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1962 ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 52, no.

11, november 2005

Acoustic Detection of Controlled Laser-Induced

Microbubble Creation in Gelatin
Christine Tse, Student Member, IEEE, Marwa J. Zohdy, Student Member, IEEE,
Jing Yong Ye, Senior Member, IEEE, Theodore B. Norris, Member, IEEE, Lajos P. Balogh,
Kyle W. Hollman, Member, IEEE, and Matthew ODonnell, Fellow, IEEE

AbstractA high-frequency (85 MHz) acoustic tech- materials, such as water and transparent biological tissues
nique is used to identify system parameters for controlled [1], [2]. Because femtosecond breakdown occurs only when
laser-induced microbubble creation inside tissue-mimicking, the breakdown threshold is exceeded, the surface and other
gelatin phantoms. Microbubbles are generated at the focus
of an ultrafast 793-nm laser source and simultaneously mon-
untargeted areas can remain unaected as the laser beam
itored through ultrasonic pulse-echo recordings. Displayed passes through. Furthermore, because light interacts with
in waveeld form, these recordings illustrate microbubble the material on a femtosecond time scale, thermal eects
creation, and integrated backscatter plots provide specics are conned to the plasma region and mechanical eects
about microbubble characteristics and dissolution behav- are minimized, avoiding damage to surrounding material
ior. By varying laser parameters, including pulse uence
(or pulse energy ux, J/cm2 ), total number of pulses deliv- and facilitating breakdown localization to micron and sub-
ered, and the period between pulses, the size, lifetime, and micron spatial scales [3][5]. The measurable eects of lo-
dissolution dynamics of laser-induced microbubbles may be calized breakdown, namely shock wave emission and mi-
independently controlled. Pulse uence is the main size- crobubble formation [3], [4], [6], [7], signal targeted areas
controlling parameter, whereas both increases in pulse u- and generate a highly echogenic microbubble for sensitive
ence and pulse number can lengthen microbubble lifetime
from tens to hundreds of milliseconds. In short, a microbub- acoustic detection and potential manipulation.
ble of particular lifetime does not necessarily have to be of a The LIOB with focused femtosecond pulsed laser beams
particular size. Microbubble behavior, furthermore, is inde- already has been used in a number of medical and biolog-
pendent of pulse periods below a uence-dependent thresh- ical systems to produce highly rened cell and tissue ef-
old value, but it exhibits stochastic behavior if pulse repeti-
fects while minimizing thermal and mechanical damage to
tion is too slow. These results demonstrate that laser pulse
uence, number, and period may be varied to deposit en- surrounding material [8][12]. Furthermore, recent stud-
ergy in a specic temporal manner, creating and stabilizing ies have demonstrated the potential for biochemically tar-
microbubbles with particular characteristics and, therefore, geted photodisruption using metal-dendrimer nanocom-
potential uses in sensitive acoustic detection and manipu- posites to locally manipulate LIOB threshold uences in
lation schemes.
specic tissues and cells. Dendrimers have proven to be
excellent carrier vehicles for molecular targeting [13], [14].
By trapping metallic domains in dendrimers, enhanced
I. Introduction
electric elds are established that signicantly reduce the
aser-induced optical breakdown (or LIOB) with fo- LIOB threshold of the organic host in water and biologic
L cused ultrafast laser beams can produce both pre-
cise subsurface biological eects and site-activated acoustic
tissue [15], [16]. Hence, these methods are very attractive
for molecular targeting, imaging, and therapy applications
contrast and, therefore, is an attractive tool for targeted in which the breakdown process site-activates the molecu-
therapy and imaging applications combined with ultra- lar delivery system.
sound. Above a material-specic irradiance threshold, fem- We previously reported on a high-frequency ultrasonic
tosecond laser pulses (which have high peak irradiance at imaging technique developed to sensitively detect and
relatively small pulse energies) initiate a plasma-mediated monitor localized LIOB in liquids at high resolution [17].
process that enables nonlinear energy deposition and local- At each optical breakdown event, a transducer monitors
ized material vaporization in nominally transparent target broadband pressure waves generated at the focus of an
ultrafast laser source, and simultaneously probes result-
Manuscript received December 8, 2004; accepted May 25, 2005. ing microbubbles through pulse-echo recordings. These mi-
This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health crobubbles not only act as site-activated, ultrasonic con-
under Grants HL-47401 and HL-67647, N01-CO-27173, and by the
Whitaker Foundation. trast agents, however, but also as targets for other po-
C. Tse, M. J. Zohdy, K. W. Hollman, and M. ODonnell are with tential acoustical applications achieving desired biological
the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan, eects or performing elasticity measurements [18], [19]. To
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2125 (e-mail:
J. Y. Ye and T. B. Norris are with the Center for Ultrafast Optical be most useful, however, the LIOB process should operate
Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2099. in controlled modes, creating bubbles with selectable char-
L. Balogh is with the Center for Biologic Nanotechnology, the De- acteristics. Microbubble size and lifetime have been shown
partment of Internal Medicine, and the Department of Biomedical
Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109- to scale with the absorbed laser pulse energy [6]. However,
0533. little previous research has investigated how bubble char-

