem- there was a continual change of sitters,
perament, they absorb all available the mediumship became spasmodic and
power to the detriment of the re- always left the medium feeling very
mainder. dissatisfied. But if!asked to state why,
The truly spiritual medium is she could not explain: the circle in
usually of a retiring disposition and general being very harmonious.
is therefore continually thrust into the Some circles adopt the method of
background by more forceful charac- concentrating on one medium at a
ters. I found the best result was time. This has advantages where there
attained when three sitters, after the are several budding mediums, but I
usual opening exercises, deliberately prefer the method of passivity with
remained passive so that all the power
was concentrated on one sensitive. The only one medium acting at a time in
development during this period was the circle, to avoid all conflict of
remarkable. thought, forces. It has hitherto
Removed to a larger circle where yielded the best results.

Grossness, either of thought or body,
soulof learns that "As a man enchains him to undesirable localities
NE the firstislessons a discarnate so long as his mind is freighted with
thinketh, so is he."
He thinks of low companions, and its burden. But soon he becomes self-
finds them around him. Of home, and, poised and consciously utilizes the
lo! he is there. Of scenes of drunken- forces that previously overwhelmed
ness and vice-home fades from his him.
sight, and dreamlike changes occur in With stabilisation, his surroundings
his surroundings. are revolutionised, and he learns that
Like a feather wafted in the wind, upward evolutionary progress con-
his thought takes him where it will. tinues by the application of " Righ4
He thinks he is dreaming, and his thought, right speech, and right
dream follows the line of his idealism. action."
His aspirations seem to be within his The grosser particles of his spirit-
grasp; the pathway leading thereto is ual body gradually become more and
clearly visualized. more sublimated, until at last it is too
But the dream may easily become a brilliant for earthly clairvoyants to
veritable nightmare as memory causes watch its further unfoldment.
him to contact the living realities of For a perfect understanding of the
the spirit world. It symbolizes his laws governing the transition of the
secret thoughts. His sins of omission, spirit from the poor old worn-out body
no less than those of commission, point at death, I cannot do better than refer
accusing fingers at him. He now you to Andrew Jackson Davis's
realizes their effects in other people's " Philosophy of Death." This beauti-
lives. Shame and remorse overcome fully portrays the condensation of
his flippant excuses. He desires to elements forming the future tenement
hide himself, and kindly darkness of the spirit.
enfolds him.
THOUGHT-THE CREATOR A nebulous haze was seen hovering
It is but the imagery of his own over a dying body, and this gradually
mind that meets him everywhere. But assumed the shape and form of the
there are strange exceptions. Fitful frame it was leaving for ever. The
glimpses of more stable conditions, in psychic organism was joined to the
which friends seem permanently to physical by a silvery cord, which he
abide, thrust themselves ever and anon likens to the umbilical cord uniting a
upon his dream states. Their appeal newly born child to its mother.
finally creates sufficient enquiry to com- Consciousness travelled all along
pel him to understand the law of his this cord until its severance, and was
environment, and become stabilized. then transferred entirely to the more
He has now learned that positive permanent vehicle of expression. Dis-
thought is the dynamic force that solution of the physical body speedily
moves his spirit body, and that his followed. Many mediums have corro-
own soul's quality is in some strange borated this testimony, though very few
way stamped upon his surroundings. appear to realise its far-reaching
His surroundings obey the impulses implications.
of his mind. His limitations are As the psychic organism is evolved
partly due to ignorance of psychic from the physical, it necessarily par-
modes of motion and expression, and takes of its nature. It bears earthly
partly to hampering elements carried scars which react to memory, and thus
over from the earth life. we take with us all our human emo-

tions, thoughts and feelings. It is the relationship to the psychic body of the
natural consequence of evolution spirit visitor, and are due to trans-
through a human organism. ference of sensation. The reactions are
As soon as a spirit tries to com- far too automatic to be consciously
municate with those left behind, it dis- induced.
covers its limitations, for although The usual explanation is that they
sensory perceptions are expanded, they are more mental than physical, and
cannot now act upon physical sub- that on returning to earthly conditions,
stances with the same facility as before association of ideas causes the spirit
transition. to "take on" its earthly memories
But they soon discover that they with a corresponding reaction through
have community of sensation with cer- the body of the sensitive.
tain people, and none at all with But granting this explanation to be
others. correct, we are compelled to discover
They further find that those who pos- the semi-physical means to the end. It
sess this strange affinity with them is the infirmities of living flesh and
respond almost automatically to their blood peculiar to earthly bodies that
thought. They thus learn to under- are exhibited. If spirit bodies transmit
stand what we on our side term sensations, the actual basis or seat of
mediumship. sensations must reside in the psychic
My varied experience in spirit con- organism of the spirit visitor. The
trol convinces me that not only does auric forces of the medium merely
the mentality of the discarnate intel- supply the link which connects them.
ligence affect the medium, but the When properly connected, the men-
quality of his psychic body has also a tal and physical attributes of the con-
powerful and very important bearing trolling intelligence thus finds expres-
upon the sensations and impressions sion through the physical body of the
registered by mediums. medium, which becomes the receiving
A proper understanding of these station for extraneous thought and
laws on both sides of the veil is essen- sensations. For the spirit to think
pain, means that the sensitive exhibits
tial to perfect co-operation in medium- pain, even though the resultant mem-
ship. ory is as fleeting as a dream, and
During trance states, spirit presences dreamlike, may be forgotten on
are detected by their physical and awaking.
mental impressions on the sensitive. The sensory perceptions of both
From a stolid indifference, the medium parties blend until the body of the
may become suddenly aspirational; or, medium becomes in effect the sole pos-
from a state of gravity, be seized with session and expression of the visitor.
a desire to laugh. For a while the clarity of the twain is
This obviously indicates the mood defective; but as soon as full conscious
of the spirit attempting to control, but possession is obtained, all physical
accompanying these mental states are disabilities pass away, and only the
the purely physical sensations of being normal characteristics of the spirit
hung, crushed, drowned, or some other visitor remain in evidence.
cause of transition. It is rare to find full and complete
TRANSFER OF SENSATIONS control established at the first visit to
a seance, but on one occasion, at a
At the same moment, a curious Battersea public developing circle, I
change in personality is wrought, saw fully controlled a youth who had
which enables even sex to be indicated unwillingly attended.
to the medium. Sometimes the condi- The most frequent preliminary indi-
tions precedent to death may appear in cative of control is the unaccountable
addition to, or in place of the actual desire to sleep that takes possession
death scene. of sensitives even while they feel quite
The physical sensations have direct

fresh and wide awake. Indeed, a re- to "switch on" various types of
freshing sleep prior to a seance im- spirits, and watch the results.
proves the result. This has the dual effect of stimulat-
With entire loss of consciousness, the ing the medium's psychic activities,
change of personality is completed. and at the same time arouses to con-
No shock is experienced, and the sciousness those who, for well-defined
dream state may be regarded as reasons, have failed to pass imme-
symptomatic of impressions left on the diately to brighter spheres. It gives
medium's mind afterwards. us glimpses into underlying laws.
I used the phrase "switch on," be-
THE FIRST CONTROL cause it is self-evident that the visitor
It is a curious fact that, upon first would be incapable of controlling a
attempting control, spirits are often sensitive without assistance. Many do
compelled to express the dominant not know, and it is difficult to make
thought and feeling uppermost at the them realize, that they have passed
.moment of their transition. through the change of death.
Fortunately, both spirit and mortal Often, in rescue circles, a spirit
are unaware of their effect upon each control is more surprised than the
other during these initial experiences, sitters to find himself talking through
and what appears to be a very pain- an unaccustomed body, but slowly
ful scene passes from the minds of realises that something extraordinary
both, exactly as a dream is forgotten must have happened. For a little
on awaking. The paroxysm passes while he is quite unconscious of
quickly away, and is replaced by the the fact that he is unfolding the secret
normal thought of the spirit control. thoughts of his soul to entire strangers.
It sometimes forms a valuable link The first utterance is usually a re-
in the chain of evidence by recalling petition of phrases used on his death-
a long forgotten death scene, which bed, and, if he passed away under any
thus helps to establish the identity of stress of emotion, this automatically
the communicator. Evidential tests reproduces itself, and carries on to-
can be obtained at this time, because wards its logical conclusion.
the subconsciousness of the sensitive But while doing so, a consciousness
plays but little part, if any. " of the new conditioning dawns upon
Telepathic interference is also less him, and, at that critical moment, he
obvious. As soon as the discarnate may abruptly cease soliloquising, and,
friend exerts his will, all painful turning curiously from one to another,
struggles cease, and more or less con- will request some explanation that re-
scious control begins. veals his total ignorance of what is
actually happening.
OTHER-SIDE EXPERTS Then comes a rapid interchange of
ideas, which ceases when he fully
This form of entrancement must not realises the part he has been playing.
be confused with the entirely different Usually, there is great thankfulness for
modes of procedure adopted by guides the light of understanding that now
and other spirits used to controlling. breaks in upon their darkened minds,
So deftly is the work then accom- and the awakened soul goes away
plished that the presence of the spirit rejoicing.
control is unnoticed, save by the Through the discovery of this
medium, or those acquainted with his method, by which spirits are released
mannerisms. from their self-imposed bonds, there
The phase is known as "uncon- has arisen what are termed "rescue
scious control," because the spirit is circles," which devote much time to
quite ignorant of the fact that he has this work. These need speclal pre-
been "tuned in." Guardian spirits cautions with a distinctly religious
take advantage of these opportunities atmosphere and a scientific understand-

ing of all phases of mediumship, or free choice shall be unfettered. Your

members of the circle may discover that conduct-not your statements-indi-
the would-be rescuers need rescuing cate your desires.
themselves. During the unconscious stage, note
KEEP OUT THRILL-HUNTERS should be taken of all names and places
mentioned by the entranced medium,
Emptional sensationalists should be with a view to establishing identity
rigorously excluded from seances of later.
this type, and mediums trained to Too much reliance, however, must
resist the love of theatrical display, not be placed upon the information
for at this point it is easily possible given, because, as neither spirit nor
for mediumship to lapse, and be re- medium are conscious during this
placed by subconscious action. phase of control, or, at best, are hazy
The operation of the medium's own and confused, the results approximate
desires effectually ousts the spirit. The oft-times to purely hypnotic states,
change is imperceptible, and can only wherein subconscious material is alone
be guarded against by candid discus- in evidence.
sion of what ought or ought not to be
attributed to inherent weaknesses. SPIRIT SOLILOQUIES
In a sense, all developing circles are
also rescue circles, because they pro- In the earlier efforts it will be use-
vide an avenue for all types of men- less interrupting the dreamlike narra-
tality. Until guides have proved their tion of the spirit visitor's soliloquy.
worth by constant association, it is Persistence merely forces the medium
never wise to believe that any casual back to consciousness. Usually the
spirit control has taken charge of your questioner is ignored, and the spirit
development for life. talks on.
Your secret thoughts and desires Gradually, the change is wrought,
constitute the attractive forces which and the subconscious ramblings of the
will eventually decide the quality of spirit-for it must not be thought that
manifesting spirit controls. Those who only mortals exhibit subconscious
can best aid you to reach the goal of effects-give way to a more or less
your ambition will be selected as guides complete realization of the situation.
at the proper time. The more you can induce spirits to
Spirit people are human in their unburden their souls by pointing the
attractions and repulsions, and, though way towards true personal salvation,
they' may ignore your peculiarities, by forgiving their enemies, and prac-
and strive to "work out their own tising virtues, the better will be the
salvation" by doing the best they can, result. The developing circle thus be-
they invariably step aside, so that your comes a rescue circle.

