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Generic Structure and Purpose of Announcement

Generic Structure and Purpose of Announcement

Once again we want to share about Functional text. In this care we want to share about Generic
Structure and Purpose of Announcement. Although the title is Generic Structure and Purpose of
Announcement but in this session we will discuss about the definition, purpose, generic structure,
language feature, kinds and the example of Announcement. (also read : Generic Structure of Notice

Lets go to the material of Generic Structure and Purpose of Announcement:


An announcement is a written or spoken statement in public or formal words containing

information about an event that has happened or is going to happen so publicly people know what,
when, and where it is about.


An announcement is used for giving people some information of what has happened or what
will happen.


Stating Purpose: The text that contains what event will be held
Stating Day and Date: Day and Date realization. The text that contains when the event will be held

Stating Place: The text that contains where the event will be held

Informing Sender: The text that contains name of the person who will be contacted


Using Simple Present Tense and simple future tense.

Example of words used in announcement


Generic Structure and Purpose of Announcement

Generic Structure and Purpose of Announcement

Once again we want to share about Functional text. In this care we want to share about Generic
Structure and Purpose of Announcement. Although the title is Generic Structure and Purpose of
Announcement but in this session we will discuss about the definition, purpose, generic structure,
language feature, kinds and the example of Announcement. (also read : Generic Structure of Notice

Lets go to the material of Generic Structure and Purpose of Announcement:


An announcement is a written or spoken statement in public or formal words containing

information about an event that has happened or is going to happen so publicly people know what,
when, and where it is about.

An announcement is used for giving people some information of what has happened or what
will happen.


Stating Purpose: The text that contains what event will be held

Stating Day and Date: Day and Date realization. The text that contains when the event will be held

Stating Place: The text that contains where the event will be held

Informing Sender: The text that contains name of the person who will be contacted


Using Simple Present Tense and simple future tense.

Example of words used in announcement

a) Due to some technical problems, the show will

b) We apologize for the inconvenience

c) Hi, Guys! Our neighborhood will hold a fund Raising Activity next month

Using exact noun

Pronunciation and Intonation (spoken announcement)

Spelling and Punctuation

After discussing about Generic Structure and Purpose of Announcement, its including the definition,
purpose, generic structure, language feature, kinds and the example of Announcement, now the
example of announcement to understand better on what and how an announcement is written. Here
they are:


This announcement is addressed to all 12 graders of SMA Taruna Sidoarjo.

Please attend the additional lessons that will be held on September 24th 2016 until March 28th 2017
for having final preparation for the final exam.

All students are required to take an additional class to be successful in national exam.
School Announcement


To : All Students of SMPN 1 Tarik

There will be a welcoming ceremony next Monday, September 21, 2016, to

welcome the exchange students Program from Japan.

All students must wear Batik uniforms. And must be polite.

Be punctual!

From : The Principal of SMPN 1 Tarik



2. Definition of Announcement Announcement is one of the short functional text. In English verb of
announce had a meaning make a formal public declaration about a fact, occurrence, or intention.
So Announcement is an official notification about something, Whether written or spoken which
presented to the public.

3. To make a formal written notice of certain events which has happened or going to happen. The
social function of Announcement:


5. Generic Structure Opening ( title ) Content Closing

6. The content of announcement: To whom the announcement is for The purpose of

announcement itself When the event will be held ( day, date , time ) Where the event will take
place Who makes the announcement

7. Language Features Simple Present Tense Simple Future No conjunction Date, time, place

8. TIPS AND TRICK TO WRITE ANNOUNCEMENT Straight forward and ease the readers to get
information quickly Keep it short, inviting, and to the point. Clear and complete For a bad news,
make a direct and no- nonsense statement.

9. Identify this Announcement! opening content closing P.S: Using the Simple Present ,simple future
Tense and No Conjunction!