c 2005 IEEE
tse et al.: microbubble creation and behavior 1963

acteristics vary with period and number of laser pulses

applied. The ability to control bubble size, dynamic be-
havior, and lifetime more independently should increase
their utility as site-activated agents.
In this study, we used a geometrically targeted LIOB
model to investigate the eect of tunable optical parame-
ters (pulse uence, number, and period) on LIOB bubble
characteristics. Our previously developed integrated, high-
frequency (85 MHz) acoustical and ultrafast optical setup
was used to study breakdown in a water-based collagen
gelatin phantom, which provided both tissue-like break-
down thresholds and mechanical properties.

II. Methods

The ultrafast optical source was a regeneratively am- Fig. 1. Schematic of integrated optical and acoustic experimental
plied Ti:sapphire laser ( = 793 nm) producing ap-
proximately 100 femtosecond pulses at a repetition rate
of 3.8 kHz. Laser exposure time was shutter-controlled,
and laser power was adjusted with a neutral-density l-
ter wheel. Using a 20 objective lens (N.A. = 0.4), the
laser source was focused to a 5 m diameter spot ap-
proximately 1 mm into a 5 w/w% water-based collagen
(Type-A, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) gelatin phan-
tom. Low strain rate (5E-3 Hz) mechanical measurements
on similar gels suggest an elastic modulus in the range
of 1.7 kPa for this medium. Phantoms were warmed to
room temperature before experiments. A spherically fo-
cused, single-element PVDF-TrFE ultrasonic transducer
(center frequency 85 MHz, 3.4 mm focal length, 1.6 mm
element diameter) was positioned so its focus coincided
axially and laterally with the laser focus. The transducer
was excited by a 400 MHz radio frequency (RF) bandwidth
pulser-receiver (5910PR, Panametrics, Waltham, MA). Ul-
trasonic probe pulses were synchronized with laser pulses,
repeated at 3.8 kHz, and had an adjustable delay line to Fig. 2. A typical acoustic waveeld of consecutive pulse-echo record-
probe microbubbles at variable times after the initiation ings illustrates dynamic events before, during, and after laser ex-
of photodisruption. For the experimental results reported posure, including acoustic emissions, pulse-echo signals from an
here, the transducer was excited approximately 729 ns be- LIOB bubble, and bubble lifetime. In this case, 20 laser pulses with
fore each laser ring, so that the ultrasound probe pulse 3.0 J/cm2 uence were delivered at 3.8 kHz. Individual pulse-echo
recordings are displayed as time (fast-time) relative to when acoustic
would arrive at the target site (the laser focus) after break- emissions are rst detected. Slow-time origin reects shutter opening.
down. The experimental system is illustrated in Fig. 1.
Multiple acoustic recordings were taken before, during,
and after laser exposure. When breakdown occurred, the ter is opened, however, acoustic emissions occur, signaling
transducer detected broadband pressure waves represent- microbubble formation. Then, because the transducer was
ing acoustic emissions generated at breakdown, and pulse- excited before the laser pulse to probe microbubbles af-
echo signals are reected from the resulting microbubble. ter breakdown, pulse-echo signals from the bubble appear
Data displayed in waveeld form illustrate these dynamic after emissions are detected. A bubble signal persists in
events and provide bubble lifetime information. An exam- consecutive recordings until ultimately decreasing to an
ple of a typical waveeld plot of consecutive pulse-echo amplitude below the baseline noise level. In Fig. 2, this is
recording is shown in Fig. 2. Individual pulse-echo record- observed to occur at 155 ms.
ings are displayed as time (fast-time) relative to when Specics about microbubble characteristics and dissolu-
acoustic emissions are rst detected. Each recording, which tion behavior, including relative bubble size and lifetime,
occurred 263 s apart (corresponding to 3.8 kHz repetition were determined by plotting backscatter power against
rate), are plotted vertically as time (slow-time) relative to time. Immediately after bubble creation, there was a
when laser exposure begins (the shutter is opened). While strong scattering peak, then decay. Below a threshold
the laser is blocked, no signals are detected. Once the shut- backscatter signal strength, dissolution rate rapidly in-
1964 ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 52, no. 11, november 2005