THE folly of allowing mediums at
this stage of their development to
occurs. It may or may not be accom-
panied by partial or complete loss of
pose in public before gaping consciousness.
crowds of sceptics needs only a The type of individual subject to
moment's thought to condemn it deep trance states are usually, most
utterly. matter-of-fact persons, without the
It is bad for Spiritualism, which, at slightest ambition to distinguish them-
this stage, is made to look ridiculous; selves in this way. Unconscious
bad for the spirit, who now needs trance happens less frequently to the
sympathetic help, and worst of all in rapid-thinking section of humanity,
its effects upon the medium, who may who apparently do not possess the
subconsciously "play up" to the special quality of aura through which
audience, and thus lapse from true deep trance states become possible.
mediumship, and simulate control. The medium is actually benefited by
Patients undergoing the operation the stimulation caused by another men-
of trepanning sometimes exhibit tality utilising his dormant faculties.
analogous states. A blow on the head The law of use provides the simple
stops conversation and consciousness at explanation. Exercise produces
the same moment, but as soon as the strength, disuse induces atrophy and
surgeon lifts a piece of bone from decay.
the brain the patient resumes conversa-
tion at the exact point at which it EASY TO CONTROL
ceased. It is true that volatile chatterboxes
In the case of returning spirits, are more frequently controlled, but
many years may have elapsed between consciousness is not so completely
the shock of death and the restoration eliminated, and therefore the subcon-
of consciousness. sciousness of the medium interferes
In the meantime they are but more often.
"drifters" in what has aptly been With active brains, or irrepressible
termed " Fogland," a state of dreamy self-consciousness, the mentality is too
indecision due to their failure on earth keenly operative to permit deep trance.
to think positively and constructively, Even though intensely desired, it is
and thus qualify for brighter spheres. sometimes years before any indication
Sometimes the controlling spirit of trance mediumship appears. In-
quite clearly and distinctly remembers tensity of desire defeats its own object.
all its past life immediately. Others The theory of hypnotists, that medium-
seem gradually to pick up the threads ship is due to "expectancy," is clearly
of past events connected with their wrong.
earthly life, and on arriving at the The slightest thought on the part
thought of their death, immediately of a developing medium during con-
pass into that state, and lose control trol sometimes acts like a notice to
of the medium entirely. quit served on the temporary tenant..
The same law, properly utilised,
CHANGE OF PERSONALITY enables the medium to become selective
Only after repeated efforts can they as to his controls, and by post-hypnotic
survey their earthly life without emo- suggestion to himself, may inhibit
tion or subconscious reaction, which statements or compel reference to ideas
cancels their ability to continue the act that are dominating his mind.
of controlling the medium's body. All this may happen subconsciously,
Frequently the first indication re- without directive thought being con-
ceived by sensitives that they are sciously directed towards accomplishing
trance mediums, is through the extra- the end desired. When co-operation is
ordinary change of personality that properly understood, what happens by

"accident" can be arranged for by are a hindrance to spirit control. This

design. type tells you candidly that they
At present, the spirit people are " never read anything," and it is this
compelled to ignore such interruptions, wilful ignorance that keeps Spiritual-
and, at other times, the interference ism on a low plane.
blends with the message, and passes All inspiration or rational teaching
unnoticed. The same law will be direct from the spirit world proves the
found operative when mediums adopt contrary. The better the brain, the
a hypercritical attitude towards their better the instrument. Fortunately, a
own mediumship. In the result, it critical public is now bringing its
either changes its form, or disappears forces to bear, and " shut-eyed"
entirely. mediums are no longer taken at their
An understanding of these laws ex- own valuation.
plains why the Nazarene so continu- Indeed, so much rubbish has been
ally emphasized the need for faith. palmed off on Spiritualist societies as
It clears the personal factor from the "divine" inspiration from very high
path of the spirit operators, and thus guides that secretaries are often in-
makes "miracles " possible. structed not to book trance speakers
So long as calm, steady faith is un- until long experience has proved their
disturbed, there is no difficulty in worth.
obtaining evidence of external mentali-
ties, but as soon as critical analysis of STOREHOUSE OF KNOWLEDGE
one's own states of consciousness sets Many sensitives quite fail to under-
in, the subconscious element makes stand that spirit people more often
deep trance impossible. work through subconsciousness than
otherwise. If the medium has a well-
CONSCIOUS CO-OPERATION filled storehouse to draw upon, the task
In many cases, the change is bene- of the control is simplified and the
ficial, because the medium learns to output improved.
hold himself positive at will, and thus In the early days of one's develop-
becomes a conscious co-operator, in- ment, all sorts and conditions of spirits
stead of an unconscious tool. Their endeavour to manifest. All are quite
power of resistance is sufficiently eager to assist, but all are not equally
strengthened to attain the apostolic capable.
ideal mentioned in 1 Cor. xiv. 32: Even though quite well aware of
" The spirits of the prophets are sub- their good intentions before attempt-
ject to the prophets." ing control, they find their desires
These considerations illustrate the frustrated, and their own abilities im-
folly of first developing mediumship, paired by the strange brain through
and at a later date commencing to which they are attempting to express
study the A B C of the subject. This, themselves. If they cannot overcome
unfortunately, is the common practice, this difficulty it is hopeless trying to
and emphasizes the need for Lyceums establish their identity.
and study group classes. Their confusion will cease to be re-
Many have not the slightest notion garded as extraordinary, if one remem-
of the part their own mentality plays, bers that the mere difference in the
and, on suddenly awaking to the shape of our heads differentiates
knowledge that what has passed for mentalities. The marvel is that spirits
mediumship was, in fact, due to sub- do so often overcome these inherent
conscious action, become as stupidly difficulties, and give tests of identity,
shamefaced as if caught in a criminal speak foreign languages, and present
act, and repudiate mediumship entirely. specifically new ideas.
This refusal to study the subject in The medium's principal enemy is
advance sometimes arises from the egotism. This is exhibited in various
foolish notion that developed brains ways during control. Curiously enough,

it sometimes presents counteracting As spirits advance in love and

compensation by causing the medium wisdom, their bodies grow more and
to give more explicit messages than a more sublimated until they approxi-
more modest medium would dare to mate to pure white light. At this
transmit, because of their apparent stage they become invisible to spirits
absurdity. The message often proves on lower planes.
true, none the less. With advancement in spirit life,
Similar difficulty arises from early there develops a growing distaste for
training, with its consequent pre- all the petty, selfish ambitions of
judices; equally with egotism it warps earthly minds. The automatic action
the message or supplants it entirely. of this repulsion causes them to recede
For these reasons, experienced Spiritu- from earthly environments.
alists reject great names claimed by Only their great love for struggling
spirit controls unless exceptionally humanity causes them to return again
good evidence supports the claim. and again, or arrange for channels of
Knowing our weakness, wise spirits communication through which they can
would not flatter our vanity. This work.
fact cannot be appreciated by those Another factor, too often over-
whose self-esteem overwhelms their looked, is that spirit people can in-
sense of proportion. stantaneously flash an inspiration
The greater the claim, the less does upon a human brain that may take
this class scrutinise the internal the individual a whole lifetime to un-
evidence which alone proves the asser- ravel and comprehend in all its bear-
tions. ings.
So unequivocal is the change of per- Equally with earthly learning, a step
sonality that spirit identities are as by step process is operative in spirit
easily recognised as if they are using realms. Each transmitter of a great
their own body. idea draws some instruction from it
Many people are misled by the idea and applies it in accordance with his
that spirits, thousands of years old, knowledge or belief.
can get directly into touch with them. It matters not whether they are
This foolish idea is equivalent to mortal or immortal; the same law
learned academicians leaving more de- applies.
sirable employment to undertake the Almost every medium has his band
nursing of infants, or mathematicians of unseen helpers, although he may
wasting their time teaching schoolboys be unaware of the fact.
elementary arithmetic. For special work special means to
There are no such time-wasters in the end are arranged. The actual
the higher spiritual realms. Nurses spirit control, whose name is known
are quite capable of managing infants, to us, is the nearest link approximat-
and teachers are filling the most ap- ing to earthly ideas. His own more
propriate role while educating school- distant inspirers may be beyond the
boys. range of his perception.
He is actually a centre of thought
WHAT IS THE CAPACITY? forces selected by reason of his auric
It is true that both teachers and. and mental affinity with the sensitive.
nurses require higher education, but The controlling spirit is as much a
even here it would be useless thrust- medium as the sensitive in the body.
ing information upon them that they
are incapable of assimilating. Their " DEAD " MECHANICS
very limitations are a valuable asset His attunement to those who inspire
which places them in more sympathetic him is in direct proportion to that of
relation to their work than a more his relation to his own medium.
exalted mentality could hope to The spirit thus acts the part of
achieve. a mechanic manipulating a machine

which responds to thought processes. ignorance and simplicity the down-

The mechanic can transmit his own fall is rapid.
ideas if he wishes, or temper those Change of temperament from a
that he receives from other minds to modest, unassuming person to uncon-
the capacity of the medium's physical trolled egotism is quickly reflected in
organism to express. the mediumship. Clearly evidential
Frequently, a circle of spirits utilise mediumship is displaced slowly but
such centres for focusing ideas which surely by stilted utterances and ex-
they could not transmit individually travagant claims put forward by
because of impediments peculiar to "spirits" who never condescend to
mankind's perverted viewpoints. prove their identity.
The world fails to- realise that This phase is exceedingly difficult
special forms of religion are almost as to combat, because vanity resents
much an accident of birth as national- criticism, no matter how fair and
ity itself. In other countries, people reasonable it may be. It finally re-
naturally adopt the prevailing ideas- sults in obvious simulation, or trans-
current near their birthplace. forms true mediumship into a form of
Internationalism and extreme toler- self-hyprLotisation that has done great
ance in religious outlook are essential harm to the Spiritualist movement.
to true spiritual growth. Nationalism From these classes arise the stupid
and' religious systems are in many ways jealousies which divide societies into
hindrances to true progress and the small jangling sections. Pride will be
brotherhood of man. satisfied with nothing less than a
Narrowness of outlook contracts the church each.
channel through which spirit people The result is a series of wretched
work and compels them to express the little meeting - places filled with
medium's ideas rather than their own. quarrelsome people eternally dividing
Breadth of mind is essential to the into smaller groups. Its fuller de-
development of quality in medium- velopment is seen in the formation of
ship. new cults like that of Mary Baker
Eddy's Christian Science and Madame
Too positive mental attitudes in any Blavatsky's Theosophy.
specific direction so colours the types THE CLAIMS OF MRS. EDDY
of control that mediums, whose sub- Mrs. Eddy claimed to be controlled
consciousness is the actual villain, are by Jesus and all the apostles-a fairly
often suspected of "acting a part." common weakness among Christian
Remembering that arrogance and pride converts-with the result that she was
attract folly and duplicity, will poise cold-shouldered by the Spiritualists
the mind aright, and love of truth for of her day. Resentment thereafter
its own sake will produce correspond- coloured all her writings, which give
ing reaction upon the controls. an entirely false impression to her
In the type of spirit habitually followers concerning Spiritualism.
manifesting through you, some weak- Madame Blavatsky took a line
ness or quality of your own mind is common to her type. They repudiate
inevitably exposed. everybody's mediumship unless it
When mediumship ceases to be a manifests through themselves or their
"marvel," and becomes recognised as devotees. In Madame Blavatsky's case,
a perfectly natural attribute, many it ceased to be called mediumship and
disabilities will pass away. became something far more marvel-
lous-a claim transparently ridiculous
WHEN EGOTISM RULES to all students of psychic phenomena.
Pity the poor souls removed from It further results in distortion of
obscurity and suddenly thrust into the the simple facts of spirit life and
glare of publicity. It shakes up their malignant enmity towards other
entire mental world, and if their mediums, who were said to be ob-
slumbering vanity is equalled by their sessed by spooks, shells and vampires.

Both leaders emphasised aspects of against the dominant ideas that rule
truth neglected by Spiritualists, and their lives. The desire to prove the
both distorted the facts of mediumship. correctness of one's own specific form
Religionists of every denomination of faith finds continual subconscious
must therefore be on their guard expression.


sometimes mistaken for vanity, and
feelings aroused by controls
HE ecstatic and highly is
mannerisms for simulation. Actors
occasionally responsible for the often carry a peculiar stage deport-
erroneous conclusions. The neophyte ment into everyday life, and teachers,
immediately assumes that such feelings foremen and others accustomed to
confirm the correctness of his belief, giving orders, sometimes adopt a dic-
instead of which it is but the natural tatorial manner when speaking in
corollary to aspiration. public, without the least intention of
Precisely the same sensations would doing so.
be experienced by seers who know Students must check these manner-
nothing of the medium's religious isms, because posing turns the sub-
ideas. lime into the ridiculous, and influences
Subconscious action often accom- controls.
panies true mediumship. An interest- Unnatural poses are sometimes
ing illustration of this aspect was re- assumed by mediums as a kind of pro-
cently brought to my notice. A de- tection against the blank incredulity
voted Roman Catholic, in the district and unkind criticism so often meted
where I live, is subject to cataleptic out to them. It is a defensive armour
seizures, during which the usual stig- born of their conscious integrity, with-
matic markings appear. out which the message they have to
Blood marks as of thorns show on deliver would be strangled at birth.
the forehead and nail prints in the
hands and feet are seen. The fear THE NEW CONTROL
and awe with which her friends re- But, having noted how mannerisms
gard the phenomenon intensifies it, but give rise to unjust suspicions, the wise
they cannot understand why the "fit" advocate will try to eliminate them.
is invariably preceded by the death Always be slow to decide who a
scene of her father. new control may be, especially if there
is any claim to authority in the pro-
RE-ENACTING A DEATH SCENE nouncements. It may not be due to
It is exactly as if she imitates the egotism or personation, and it is wiser
death of her father over and over to let the spirit visitor volunteer his
again as a prelude to the stigmatic name than endow him with the one
markings, which all her Roman Catho. uppermost in the minds of those
lie friends regard as a special mark ci present.
favouritism by Deity. Many purely hypnotic subjects claim
Acquaintance with the laws of to be mediums without presenting the
mediumship would speedily arouse the faintest evidence for spirit control.
ignorant spirit father to a conscious-' Auto-suggestion fills all gaps with
ness of his effect upon his daughter, the subject's own ideas and desires.
and teaching the girl the effects of The most casual mention of a name
subconscious action would complete in their presence is sufficient to induce
the cure. control by the spirit named, at the
in course of time, a few fairy tales earliest possible moment.
will probably fill in convenient gaps, One woman in London, with money
and the Roman Catholic Church will to burn, actually prints a long list of
add another saint to its calendar. This historical controls from whom she
type of hypnotic subject is not neces- claims to get lengthy communications.
sarily a medium, though the majority Careful analysis will utterly fail to
of mediums pass through phases which discover the faintest evidence of any
at times bear a striking resemblance mentality other than her own.
to hypnosis. As simple talks to Sunday-school
In trance mediumship, confidence is children, many of these addresses are

