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Altimetry B Y J A M E S T. P O T E M R A

Figure 1. The Pacic to Indian Ocean exchange, known as the Indonesian throughow (ITF), has
been sampled with a repeat expendable bathythermograph (XBT) hydrographic section from
Australia to Indonesia (IX-1, red stars). Sea-level estimates from the TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) satel-
lite (ground tracks given with the black lines) are used to estimate ITF transport. The major straits
through which the ITF passes are indicated on the map.

98 Oceanography Vol. 18, No. 4, Dec. 2005

The relatively intense boundary cur- ment of sea level that may be used to prise the Indonesian seas (Figure 1).
rents of the western equatorial Pacific, index ITF flow. Velocities through some of the narrow
as well as the western Pacific warm pool, Wyrtki (1987) was the first to suggest straits, Lombok Strait for example, can
have long been recognized as key com- that ITF transport could be estimated be quite extreme, reaching more than 1
ponents in the global climate system. from sea-level differences between the m s-1 over a shallow sill at the southern
More recently, the eastern Indian Ocean Pacific and Indian Oceans. The reason- side (Hautala et al., 2001). In addition,
has been identified as a potential source ing was based on the hypothesis that the tides in the Indonesian seas are large and
for climate variability over a larger area large-scale pressure difference between can sometimes contribute to swift flows
(Saji and Yamagata, 2003). These systems the two basins provided the forcing for in the straits. Upper-ocean instruments
are not isolated, however, and Pacific- the ITF. Wyrtki used sea-level varia- on a bottom-anchored mooring in the
to-Indian Ocean exchange occurs via tions from coastal tide-gauge stations at Makassar Strait, for example, were driven
the Indonesian throughflow (ITF) (see Davao, Mindanao Island (Philippines), more than 100 m vertically from moor-
Gordon, this issue). Understanding this and at Darwin, Australia. The latter was ing blow-over due to semi-diurnal tides
exchange, and the ability to estimate it, to be representative of Indian Ocean within the strait (Gordon et al., 1999).
are therefore essential for understand- conditions. Wyrtki pointed out, however, Although flow through these individ-
ing the global climate system. Directly that a more suitable location for sea-level ual straits is of interest, the net exchange
measuring this flow has been challeng- measurements would have been along between the Pacific and Indian Oceans
ing. This paper outlines a method to es- the Indonesian archipelago, but data is also important, as it represents a key
timate the large-scale oceanic transport were not available at that time. Clarke component in the heat and freshwater
in the ITF by using satellite-measured and Liu (1994) further explained that the budgets of the two ocean basins. The
sea level from the TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) sea-level patterns associated with the an- variability of ITF transport, as it affects
altimeter. The satellite measurements do nual cycle and those associated with in- upper-ocean heat content, may also play
not directly measure transport, but they terannual variations were quite different a role in climate variability in the region.
comprise a long, almost global, measure- at these locations; the simple sea-level The forcing, therefore, as well as the
difference between Davao and Darwin potential effects of ITF transport vari-
cannot adequately represent both time ability, is large scale. To estimate ITF
scales. Today, however, satellite estimates variations, simultaneous large-scale
of sea level can be used to produce a measurements are needed. Satellite mea-
more robust index, while long-term di- surements of sea level provide one such
rect measurements of ITF transport have measurement. Sea level from the T/P
not yet become available. altimeter provides nearly simultane-
The ITF is difficult to measure for ous, global coverage and may be used
a variety of reasons. As Pacific waters to produce an estimate of net ITF ex-
move from the western equatorial Pa- change. The challenge is to determine
cific to the eastern Indian Ocean, they the relationship between sea level and
travel through a complex array of nar- ITF transport. In this study a numerical
row straits and deep basins that com- model is used.

To estimate ITF variations, simultaneous

large-scale measurements are needed.