creased and ultimately resulted in bubble signal decay to

baseline noise. The relatively slow data acquisition repeti-
tion rate (3.8 kHz) did not allow for visualization of bubble
oscillation. Because the high frequency of our system was
far from bubble resonance, we used maximum ultrasound
scattering intensity as a measure of microbubble size. The
decay time to the baseline noise limit, furthermore, gave a
measure of microbubble lifetime.
Using this setup, optical parameters, including laser u-
ence, total number of laser pulses, and period between
pulses, were varied to create and monitor bubbles with
a range of size, lifetime, and dissolution dynamics. We in-
vestigated how bubble characteristics varied in response to
three sets of conditions: variable pulse uence at constant
number and period, variable pulse number at constant u-
ence and period, and variable pulse period at constant u-
ence and number. Ranges of uence, pulse number, and Fig. 3. Example integrated backscatter versus time plots for four
pulse uences. In each case, 20 laser pulses were delivered at 3.8 kHz.
period were 0.95 to 4.9 J/cm2 /pulse, 20 to 1000 total laser
Note that integrated backscatter is dened as the backscattered
pulses, and 1.4 to 50 ms, respectively. Note that the max- acoustic power from the bubble normalized to the power recorded
imum uence was only 5.8 times above threshold. We ob- for a perfect planar reector using precisely the same transducer and
served that, for our focusing conditions, uences above this electronics.
value would create multiple laser-induced bubbles stacked
axially, aligned with the direction of the laser beam. There-
fore, the uence range was chosen to observe conditions
that created and stabilized only single bubbles.