quite good; but as specimens of dis- " Then, if the manipulation is for a
carnate action they are an exhibition mechanical result, instead of turning
of foolish assumptions. The sensitive the forces into the superior intellectual
could actually give a better address brain, the flow of force is continued
normally. Contrast this type with the into the nervous department, and from
evidences obtained by the Crandons, the nervous outward into the muscular
at Boston, and similar seances every- parts.
where, and the differences are so obvi- " Thus, by having the sympathetic
ous that only the wilfully blind fail nervous system under control, we are
to perceive them. Mediums not un- gradually able to withdraw the outer
naturally regard some of their own forces and focus them inwardly, as
ideas as "strong impressions" from in the case of the human mesmerist;
spirit people. and little by little we are able to sus-
If a spirit claims to be an historical pend the active operations of external
character, but ksows nothing about sensations and consciousness and in-
contemporary history, common sense duce the condition of sleep that you
must supply another explanation, if know as the spiritual or magnetic
personation, a very rare occurrence, trance."
fails to account for the ignorance and In other words, spirit people act
discrepancies. These cautionary re- upon the spiritual body in precisely
marks apply to all forms of medium- the same way as a human mesmerist
ship, and must never be overlooked. acts upon the physical body. Because
I extract the following philosophic of this entirely different method of
and comprehensive explanation of approach, spirit-developed mediums
spirit control from "Practical Occult- tend to become aspirational and form
ism," by Tien Sien Tie, the spirit a class distinct from ordinary mesmeric
control of J. J. Morse: subjects, whose powers are unfolded
" The spirit mesmerists, being in the without enriching the soul.
subjective world, have to commence " When you are getting on that road
their operations from the subjective ... where the individual exercise of
plane and work outwards. Hence we your own powers becomes a possibility
(spirit people) have to work upon the to you . . . the true cultivation of
counterparts of the physical body as mediumship is the stepping-stone to
presented in the spiritual body; and the exercise of your own spiritual
to reach these we commence operations power. . . . As a rule, we deprecate
upon the outer magnetic sphere, but the development of children as
direct its efforts to the spiritual or mediums.
inner side o2 the human being. " Our observation is, that medium-
ship should never be developed until
HOW CONTACT IS MADE the physical system has nearly attained
"This is accomplished physiologic- its growth. You can then draw upon
ally by directing the mind or thoughts the vitality without much danger to
of the controlling power towards the the health of body or mind.
affections, for it is by working through "Mediums should not be developed
the affectional sphere we are able to before seventeen or eighteen years of
come into contact with physical condi- age, or even older. It is most per-
tions of the affectional propensities." nicious, physiologically and spiritually,
(This very significant statement to try and hasten the development in
should be noted. It supplies one of any case of growing children."
the reasons why the oracles of ancient
Greece and Rome were chosen from PSYCHIC LETHARGY
among virgins before passional stimuli The following is a somewhat similar
or carnal desires withdrew the mind extract from Wallis's "Guide to
from the higher psychic activities and Mediumship ":
religious fervour required.) " There is an effort gradually to sub-

due the normal activities of the body it is the mentality of the medium, the
to a state of quiescence. This induces spirit self, that is operated upon rather
a heavy, depressing, drowsy kind of than physical brains.
feeling; a lethargy stealing over the Mediums must not expect to be
bodily functions, until one by one all carried like infants all their lives; they
the activities of the body come to must make efforts to rise to the level
rest. ... of their guides. Trance states stimu-
"This quietude develops into a late dormant faculties which, sooner or
state of sleep wherein the positive later, ought to become the medium's
actions of the vital functions are normal expression.
turned inwardly instead of being This desirable end attained, enforced
allowed to express themselves out- unconsciousness no longer serves any
wardly as in waking activity. This useful purpose, and conscious co-
results in drawing forth a psychological operation should supersede it.
aura, generated within the sphere of Sometimes, deep trance passes into
the body itself, and constitutes a bond conscious control, in which the medium
or link between the medium as sub- exerts no active volition during the
ject and the spirit as operator . . . addresses and can at any point dis-
"When this nervous link has been miss the control and carry on by him-
established, there is a further effort of self if he so desires. The majority of
will on the part of the operator to our best mediums pass through trance
awaken certain ranges of faculties states to inspiration of a high order.
within the mental sphere of the subject. J. J. Morse was a type of this devel-
For this special purpose, the superior opment.
intellectual faculties are more directly From porter to an editor, via the
appealed to, agreeable with sublimity, stages of trance mediumship to excep-
foresight, reason and colour. tionally high inspiration with marked
" Then a certain amount of physical executive ability in' many directions,
energy is liberated, as a sort of steam was no mean achievement, and speaks
to direct the machinery when the volumes for the wisdom of his spirit
handle is turned. Presently the wheels guides.
are set in motion and mentally there As trance gradually gives place to
is an awakening of the higher inspiration, the medium experiences
faculties . . . continually increasing difficulty in
"In some cases, the spirit is with- deciding the precise part played by
drawn from the body, though sufficient his own mentality, and presently may
relationship is maintained so that the decide that spirits have nothing what-
individual may remain a living being. ever to do with the brilliance he now
In other cases, where it is not neces- disnlays. He is wrong.
sary the spirit should be withdrawn, He now approximates to types of
it is reduced to a state of quiescence. genius who are quite unconscious of
the help they receive from spirit
DIFFICULTIES OF CONTROL people and who, in consequence, flatter
" This is absolutely essential, themselves that their own unaided men-
because in proportion to the activity tality is alone operative.
of consciousness, so are the difficulties
of control . . just in proportion as
the individual resumes sway over any There is closer association between
part or parts of the body, so in that all forms of mediumship than is gener-
proportion is control prevented. Thus ally recognised. Try to discover which
bodily and mental links are completed phase you are best fitted to express,
that enable us to build up, step by and specialise in its development.
step, the complete result that is called Those who get fleeting manifestations
'spirit control.' " of many forms of mediumship are
It is clear from these extracts that rarely dependable, and cannot with-

stand the stringent tests modern bility will be more correctly appor-
scientists demand. tioned. A sound moral and intellectual
As specialists stand head and shoul- groundwork will then form a pre-
ders above their fellows in other requisite to the public presentation of
departments of work, so must the mediumship.
medium of the future who desires to All mediums should try to acquire
prove spirit communication to an in- robust health. Without it, you cannot
tensely materialistic and sceptical be a perfectly balanced instrument.
world. Bad health may not prevent medium-
The tendency to regard mediums as ship expressing itself, but the power
"marvels" should be resisted because should never be used while you are
of its reaction on the medium and his unwell.
mediumship. Do not put mediums on It will, perhaps, increase your in-
a pedestal or flatter them. They are firmity. Besides, it is a reflection on
but ordinary men and women subject your guides. They can advise and heal
by reason of their additional sensitive- others, but their advice is evidently
ness to greater extremes of thought and useless to you. Subconsciously, this
feeling than the normal individual, but idea permeates the audience and their
that is all. criticism reacts upon the medium.
To make them feel they are a class While in robust health and breathing
set apart from the world places them naturally, with all mental conflict
in a false position which alienates erased, the human body exhales the
friendships and compels them to be- requisite magnetic force as easily as
come self-centred and "eccentric." the flowers project their perfume. This
Properly developed, they will un- is the ideal state for physical mani-
doubtedly get more refined than their festations, and, though not so obvious,
associates; but if courted, flattered, or is just as needful in every other phase.
compelled by the mistaken kindness of Sickness depletes the nerves and thus
friends to resort to stimulants and robs the spirit people of the elements
enter upon a round of life for which essential to manifestations. There are
they are utterly unfitted, do not blame notable exceptions, but these, viewed
the controls. from the standpoint of humanity with
Blame the selfish worldlings who first daily tasks to perform, are complete
use them as toys to while the idle hours failures.
away, and then consign them to the Start your day with the deep breath-
social scrap heap as soon as a newer ing exercises recommended under the
interest arises. heading of "Yoga." Follow this with
This grave danger is inherent in pro- five minutes dumb-bell exercise. Con-
fessional mediumship. Traps are con- scientiously performed every morning,
tinually placed around mediums. this works wonders. It is not for
Sensitives, careless of the laws of health's sake alone that I want to im-
mediumship, and investigators who fail press upon you the necessity for robust
to recognise any laws at all, speedily health.
induce deterioration.
REPELLING THE GUIDES Its main purpose is so to develop
Sensitives feel it incumbent upon your power of resistance that whenever
them to "play up" to their pay- you "take on" unpleasant or un-
masters, and unconsciously repel the healthy conditions from returning
very guides who would "hold them spirits, or from your audience, you will
up lest at any time they dash their throw them off automatically and with-
feet against a stone." out conscious effort.
When sitters understand their per- Some sensitives plunge immediately
sonal, mental and physical effects upon into "death" states which may need
the mediums they employ, responsi- counteracting by definite effort of will.

The temperament will decide whether you and a nuisance to everyone else.
they will be affected lightly, as in I have met many of this type, but
psychometry, or be deeply entranced. never found the very slight symptoms
From every standpoint, it is desir- of mediumship they exhibited worth
able to have good health, and not the the martyrdom they claim to experi-
least reason is the possibility of mis- ence. They usually suffer from
taking your own infirmities for spirit hysteria, but seek to extract sympathy
control or influences. Therefore, make by calling it mediumship.
diet your medicine and avoid sickness. But having stated this fact, we are
In well-conducted seances, the
medium returns to consciousness as re- also compelled to acknowledge that
many people are constitutionally unfit
freshed as he should be by a good
to attend developing circles, and
sleep. If the contrary occurs, it is therefore suffer. Withdrawal is the
evidence that compensating elements
are required in the circle to counteract only cure.
the drain upon the sensitive. Thought, transmitte" to a medium,
It is here that the study of auras flows as naturally through the open
will prove of inestimable value. channel as a river along a watercourse.
If objectionable consequences con- Frequently, several streams converge.
tinually affect the medium, it is usually When they are consciously collected
traceable to unhealthy sitters. A mal- and utilised we get orderly medium-
ady of the mind may be as inimical to ship. With accidental influx, we get
good results as a diseased body. confusion.
Alternatively, it may indicate that the The interruptions may proceed quite
guides are incompetent, and these must unintentionally from the audience or
be requested to give place to those spirit operators. This is one of the
who can keep the medium in good reasons why spirits so often work in
health. bands. Sometimes, to mortals, they
This, of course, does not apply to seem most incongruously associated;
mediums who give an excessive number but each unit of the group forms a
of seances, or those whose ill-health is specific mental or auric link essential
chronic. If excessive exhaustion con- to perfect manifestations.
tinues, the medium should withdraw THE OTHER-SIDE LINK
from seances so obviously unsuited to
healthy development. The rule, of The spirit most closely associated
course, applies equally to non- with the medium is a particularly im-
mediums. portant link between the medium and
If sitting by yourself produces the all other communicators to regulate,
modify, or clarify the flow of ideas
same result, give it up. Your first duty directed towards the medium.
is towards the world in which you live. The
rest of the band act as directive or
If you persist, despite Nature's clear protective forces.
intimations, please do not blame Spirit-
ualism or the spirit world for your When one knows the many conflict-
own folly. ing streams of thought that sway
Sitters who are " too sensitive to sit," audiences, their utility is obvious. The
because they take on every sickly con- medium spirit is also necessary to tem-
dition imagination can discover, must per the overwhelming power of greatly
be dissuaded from attending seances at advanced intelligences, whose direct
all. These people require definite control might frustrate their own de-
training in auto-suggestion to sires.
strengthen their wills. The medium spirit may therefore
be likened to a lens which collects and
THE " MARTYRS " intensifies certain streams of thought,
It is useless developing mediumship but which eliminates others. It de-
if it is likely to become a burden to pends largely upon their ability

whether anything of real evidential This type of hypnotic subject gets

value is presented. controlled (9) by mythical gods,
It is a curious fact that spirit people queens, emperors and any notorious
more often work along our lines of character they read or hear about.
prejudice than in direct opposition. They are primarily responsible for the the line of least resistance and ridicule that Spiritualists receive from
consonant with their general attitude people who do not realise that auto-
of leading rather than compelling. suggestion merely covers a fraction of
Though our free will seems to be abso- the phenomena.
lutely submerged during entrancement,
it is often subconsciously active. SENSATION HUNTERS
This fact must always be remem-
bered, because all phases of medium- This class unfortunately thrust them-
ship are tinged by its operations. selves forward as authorities-and
Subconsciousness is a bulwark against newspaper reporters, eager for sensa-
too ready acceptance of new ideas, and tions, give them the prominence they
even spirit control cannot force us to crave.
receive ideas that we cannot compre- Subconscious activity also presents
hend or are not ready to utilise. other difficulties. Whenever specific
Foreign languages or particular tests are devised, the medium's own
types of message merely float on the mental interference is immediately in
stream unnoticed by the medium. But evidence. The desire to succeed, or the
the operations of subconsciousness help fear of failure, or criticism, so in-
us to understand how and why certain fluences their minds that organised
types of mind literally compel their testing rarely does them justice.
guides to give teachings in accordance In some cases, I found it wisest to
with cherished ideas. make arrangements with the spirit
This is especially noticeable in auto- operators direct, and thus avoided
matic scripts, because independent mental interference from the subject.
minds are better able to trace causes If you cannot get the controls to co-
that escape the actual writer. operate it is usually waste of time to
Nor would it be wise for spirit con-
trols to contend for more literal inter-
pretation. It would probably result in In one case, I found the shock of
failure to get any part of their mes- discovering subconscious action set up
sage delivered. Among sectarians, such a revulsion of feeling that all
this aspect can be easily traced. mediumship was suspended for
Nuns and Salvation Army lasses months, although the medium was
naturally assume that every bright above suspicion in every way. Similar
spirit they see or hear must be Jesus results accrue from unjust charges and
or some well-known saint. Associa- suspicions unwisely ventilated.
tion of ideas does the rest. The reflection upon their honesty
Nor does the mistake often get rec- immediately causes mediums to close
tified when they learn the nature of the very avenues that would prove
spirit control. Usually their pride their case. When mediums realise that
cannot admit the possibility of a mis- conscious integrity is their best asset,
take, although it is clearly apparent they will not allow ignorance to affect
that much lesser mentalities could quite them, nor think that every honest en-
easily deliver the exceedingly simple quirer who puts searching questions is
messages they receive. of necessity an enemy.

