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School Counselors Mul0dimensional Role in Suppor0ng

ELL Refugee Students
Michelle Hayward
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

A Growing Popula0on Things to Consider

u Represen;ng countries including Bhutan, Burma, u Do not assume students are familiar with any
Iraq, Somalia, Central American countries, Syria, aspect we would consider normal rou;nes and
and the Democra;c Republic of Congo procedures (e.g. bathrooms, noise level, etc.)
u Nearly 20,000 refugees have entered NC in the last u Understand the eect of trauma on school

decade func;oning

Direct Service Teacher Collabora0on

u Focus on building a rela;onship with the student u Consult with teacher to create a culturally-
through meaningful, safe interac;ons responsive classroom
u Incorporate trauma-relief interven;ons and u Provide teachers with student behavioral support
adjus;ng to transi;ons interven;ons u Encourage teachers to focus on emo;onal needs

u Build on the students strength of resilience u Work with teachers to stop any type of
u Use classroom lessons to build student acceptance harassment or bullying immediately

Parent & Community Partnership Systemic Changes & Advocacy

u Use school district translators to facilitate dialogue u Advocate for tes;ng support and tutoring
with the students family u Find and promote refugee professional
u Help student with acquiring addi;onal clothing development opportuni;es at your school
u Refer student to further mental health counseling u Encourage partnership between school and

or therapy based on students needs refugee reseSlement agencies

Helpful Resources Interven0ons

Books for School Counselors: Books for Refugee Students: u Play & Expressive Arts Therapy
u Narra;ve Therapy
u Leading the student to draw and write
a book about their journey, with
themselves as the main character
Addi;onal Books for Refugee Children: u Giving students a cogni;ve break in
u your oce
Free Books Available For Students in 37 Languages: u CBT Counseling to acquire coping skills
u for transi;on, anger, depression, etc.
Informa;on For Educators on Suppor;ng Refugee Students: u Use music from the students home;ons/resources/school-
country to decrease anxiety
u U;lize drawing, gurines, or a doll
For Introducing Refugee Students to School Systems:
u Welcome to Our Schools Curriculum via New York State house as a communica;on means
u Welcoming and Orien;ng Newcomers via New York State References
Classroom Lessons to Increase Tolerance in the School: Federa;on For American Immigra;on Reform. (2013). North Carolina Immigra;on Facts.
Forest View Elementary School, Durham, NC. (2016). English Learner Support at Forest View Elementary.
Na;onal Associa;on of School Psychologists. (2015). Suppor;ng Refugee Children & Youth: Tips for Educators.
u Retrieved from hSps://

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