III. Results

A. Size and Stability with Pulse Fluence and Number

For the rst set of conditions in which laser uence was

used as the main tuning parameter, bubble size and life-
time scaled with laser uence, as previously observed by
other researchers [6]. This relationship is demonstrated
by the example integrated backscatter plots of Fig. 3.
The integrated backscatter is dened as the backscattered
Fig. 4. Example integrated backscatter versus time plots for four dif-
acoustic power from the bubble normalized to the power ferent total number of laser pulses. In each case, pulses were delivered
recorded for a perfect planar reector using precisely the at 3.8 kHz with a 3.0 J/cm2 /pulse uence.
same transducer and electronics. These plots show how
both scattering peaks and lifetimes increased with increas-
ing laser uence. Note that, although absolute bubble size uence and total number of pulses as tuning parameters.
for each individual microbubble was not quantied from This is demonstrated in the example integrated backscat-
these measurements, we estimated the size range from ter plots of Fig. 4, which show how bubble size does not
backscatter measurements from a range of polystyrene increase as dramatically even though lifetimes are compa-
beads with known sizes. Bubbles reported in this study rably increased.
ranged from 8 to 24 m in diameter, corresponding to a Figs. 5 and 6 summarize the eects of these two optical
40 to 25 dB backscatter range. In short, increasing laser parameters (pulse uence and number) on bubble size and
uence produced larger bubbles that correspondingly had stability. The six pulse uences used were 0.7, 1.25, 2.1,
longer lifetimes. 2.5, 3.2, and 3.7 J/cm2 , and the eight pulse numbers used
Using pulse number as an additional tuning parame- were 20, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000. For each g-
ter, however, we observed that longer bubble lifetimes did ure, data from eight bubbles were averaged for each of the
not always have to be coupled with the same increases 48 parameter combinations. Raw images were evenly up-
in bubble size. In particular, for the second set of condi- sampled (2 cubic interpolation in both lateral and axial
tions in which pulse number was used as the main tun- directions) for display purposes. In Fig. 5, the mean and
ing parameter, we found that we could produce relatively standard deviation of maximum integrated backscatter is
smaller, longer lived bubbles. Thus, bubble size and sta- plotted for a range of uences and pulse numbers, with
bility could be controlled more independently using both deep red corresponding to the smallest bubble [Fig. 5(A)]
tse et al.: microbubble creation and behavior 1965

Fig. 5. (A) Mean and (B) standard deviation of bubble maximum in- Fig. 6. (A) Mean and (B) standard deviation of bubble lifetime for
tegrated backscatter (dB) for a range of uences and pulse numbers. a range of uences and pulse numbers. Pulses delivered at 3.8 kHz.
Pulses delivered at 3.8 kHz.

in which pulse uence was conserved. This gure demon-

or size variability [Fig. 5(B)] and white corresponding to strates that a bubble of a particular lifetime does not nec-
the largest bubble [Fig. 5(A)] or size variability [Fig. 5(B)]. essarily have to be of a particular size. For example, con-
Clearly, uence is the primary parameter controlling size, serving lifetime, a 695 ms lifetime bubble can have 4 dB
with maximum integrated backscatter saturating at the reduced backscatter (a substantial size reduction) if cre-
higher uence values as bubble size approaches the ultra- ated at a lower 2.8 J/cm2 /pulse uence and stabilized by
sound beam size. In addition, size variability generally de- 100 additional pulses as compared to creation and sta-
creases with pulse uence, with the standard deviation in bilization using a higher 4.8 J/cm2 /pulse uence and 20
backscatter ranging from 0.2 to 1.4 dB. In Fig. 6, the mean additional pulses.
and standard deviation of bubble lifetime are plotted for
the same pulse uence and number ranges with blue cor- B. Pulse Period and Stochastic Bubble Behavior
responding to the shortest lived bubble or lifetime vari-
ability and pink corresponding to the longest lived bubble Keeping pulse number constant, we varied the pe-
or lifetime variability. For this bubble characteristic, pulse riod between consecutive pulses for three dierent supra-
number in addition to pulse uence is a controlling param- threshold pulse uences (1.4, 2.8, and 4.2 J/cm2 ), deposit-
eter. In addition, lifetime variability scales with these two ing the same energy in a specic temporal manner to see
eects, with mean variability accounting for 10% of mean how it aected bubble behavior. Single-pulse bubble life-
bubble lifetime. times were measured to be 13, 43, and 97 ms for 1.4, 2.8,
These gures suggest that bubble size and stability may and 4.2 J/cm2 /pulse, respectively. Because the pulse pe-
be more independently controlled using uence and puls- riod range studied was 1.4 to 50 ms, we considered pe-
ing together as tuning parameters. Consider the paramet- riods far below single-pulse bubble lifetimes and periods
ric plot in Fig. 7 showing size in relation to stability for that were at least half the single-pulse bubble lifetimes.
bubbles created and stabilized by two sets of conditions, Looking at integrated backscatter versus time plots, we
one in which pulse number was conserved and the other observed that the eect of subsequent pulses on bubble dy-
1966 ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 52, no. 11, november 2005