is clearly antagonistic to the teaching
HE predominance
critical faculty in aofmedium
the hyper-
will received from living examples of
effectually prevent the emergence earth's errors who return to enforce
of mediumship. It constitutes an an- the moral.
tagonistic thought stream which suc- Mere communication with spirit
cessfully resists all telepathic impacts. people will not carry our souls one
We can thus understand why simple step further along the road of spiritual
faith works apparent marvels, and why progression nor usher in the millen-
the cottage produces far more reliable nium. We must adopt new slogans
mediums than the college or the and realise that all reforms are religi-
palace. This aspect will pass away ous activities.
when mediums learn correctly to ap- We race through life intent upon
praise their own mental action in all things that from a spiritual standpoint
manifestations and do not resent the matter nothing at all. Not only are
imputation of subconscious action as a earthly gains and honours unimpor-
personal affront or condemnation. tant, but they actually constitute an
It is but a provision of nature, act- impediment when used for selfish ends.
ing as a buffer against the unwise So much so, that often those whom
manipulation of forces we are not the world deems great, awake in the
quite ready to utilise, that compels spirit world naked and ashamed, or
us to assimilate knowledge slowly. clad in the rags which symbolise their
These considerations help us to under- spiritual poverty. There is only one
stand why the older school of mes- royalty in the spirit world-the royalty
merists occasionally met with such of worth.
startling success. If scientists would form circles for
the discovery of spiritual verities, and
PERFECT SELF-CONTROL healers, and every type of mediur
The entranced subject was rendered combine for higher development, what
incapable of thinking outside a speci- heights might we not attain7
fied orbit, and therefore concentrated I must reiterate that psychic de-
upon the desired objective more effec- velopment without soul culture is but
tually. Mediums who grasp this prin- knowledge without spiritual advance-
ciple and inhibit all mental processses ment.
that militate against accuracy will While it is true that all-round de-
excel by reason of their perfect self- velopment is best for individuals, it is
control. equally true that only those who
The ideal circle would not need specialise make any pronounced addi-
spirits of varying grades in order to tiolm to our scientific advancement.
produce manifestations. It would Change in the form of mediumship in-
vibrate in unison with the sphere con- draws new operators who cannot get
tacted. so expert as those who deal with one
Alas! the world has no time for phase continually.
spiritual unfoldment, though it gladly There is a natural desire on the part
develops psychic powers if by any hot- of mediums to obtain all types of
house process it can force them into phenomena, but as your auric and
activity. It is interested in the know- mental qualities cannot be adapted for
ledge acquired, but refuses to march every phase, the result is a series of
towards the goal it reveals. fleeting and somewhat unsatisfactory
EARTHLY FOLLIES By demanding the impossible, you
The follies of early death, suicide, keep your spirit friends experiment-
vice, slumdom, drugging and every- ing, with the result that true progress
thing that keeps Man on a low plane is hindered. The wisest course is to

seek their advice on all matters of merely form the basis from which
development and be slow to dictate likely material may be drafted into
what you desire if it opposes their properly constituted circles.
Once having decided which form you AIMLESS DRIFTERS
are best fitted to express, pursue it Many sensitives appear to drift aim-
consistently, learn all you can about it, lessly from one public circle to
and second your guides' every effort. another, year after year, giving in-
Thus and thus only can you hope to fantile exhibitions - not of spirit
excel. power, but of utter inability to grasp
Mediums should be prevented from the merest rudiments of psychic un-
sitting in public circles until their foldment.
guides have sufficient ability to use Do not adopt a strained mental
them without unseemly displays. The attitude, nor think you can put on or
immature exhibition given is entirely take off Religion like a cloak. This
misleading. It is bad for the medium, checks development by withholding the
bad for Spiritualism, and unwise in semi-physical link whereby manifesta-
many ways. tions are produced.
Sudden loss of consciousness often Change in mental poise compels
means entire collapse of the body, as alteration in the mode of spirit ap-
if the medium had suddenly fainted. proach and results in spasmodic
If this happens in public, the gaping mediumship and confusion. Happy
crowd get quite a wrong idea of spirit naturalness is the keynote to success,
control. and, for this reason, likeminded people
INDICATIONS OF TRANCE get the best results.
It is lack of control, not conscious The value of hymn singing lies in
spirit control that is thus exhibited. the fact that, for the time being, you
Frequently the first intimation one refrain from distracting thought and
receives of sensitiveness is inability to unite in common desire to help. But
move a limb, or the entire body may even singing must not be overdone, or
become rigid as in catalepsy. Some- exhaustion will ensue from a different
times, but by no means always, con- cause.
sciousness is suspended at the same Genial conversation on the purpose
moment. of the meeting is a distinct help, but
These phases are not desirable as if this becomes too engrossing it sets
public exhibitions. Temperament plays all your psychic energies travelling in
a great part, and the self-consciousness one direction, and spirit people have
of most people would arouse sufficient no option but to follow the lines you
resistance to prevent this happening in lay down.
public, and, if taken unawares, would It means that you are indrawing
certainly stop its recurrence. spirits whom your guides have no
Unfortunately, there are others- right to eject, even though they have
lovers of sensation-who seek the lime- the power. In all cases, remember that
light on every possible occasion, and mental attitudes at a seance have an
have thus brought continual discredit important bearing upon results, and
upon Spiritualists. make your regulations accordingly.
Public developing circles played a Conductors are often very lax
necessary part in the early days of in their control of seance work
the movement to draw the attention from fear of giving offence, but
of a sceptical world, but it is high upon them the responsibility falls if
time this crude method was supplanted complaint or complexities arise. They
by a scientific application of the cannot prevent incongruous elements
eighty years' teaching Spiritualists drifting into public circles, but in
have now received. If public develop- semi-private seances this ought to be
ing seances are held at all, they should possible.

A few practical hints may therefore entire circle to assert individual in-
be of value to those upon whom this dependence just prior to leaving, is
duty falls. Do not close the seance manifold. The meeting closes
abruptly. First, look around to see promptly to time and all sitters are
whether a few minutes' extended time refreshed by their meeting.
are advisable, and then announce your On sensitives, the result is strikingly
closing hymn. apparent. If they know that at a
This brings the meeting to a satis- definite time their controls will be
factory termination, with the audience summarily ejected or ignored, sub-
standing to receive the benediction. consciousness automatically gets active
The meeting thus closes in an orderly as closing time approaches, and spirits
fashion, and sensitives have reasonable find continuously increasing difficulty
time to return to full consciousness to maintain control.
without feeling irritated by too sudden Sensitives, therefore, become normal
termination. without the least need of any assist-
It is an essential part of the con- ance. The further result is that all
ductor's duty to make quite sure no are benefited and look forward with
sitter leaves the seance room under pleasurable anticipation to the next
partial control. This is quite simply meeting. Mediums gain confidence in
effected if the foregoing suggestion is themselves and development is rapid
adopted. and easy.
The mere disturbance by singing and The alternative is lowered vitality
standing up is usually sufficient to or peevishness. When the conductor
break up the somnolent state into lacks decision, or the mediums refuse
which some sitters fall, who are not to obey his instructions, headaches and
recognised as sensitives, but who fill irritation are the unpleasant con-
the useful r6le of reservoirs or dis- sequences.
tributors of magnetic force. When sitters are properly selected,
and mediums Work well within the
COMMON COURTESY healthy exercise of their power, the
The requirements of common whole circle feels exalted and ex-
courtesy ought to render emphasis on hilarated.
minor points unnecessary, but con- The medium becomes an object of
ductors soon discover that ignorance respect, developing a self-reliant tem-
of psychic laws, and total disregard perament, and satisfactory phenomena
for rules and regulations, continually are produced. Compare this ideal with
frustrate good order and destroy the the weak-willed and capricious speci-
conditions essential to the production mens, and the value of wise conductor-
of phenomena. ship is self-evident.
Sometimes foolish sitters, or From what has been said, it is easy
mediums anxious to please, prolong to see that a conductor who never loses
their conversation with the spirit con- consciousness, is best fitted to preside
trols long after the seance has officially at public or semi-public seances. He
terminated. should have sufficient experience not to
The result of this reprehensible lose his head at unexpected happen-
practice means that young ill- ings, but must be sufficiently magnetic
developed mediums travel homeward to assist and encourage.
talking and gesticulating like im- By merely holding a medium's
beciles. The whole body of Spiritual- hands in his own, he can often resolve
ists incur undeserved opprobrium in a partial control into a complete
consequence. success. The principal danger to
guard against, whilst doing this, is
that of making any suggestion affect-
The effect of conductors adopting ing the medium hypnotically.
beneficent rules which compel the At this transition stage, the sensitive

may pass momentarily under the con- Especially in public meetings should
ductor's control and thus automatically this rule be adopted, so that the
oust the spirit instead of indrawing medley of tongues shouting each
one. The effect of holding a medium's other down may not disgust or
hands inside the ordinary circle in- affright the inquirer.
tensifies the power locally. Conductors must not exhibit their
Every electrician knows what is authority unduly. Quiet, sympathetic
meant by a "short circuit." This is, firmness is best. Bossy interference is
in some ways, analogous to what hap- always objectionable.
pens at such moments. A better way Mediums are not only sensitive to
is to link up a friendly and willing spirit people, they respond even more
medium already under control with the quickly to the thoughts and feelings
novice. of people in the body. Moreover, in
their hypersensitive state, they are apt
COLOURED CONTROLS to imagine grievances where no offence
The conscious co-operation of the is intended.
more experienced medium's guides Like all true leaders, ideal con-
expedites matters considerably. This ductors are born rather than trained.
is especially noticeable with coloured Their main effort must be directed to-
controls, but is not advisable in public wards keeping the audience happy,
meetings owing to the pandemonium without permitting minds to fly off at
that sometimes ensues, which would be a tangent or conversation taking a
wholly misconstrued by investigators. frivolous or personal channel.
Great tact is necessary, whatever But, side by side with this instruc-
you do. Mediums sometimes develop tion, comes the apparent contradiction
unaccountable antipathies or attrac- that even a buffoon sometimes has a
tions while abnormal. Never touch distinct value in a seance room. You
them if they have the slightest objec- get constant reminders of this by
tion to your doing so. noting how the spirit people break up
If you persist, a permanent antagon- tense, strained mental attitudes by
ism may be aroused and subcon- turning on a sort of comic relief to
sciously carried over into everyday the more serious business in hand.
The fact that only one medium at a WHERE TACT IS NEEDED
time can express the fullest pitch of Though concentration is valuable, it
his individual capacity has so im- easily gets transformed into a mental
pressed some conductors that they state that defeats its own object by
arrange for one sensitive at a time to restricting the output of magnetic
be experimented upon. This is effected force. Conductorship, therefore, re-
by placing all sitters under a bond to quires great tact.
refrain from speaking and to resist In physical seances this fact
control during the period allotted to emerges continually, and even hilarity
another. within bounds is sometimes encouraged.
As the power to resist is as valuable The simple expedient of singing a
as the ability to surrender, the exercise properly memorised hymn effects the
has a beneficial effect. In addition, same purpose, but in most cases it is
modest and retiring mediums are not best to follow the lead set by the
thrust into the background by more invisible operators.
aggressive temperaments. Wise conductors always endeavour
It may be introduced into all de- to provide teaching to prevent young
veloping seances as an exercise on mediums relying too much on their
self-control. It compels exuberant spirit friends. Where this training is
spirits to appreciate the value of the neglected there is a tendency to grow
text, " In honour preferring one up like hot-house plants, very in-
another." teresting but quite incapable of fight-

