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Algebra 1

Section 8.1

Introduction To Sequences

A sequence is a list of numbers that follow a pattern. The list of numbers can contain an infinite
or a finite amount of numbers. The notation for a sequence is the list of numbers in a pair of curly
brackets. Sequences are usually named with a capital letter. For example, the list of numbers below
is a sequence.

S = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

Note that the order of numbers in a sequence is important. Two sequences with the same num-
bers in a different order are not the same sequence. For example, the sequence below is not the same
as sequence S above.

P = {3, 2, 4, 1, 0}

To reference a number in a sequence, use a subscript on the name of the sequence that is equal
to the position of the number in that sequence. For example, with the two sequences above, S1 = 0,
S2 = 1, P1 = 3, and S5 = 4. Generally, Sn is the nth term of the sequence S.

Thinking about a sequence this way, it is easy to see how a sequence is a type of function. The
domain of a sequence, however, is not continuous. The function f (x) = x2 has a domain that covers
a continuous range of points. f (1) is defined, as is f (1.1), f (1.01), and any decimal value in the real
numbers. However, the domain of a sequence is only the positive integers up to the amount of numbers
in a sequence. For example, S1.1 doesnt make sense because there is no number in the 1.1 position of
a sequence. This means the domain of a sequence is discrete, or not continuous.

The range of a sequence, if it is thought about as a function, is the list of numbers that belong
to that sequence. For example, the range of S is 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

For an infinite sequence, ellipses can be used to show the pattern continues infinitely, such as

Q = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, ...}

The pattern with Q is obviously the even numbers starting with 0 and increasing, so although
they are not given in the list, it can be inferred that 10 and 12 are part of Q.

Defining a Sequence

Instead of giving a sequence as a list of numbers, it is possible to define a rule for a sequence
that lets one find the value of a number in a certain position of a sequence. Such a definition can be
explicit (with a formula based on the position of the number in the sequence) or recursive (based on
previous terms with an initial value).

An explicit definition for the infinite sequence S and the sequence S given as a list are both

Sn = 3n 1

S = {2, 5, 8, 11, ...}

S can also be defined recursively, as shown below.

Sn = Sn1 + 3

S1 = 2

Note that it is necessary to give a value for the first term of S, otherwise there are multiple
possible sequences that satisfy the recursive definition for S. A recursive definition tells you how the
sequence changes with each successive term, but you need to know where to start.

It is often preferable to define a sequence explicitly, because it allows one to calculate any term
of a sequence. For example, one might be asked to calculate the 1, 000th term of S. From the explicit
definition, one can find that S1,000 = 3(1, 000) 1 = 2, 999. However, from the recursive definition, it
is necessary to calculate the first 999 terms of S before one can find the 1, 000th term.

Sometimes, however, it is more intuitive to define a sequence recursively. A famous example is

the Fibonacci sequence, where any term is the sum of the last two terms. This definition begs to be
defined recursively. However, since the definition is based on the last two terms, one needs to specify
the first two terms of the sequence rather than just the first. Below is a recursive definition of the
Fibonacci sequence along with the first few terms of the sequence.

Fn = Fn1 + Fn2

F1 = 1

F2 = 1

F = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...}


Here are a few examples to test the concepts provided in this section. Answers can be found on
the following pages.

1. The sequences S and P are given below. Compute the following arithmetic calculations.

S = {3, 6, 9, 12}

P = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}

a. S2 P1
b. S4 P3
c. S5 + P5

2. Find an explicit and recursive definition for the sequence S below.

S = {4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19}

3. Consider the sequence S as a function. What is the domain of S? What is the range of S?

S = {2, 4, 8, 16, 32}


These are the solutions to the questions on the previous page

1. Remember that the value of a subscript refers to the position in the sequence of the item being
a. S2 = 6 and P1 = 2, so S2 P1 = 6 2 = 4.
b. S4 = 12 and P3 = 6 so S4 P3 = 12 6 = 72.
c. This is a trick question. Although P5 = 10, there are only 4 items in S, so S5 doesnt exist.

2. Notice that each number in the sequence is three more than the previous number in the sequence.
Additionally, the first term is 4, so each term in the sequence is 4 plus some multiple of 3. Notice
that there must be a starting point, and the first term would be 3 plus this starting point. Then,
the second term would be 2 3 = 6 plus the starting point. Call this starting point S0 . Then, we
know the first term is 4 so S0 = S1 3 = 43 = 1. Thus, the explicit definition of the sequence is:

Sn = 1 + 3n

A recursive definition of the sequence is:

Sn = Sn1 + 3

S1 = 4

3. The domain of S is the positive integers less than or equal to 5. The range of S is the set of
numbers in the sequence, or 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32.

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