Fig. 7. Parametric plot of maximum integrated backscatter versus Fig. 9. Variability in size versus pulse period for 30 pulses at three
lifetime. Black diamonds correspond to bubbles created and main- dierent pulse uences. Arrows indicate how increasing uence de-
tained with a constant 20 pulses, but at variable pulse uence; red lays onset of stochastic bubble behavior. Squares, circles, and crosses
circles correspond to bubbles created and maintained with a variable correspond to 1.4, 2.8, and 4.2 J/cm2 , respectively.
number of pulses at a constant 2.8 J/cm2 /pulse. Arrows indicate
bubble examples with lifetime conserved.
Average Maximum Integrated Backscatter and Lifetime
Values for Bubbles Exhibiting Typical Behavior for Each
of Three Fluence Conditions (30 Laser Pulses, Pulse
Periods Below the Stochastic Behavior Threshold).

Pulse integrated
uence backscatter Lifetime Sample
(J/cm2 ) (dB) (ms) size
1.4 34.5 0.5 149 17 16
2.8 31.3 0.6 345 28 20
4.2 28.3 0.8 472 21 28

increasing uence delays the onset of stochastic behavior.

Table I summarizes the results from averaging bubble re-
Fig. 8. Example integrated backscatter versus time plots for two pulse sponses exhibiting typical behavior for each of the three
periods, one of which exhibited typical behavior and one of which ex- uence conditions, i.e., bubble responses for each set of
hibited stochastic behavior. Thirty laser pulses with 2.8 J/cm2 /pulse uence and pulse periods below the stochastic behavior
delivered. Arrows indicate the end of laser exposure.

namics is independent of pulse periods less than a uence- IV. Discussion

dependent threshold period value. Beyond this value, bub-
bles exhibit stochastic, random behavior resulting in large Our high-frequency acoustic technique identied laser
size variability throughout their lifetimes. Fig. 8 gives ex- irradiation parameters for controlled laser-induced mi-
ample backscatter plots for bubbles that exhibit typical crobubble creation inside tissue-mimicking, gelatin phan-
behavior and for bubbles that exhibit stochastic behav- toms. For a given sample, initial cavitation conditions (ini-
ior. Fig. 9 demonstrates how the period threshold value for tial cavitation size and inherent dissolution dynamics) are
stochastic behavior scales with uence. Considering the controlled by pulse uence. Pulse uence determines ab-
standard deviation () of integrated backscatter (or the sorbed laser energy and the size of the photodisruption
variability in bubble size) as a measure of stochastic be- zone, which correspondingly yields a bubble of a certain
havior, we plotted average against pulse period for the size and energy. Subsequent pulsing, with variable pulse
three pulse uences. For each parameter set of pulse period number and period, increases laser exposure and modies
and uence, four bubble responses were averaged. Arrows the energy balance and transfer during the process lead-
in Fig. 9 mark the pulse period corresponding to the onset ing to bubble dissolution and ultimate rapid decay. In-
of stochastic bubble behavior for each uence, showing how terestingly, hundreds of laser pulses at lower laser uence
tse et al.: microbubble creation and behavior 1967