Oceanography Vol. 18, No. 4, Dec. 2005 99

Potemra et al. (1997) (P97 model) altimeter data to estimate ITF transport. multivariate sequential data assimilation
showed that sea level in certain key re- First, the variability of the ITF transport scheme (Carton et al., 2000) that updates
gions, as measured by T/P, could be com- is described in order to judiciously select the ocean model with observations of
bined to produce an estimate of net ITF sea-level locations that will best reflect temperature and salinity every ten days.
transport. A simple, linear model was ITF forcing. Next, the model results are It should be noted that satellite altimeter
constructed as follows: described, and finally the index is ap- data were not assimilated into the model
plied to the satellite data. run used in this study.
VTITF(t) = i i(t), [1] The annual cycle of ITF transport
E STIMATE S OF ITF from SODA accurately shows peak
where VTITF(t) is the total ITF volume TR ANSPORT BASED ON transport during the southeast monsoon
transport as a function of time (mean OBSERVATIONS AND MODEL S (roughly JulyOctober) and minimum
removed), i(t) are sea-level variations at Long-term, net ITF transport has been during the northwest monsoon, as pre-
location i (mean removed and normal- estimated from in situ observations in dicted by Wyrtki (1961). The annual
ized to unit variance), and i are weights some of the key Indonesian passages. cycle is most evident in the upper 200
determined from a least squares fit. Understanding that these measurements m in the SODA results (similar to other
Since that study, advancements in nu- have been acquired in different years, the models), and represents about 60 per-
merical models and new in situ measure- mean ITF is estimated to be between 6.0 cent of the variance in this layer (9 Sv2
ments have lead to a better understand- and 10.0 Sv (Hautala et al., 2001); see compared to 15 Sv2). A deeper layer, 200
ing of the temporal and spatial variability Gordon (this issue) for a full review. to 500 m, has less overall variance (6.9
of ITF transport, particularly the vertical Model estimates of ITF transport Sv2), but only 6 percent is due to sea-
variability of this flow (Potemra et al., are typically higher than the observed sonal variability.
2003). In addition, there are now more estimates. Perhaps due to insufficient This model result is consistent with
than ten years of T/P measurements that resolution of the complex bathymetry, the hypothesis that lower-frequency forc-
can be used to make a more robust ITF or uncertainties in wind forcing, most ing of the ITF, for example, that associ-
index. For this study, version 1.0 NASA/ large-scale models, particularly coarse ated with El Nio-Southern Oscillation
GSFC Ocean Pathfinder gridded sea-level resolution models, give net ITF trans- (ENSO) variations, is evident in a deeper
variations (obtained from ftp://iliad.gsfc. ports in excess of 15 Sv. layer of the ITF (Potemra et al., 2003). were used. The model used in this study, the Interannual variability in ITF transport
The P97 study is, therefore, revis- Simple Ocean Data Assimilation-Paral- is less well known than the seasonal cycle,
ited, using both a longer satellite record lel Ocean Program (SODA POP 1.2) mainly due to a lack of sufficiently long
of sea level and a more sophisticated model (henceforth referred to as SODA) observations. One notable exception is
ocean model to determine the best fit produces a realistic ITF transport with a the nearly twenty-year repeat expend-
(the is in equation 1). As in P97, the net mean of 12.7 Sv. This model has 40 able bathythermograph (XBT) section
relationship between ITF and sea level vertical levels that vary from 10 m near from Shark Bay, Australia to the Sunda
was determined using an ocean general the surface to 250-m thick in the deep Strait known as IX-1 (red stars in Figure
circulation model (OGCM), and then ocean. The original SODA grid uses a 1). Meyers et al. (1995) computed upper-
this relationship was applied to the T/P displaced pole, and is 0.4 in longitude ocean transport (0 to approximately 400
by 0.28 latitude, but the model results m) based on these XBT data for the early
James T. Potemra ( is were regridded to a regular 0.5 by 0.5 part of the record and found a response
Assistant Researcher, School of Ocean and grid. The model was forced by ERA-40 to ENSO in the sense that warm El Nio
Earth Science and Technology, International daily averaged winds from the European events were associated with reduced ITF
Pacic Research Center, University of Ha- Center for Medium Range Weather Fore- transport (Meyers, 1996). A possible
waii, Honolulu, HI, USA. casts (ECMWF). The model also uses a explanation is that during these warm