ing the battle of life alone. The moral equation is always the deciding factor.
is clear. Very few mediums are willing to sink
self in order that others may step into
Nor will sitters always permit them
The medium of the future must pre- to do so, because the tedium of waiting
pare for his labours exactly as all can only be relieved by " something
other workers have to do. That is to happening." So, against their own
say, the groundwork must be cul- interests, sitters continually encourage
tivated, for until strength of character the principal medium to act.
develops side by side with psychic Extreme elasticity must be allowed
unfoldment, ideal mediumship is in the application of all theories re-
impossible. lating to psychic phenomena. We are
The ideal conductor for developing but groping our way in the dark.
circles is a fully developed medium The conductor will discover that
who refuses to go under control or in the imitative faculty enables many
other ways "use up the power" by people to reproduce sounds that pass
giving phenomena, but who, at or near for language until analysed. But you
the close of the meeting, is able to must never charge your sensitives with
describe the nature and causes of the that explanation of apparent gibberish.
various thoughts and sensations
experienced by sitters. THE SUBCONSCIOUSNESS
Budding psychics then realise they Mediums are in the position of
are not " imagining" and creating hal- hypnotised subjects continually cast-
lucinations in mistake for clairvoyance, ing about for a new suggestion to fol-
and the explanation of what the spirit low, and if you suggest that the
people are trying to accomplish helps subconscious element preponderates
all parties, and the mediums go con- and that they are merely imitating
fidently forward with their develop- each other, you will promptly discover
ment. that all development will cease. In
By thus remaining quiet during the their alarm, their own critical analysis
major portion of the meeting, the con- and fear will stop it.
ductor adds his own store of magnetic In the illustrations that follow, you
force to that required by the guides will see that self-delusion is impossible.
of developing mediums, but, in an You can but let these half-and-half
emergency, is always able to advise as stages outwork themselves, as they do
to the best course to pursue, or get the if honesty and common sense hold the
spirit people to do it for him. balance true.
It is not generally appreciated that Intuition must supply the conduc-
developed mediums absorb all avail- tor's need at all times. Some mediums
able power while giving phenomena. willingly co-operate. Others flatly
By remaining normal, they not only oppose all educational efforts put for-
refrain from drawing on the others, ward in their interests.
but actually lend their more powerful Without the wit to apply them, the
assistance to the less experienced best rules and regulations are useless.
guides. So to all I suggest that, if you are
Oversight of these factors results in dissatisfied, go to another circle. Do
failures so far as novices are con- not stay and make trouble.
cerned, and what are termed "de- You cannot make ignorant persons
veloping circles" are only so in the appreciate your wisdom. Select your
sense that the leader improves-the own sitters and earnestly pray that
rest remain stationary. you may become an ideal conductor
But, in mediumship, the personal yourself.

mental processes into physical effects.
M caused, first, by the temperament
and desires of sensations are
the controlling
Its operations cause the spasmodic
twitchings symptomatic of early devel-
spirit impinging upon the auric sphere opment, but which rapidly pass away
of the medium; secondly, by a trans- as unfoldment proceeds.
mitted auric or magnetic force used by The majority of deep trance sub-
spirit people, which causes spasmodic jects, and many who are never en-
movements in the medium and through tranced at all, exhibit its effects. It is
which control is maintained; and, akin to a galvanic shock without its un-
lastly, to reactions from the psychic pleasantness or tingling sensation.
body of the visitor. It is wholly healthful, but sometimes
The last-named automatically results gives rise to subconscious imitation by
from some physical peculiarity carried mediums who reproduce it as evidence
over by the psychic duplicate, or is that they are actually spirit-controlled.
due to subconscious action on the part Nearly all muscular twitchings of
of the spirit. mediums are due to automatic re-
Temperament can be quickly dealt actions from the mind or body of
with. One has but to compare the the controlling spirit. On control-
effect induced by the presence of a ling for the first few times, physical
genial, generous soul on any assembly disabilities peculiar to the spirit, such
with the reverse atmosphere created by as lameness or the causes of death, are
sour, crabbed or repulsive natures, to exhibited.
understand how quickly and uncon- These are too automatic in their
sciously we all respond to predominat- action to be consciously induced,
ing influences. though at times they are intentionally
Now, imagine these feelings thrust shown. Until the spirit learns to sub-
upon us with hypnotic force, and we due these manifestations by sheer
obtain some idea of the power and effort of will, apparently painful
method by which the thought and tem- scenes are continuously presented time
perament of a spirit effects a sensitive after time without any fuller develop-
during control. ment.
The auric emanations were fully The understanding of this problem
dealt with in previous articles of this provides a rational reason why guides
series and it must be remembered that impose great restrictions on some
its sublimations are equally the pro- spirits and refuse to let others control
perty of the spirit body. at all. It is simply in the interests of
the medium, who might suffer from
THE ETHERIC AURA unpleasant sensations or be injuriously
While in the physical body, the affected in health afterwards.
grosser human emanation mingles
with the finer, but in spirit life, the CONSEQUENCES OF CONTROL
grosser having departed, the spirit Because these physical effects have
uses its more etherialised aura in a marked influence upon the health of
association with that of the medium the sensitive, it is imperative to learn
to form a lever to move ponderable the consequences of control by differ-
objects or impinge upon the human ing types of spirit.
brain. It also explains the inexplicable'loss
What we do ignorantly, they per- of memory that occasionally afflicts
form consciously, and thus transmute controls, and why it is necessary for

a spirit occasionally to leave the auric physical body of the medium when the
sphere of his medium when he desires memory of the spirit visitor re-estab-
to gain additional information. lishes earthly relationships.
It is not that he suffers from failing Just as our physical bodies react to
memory, but that its clarity is affected mind, so do the elements of which the
by the denser aura which is an actual psychic organism is composed. These
impediment to his thinking clearly. react to the mind of the spirit through
Telepathic impacts from the audi- the brain of the medium.
ence or the desires of the medium have All types of death leave their corre-
also to be taken into consideration; sponding impress, which produce
but there are occasions when effects manifestations frequently mistaken for
cannot be attributed to the mental conscious control or that the spirit
participation of either spirit or mortal. makes these continuous and extra-
These complexities forn the main im- ordinary demonstrations for the ex-
pediments to clear expressions of press purpose of proving identity.
identity. This is an obvious absurdity, for
The spirit reproduces in the medium one demonstration would be sufficient
the sensations of hanging, drowning, for this purpose.
shooting and other death states.
It is clear that the spirit does not
consciously exhibit his own death These experiences open up wide
scene. His continual efforts to over- fields for speculation. What exactly
come this disability proves that fact. does the spirit extract from the
Only after many efforts is this physical body and retain, and what are
achieved. the consequences to the owner or to the
Later on, when he learns to control
without help from the medium's The answers will supply keys to
guides, and not till then, do undesir- many apparently contradictory state-
able death scenes and purely physical ments by spirit people, and enable us
to understand the law of psychic
reactions cease. gravitation which compels each to go
Do not confound this type of control " to his own place " in the spirit world.
with the conscious control established
by spirits accustomed to the work. Spirits have actually been known to
assert that they suffer from rheuma-
Long continued exhibition of the same
death scene implies lack of develop- tism-a ridiculous statement from the
ment on the part of the operator or standpoint of other spirits who never
ignorance of the laws of spirit control felt pain since leaving the body.
with consequent inability to overcome CHAINED BY MEMORY
automatic reactions. - But earthbound spirits whose
The solution of many problems in memories chain them to the past, and
mediumship will be found in the analy- who fail to realise the facts of their
sis of the aura and psychic body. physical decease, continually repro-
Earlier articles mentioned elements col- duce the illusion exactly as hypnotic
lecting over the dying body, composed subjects do. In addition, they attract
of all that lives after its decease. the precise elements which give shape
These took shape and formed a per- and form to their surroundings and
fect replica of the body from which feelings.
they emerged. This duplicate is so As soon as the spirit realises its
perfect that it contains within itself a powers over the " substance " of which
faint. impress of the cause of death, its spirit body is composed, the dis-
which induces reactions through the abilities disappear. Presently, as he

rises morally and intellectually, he, too, past and recognise its relationship to
will have some difficulty in remember- the newer environment.
ing that such a state as rheumatism It is indefensible logic to assume that
or lameness ever existed. only purified elements drawn from the
Ignorant newcomers to spirit fleshly garment enter into the composi-
spheres are all controlled by their en- tion of the psychic organism. Every-
vironment, but advanced spirits con- thing physical has its etheric counter-
trol the elements that surround them, part.
and by thus utilising the law of mag- There is no teaching more consis-
netic attraction and repulsion rise tently given than that some spirits are
superior to their influences. " dark" but that others approximate
to brilliant forms of light. It applies
The auric emanation has been to quality rather than quantity, but the
termed "magnetic." So it is; but in inference is clear.
a far wider sense than is generally It means that some spirit bodies are
appreciated. It contains within itself denser than others, and that density
the polarities which decide spirit loca- or " darkness " indicates a limitation
tion in that greater life. of dbvelopment or power.
The spiritual body is more obvi- That the elements of the spirit body
ously and definitely related to its and its auric emanations are controlled
" mind field " than before transition. by the operations of thought is equally
It is because this "location" is a obvious, because density can be
mental state rather than a place that assumed when they wish to show them-
so much confusion exists in the minds selves to mortals, or descend to lower
of unprogressed spirits equally with spheres, or change their costume or
mortals. appearance to assist clairvoyant
Drifters in the spirit world are but delineations.
dreamers unaware of their release The law of cause and effect is thus
from physical restrictions. They live seen in operation on spiritual planes.
in a world of their own creation and The drunkard takes with him his crav-
association with a medium is one of ing for alcohol because he sowed the
the best methods used by their friends germs of desire in his physical body.
to awaken them to the newer condi- When the purely physical craving of
tioning. a drunkard overpowers reason and he
becomes a dipsomaniac, it cannot be
Rescue circles on both sides of the
said that the man is master of his
veil do this consciously, but if the body. But if a hypnotist appeals to
spirit drifts until enmeshed in the aura his subconsciousness, the ego may put
of a sensitive ignorant of medium- up a sufficiently strenuous fight to
ship, the poor medium is classed as regain the mastery.
eccentric or mad. This condition has its parallels in
Fortunately, mentality acts with spirit life. Thought accretes material
marvellous rapidity on the psycho- which actualises itself as in a dream
plasm of which the spirit body is com- and the dreamers in spirit life are, for
posed, and its owner soon learns to the time being, controlled by an en-
stabilise himself in "the house not vironment of their own creation.
made with hands." As they slowly wake to the fact that
they are responsible for this condi-
ETHERIC REPLICAS tioning, the scene changes and their
Mediumship thus serves the dual mental effect upon the sensitive
purpose of releasing ignorant spirits changes in like ratio. The action of
from their self-created thraldom and at spirit control, after they have sunk
the same time quickens the psychic to a degraded condition, is equivalent
perceptions of sensitives. The associa- n aromusing a hypnotic subject to
tion compels the spirit to review the normality.

With repeated control, the indi- ruptions. On both sides of the veil,
vidual submerged by earthly condition- communicators quite innocently inter-
ing recovers himself like a hypnotic fere. Planes of consciousness separate
subject from hypnosis. The death scenes spirit people just as definitely as brick
gradually cease and definitely conscious walls separate physical bodies.
control begins. The idea that the spirit world is a
Analyse the foregoing paragraph sort of operating theatre where every-
sufficiently and you will discover a body is in sight of everybody else,
greater incentive to self-control than needs only a moment's thought to dis-
scores of sermons could supply. miss it completely.
Not all being in sight of each other
THE POWER OF THOUGHT means that more than one operator
But, at this point, we must be care- may be transmitting thought at the
ful to distinguish between " desire" same time. The same difficulty applies
bodies and the results of accident or to telepathy from the audience.
disease. Germs of disease would excite The spirit guides of developed
nothing but loathing. Nor would mediums partly overcome this difficulty
broken limbs and other causes of death by interposing a medium spirit who
excite anything but repulsion. stands between the medium and this
This thought acts as an eliminator fluctuating thought atmosphere to
to the psychic body, and though the regulate and transmit the messages.
scars due to earth's vicissitudes may, So deftly is this work accomplished
under the impulse of memory, be gal- that we cannot always detect it. It
vanised into momentary life while con- also had the additional value of open-
trolling a medium, these would not ing a pathway to higher spheres which
in any way indicate the spirit's real the unaided soul cannot otherwise
and permanent state. visualise.
The fleeting memory does but serve The auric influence of controls
a useful purpose, by causing medium- upon sensitives emphasises the need
istic reaction proving identity, and for spirit guides, whose mere
then retires into subconsciousness, for- presence imparts vitality to depleted
ever to remind us of the ladder we sensitives. The principal work of these
have climbed. "doorkeepers" concerns the health of
The development of mediumship is the medium and prepares the way for
thus assisted and at the same time other controls; though the mentality of
operators learn consciously to disperse our coloured friends often leaves
the elements which enchain them to un- nothing to be desired in the way of
desirable planes. That they leave no mental acumen.
bad effect upon the medium is due to Their presence keeps off intruders
the watchful care of guardian angels whose attempted control might reduce
who surround their instruments with the medium to a bundle of nervous
counteracting forces. irritability. Quite unintentionally, this
effect might be induced by contact with
COLOURED CONTROLS. weakly psychic organisms or mentali-
The most valuable of these I believe ties which leave an undesirable mental
to be the coloured friends who have or physical impress behind.
earned the name of " doorkeepers." I have quite failed to discover any
On the other hand, it emphasises other explanation for the healthful and
the necessity for mediums to lead clean, buoyant feelings induced by coloured
wholesome lives, both mentally and controls than that they naturally ex-
physically, so that they may not attract hale a vital force which is transferred
or retain in their surroundings undesir- to their mediums.
ables from spirit lands.
It is only after long experience that VIRTUE OF " SAVAGERY "
mediums learn to guard against inter- The usual explanation is that

