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Name: Joevelle Zabate Baflor Instructor: Engr.

Joseph Manbert Mendez, REcE

Subject: ECE415 (SPECTRA) Date: July 4, 2017

Activity#2 (Create a PIECEWISE having at least 3 limits)

1. Objectives:
Create a piecewise function
Create a graph model of your piecewise function having its limits of -10 to 10
Plot Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Signal
The figure must contain grid

2. Discussion (Manual Plotting):

( )

This is my piecewise function to be graph in MatLab

() = ( )

{( + )
Name: Joevelle Zabate Baflor Instructor: Engr. Joseph Manbert Mendez, REcE
Subject: ECE415 (SPECTRA) Date: July 4, 2017

3. Code

Included codes:

I used Linspace to simply initiate the values of

my first interval having a function of
sin((pi/4))(x). You can also used [-10:0.1:-6]

Subplot, this syntax is used only to display my

plots in a single figure

Title, code to custom made the name or title

of your figure

Plot, code to merge the initial values an plot

it in a single figure

Axis and Grid, This is only to display the axis

and grid of our graph

Ax.XAxisLocation and Ax.YAxisLocation to set

our axes in the origin

Xlabel and Ylabel, This is only to custom

made the name of our x-axis and y-axis

Stem, code to plot the corresponding

Discrete-time signal
Name: Joevelle Zabate Baflor Instructor: Engr. Joseph Manbert Mendez, REcE
Subject: ECE415 (SPECTRA) Date: July 4, 2017

4. Screenshot of the Waveform

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