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Clustering Algorithms

Keywords: Hierarchical, Agglomerative, Divisive, Partitional,


Algorithms for Clustering

In this lesson, we describe several clustering algorithms with an em-

phasis on the kind of knowledge used.

There is a wide variety of clustering algorithms.

Different approaches can be described with the help of the hierarchy

shown in Figure 1.


Hard Soft
Clustering Clustering

Hierarchical Partitional

Square Others
Divisive Agglomerative Error

Figure 1: Taxonomy of Clustering Algorithms

At the top level, there is a distinction between the hierarchical, par-

titional (hard) and soft clustering paradigms based on whether the
clusterings generated are partitions or overlapping.

The clustering algorithms are either hierarchical, where a nested se-

quence of partitions is generated, or partitional where a partition of
the given data set is generated.

The soft clustering algorithms are based on fuzzy sets, rough sets, artifi-
cial neural nets (ANNs), or evolutionary algorithms, specifically genetic
algorithms (GAs).

Hierarchical Algorithms

Hierarchical algorithms produce a nested sequence of partitions of the
data which can be depicted by using a tree structure that is popularly
called as dendrogram.

Hierarchical algorithms are either divisive or agglomerative.

In the former, starting with a single cluster having all the patterns, at
each successive step a cluster is split; this process continues till we end
up with each pattern in a cluster or a collection of singleton clusters.

Divisive algorithms use a top-down strategy for generating partitions

of the data. The effort involved here is in identifying which cluster
to split and how to split. Typically, a cluster with a large variance
(or average squared deviation from the centroid) is selected to split.
Further, exhaustive enumeration of all possible splits (2-partitions) of
a set of size m is (2m ).

Agglomerative algorithms, on the other hand, use a bottom-up strategy.

They start with n singleton clusters when the input data set is of size n,
where each input pattern is in a different cluster. At successive levels,
the most similar pair of clusters is merged to reduce the size of the
partition by 1.

An important property of the agglomerative algorithms is that once

two patterns are placed in the same cluster at a level, then they remain
in the same cluster at all subsequent levels.

Similarly, in the divisive algorithms, once two patterns are placed in

two different clusters at a level, then they remain in different clusters
at all subsequent levels.

Agglomerative Clustering

Typically, an agglomerative clustering algorithm goes through the follow-

ing steps:

1. Initialize each cluster with a distinct pattern. Compute the proximity

(similarity/dissimilarity matrix) between all pairs of patterns.

2. Find closest pair of clusters and merge them. Update the proximity
matrix to reflect the merge.

3. If all the patterns are in one cluster, stop. Else, go to step 2.

Note that step 1 in the above algorithm requires O(n2 ) time to compute
pairwise similarities and O(n2 ) space to store the values, when there
are n patterns in the given collection.

In the single-link algorithm, the distance between two clusters C1 and

C2 is the minimum of the distances d(X, Y ), where X C1 and Y C2 .

In the complete-link algorithm, the distance between two clusters C1

and C2 is the maximum of the distances d(X, Y ),where X C1 and
Y C2 .

Note that the single-link algorithm constructs a minimal spanning tree

with nodes located at the data points. On the other hand, the complete-
link algorithm characterizes strongly connected components as clusters.

Hierarchical clustering algorithms are computationally expensive.

The agglomerative algorithms require computation and storage of a

similarity or dissimilarity matrix of values that has O(n2 ) time and
space requirement.

Initially, they were used in applications where hundreds of patterns

were to be clustered.

However, when the data sets are larger in size, these algorithms are not
feasible because of the non-linear time and space demands.

It may not be easy to visualize a dendrogram corresponding to 1000


Similarly, divisive algorithms require exponential time in the number

of patterns or the number of features. So, they too do not scale up well
in the context of large-scale problems involving millions of patterns.

Partitional Clustering

Partitional clustering algorithms generate a hard or a soft partition of
the data.

The most popular of this category of algorithms is the K-Means algo-


K-Means Algorithm

A simple description of the K-Means algorithm is given below:

1. Select K initial cluster centers. Assign each of the n patterns to one of

the K clusters; a pattern is assigned to its closest center/cluster.

2. Compute the cluster centers based on the current assignment of pat-


3. Assign each of the n patterns to its closest center/cluster.

4. If there is no change in the assignment of patterns to clusters during

two successive iterations, then stop; else, go to step 2.

The above algorithm is called convergent K-Means algorithm.

Selecting the initial cluster centers is a very important issue. There

are a variety of schemes for selecting the initial cluster centers; these
include selecting the first K of the given n patterns, selection K random
patterns out of the given n patterns, and viewing the initial cluster seed
selection as an optimization problem and using a robust tool to search
for the globally optimal initial seed selection.

Example 1

K-means algorithm may be illustrated with the help of the three-dimensional

data set of 10 points given below.