having lived closer to nature and free nerve-jumping enhances their value in
from the white man's debilitating drugs the eyes of the public, so with every
and anaemia-producing habits, their little speech they make, they act like
auras reflect the results of their earthly contortionists and make hideous faces
vitality and, their temperament being which they think proves that it is a
entirely different from ours, causes the discarnate operator affecting them.
medium to feel both mentally and These mannerisms should be checked.
physically refreshed. They are often due to subconscious
This does not apply to the modern action or the foolish notion that
degenerate ruined both physically and mediums never utter a word without
mentally by the introduction of assistance from their guides.
civilisation in the shape of rum, gun- The mannerisms are occasionally ex-
powder and evils consequent upon the cusable and are due to the intimate
industrial processes like miners' association of the "doorkeeper "
phthisis or restriction to compounds. spirits" with the medium. There is
As the religion of Spiritualism con- frequently a duality of expression,
sists of practical reforms, I trust this because they literally live within the
object lesson will impress its weighty auric sphere of the sensitive and thus
implications upon all whose voice, pen form part of their mental processes.
or power may help to remove this load
of national responsibility. CONTROLLING A SPIRIT
It also teaches that both physically Being continually in contact, their
and mentally we reap what we sow, thoughts commingle. They thus become
and, therefore, true development will a permanent factor in the life of the
consider health of body as a psychic medium, who must learn to " control
factor. the controls " by and through the same
The will is the vital factor both in laws that they control him.
opening or closing the "door" to The auric " mind field" is common
spirit control, but the last control at ground to both spirit and mortal. Each
a meeting usually leaves a more per- uses the same cords of communication.
manent after-effect than those who Mediums will thus understand that
precede. their own personal desires sometimes
This proves the wisdom of those have the effect of a command upon
guides who definitely select healthy, those children of nature who quite
simple-minded companions habitually naturally do everything they can to
to associate with their mediums so that forward the medium's interests.
their happy influence may restore and This interplay of thought is clearly
maintain mental equilibrium, no matter perceived by those who watch mediums.
how distressing the previous controls We can tell immediately which spirit
may have been. is endeavouring to take control because
A moment under their personal con- all unconsciously the medium adopts
trol at the end of a seance effects this their tricks of manner long before
purpose, and the "door" is firmly actual control is established.
closed against all intruders. Later on, the 'merging is so definite
The alternative to this specific co- that the twain practically become one
operation is plainly evidenced among mentality. From this power to in-
those sensitives who ignore the voice fluence controls has arisen the Theo-
of experience or submit to irregular sophic notion that mediums control
control at all hours or under unsuit- elementary forces. The medium who
able conditions. Their mediumship is is controlled by the right type of
rarely reliable and their lack of self guide will quickly discover that they
control is shown in twitching nerves have independent volition of their own
and muscles. and will forcibly remonstrate with
Indeed, I have met mediums who their mediums if occasion demands.
actually believe this exhibition of With white folk, decorum is unfor-

tunately interpreted in terms of stiff- them your language so that co-opera-

necked, silent reserve which wholly tion may be perfected?
misconstrues the exhilarating move- THE DUTY OF SITTERS
ments and vociferous interjections that
sometimes accompany the initial stages Upon sitters, even more than the
of development by this type of control. medium, does the duty fall of edu-
Ignorance and fear, combined with cating those who are placed in our care
a stupidly stilted unnaturalness mis- and thus prevent them offending the
named reverence, often resent the canons of good taste.
manifestation and the valuable co- The scandal of the " little black girls
operation of these useful adjuncts to who never grow up " would soon pass
the seance room is rejected in conse- away if mutual obligations were
quence. The further result is enfeeble- respected. With fuller knowledge,
ment of the phenomena and lessened mediums will refuse to incur this
vitality in the medium. stigma.
In some respects, the ethical They will realise that the long-con-
standards of coloured folk are superior tinued childishness of a control is
to our own. They know nothing of the either a reflection on the medium's
cant and hyyocrisy that permeates mentality or indicates an obvious
civilisation, but they need assistance neglect of duty.
from our mental and scientific attain- Wherever their worth has been suffi-
ments. ciently tested and the strangeness of
associating with such characteristically
COLOURED ETHICS different temperaments wears off, they
They quite fail to see the need for improve both the health and disposi-
polite evasions or deceitful phrases, tion of their sensitives far more
and are, therefore, out of place in definitely than their white-skinned co-
many drawing-rooms, but they choose workers.
this field of work in order to advance The latter may sometimes leave a
their education in return for service more aspirational or purely mental
loyally rendered. influence behind, but both these condi-
Oftimes, they add a worldly wisdom tions deplete the nervous system and
that surprises and ashames us, and in need counteracting. Nor is constant
considering different ethical standards association with the griefs and worries
we must remember that values are of people on both sides of the veil
appraised differently by different physically beneficial.
nationalities and that these character- The specific action of coloured con-
istics carry over into the spirit world trols provides the antidote and counter-
where time is a negligible factor and acts these effects. It is because their
motives are more consistently ex- momentary contact restores nervous
pressed. equilibrium and induces a feeling of
The day when spirits were regarded robust health and happiness that they
as devils to be feared or gods to be are so often employed to close the
placated has long since passed away, seance.
but recognition of their human quali- Conductors who know their worth
ties emphasises their need as well as always seek their assistance in matters
their utility. In the past, they were of development. Without their help in
mistakenly endowed with omnipotence. the early days of mediumship, to clear
The real fact is that they often require away sickly conditions, which more
our help as much as we do theirs. often arise from the sitters than the
This is peculiarly applicable to controls, mediums would find their lives
coloured controls. They require teach- anything but a bed of roses.
ing. If you desire their help, surely Resistance to their activities usually
it is not too much trouble to teach means that the medium will experience

great difficulty in throwing off the picion on the part of either medium
influences of the seance room. or sitter prevent phenomena. It dies
ere it is born because the mental atmo-
UNCONSCIOUS STRAIN sphere checks auric vibrations at the
Moreover, few mediums realise that start.
spirits who casually control are not But a medium's determination to suc-
always conscious of their personal ceed under all circumstances sometimes
effect upon the health or mentality of overcomes difficulties in the most un-
their instruments, and consequently expected fashion. We thus discover
know nothing of the subsequent deple- that the mind of the medium is the
tion caused by emotional strain or prime factor after all.
sickly sitters. Conditions at one time believed to
I have always found coloured spirit be essential are now found to be of
people amenable to reason. If their secondary importance. Intense religi-
mannerisms are objected to, they do ous atmospheres are now abandoned in
their work silently and unobtrusively; private meetings.
but I believe their more intimate Clairvoyance is given in electrically
association is in the best interests of all. lighted rooms, and materialisation is
If control exhibits a tendency to photographed by flashlight. These
noisy volubility, or physical exercises things were at one time deemed im-
that are objected to, the conductor possible, but are now successfully
should lay one hand on the forehead achieved after persistent effort and co-
and the other at the base of the brain operation with the invisible operators.
and firmly but quietly state the reason But the whims of mediums must be
for desiring them to desist. They will respected. Try them out and judge by
usually comply immediately. results. Unless their fears are over-
This operation must not be at- come and their minds quiescent, satis-
tempted unless oral remonstrance has factory phenomena are rarely obtained.
failed. If they do not obey after this The personal factor is not peculiar
effort, the measures recommended for to the medium alone. All sitters should
the treatment of obsession, outlined in realise their own telepathic effect. As
the articles on healing, must be spirit control is a purely mental opera-
adopted. tion, it follows that the thoughts of
But it is far wiser, usually, not to interested participants have an effect
interfere at all. Noise and exercise are also.
not " wicked," but if they terrify timid The auric mind field is open to im-
souls quieter methods must be enforced. pacts from all who are within its
The coldness and formality de- sphere. Thus it is that every thought,
manded by psychical researchers is speech, action, state of health or
responsible for a great number of their disease in the sitters help to make or
abortive seances. Formality and sus- mar the manifestations.

put the slate carefully away. A day
Cora Tappan, was known
the first
of note in the
or two later, while sitting at her
mother's side, the girl again fell into a
early days of modern Spiritualism to trance.
present indisputable evidence of spirit Thinking she had swooned, the
control. Her life and experiences form mother tried restoratives, but without
an unassailable argument for the exist- avail. Remembering the previous ex-
ence of discarnate operators. It clearly perience, she then fetched a slate.
illustrated the purpose and power be- It was soon covered with writing,
hind the phenomena. the principal message being, " Do not
When she came to England in 1875, be afraid. We are spirits of your de-
the editor of the "Medium and Day- parted friends. We will not harm
break" printed a number of her lec- your daughter. We have found a
tures and poems verbatim. means of holding converse with the
To get a correct perspective, we friends on earth."
must visualise the utter impossibility Up to that time, Spiritualism had
for a child reared in a remote American only been known through the percus-
village to gain the knowledge she im- sive sounds termed " spirit rapping."
parted without any possible means of Trance speaking was unknown. Cora
preparation. The subjects for ad- Scott's principal guide claimed to be
dresses and poems were selected by a the son of the Rev. Adin Ballou, foun-
committee chosen from among the der of a Socialistic colony at Hope-
audience. dale. His teaching was the primitive
We are, therefore, compelled to ac- Christianity of Jesus, practically ap-
cept her statements that she was used plied.
as a mouthpiece by mentalities claim- The son had thus been prepared by
ing to be disembodied men and women. his father's broadmindedness to take
Moreover, all her addresses could more up the newer work immediately on
rationally be attributed to the people passing over.
claiming authorship than to herself. Cora's mediumship started when she
THE FIRST CONTROL was eleven years old. Spirit people
In 1852, Cora Scott was seated in usually condemn the training of chil-
the garden preparing her school lessons dren for mediumship until the body is
on a slate when she fell into a trance. fully matured; but in this case I pre-
On recovery, she found her slate writ- sume they thought it best to permit
the "lips of babes to confound the
ten all over in unfamiliar handwriting wise."
in the form of a letter addressed to
"My Dear Sister." As in the case of Jesus, John the
Taking the slate to her mother, she Baptist, and Biblical prophets, it is
complained that while she slept some- probable she was overshadowed from
one had written all over it. The birth--a claim common to most of the
mother's surprise may be imagined great mediums of the world.
when she found it purported to be a Her education was such as might be
message from her own sister, who expected in a village school. Neigh-
passed into spirit life while both of bours and friends thronged the house
them were children. night after night to test the new
It addressed her in a familiar way, marvel.
recalling scenes of early childhood, and ANOTHER MEDIUM
was correctly signed. She thought it
best to say nothing to the child, but Her teacher, Mary Fulsome, a very

pious woman, prayed for special guid- On arrival, they found his wife bend-
ance as to whether the messengers were ing over him. He was in terrible
angels or devils. In a few days she agony. The physician was also there,
herself developed extraordinary powers quite unable to relieve his pain, and
of healing which transformed her into recommending amputation.
a fervent missionary, an indisputably When Cora, under control, entered
direct answer to prayer. the room, her spirit physician asked
Afterwards, as Mrs. Hayes, she be- the surgeon for his case of instru-
came famous throughout the state of ments.
Wisconsin as a healer. The indignation of the medical man
Cora passed through phases of auto- can be imagined. Highly affronted, he
matic writing, clairvoyance, and trance. precipitately left the house, declaring
One of her earliest controls was a that he refused to be held responsible
German physician, who refused his if the man was killed. Fortunately, he
name, but gave medical diagnosis in left his case of instruments behind.
French, German, and Italian, as well The eleven-year-old child, while still
as in the girl's own language. entranced, selected the appropriate in-
It was impossible for the child to strument, unbound the hand and arm,
have surreptitiously learned the lan- and proceeded to cut the gangrene
guages he used or to understand the from the finger. When this was
prescriptions he gave. cleaned, she bound up the wound, ban-
Medical men with whom he talked daged the arm, made passes over the
said he appeared familiar with every patient, and left him in a profound
branch of the pharmacopoeia. He took slumber.
the child from house to house, diag- She visited him daily for about three
nosed diseases, prescribed, made suit- weeks, until he was able to leave his
able passes, and then journeyed on to bed. He never lost the use of his hand
the next sufferer. or arm, one finger only remaining a
As an instance of her work, the fol- little stiff afterwards.
lowing slight surgical operation will
serve to show how incredible it would
be for a child's unaided mentality to The world still wonders why Spirit-
have acted alone. ualism grows, despite active and malig-
nant opposition. Presently, Spiritual-
OPERATION BY A SPIRIT ists will learn to take advantage of the
A carpenter in the village had the curative forces thus revealed, and set
misfortune to run a splinter under the up their own spirit-guided hospitals.
nail of the third finger. Two nerves Surely there are even now sufficient
centre there, making it exceedingly
sensitive. moneyed Spiritualists to make the ven-
The finger swelled rapidly, and in- ture possible?. Hundreds of mediums
flammation set in. He employed a local are dispensing their gifts in unrecog-
physician, who, after several days' ex- nised ways.
cruciating pain, lanced the finger to the Why not set up hospitals where
first joint. Some days after, gangrene every unorthodox method of healing
set in, and the carpenter begged his could be tried out? It would be one
wife to send for Cora. of the greatest educational factors in
His wife, attributing the power of a the world.
" holy" spirit to Satan, refused. The For the present, it would not be wise
physician also objected. to limit the experiment to purely
After the carpenter had experienced spiritual forces. Combine bone-setting,
three weeks' intense agony, Cora was massage, hot-air baths, herbalism, ther-
aroused from sleep at midnight by the mal and electric treatment and every
spirit physician. She awoke her father, anti-mineral poison system in vogue,
who accompanied her on a visit to the and the orthodoxy of today will become
suffering man. the heterodoxy of tomorrow.