have an equivalent eect on bubble lifetime as fewer laser

pulses at higher uence. Yet, those bubbles created and
stabilized with pulsing at lower uences are smaller than
those created using pulses with higher uence. Optimal en-
ergy, number, and timing of subsequent pulses for added
energy deposition and bubble stabilization depend on dy-
namic changes of bubbles produced by previous pulses. A
balance between pulse period and bubble dissolution rate
is required and sets a limit on the amount of time addi-
tional pulsing will stably inuence cavitation dynamics for
a given parameter set. The same total energy spread over
varying time periods had large eects on a bubbles stabil-
ity because pulses encountered bubbles at dierent stages
of dissolution.
Gas and gel dynamics (as associated with laser-induced
bubble dynamics) are inuenced by many eects such as Fig. 10. Example integrated backscatter versus time plots for two
compressibility, heat, and mass transfer. With each laser gelatin stinesses. Twenty laser pulses with 3.0 J/cm2 uence deliv-
pulse, the energy transfer coecients governing these pro- ered at 3.8 kHz.
cesses are changed. Bubble characteristics and dynamics,
in short, are not simply related to the total laser energy de-
livered to a region of interest. Instead, the size, dynamics, optical conditions have lasted up to 30 s in corneal tissue
and lifetime of a bubble are determined by the interplay [6]. Preliminary results (see example backscatter plots in
between the eects of pulse uence, number, and period, Fig. 10) using our ultrasonic technique also have observed
which all work together to create precise optical condi- a lengthening of bubble lifetime with increasing gelatin
tions for bubble creation and maintenance in a particu- concentration with relatively no dierence in bubble size.
lar medium. The mechanism of energy deposition of addi- Bubbles in 10% gelatin samples were twice as stable as
tional pulses is not clear from the results reported in this bubbles created in 5% gelatin with the same optical pa-
study, but it may depend on a number of factors, including rameters (20 laser pulses, 3.0 J/cm2 uence delivered at
nonlinear heat transfer to gas inside bubbles, additional 3.8 kHz ).
cavitation and coalescence stabilizing bubbles, tempera- Low strain rate, direct mechanical measurements on
ture eects on surface tension and viscosity in the optical similar gels using methods as previously described [20] sug-
zone, and sample elasticity eects on bubble stability. In gest an elastic modulus in the ranges of 5.6 and 1.6 kPa
addition to the change in bubble dynamics, another indi- for the 10% and 5% gelatin medium [18]. Stability may be
cator of further energy deposition with additional pulses inuenced by medium stiness through associated damp-
was the presence of secondary acoustic emissions, which ing eects. Damping of bubble oscillations hinders bubble
were observed to occur during laser exposure to additional collapse due to dissipation of bubble energy. Consequently,
pulses, but far earlier than the time of bubble signal decay bubbles may tend to persist longer when highly damped
to baseline noise. An example of this may be observed in by sti surrounding media. Alternatively, considerations
the waveeld in Fig. 2; note the multiple emissions. The involving a mediums viscoelastic response to bubble for-
intensity and frequency of these emissions varied, however, mation may provide an even more complete understand-
even for the same optical parameter set that yielded bub- ing of the eect of mechanical characteristics. In future
bles with consistent characteristics. studies, therefore, we intend to study modeling multipulse,
The rapid decay of bubbles with a backscatter signal laser-induced bubble behavior in media of varying material
strength below a certain threshold (bubble size) observed properties, as the dissipation of bubble energy is highly
in these studies was most likely caused by an ultimate im- inuenced by mechanical properties of the surrounding
balance between pressure in the gelatin at the bubble wall medium. It also will be important to assess the exact dam-
and the bubble vapor pressure. Because bubble expansion age generated from breakdown in mechanically dierent
in liquid and tissues occurs under stress connement, the materials at dierent optical conditions. Potentially, for a
dissipation of bubble energy is highly inuenced by the material with given mechanical properties, breakdown at
mechanical (viscosity and stiness) and thermal proper- specic low power with many pulses imparts less stress,
ties of the surrounding medium. Expanded bubbles even- generating a smaller amount of mechanical damage in the
tually shrink in size due to both the properties and static sample than breakdown at a specic high power with few
pressure of the surrounding medium, and bubble energy pulses. When operating in either destructibility regime,
and gas diusion characteristics of the medium determine however, it is possible to generate strong acoustic signals
the rate of this process. For example, while laser-induced and scattering objects signifying the weak or strong break-
bubbles produced by uences 10 threshold have been re- down event.
ported to have lifetimes on the order of tens of microsec- In addition, any diagnostic and/or therapeutic tech-
onds in water [7], cavitation bubbles created under similar nology based on LIOB will depend on ultrafast optical
1968 ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 52, no. 11, november 2005