100 Oceanography Vol. 18, No. 4, Dec. 2005

events, sea level in the western Pacific is ern end of the Java/Australia section et al. (1995). The model velocity along
anomalously low, thus reducing the Pa- (England and Huang, 2005; McClean et this section is highest in the near-surface
cific-to-Indian Ocean pressure gradient al., submitted) is longer than those gener- layer, particularly near the coast of Java.
that is thought to drive the ITF. These ated in the Indian Ocean, and thus there Zonal velocity through this section is
results have been confirmed to a certain is not a coherent ENSO signal in the net, maximum between 11S and the coast
degree by recent modeling studies (e.g., along-track integrated transport. and reaches almost 50 cm s-1 in the up-
England and Huang [2005] and McClean per 30 m. It is half that value at 100 m,
et al. [submitted]) in that time-filtered SODA ITF Transport and by 200 m the velocity is 12 cm s-1.
model transport values show a correla- ITF transport was computed as the South of 11S the surface flow is between
tion to ENSO indices. The correlation, depth and cross-strait integral of zonal 0 and 10 cm s-1 (westward).
while significant, is not very high (0.37 velocity from SODA along a line from These velocities integrate to a net ITF
between upper ocean ITF transport and Australia to South Java (Figure 2). This transport of 12.7 Sv. The variability of
ENSO) (England and Huang, 2005), and section is close to the IX-1 line of Meyers this transport is different in distinct re-
depends on the vertical and horizontal
section limits of the transport calcula-
tion. For example, transport near the
coast of Australia shows a higher corre-
lation with ENSO than transport varia-
tions near South Java (McClean et al.,
The ITF-to-ENSO relationship is
somewhat obscured when looking at to-
tal depth integrated transport because
local winds act on the near-surface layer,
while Pacific (ENSO) forcing controls
ITF variations at a deeper depth. Further,
ITF transport computed as the integral of
velocity along the IX-1 section from Aus-
tralia to Indonesia not only includes ITF
influences, but also influences from In-
dian Ocean circulation (from the south-
ern subtropical gyre) and from the South
Java Current, a seasonal current along the
southern coasts of Sumatra/Java. Indian
Ocean forcing, such as from the Indian
Ocean Dipole (IOD) (Saji et al., 1999),
also complicates this signal, and directly
influences transport on the northern
edge of the Java/Australia section, while Figure 2. Data from transect shown in Figure 1 (green line). ITF transport occurs in dis-
Pacific forcing controls low-frequency crete sections, both in the vertical and horizontal. The upper panel shows the bathymetry
variations on the southern edge (Wijffels along a section from Australia (left side) to Java (right side). In the lower panel, the mean
(<V>) and variance (2) of transport through two vertical and three horizontal subsec-
and Meyers, 2004). The time lag for Pa- tions (indicated by the dashed lines) from the SODA model are given. Most of the trans-
cific-generated signals to reach the south- port in this model occurs near the surface o the coast of Java, but signicant variability is
seen at depth in all three subsections.

Oceanography Vol. 18, No. 4, Dec. 2005 101

gions along the track. The upper 200 m independent and in fact are uncorrelated of the section near Australia. This result
(upper 14 model levels) carry 83 percent in the SODA results. is consistent with Pacific forcing driving
of the total transport (10.6 Sv), and 80 The variance in transport is greatest the interannual variations, because these
percent of this occurs in the northern in the lower layer of each of the Java/ signals would follow a wave guide along
part of the section near the coast of Java. Australia subsections (Figure 2), but the the coasts of New Guinea and Australia
It is hypothesized that Indian Ocean ef- variance in total transport along the sec- (Wijffels and Meyers, 2004).
fects, both direct wind forcing and coast- tion is largest in the surface layer, 15 Sv2 In summary, flow between Australia
al waves (e.g., Sprintall et al., 2000; Wi- compared to 7 Sv2 for the lower layer, and south Java is influenced by local, sea-
jffels and Meyers, 2004) are seen near the suggesting that there is recirculation in sonal winds that mostly affect the upper
coast of Java, while other forcing, includ- the lower layer (i.e., the variance in each ocean flow, and low-frequency forcing
ing remote Pacific winds and local (Aus- horizontal subsection cancels each oth- from the Indian and Pacific Oceans that
tralian) alongshore winds are responsible er). Most of the variability in transport is seen at thermocline depth. A closer
for the variability in the southern part of is at the annual and semi-annual peri- look at ITF transport from the SODA
the section. Thus, transport in these two ods (Figure 3), but interannual varia- results shows that most of the ITF trans-
ends of the Java/Australia section appear tions are strongest in the southern end port, computed along a line from Austra-