Nature is replete with simple reme- whose development would correspond

dies, but the obstructive money powers to or fit him for the first circle of the
and vested interests will have to be terrestrial sphere, would enter that
assailed by indisputable evidence be- circle on leaving the earthly form.
fore public opinion will demand their
In her thirteenth year, Cora travelled "But a person on earth can only
from village to village, great crowds ascend to the sixth circle because,
meeting her everywhere. What girl of should he attain to the development of
thirteen, from any community, let the seventh, he or she could not remain
alone a small village, would dare to upon the earth nor in the terrestrial
stand before such audiences and ex- sphere . . . because the spirit then
pound theological discussions and throws off its grosser elements and
metaphysical controversy 7 I venture acquires a more celestial form.
to say there are none. " No pain or sickness accompanies
The subjects for the address, selected such changes in our world. You per-
by a committee chosen from the audi- ceive by these remarks that progres-
ence, were of such a nature as to call sion is a law governing all spirits,
not only for ability, but for consider- whether embodied or disembodied.
able mental gymnastics in order to There is no retrogression.
satisfy the whims and fancies of scep- " The spheres or circles referred to
tical and hypercritical audiences. are states or conditions of mind. The
In fifteen years some three thousand darkness that now pervades earthly
public addresses were given, exclusive minds concerning life in the spirit
of poems and discussions--a feat im- world will soon be swept away by this
possible to one who has first to write open communion.
and then to memorise his material. " Instead of fear in your worship
By no possible " unconscious cere- of God, you will know only love, for
bration" (a theory much in vogue at love and wisdom are the attributes of
one time) could facts in history, science, God."
philosophy, politics, and discourses on For a child of eleven to give ad-
mind and matter of an academic nature dresses of this kind without a moment's
be conjured up at a moment's notice in preparation needs a better explanation
the brain of an unaided individual. than " subconscious activity."
At eleven years of age, on February I extract the above and the follow-
10th, 1852, in the Hall of Reform and ing passages from a trance address
Progress, Lake Mill, Wisconsin, Mr. delivered by Cora Tappan, on Decem-
Ballou controlled Cora. This is part ber 3rd, 1873, at Lawson's Rooms,
of his address: Gower Street, London.
"Thinking this audience is fully " Among the Persian magicians
satisfied as to the existence of spirits, I there was the faculty of rendering
shall now endeavour to explain to you this double or other self visible at
in what manner they exist after they great distances, and while it unques-
leave the earth. tionably originated from genuine
"I know of three spheres in the mediumship, or spirit power, the laws
spirit land-one terrestrial, one super- were not understood."
terrestrial, and another celestial. Each " They also possessed the power of
sphere has seven circles, and these in rendering the physical body invisible.
turn are divided into seven societies. This is the reverse law of the appari-
"Each of these spheres, circles, and tion of the double, and is simply the
societies represents a degree of de- result of surrounding the physical body
velopment; those in the terrestrial cor- with a certain dense aura by gesticu-
responding to the development of the lation and rapidity of motion common
earth's inhabitants. to workers of wonders among these
" For instance, any person on earth ancient people. These manipulations or

gestures correspond to those that are Benjamin Franklin, on June 12th,

now sometimes used by mediums. 1875 :
" Now, it has been observed in many "It is broadly stated by the world
seances for physical manifestations, of Science that a physical substance
that the form produced to represent cannot be moved without known ex-
the spirit sometimes resembles in a ternal contact. The substance of
most provoking manner the- form of which the body is composed is
the medium. . . . This has led to a material; it moves in obedience to the
suspicion of fraud. human will; no scientific analysis, save
that which has been revealed by
UNFOUNDED SUSPICION psycho-spiritual intelligence, has ever
" But it may very easily occur with- unfolded to the world how the spirit
out supposing it to be the spirit of the of Man governs it, and causes the
medium or a fraudulent manifestation. material body to move in defiance of
Suppose a spirit desires to materialise the propositions of Science ....
a form to make itself visible and pro- "Positive and negative electricity
duce a tangible touch, the most natural contacts a higher or psycho-spiritual
form to appear would be that resemb- force on which the mind acts, so that
ling the medium, because from every by acting upon a more etherealised
part of the medium's body goes out an atmosphere than that of the earth, the
emanation. spirit moves its own or other ponder-
" That emanation, when it takes able bodies....
shape, will naturally resemble the form " The first proposition that I have
of the person from whom it arises, just to lay down to you tonight is that the
as a shadow thrown upon the ground polarity of the atoms constitutes not
by rays of light reflect the same pro- only the physical and organic struc-
portions, the same outline, and the ture of the earth, but the physical and
same form. It could not be otherwise; organic structure of the human system.
and thus the spiritual form would in- " Where electricity is thrown off at
deed represent the same figure. right angles during the night, so this
" You know that if there is a scar electric force is thrown off from the
upon the body-although the atoms human system, in precisely the same
change-each succeeding particle as- manner, with all due allowance for
sumes the form of that scar. It is the different positions and varied con-
also said that the human body does ditions of the human body.
not contain, after seven years, any one " Hence it is that every human body
of the particles it previously contained. is either electric or magnetic at alter-
nate periods of the day or night, and
BUILDING ON THE MEDIUM that the force that is denominated
" So, when the spirit, acting upon electricity or magnetism is the force
the atomic particles or elements that by which the mind of Man governs the
emanate from a medium's body, de- body, causes contact with outward
sires to produce a form, the most creation, and produces physical effects.
natural form the elements assume is " This force, extended to all the in-
that of the form to which they have finitesimal atoms that lie between
just been united. Man's outer organism and the world
" Hence the spirit, for the first or which is denominated the world of
even the twentieth experiment, may mind, is uniform in action, governed
reasonably be expected to produce a by the same laws, amenable to the
form resembling that of the medium. same forces, and capable of develop-
As the power grows stronger and more ment in the production of power.
independent of the direct personal THE SUPERIOR POWER
aura of the sensitive, this resemblance "Hence, when it is discovered that
becomes less and less." atoms constituting the earth's atmo-
The following address was given by sphere are more or less charged with
Cora Tappan, under the control of this force of positive and negative

electricity, and a contravening force to " For every ultimate physical atom I
destroy that effect, it proves that, can show you a correlative spiritual
beyond the usual causes and currents force; for every physical result I can
of electricity or magnetic life, there show you a correlative physical cause;
is another and superior power. for every manifestation in the world
"For the sake of convenience, I of matter, I can show you a manifesta-
denominate that higher force the tion or cause in the world of spirit,
psycho-spiritual force. It belongs not not defined by Science, but capable of
to the disembodied mind alone, but to being as well understood.
embodied minds also. " The atoms that compose the atmo-
"Whoever has been brought to this sphere of this room are invisible to
room tonight by inclination, reason, every one of you. Decimal particles
judgment, aspiration, or curiosity, has which make up all the vitality which
been brought by a process of his or you at present inhale are impalpable,
her individual mind acting through yet little by little they contribute to the
this psychological power upon the building up of the physical structure.
nervous system, and showing indepen- Without them, you are a dead mass of
dence of the outward atmosphere and clay.
the laws of external organic life. A MENTAL OXYGEN
disembodied spirit is here by the same "The spiritual atoms which lie be-
process. hind these are as invaluable and as
" It is possible for you, in defiance necessary to your spiritual and
of the laws of inertia that control solid physical life as the physical atoms. If
matter, to bring your physical your body requires oxygen in a high
organism constructed with substance state of refinement in the atmosphere
and solid matter in obedience to this to sustain physical life, so do your
psycho-dynamic power. minds require thought in a high state
"It is also possible for a mind dis- of refinement, or there is death to your
embodied-or any number of them- mental and spiritual structure.
to assemble in this room through the " The elements which feed this men-
same law, and, upon the atoms of the tal and spiritual structure we call the
same atmosphere surrounding you, by 'oxygen of the soul.'
the same process, move upon your "When, one hundred years ago, Dr.
minds, give utterance to these words, Priestley was persecuted, and dis-
and in various ways reach the covered the element of oxygen in the
organism of your outer bodies, and external atmosphere, he found also that
therefore reach your spirits. other elenent of spiritual freedom,
"As I have stated, the atmosphere that was the chief cause of his per-
is composed of polarised atoms, each secution,
one of which obeys the laws of mag- " Today, we announce the oxygen of
netic or electric control. The spiritual the spiritual atmosphere, which is the
atmosphere, in exactly the same man- same psycho-dynamic force that is de-
ner, but with an infinitely finer struc- stined to play as important a part in
ture, and composed of infinitesimally the world of scientific investigation in
finer substances, obeys the law of the future as oxygen, with its various
spiritual and magnetic control. combinations, bears today.
"This world of spiritual science
THE RARER LAW from gradation to gradation, meets
" Upon this finer atmosphere, and in your outer world more than halfway,
obedience to this rarer law, the minds and moves upon the atmosphere that
of all intelligent human beings act, surrounds your minds, producing
whether embodied or disembodied. It vibrations, impressions, thoughts,
is no more a miracle that a disem- aspirations, prayers, and the uplifting
bodied spirit should do so, since the of all that enables man to rise above
same process enables both to produce the mere brute functions of existence
the same result . . . in life. . ..

" There is now an infinite number verse is immaterial; and the soul of
of messengers waiting upon the wings man is not alone a mockery in creation.
of thought for an avenue or open door- " The message which they bear is
way whereby they can hold converse that, from the highest sphere of which
with human beings; and the message spirits have knowledge, to the lowest
that they bear on the freighted burden child of earth, there is a connecting
of their thought is that in mind, as in link of inspiration and control, which,
matter, there is no death. even in dungeon cell, or chains of per-
"In the world of spirit, as in the jury or vice, give-hope to the soul,
world of external force, there uplifting it from the slough of de-
annihilation; every ultimate principle spond to the region of hope, and
and every ultimate atom in the uni- promise, and love."


sphere-an effect brought about by the
T address delivered on December
HE 1873 : is extracted from an
"It is true that electricity does not
combination of the two gases."
(Note: whenever you can discover.
the raw materials used by spirit oper-
usually form the means whereby ators, it would be advisable to obtain
spirits produce sounds. In all external them and place them in the seance
manifestations there are three causes room when practicable. It might save
for the phenomena produced. a great amount of time in the produc-
" One of these is electrical, in the tion of manifestations and eventually
manifestation of which the spirit lead to getting many manifestations
employs the electrical forces constantly without mediums.)
given off from the body. "You have all heard of drops of
" It is asserted that the human body water falling on the faces of people
generates electricity of a finer quality at seances. These result from the con-
than that employed in the usual elec- densation of the atmosphere which
trical manifestations, or the electric produces the oxygen and the hydrogen.
telegraph. That this element is elec- "The second form is by atomic
tricity is proven by the fact that it evolution, whereby atoms are made to
affects metallic substances, and pro- revolve with great rapidity, and, by
duces ignition of susceptible gases. producing a vacuum, cause a con-
TRY THIS EXPERIMENT " This atomic evolution you cannot
" For instance, the gas in this room see, because you cannot see the infini-
can be ignited by the electricity of the tesimal particles, but the presence of
human body. You can at any time try a spirit can affect these atoms and
the experiment by walking up and produce the forms that are sometimes
down to generate the electricity in seen by every person present at a
your body and making a friend turn on seance.
the gas for you. " There is a third element, phos-
"By rubbing your feet, on which phorus. It is well known that all
you have indiarubber soles, upon the bodies in a high state of organisation
carpet, a larger quantity of electricity possess this ingredient.
will be produced. After pacing round " The phosphate that is taken on and
the room half a dozen times, touch the generated in the brain is the combina-
gas and it will probably ignite. tion of that element with another,
"You will find persons possessing which in its nature is so uniformly
this power who can light the gas every connected with thought that it is
time. This is one of the occult forces scarcely possible to separate them. ...
in the human body." Of course, you cannot see a thought,
(Two or three families in America, but phosphorescent effects can be seen.
around Los Angeles, assure me this is " This intermediate product, which
now a familiar trick. The power is the result of phosphates and of the
seems peculiar to localities no less than nervous force of the brain, produces
individuals. One person in Scotland has a certain amount of power and volition
reported success. Those who succeed that in themselves constitute Mind.
should be able to develop table-rapping This is the subtle element upon which
and definite forms of physical medium- spirits often act.
ship.) " Certain persons give out electricity,
"Now this, when employed by the while others give out phosphoric lights
spiritual powers, will produce certain or phosphorus. These the spirits can
sounds, but they are also produced by control and, under proper conditions,
the presence of nitrogen and carbonic produce phosphoric or electric lights.
acid and the compression of the atmo- " The electrical lights produce sound,

