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Honors Contemporary Composition (11th Grade Honors)



Part I: In our Honors/Gifted Programs at Uni each year, you are asked to read a novel over
the summer before the start of the instructional year. This year you will read Their Eyes
Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston.

Part II: While you are reading, you need to annotate your text. We recommend that you
purchase a copy of the book to own, so that you may annotate directly in the book.
However, small post it notes may be used to annotate in a book that you have borrowed.
Use the following key as a jumping off point to help you mark up your text.

Annotation Key:
S- symbols
T- theme
M- motif
I- imagery
CD- character development
FL- figurative language
PP- plot progression

In addition to labeling these literary elements when you see them, you should also write
down what they do to add to, clarify, or refine the overall meaning of the work. In other
words, what is the subtext here? Why is it important? How does it work to create meaning?
This will be beneficial to your writing of the summer essay as well as the in-class writing
assignment you will receive when you arrive at school in August.

Special Note: Because annotations are difficult to check on e-books (e.g. Kindle, Nook),
your work must be in a paperback or hard cover version of the novel. You can get the
books at a library or a book store, but be prepared to bring it to class the first week of
school with your annotations (use Post-It Notes if you do not purchase your own copy).

Part III: While you are reading, you will be logging the most important sections of the text
in terms of both theme and symbols. Please use the attached graphic organizer to complete
this work. Note that you may need to add more rows based on your reading. Again, this will
greatly benefit you in writing both the summer essay and the in-class writing assignment.
Part IV: Finally, write a thoughtful, well-constructed analytical essay. You must use
quotes from the text (at least 6) in your work. Do not give plot summary! Your essay
should be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font and Times New Roman with 1-inch
margins (check MLA guidelines online or in a reference book). You should also cite your
quotations correctly.

Writing Prompt: A symbol is an object, action, or event that represents something or that
creates a range of associations beyond itself. In literary works a symbol can express an
idea, clarify meaning, or enlarge literal meaning. Focus on a symbol from your novel and
write an essay analyzing how that symbol functions in the work and what it reveals about
themes of the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot.

IMPORTANT: Although completion of this requirement is a prerequisite, failure to

complete the summer work will not preclude your enrollment in the honors class. If you
fail to do the assignments, you will remain in the class but will begin the term with a
failing grade for that part of the curriculum. Make sure you plan ahead and use time
management to ensure your work is completed and of a quality appropriate to an honors
11th grade class. Be prepared for class activities around your novel in the first week of

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