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[1] A. Vogel, Nonlinear absorption: Intraocular microsurgery and

laser lithotripsy, Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 42, pp. 895912, 1997. Christine Tse received the dual B.S.E. de-
[2] P. K. Kennedy, D. X. Hammer, and G. A. Rockwell, Laser- gree in biomedical and electrical engineering
induced breakdown in aqueous media, Prog. Quantum Elec- from Duke University in 2001, and the M.S.
tron., vol. 21, pp. 155248, 1997. in biomedical engineering at the University
[3] J. Noack, D. X. Hammer, G. D. Noojin, B. A. Rockwell, and A. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI in 2003. She
Vogel, Inuence of pulse duration on mechanical eects after is currently a Ph.D. candidate in biomedi-
laser-induced breakdown in water, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 83, no. cal engineering at the University of Michigan,
12, pp. 74887495, 1998. and is sponsored by the Whitaker Founda-
[4] A. A. Oraevsky, L. B. Da Silva, A. M. Rubenchik, M. D. Feit, tion. Her research involves ultrasonic monitor-
M. E. Glinsky, M. D. Perry, B. M. Mammini, W. Small, IV, and ing of laser-induced microbubbles and the de-
B. C. Stuart, Plasma mediated ablation of biological tissues velopment of LIOB-based imaging and ther-
with nanosecond-to-femtosecond laser pulses: Relative role of lin- apy applications. This work is being per-
ear and nonlinear absorption, IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum formed in the Biomedical Ultrasonics Laboratory under Dr. Matthew
Electron., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 801809, 1996. ODonnell.
tse et al.: microbubble creation and behavior 1969

Marwa J. Zohdy received her B.S. degree Lajos P. Balogh earned his Ph.D. degree in
in electrical engineering in 2000, and her M.S. chemical technology (1983) and his M.S. de-
degree in biomedical engineering in 2002, both gree in chemistry (1975) at the Kossuth L.
from the University of Michigan in Ann Ar- University of Sciences and Arts, Debrecen,
bor, MI. She is a recipient of the Whitaker Hungary. He served as a Research Associate
Graduate Fellowship and past president of Professor of both of Internal Medicine and
the University of Michigan Biomedical En- of Biomedical Engineering, and Research As-
gineering Society. She is currently pursuing sociate Professor of Biologic Nanotechnology
her Ph.D. degree in the Biomedical Ultrason- and of Macromolecular Science and Engineer-
ics Laboratory at the University of Michigan, ing at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
where her current research activities involve MI. In January 2005, he joined the Roswell
characterization of laser-induced microbub- Park Cancer Institute as Director of Nan-
bles, investigating applications in cellular diagnostics and therapy. otechnology Research. He is a professor of biomedical nanotechnol-
ogy, Department of Radiation Medicine, SUNY, Bualo. Dr. Balogh
specializes in the elds of organic synthesis, analytical chemistry,
chemical engineering, polymer chemistry and materials science. His
research involves conceptualization, synthesis, characterization and
Jing Yong Ye (M02SM02) received his utilization of polymers, dendrimers, organic/inorganic hybrid nano-
Ph.D. degree in applied physics from the Uni- materials and engineered nanostructures for medical and materials
versity of Tsukuba, Japan, in 1997. Then he applications.
joined the Joint Research Center for Atomic
Technology-Angstrom Technology Partner-
ship in the National Institute for Advanced
Interdisciplinary Research as a Research Sci-
entist, where he worked on single-molecule u- Kyle W. Hollman (S93M95) has been
orescence imaging and ultrafast time-resolved an assistant research scientist in the Biomedi-
spectroscopy. He received JRCAT Award in cal Engineering Department of the University
1998 and was appointed as NEDO Fellow in of Michigan since 2001. Currently, he is ex-
1999. In January 2000, Dr. Ye joined the Cen- ploring biomedical applications of ultrasound
ter for Ultrafast Optical Science in the University of Michigan. He microscopy with particular interest in elas-
is an Assistant Research Scientist and has a broad range of research ticity measurements of corneas and arteries.
interests including ultrafast spectroscopy, multiphoton scanning con- In 1998, the department originally hired him
focal microscopy, ber-optic biosensing, nanotechnology, adaptive as a postdoctoral research fellow. From 1996
aberration correction, single-molecule uorescence imaging and spec- through 1998 Dr. Hollman worked in the Ma-
troscopy, etc. He is currently working on biosensing and triggering terials Reliability Division of the NIST labora-
of dendrimer-based nano-devices for noninvasive detection, diagnosis tory in Boulder, CO. He earned a M.A. degree
and treatment of cancer for a NIH granted program, and develop- in 1990 and a Ph.D. degree in 1995 from the Physics Department of
ing biosensors for real-time monitoring of radiation induced biologic Washington University in St. Louis where his doctoral thesis exam-
eects in space for a NASA granted program. Dr. Ye is a senior ined ultrasonic detection techniques of wavefront distortion caused
member of IEEE. by rough surfaces or anisotropy. In 1988 he received a B.S. degree
from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he majored in both
mathematics and physics.