while phosphoric lights are accom- dense as the physical tonight." (The
panied by no sounds and are tranquil room was overcrowded.)
in their appearance. " This being the case, how difficult
"If one medium possesses phos- it must be for spirits to approach
phoric and another the electrical force, you with anything like a palpable
they destroy each other's influence. presence. Then, when you consider the
Someone then wonders why, with two still more subtle element of which
such powerful mediums present, no thought is composed, or of which your
manifestations are gained. spirits must be formed, you will
IMPORTANCE OF OZONE almost wonder there is any communica-
" The fact is that the two forces tion at all. ...
destroy each other and the spirit has " Your bodies are so afflicted, your
nothing whereon to act. If you knew brains so confused, and the infirmities
of what your bodies were composed, of the flesh weigh so heavily upon you,
you would organise spirit circles in that you do not present to your friends
such a manner as to produce very a fair face.
strong manifestations. " These are untoward conditions; but
" If the presence of carbonic acid gas by studying these laws you can remedy
is too strong, you could introduce an- them, and by knowing other spiritual
other element with very little trouble laws you can invite and facilitate the
that does not destroy the conditions like conditions whereby spirits manifest
raw oxygen. That element is ozone.' their presence.
" Ozone may be produced from the EFFECT OF ALTITUDE.
three following elements: peroxide of
manganese, permanganate of potash, "For manifestations with a person
and oxalic acid in equal portions. of electrical temperament, localities at
Combine these, then take two tea- high altitudes are advisable, but if your
spounfuls of the mixture and pour over manifestations are of a phosphoric
it, every two hours, about one tea- kind, low altitudes and places border-
spoonful of water: it will throw off ing on fresh-water streams where car-
about enough ozone to make the bonic acid is thrown off would facili-
atmosphere quite pure . . . tate experiments.
"In the sickroom, where too much " True Science is never at variance
ozone would induce coughing, the above with true Religion. The science is of
quantity would be quite sufficient to the spirit, for there is underlying
purify the atmosphere without pro- every principle in nature, and every
ducing evil results. In the seance, for atom in matter, the Pre-eminent Spirit
the sake of supplying the lungs with whose life shapes the atom and causes
pure air, you might introduce ozone it to evolve throughout the centuries
thus made with very little trouble and forms of beauty and life.
expense. ... " Spirit is everything. Matter is the
" Oftentimes the disease of your shape, the external form, the clothing,
bodies and the lassitude of your the servant of the soul; while bound-
nervous systems are the effect of im- less in its capacity and infinite in its
pure air. power, the spirit is allied to the God! "
" When you remember that you
often produce an atmosphere impos- The attention of readers is drawn
sible for a spiritual being to act upon, to the high tone and serious implica-
and consider that from your bodies tions invariably introduced by cultured
an emanation is constantly coming off controls.
proportionate to the food you eat and Contrast these with thel illogical
the drink you imbibe, and that an arguments of our opponents, and it
emanation is always proceeding from becomes immediately apparent that
your brain in proportion to your they have no case.
thoughts, you will understand that the It is to be hoped that pioneer
spiritual atmosphere in this room is as writers on Spiritualism will be rescued

from oblivion. They usually adopted pletons obscure the issues, that sub-
a severely scientific and critical attitude consceous activity must be allowed for
which appealed to reason no less than and other factors require careful scru-
the noblest instincts of the soul. tiny. But these do not affect the main
They deserve a better fate than sub- issue
mergence under the flood of sensational What is its purpose? Truth is ever
literature which has followed in their simple, and carries its own way sooner
track. or later, to the dismay of its traducers.
If Spiritualism is true, then what of Corroboration comes from all over the
it?- world. Their message is ever the
We have seen that foreign languages same :
were clearly and grammatically spoken " We are trying to break down Man's
by Cora Tappan, a child eleven years of Godless materialism and turn their
age, who could by no means have sur- faces towards the light of Truth,. for
reptitiously learned them, and that the Truth is God in manifestation.
identity of the German physician who "We want earth's children to awaken
controlled her body was as well niarked from childish follies and selfish an-
as her own. tagonisms that create hell upon earth
Foreign languages can only be and fill the hells of the after life with
spoken by a native unless tutors in- remorse. True progress lies in mutual
struct us. helpfulness.
In the articles on the " direct voice," "Be warned by our experiences:
on the testimony of one of the greatest cease to do evil; learn to do good."
living linguists of our time, we find
Confucius corrects a 2,400 years old THE " HOLY COMFORTER "
error. In the articles on telepathy, I It is the Nazarene's message empha-
gave illustrations of spirit messages sised in a thousand different ways. The
transmitted to groups of people hun- great leaders of the past are still lead-
dreds of miles apart. ing. They heal the sick, they exhort
The messages were sometimes split to clean and useful lives, they cast out
up and conveyed in sections to different undeveloped spirits, remove the terror
people, who could not make sense of of death, and prove their claim to be
them until they compared notes. Parts "Holy Comforters " in every sense of
of the messages were transformed and the words.
delivered in different languages. But scientists, immersed in their
In the articles on physical phe- materialism, refuse even to glance at
nomena, we find the spirit Walter the mountainous evidence piled up.
Stinson producing finger-print evi- My illustrations are but a tithe
dence testified to by New York's finger- among teeming, myriads. But Spirit-
print expert, that would be sufficient to ualists are dismissed with a curt a
hang a murderer on trial. priori theory calculated to crush both
them and their evidence.
BEHIND OUR PHENOMENA It is subconscious activity. It
All types of phenomena support the may even foreshadow a higher evolu-
statement that independent mentalities tion of the physical body; but spirits
are responsible for its production. - Pshaw! Science has no time to
The claim that their inspirers once waste upon such a preposterous fal-
lived in physical bodies like ours is lacy, and so the great intellects immerse
theirs, not the mere assumption of themselves once more in absorbing
Spiritualists. It is an obvious state- studies relating to high explosives, flies
ment of fact, and the only one that and beetles!
covers the ground satisfactorily. Meantime, Rachael cannot be com-
Why present stupid theories merely forted; the widow and the orphan
for the purpose of discrediting the weep; selfish commercialism reigns
messages or the messengers? supreme, and the greatest of all sol-
It is true that charlatans and sim- vents for sorrow remains unused.


Kilner Screens Perfected

The late Dr. W. J. Kilner, B.A., M.B. (Cantab),
M.R.C.P., etc., was the medical electrician at St. Thomas's
Hospital, London. He regularly used the dicyanine screen
to diagnose disease.
His book, " The Human Atmosphere," created a sensa-
tion, because it means that he has discovered a mechanical
method of adjusting the focal range of the eye so that pre-
viously invisible forces can be seen. This applies particularly
to the aura, which is usually shown by artists as a halo
around the heads of saints. He also claimed to see an etheric
body otherwise known as the spiritual body or psychic
Modern Clairvoyants, who diagnose disease, habitually
see the aura, but believe they are specially favoured.
IN OTHER WORDS, Dr. Kilner asserts that NINETY-FIVE
His experiments also proved that regular use of Dicyanine
strengthens the sight of presbyopic people.


Some are able to see the aura immediately; others
develop the power gradually by accustoming their eyes to
a newer focal range by the steady, regular use of " Auro-
The original screen was formed from optically perfect
glasses cemented together, enclosing a specially compounded
solution of alcoholised dicyanine. The great expense of this
combination-two to four guineas being the usual charge-
prohibited general use, and led to substitution of coloured
water, coloured glass, and gelatines, which, being quite use-
less for the purpose, brought ridicule upon the subject. To
guard against this deception, we have registered the word
and provisionally patented a combination which' perfects Dr.
Kilner's formula, and so materially reduces the cost, that
it is now possible to become a seer yourself at the price
usually paid for one seance with a professional clairvoyant.

Dr. Kilner's "HUMAN ATMOSPHERE," post free 10/6.

As Dr. Kilner's statements are somewhat misleading to
the uninitiated, and so much misconception exists on the
subject, we have hitherto refused to sell " AUROSPECS"
unless purchasers have read his book AND our lessons on
clairvoyance and trance, but as the "Psychic News"
booklets contain sufficient details for Spiritualists and
enquirers we make the following offer to our readers:-
To those who have read "The Human Aura and How
to see it," post free 7d., which contains instructions for the
use of "Aurospecs,"
Refills of dicyanine, 5/- per pair, plus postage.


5/- (typescript).

After long research we are able now to announce the
introduction of a cheap substitute for "Aurospecs." It can
be used during diagnosis and delineations, or, like Aurospecs
to sensitize the optic nerve before the seance.
"KILNASCRENE" goggles are the nearest possible
facsimile in glass to Dr. Kilner's famous dicyanine screens.
They possess almost identical spectroscopic markings and
therefore produce practically the same result.
Sent post free in Great Britain for 10/- with full instruc-
tions for use. Postage extra to foreign countries. Inter-
national Money Orders should be made payable to H.
Boddington, Director of the London Psychic Educational
Centre, 17, Ashmere Grove, Acre Lane, London, S.W.2.


The following extracts from unsolicited testimonials tell

their own story. There was no sitting for development.
These results came almost immediately:--
From A. L. M. Cheshire: " I thank you for 'Aurospecs '
received. I can see the aura very distinctly with the 'Auro-
specs' on. I find that on looking through them at daylight,
if the hand is held up to the window, after about three
minutes it appears transparent (X-ray effect) and this is an
indication that your eyes are sensitised. A very great deal
depends upon the correct lighting."
From D. E. C., Southampton: " On looking through the
window everything appeared as if covered with snow. Fin-
gers were illuminated and flesh disappeared; only bones were
visible. A most interesting experience."
Her sister adds experience as follows: " From the left
hand a white mist, stretching to the right about eight inches,
while in the left hand I saw a heliotrope-coloured ball of
light. Hands kept disappearing and re-appearing. Sparks
showed from the top of the left hand." The mother's ex-
perience was corroborative.
From Miss E. T., Wimbledon: "When using 'Auro-
specs,' the first colour my eyes registered was a faint green,
which enveloped most objects, but the lighter tones, i.e.,
the painted side of a house, garden paths, seemed intensified,
giving appearance of snow. When placing my hands in
front of the screen against the cabinet, sparks ascended
from the finger tips, also a lightish grey mist outlined and
elongated the fingers a distance of about 6 inches. Sparks
were also seen when directing finger tips towards the wrist.
The bones of the hands were more clearly revealed, also dark
patches over the hands. Inside the cabinet the sparks con-
tinued, and the mist around the fingers appeared more
Dr. Drysdale Anderson, whose interesting article on the
aura appeared on Mar. 14th, 1930, in the Daily Chronicle,
wrote us on September 19th, 1929: " You may be interested
to know that both my wife and self can make out the aura
(through the glasses), but it appeared to be only some three
inches thick."
Miss N. Booth, of Birkenhead, wrote on August 14th,
1930: " . . . I see my hands quite transparent. I can see
right through them . . . and I see a white mist with a faint
blue tinge ... a grey with a lot of little sharp points like
lights. ... The other day, after I had looked at the light

and had turned round to inspect my hand, I seemed to see

so clearly from the temples of my head, a pinky gold light
right round my own body and it looked like those low elec-
tric-heater bulbs lit up. . . This proves that (the colour of)
the aura changes. And now when I take my class on Tues-
days (I am a circle leader) I see the aura round some of
the sitters .... I saw the other evening a purple colour
right round a lady after I had the 'specs' on and come
downstairs. . . . I feel they are helping me, and certainly
are helping my eyesight ... my eyes are much stronger
now and do not ache with strain as they used to do.:"
From Miss Edna May Jones, Canada, April 22nd, 1931:
" Dear Sir, about a year ago I purchased ' Aurospecs' from
you. . . . I have had great success in being enabled to see
the emanations of auras surrounding articles and proceeding
from them in streams, including flowers, metals, finger-tips,
etc. A friend of mine, a professor of psychology, wishes
to borrow them as a help in convincing his students of the
actual existence of the aura . . . A little of the liquid has
evaporated; can I have this renewed ?"
AUROSPECS are not sold to any agents or to trade
houses because heat in course of time evaporates the pure
alcohol essential to Dr. Kilner's formula. We refill the
glasses at five shillings a pair or send the latest design in
lenses in exchange if the complete original set is sent to us
with ten shillings and sixpence, plus registration costs in
both cases.
Before placing " Aurospecs " on the market we offered
to let any member of the London Spiritualist Alliance try
them out, free of cost. The following is a report from Mrs.
L. M. S.:-
" Haze seen extending about 2 inches all around hands
when looked at through the glasses, and in bright daylight
with back to window. Also rays joining fingers of the two
hands when pointed towards each other. Inside the cabinet,
without glasses, the rays joining fingers were seen, but so
faintly that they may have been due to imagination."
Others report seeing the electricity in the atmosphere on
exceptionally bright days, and the radiations from flowers
both by moonlight and sunlight.

To benefit Societies' funds we have given several demon-

strations. The success varied from 75 to 100 per cent.

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