(1, 1, 1)t (1, 1, 2)t (1, 3, 2)t (2, 1, 1)t (6, 3, 1)t
(6, 4, 1)t (6, 6, 6)t (6, 6, 7)t (6, 7, 6)t (7, 7, 7)t

Cluster1 Cluster2 Cluster3

(1, 1, 1)t (1, 1, 2)t (1, 3, 2)t

(2, 1, 1)t (6, 3, 1)t
(6, 4, 1)t
(6, 6, 6)t
(6, 6, 7)t
(6, 7, 6)t
(7, 7, 7)t
Table 1: The first iteration of the K-Means algorithm

Considering the first three points as the initial seed points of a 3-partition,
The three cluster representatives and assignment of the remaining 7 points
to the nearest centroids is shown in Table 1 using L1 metric as the distance
The centroids of the clusters are

(1.5, 1, 1)t, (1, 1, 2)t, (5.4, 5.1, 4.3)t

Assignment of the 10 patterns to the nearest updated centroids is shown in
Table 2. The updated cluster centroids are
Cluster1 Cluster2 Cluster3

(1.5, 1, 1)t (1, 1, 2)t (5.4, 5.1, 4.3)t

(1, 1, 1)t (1, 1, 2)t (6, 3, 1)t
(2, 1, 1)t (1, 3, 2)t (6, 4, 1)t
(6, 6, 6)t
(6, 6, 7)t
(6, 7, 6)t
(7, 7, 7)t
Table 2: The second iteration of the K-Means algorithm

(1.5, 1, 1)t, (1, 2, 2)t (6.1, 5.5, 4.66)t

Subsequent iterations do not lead to any changes in the assignment of points
or in the centroids obtained. K-Means algorithm minimizes the sum of the
squared deviations of patterns in a cluster from the center. If mi is the
centroid of the ith cluster, then the function minimized by the K-Means
algorithm is
i=1 xith cluster (x mi )t (x mi ).

Note that the value of the function is 55.5 for the 3-partition. However, if
we consider the initial seeds to be

(1, 1, 1)t, (6, 3, 1)t, (6, 6, 6)t,

then we have the assignment shown in Table 3. Further iterations do not

Cluster1 Cluster2 Cluster3

(1, 1, 1)t (6, 3, 1)t (6, 6, 6)t

(2, 1, 1)t (6, 4, 1)t (6, 6, 7)t
(1, 1, 2)t (1, 3, 2)t (6, 7, 6)t
(1, 3, 2)t (7, 7, 7)t
Table 3: The optimal 3-partition of the K-Means algorithm

affect any changes in the assignment of patterns. The value of squared error
criterion for this partition is 8. This shows that the K-Means algorithm is
not guaranteed to find the globally optimal partition.

The time complexity of the algorithm is O(nKdl), where l is the number

of iterations and d is the dimensionality.

The space requirement is O(Kd).

These features make the algorithm very attractive.

It is one of the most frequently used algorithms in a variety of appli-

cations; some of these applications involve large volumes of data, for
example, the satellite image data.

It is best to use the K-Means algorithm when the clusters are hyper-

It does not generate the intended partition, if the partition has non-
spherical clusters; in such a case, a pattern may not belong to the same
cluster as its nearest centroid.

Even when the clusters are spherical, it may not find the globally op-
timal partitions as discussed in Example 1.

Several schemes have been used to find the globally optimal partition
corresponding to the minimum value of the squared-error criterion.


1. Let us consider a two-dimensional data set of 10 vectors given by

X1 = (1, 1) X2 = (2, 1) X3 = (1, 2)
X4 = (2, 2) X5 = (6, 1) X6 = (7, 1)
X7 = (6, 2) X8 = (6, 7) X9 = (7, 7)
X10 = (7, 6)

Let us say that any two points belong to the same cluster if the Eu-
clidean distance between them is less than a threshold of 5 units. Form
the Clusters.

2. Consider the following data set of 4 patterns. Use Hamming distance

to cluster the rows and then columns. How is the result superior to the
original data?

Pattern f1 f2 f3 f4

1 1 0 0 1
2 0 1 1 0
3 0 1 1 0
4 1 0 0 1

3. Consider the two-dimensional dataset given below.
A = (0.5, 0.5); B = (2, 1.5); C = (2, 0.5); D = (5, 1);
E = (5.75, 1); F = (5, 3); G = (5.5, 3); H = (2, 3).
Obtain 3 clusters using the single-link algorithm.

4. Obtain three clusters of the data given in problem 3 using the K-Means

5. Consider the 7 two-dimensional patterns. The patterns are located at

A = (1, 1), B = (1, 2), C = (2, 2), D = (6, 2), E = (7, 2), F = (6, 6), G =
(7, 6).
Use the K-Means algorithm with A, B, and C as the initial seed points.
Is the resulting partition satisfactory?

6. Can we get a better partition than the one obtained in problem 5?


1. Devi, V.S; Murty M. N. (2011) Pattern Recognition: An Introduc-

tion, Universities Press, Hyderabad.

2. Jain, A.K; Murty M. N; Flynn, P. J. (1999) Data Clustering: A

Review, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp 264-323.

3. Xu, R; Wunsch,D. C. (2009) Clustering, IEEE Press.

4. Nagy, G., (1968) State of the Art in Pattern Recognition, Proceedings

of IEEE, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp 836-862.

5. Jain, A.K.; Dubes, R.C. (1988) Algorithms for Clustering Data,

Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.

6. Anderberg, M.R. (1973) Cluster Analysis for Applications, Aca-

demic Press, New york.

7. Duda R.O; Hart, P.E; Stork, D.J. (2000) Pattern Classification,

Wiley-interscience, New York.

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