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2 bimestre


1) Leia o texto e aplique as regras do present continuous:

Hi, Bill. How are you? Well, I _____________________(to write) a letter now

because my class is only in the afternoon. My sister Beth _______________(to

sleep) at the moment, she does not have class today. My parents

____________(to have) breakfast because at 8 oclock they ____________ (to

go) to work. My grandmother Tina lives with us, she _______________(to watch)

her favorite program on TV and my grandfather Robert _______________(to read)

a book.

Bye, Pamela

1) Retome ao texto para responder as questes abaixo:

a) What is Pamela doing in the story?


b) And Beth? Is she writing a letter too?


c) Is Pamelas mother having lunch?


d) Who is Tina?


e) Whats Tina doing?


f) Is Robert reading a book or a magazine?


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