4 0.5yr 1yr 3yr 6yr 4 0.5yr 1yr 3yr 6yr

10 10 Figure 3. The variability of
Australia midpassage transport from the subsec-
3 3 tions in Figure 2 is estimat-
10 10
ed by power spectra. The
spectral energy

surface ow in each section

2 2
10 10 is given with a green line,
the mid-depth transport
1 1
with a purple line, and the
10 10 spectra for total depth-in-
tegrated transport is given
0 200m 0
0 200m with the black line. All
10 200 3000m 10 200 3000m
total total three subsections, as well
as the total, show peaks
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
at the annual and semian-
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 nual periods. ENSO-type
4 0.5yr 1yr 3yr 6yr 4 0.5yr 1yr 3yr 6yr
10 10 variability is seen most
strongly in the section near
S. Java TOTAL ITF Australia.
3 3
10 10
spectral energy

2 2
10 10

1 1
10 10

0 200m 0
0 200m
10 200 3000m 10 200 3000m
total total

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Period (months) Period (months)

102 Oceanography Vol. 18, No. 4, Dec. 2005

lia to South Java, does occur in distinct where, SJ is sea level (mean removed, equatorial Indian Ocean was included
regions: near the coast of Java, near the normalized to unit variance) averaged for the new linear model of ITF trans-
coast of Australia, and a section between over a region south of Java; WP is sea port. These five areas correspond to
the two. A simpler, geostrophic-type in- level (mean removed, normalized to areas of high correlation, in the SODA
dex, based on the cross-strait pressure unit variance) averaged over a region results, between sea level and ITF trans-
difference, would not capture all these in the western Pacific warm pool; DAR port (Figure 4). The Indian Ocean wave
processes. To estimate ITF transport from is sea level (mean removed, normalized guide along the southern coasts of Su-
sea level, therefore, locations that capture to unit variance) at Darwin, Northwest matra and Java, as well as the Pacific
these dynamics should be included. Australia; and DAV is sea level (mean re- Ocean wave guide along the west coasts
moved, normalized to unit variance) at of New Guinea and Australia, are evi-
E STIMATE OF ITF TR ANSPORT Davao, Philippines. dent in the continuous regions of high
BASED ON SEA LEVEL The OGCM used to determine the correlation in the upper layer and total
P97 pursued the original work of Wyrtki optimal fit of sea level to ITF transport transport, respectively. Total ITF trans-
(1987) and incorporated sea level from was the Parallel Ocean Climate Model port, as correlated to sea level (Figure
four locations into a linear model of (POCM) of Semtner and Chervin 4), is consistent with an island-rule
geostrophic ITF transport. The four lo- (1992); nine years of monthly mean (Godfrey, 1989) type of balance, with
cations were chosen to represent physi- POCM sea level and velocities were used high correlations evident along the west-
cal processes in the Pacific and Indian to derive the fit. ern edge of New Guinea and Australia
Oceans that were thought to control In this new study, results from as well as the equatorial Pacific. Some of
variability in the ITF. The best fit was SODA POP 1.2 are used. To incorpo- these lower-frequency effects are found
given as: rate low-frequency variability from the on higher vertical modes in the ITF, so
Indian Ocean, separate from local, In- the new ITF index will use lagged sea
VTITF = 2.40 SJ 0.91 WP [2]
donesian effects, a fifth station in the level as well as contemporaneous.
0.23 DAR 1.41 DAV

Figure 4. Sea level from the SODA model was correlated to upper layer (left) and total depth-integrated transport (right). Regions that were used to index
ITF transport variability are given with the red boxes. These regions have relatively high correlations (sea level to ITF) and also are in regions of dynamical
importance: the equatorial Indian Ocean; along South Java; Davao (Philippines); Darwin (Australia); and the western Pacic warm pool. An index of ITF
transport was therefore made based on sea level in these discrete locations.

