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Admin no: 150070329


Solar Source

In Deserted Regions.

On Rooftop of Settlements.

Solar Parks, Traffic signals, In Railways.

Drivers for Solar power

2 Billions people without electricity worldwide

Low cost for remote requirements

Reduce peaking loads

Government subsidies

Environmental friendly


As we all Know Solar(photovoltaic) Cells Convert Solar Energy into Electricity. They rely on the
concept of PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT.(the ability of matter to emit electrons from its surface when
light is incident on it)

Silicon is Well Known Semi-Conductor Making it Key Ingredient in Solar cells. Sunlight is Composed of
tiny particles called PHOTONS. When sunlight falls on this Solar cell this hits on silicon atoms on solar
cells they transfer energy to lose electrons. Freeing up the electrons is only half of the work in solar
cell, if then needs to herd these stray of electrons to electric current this involves electric imbalance
in solar cell.

Creating imbalance is made possible by internal organisation of silicon. Silicon atoms are arranged in
tightly bound structure. By squeezing small quantities of other elements into this structure, two
different types of silicon are created, N-TYPE: which has spare electrons, P-TYPE: which is missing
electrons leaving HOLES in their places.

When this P-TYPE and N-TYPE are placed side by side in a solar cell, the N-TYPE silicon's spare
electrons jumps over to fill the gaps of P-TYPE silicon. This means that N-TYPE silicon becomes
positively charged and P-TYPE silicon becomes negatively charged. Creating a electric field along the
solar cell. Because silicon is a semi-conductor it can act like insulator maintaining imbalance.

As photons drives the electrons of silicon. these electrons move in orderly manner providing electric
current to Materials.

Types of Photovoltaic Cells

First Generation PV Cell:

Single crystalline silicon

Multi-junction cell (different band-gap materials)

Second Generation PV Cell:

Thin film silicon (amorphous silicon)

CdTe (Cadmium Telluride)

CuInSe2 (Copper Indium Dieseline)

Third Generation PV Cell

Ultra-High Efficiency concepts (>80%)

Ultra-low Cost

(i) Polymer cells with quantum dots or nanostructures.


Solar power source is abundant in nature.

Many types of PV cells are in development .

Solar power from PV cell are safe.

Solar cells are regarded as one of the key technologies towards a sustainable energy supply.

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