Theodore B. Norris is a professor in the

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Department at the University of Michigan. Matthew ODonnell (M79SM84F93)
He received his B.A. degree in physics (with EDUCATION: B.S. and Ph.D. in Physics,
Highest Honors) from Oberlin College in 1982, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN,
and his Ph.D. degree in physics from the Uni- 1972 and 1976.
versity of Rochester in 1989, with a disser- EXPERIENCE: Following his graduate
tation on time-resolved tunneling in semicon- work, Dr. ODonnell moved to Washington
ductor heterostructures. He continued his in- University in St. Louis, MO as a postdoc-
vestigations of time-resolved optical studies toral fellow in the Physics Department work-
of semiconductors at Thomson-CSF in France ing on applications of ultrasonics to medicine
19891990. During 19901992 he was an As- and nondestructive testing. He subsequently
sistant Research Scientist at the Ultrafast Science Laboratory and held a joint appointment as a Senior Research
from 19921996 an Assistant Professor and from 19962001 an As- Associate in the Physics Department and a
sociate Professor in EECS at the University of Michigan. His research Research Instructor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine at
interests include the application of femtosecond optical techniques to Washington University. In 1980 he moved to General Electric Corpo-
the physics of semiconductor structures, the development of new ul- rate Research and Development Center in Schenectady, NY, where
trafast optical and electronic probes with high spatial resolution for he continued to work on medical electronics, including MRI and ul-
applications to semiconductor nanostructures and biological imag- trasound imaging systems. During the 19841985 academic year, he
ing, the application of ultrafast optics to biomedical imaging, in vivo was a visiting fellow in the Department of Electrical Engineering at
sensing, and cancer therapeutics, the generation of THz radiation, Yale University in New Haven, CT investigating automated image
and nanoacoustic imaging with picosecond coherent phonon pulses. analysis systems. In a bold move during 1990, Dr. ODonnell became
This work has appeared in over 110 journal and 160 conference pub- a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the
lications. His research is performed at the Center for Ultrafast Op- University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. Since 1997, he has held a
tical Science and the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science joint appointment as Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Michi-
Department at the University of Michigan. He is a Fellow of the Op- gan, and in 1998 he was named the Jerry W. and Carol L. Levin
tical Society of America, and a member of IEEE and the American Professor of Engineering. Currently, he is the Chair of the Biomed-
Physical Society. ical Engineering Department. His most recent work has explored
new imaging modalities in biomedicine, including elasticity imag-
ing, in vivo microscopy, optoacoustic arrays, optoacoustic contrast
agents for molecular imaging and therapy, thermal strain imaging,
and catheter based devices.

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