Oceanography Vol. 18, No. 4, Dec. 2005 103

RE SULTS England and Huang, 2005). In fact, the V1ITF(t) = 2.42 'SJ(t) 1.15 'SJ(t1) [5]
Sea Level-ITF Relationship wave guide from the Pacific and Indian 1.16 'DAR(t1)
from SODA Oceans are along the coasts, so no sig-
Given the results from the SODA model nificant skill is lost by just using the The linear model given by [4] reproduces
(specifically the identification of lower- lagged sea level at Darwin for Pacific the 0 to 200 m SODA transport, V1ITF(t),
frequency, first baroclinic mode signals interannual variability and at south Java with a correlation of 0.85 (Figure 5a).
from the Pacific), similar locations were for interannual variability in the Indian Note in this case that only sea level from
used as in P97, but these were combined Ocean. Using 44 years of monthly mean either end of the ITF section is required,
with lagged signals at these same sites. sea level from SODA, the best skill is but that a component from each at a later
The new model for ITF transport is obtained when fitting sea level just at month is necessary to get the baroclinic
therefore: South Java and Australia (Darwin) to portion of the signal. Much of the skill
upper layer ITF transport; including sea- could be due to the dominance of the
VITF(t) = i i(t) + i i(tt), [3] level variations in the equatorial Indian annual cycle and coincident variability
Ocean, western Pacific warm pool, and in sea level. To examine this relationship,
In this case, the lag (t) was taken to Davao do not improve the skill. The best a fit was made to the upper layer ITF
be from one to eight months, roughly fit is thus: transport with the mean seasonal cycle
the time for Pacific oceanic signals to removed (V1ITF(t ), equation 5). In this
V1ITF(t) = 4.96 SJ(t) 2.16 SJ(t1) [4]
reach the west coast of Australia (see case, the correlation between sea-level fit
1.62 DAR(t1)

Figure 5. The estimate of ITF transport from
a sea level at discrete locations (green line) is
compared to the actual transport from the

0 SODA model (purple line). Four cases are

presented: upper layer transport with and
5 0200m transport (mean removed) without the mean seasonal cycle (upper two
sea level fit
10 panels) and total transport with and without
b the mean seasonal cycle (lower two panels).
5 The long-term mean has been removed, and
negative numbers indicate an increase in

ow from the Pacic to the Indian Ocean.
5 The high correlations in each case indicate
0200m transport (seasonal cycle removed)
sea level fit the ability of estimating ITF transport from
10 sea level at specic locations. Dierent ts
c were determined for each of these cases (see
text) because various forcing mechanisms
aect transport in the upper layer and at dif-

ferent time scales.
5 total transport (mean removed)
sea level fit

5 total transport (seasonal cycle removed)

sea level fit
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

104 Oceanography Vol. 18, No. 4, Dec. 2005

and model transport is 0.69 (Figure 5b), VTITF(t) = 3.89 SJ(t) 2.04 SJ(t1) [6] ITF Transport Estimate Using
but the same two locations provide the 1.24 DAR(t1) 1.24 DAV(t+1) TOPEX/Poseidon
highest skill in capturing the ITF signal. Now that a simple model for ITF trans-
The relative sizes, as well as the signs, VT
(t) = 1.06 'EIO (t) 1.38 'DAR(t) [7] port based on sea level has been deter-
of the coefficients i and I give an indi- 0.89 'WP(t1) + 1.06 DAR(t6) mined, the final step is to apply this to
cation of the importance of each forcing the T/P measurements of sea level. One
region. The concurrent sea level at South In this case, the sea-level fit to trans- pass of the T/P orbit passes very close
Java is about twice as important as the port has lower skill, correlations of 0.70 to the IX-1 line (see Figure 1). Sea level
other two in both [4] and [5], so at zero for the total transport, VTITF(t), and 0.51 at a nearly ten-day interval along this
lag, the SODA ITF transport is consistent for the seasonal anomalies (VTITF(t); pass shows similar variability to the
with geostrophic balance; an increase in Figure 5c and d, respectively). Here, SODA ITF transport. Spectral analysis of
the along-track pressure gradient (South variability from the North Pacific sea-level variability (Figure 6) along this
Java minus Darwin) gives eastward flow, (Davao) is required to improve the line as measured by T/P shows a peak in
or a reduced ITF transport. skill for total transport, while variabil- annual energy along the entire section
More processes from both the Pacific ity from the equatorial Indian Ocean from Australia to south Java. Energy off
and Indian Oceans influence the total and the western Pacific warm pool are the coast of Java is dominated by semi-
depth-integrated ITF transport, and the needed to estimate seasonal anomalies annual and interannual variations. In-
best fit was found using the following: of total transport. terannual variability in the southern end

Figure 6. The power spectra

from a single along-track pass
of the T/P satellite (close to
the XBT line in Figure 1) is
shown in three dimensions:
the period is given along the
front axis, location along the
track (from Australia to Java)
is given along the right axis,
and energy is shown verti-
cally. Similar to the SODA
results, the T/P has strong
semiannual variability all
along the section (red ridge
at 180 days), strong annual
variability near Indonesia,
and strong interannual vari-
ability near Australia.

Oceanography Vol. 18, No. 4, Dec. 2005 105

of the T/P pass, near Australia, is smaller the coasts where many of the indices variations of T/P agree with the trans-
and occurs at lower frequency than at the are based (although sea level was aver- port estimates from Hautala et al. (2001),
northern end of the pass. This is consis- aged over a larger region), but the T/P but it is not clear what is controlling
tent with the SODA results and hypoth- sea level in the regions used in this study these interannual variations, and why the
eses developed previously. have extremely high correlations to the model might be overestimating them.
Therefore, the linear model given by model sea level; correlations are between
equations [4] to [7] was applied to the 0.87 and 0.95 for sea level both with and CONCLUSIONS
T/P sea level averaged over the same without the seasonal cycle. Sea-level measurements from the TO-
regions given in Figure 4. The results, The estimates of transport with sea- PEX/Poseidon altimeter have been used
given in Figure 7, are consistent with sonal cycle included match the model to derive an estimate of ITF transport
the SODA model in terms of variabil- and observed transport (Figures 7a and variability. Locations were chosen that
ity. The estimate based on T/P, however, c) better than the anomalies (without highlight specific processes that deter-
shows a smaller seasonal cycle, about a a seasonal cycle), despite the high cor- mine the variations in ITF transport, and
6 Sv range. The seasonal anomalies are relation in the input time series. The a least-square fit was used to determine
even smaller, between +/ 2 Sv, and the relatively small differences become more the relative contributions. The utility of
relationship to ENSO is not obvious. apparent in the transport estimate. For this approach is two-fold: (1) the rela-
However, it should be cautioned that the example, in late 1999 through 2002, the tive size and sign of the weights give an
fit to total transport anomalies has the model transport anomalies range from indication of the important regions, and
weakest skill. There are certainly limi- 5 to +8 Sv, while the estimate from T/P by extension the forcing, for ITF varia-
tations to the T/P measurements near are much smaller (+/ 3 Sv). The smaller tions, and (2) such an index may be used

 Figure 7. Pacic to Indian Ocean transport

 A was estimated with sea level from the T/P
 satellite (purple lines). The estimate was
constructed based on results from the

 SODA model (green line). Results from in
)8ESTIMATEBASEDON8"4MEANREMOVEDFROM3PRINTALLETAL  situ measurements are shown with brown
MTRANSPORTESTIMATEDFROM4/0%8MEANREMOVED shading. Similar to Figure 5, the upper pan-

els are for transport in the upper 200 m
 B (with and without the seasonal cycle), and
 the lower panels are for the total transport.

 The best estimates are seen for the transport

 with the seasonal cycle included; seasonal
 MTRANSPORTFROM3/$!SEASONALCYCLEREMOVED anomalies of transport are not as accurately

MTRANSPORTESTIMATEDFROM4/0%8WITHOUTSEASONALCYCLE estimated from sea-level variability.







106 Oceanography Vol. 18, No. 4, Dec. 2005

to monitor ITF changes with either the (equations 4 and 5), but more complex, the northern and eastern Indian Ocean. Journal
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satellites or from in situ tide gauges. depth ITF transport. nual variability of the Indonesian throughflow
and its linkage with ENSO. Journal of Climate
By using SODA POP 1.2, the weights The large-scale nature of ITF forcing, 18:1,4351,444.
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integrated flow for the world ocean allowing for
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Darwin, Davao, and the warm pool. The of ITF transport. The net ITF transport, ity structure and transport of the Indonesian
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duction of a time lag allows the elimi- frequencies, is quite complex, and as ted. Remote Origins of biennial and interannual
nation of the warm-pool location, but new in situ measurements become avail- variability in the Indonesian throughflow region
from WOCE IX1 XBT data and a global eddy-
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