10. Kind of announcement Business Announcement Funeral Announcement Graduation

Announcement Birth Announcement Wedding and engagement Announcement Event etc

11. Examples
12. Business Announcement

13. Funeral Announcement

14. Graduation Announcement

15. Birth Announcement

16. Wedding and engagement Announcement

17. Event

18. Media We can find announcement by : Audio : on radio Visual : on Newspaper, Magazine,
Card and Billboard, Audio visual : on television

19. The Pattern of announcement A. Written Example: ENGLISH SPEECH CONTEST For all students of
SMPN 1 SIDOHARJO, we announce English Speech Contest. Time : Sunday, 12 April 2012 Place :
English Laboratory Each class should register at least one student with one of these following topics :
1. The Advantage of Learning English 2. The Difficulties of Learning English 3. The Effective Ways of
Learning English For further information, visit the committee of this English Speech Contest in

20. B. Spoken Example: Attention, please! Continental executive bus will be leaving for Bukit Tinggi
through Pekan Baru at 14.40. would passengers now board the bus? Which bus goes to Bukit
Tinggi? Continental Executive Bus What time is the bus leaving? The bus leaving for Bukit Tinggi at

21. The characteristic of announcement The characteristic of good announcement include the inform
that tells what, when, where and how. at the end of announcement, there should be a strong call to

22. The differences of announcement ANNOUNCEMENT VS ADVERTISEMENT Making announcement

text is easier than making advertisement because announcement text just tell what we need to
know. Its different with make an advertisement, we will be pressed to make the audience to interest.

Berdasarkan definisi genre dari Martin (1984), tujuan pendidikan bahasa berbasis genre adalah
membentuk kompetensi melaksanakan fungsi sosial dengan menggunakan teks yang memiliki
struktur dan unsur kebahasaan yang tepat dan benar sesuai dengan tujuan dan konteks
komunikatifnya. Karena kualitas teks ditentukan oleh tujuan dan konteks penggunaannya, aktivitas
berbahasa bukan hanya sekedar kebiasaan menggunakan kata-kata, tetapi suatu kemampuan yang
kompleks untuk senantiasa menentukan dan memilih langkah komunikatif dan unsur kebahasaannya.
Fungsi sosial teks adalah maksud atautujuan yang hendak dicapai oleh penulis melalui teks yang
dibuatnya. Struktur teks adalah urutan bagian-bagian teks secara logis dan runtut untuk mencapai
maksud atau fungsi sosialnya.
Unsur kebahasaan teks adalah ungkapan, kosa kata, dan tata bahasa yang dipilih untuk mencapai
maksud dan fungsi sosial teks.

1. Teks Notice.

a. Fungsi Sosial

Fungsi sosial dari teks Notice adalah:

untuk memberikan petunjuk

untuk memberikan peringatan

untuk menyatakan larangan

b. Struktur Teks

Struktur teks Notice terdiri dari:

Attention Getter yaitu ungkapan atau kalimat yang bertujuan untuk menarik perhatian pembaca,
biasanya menggunakan kata Notice, Warning atau Caution.

Information yaitu informasi yang disampaikan.

c. Unsur Kebahasaan

Teks Notice biasanya berbentuk;

Gambar, tanda, atau rambu

Kata atau frasa

Kalimat pernyataan positif maupun negative

Kalimat imperatif positif atau negative



2. Teks Announcement

a. Fungsi Sosial

Fungsi sosial dari teks Announcement adalahuntuk memberikan informasi kepada publik (orang

b. Struktur Teks

Struktur teks Announcement terdiri dari:

Attention Getter yaitu ungkapan atau kalimat yang bertujuan untuk menarik perhatian pembaca,
biasanya menggunakan kata Attention.

Target yaitu kepada siapa pengumuman itu ditujukan.

Information yaitu informasi yang disampaikan.

Announcer yaitu siapa yang memberikan pengumuman.

c. Unsur Kebahasaan

Teks Pengumuman biasanya menggunakan Future Tense.


Please remain in your seat until the aircraft come to a complete stop. The local time here is 11:30
a.m. All passengers leaving the aircraft here are requested to have their passport, vaccination
certificates and disembarkation cards ready for immigration. We hope that you have enjoyed your

3. Teks Personal Letter

a. Fungsi Sosial

Fungsi sosial dari teks Personal Letter adalah:

untuk menyampaikan informasi

untuk menceritakan pengalaman

untuk meminta maafdan lain-lain

b. Struktur Teks

Struktur teks Personal Letter terdiri dari:

- Heading atau kepala surat yang berisikan alamat dan tanggal.

Greeting; biasanya dimulai dengan kata Dear dan nama penerima serta tanda koma.

Body yaitu isi surat.

Closing atau penutup; biasanya berupa ungkapan pendek seperti Sincerely atau Love yang
diikuti tanda koma.

Signature; tanda tangan yang dibubuhkan diatas nama pengirim.

c. Unsur Kebahasaan

Ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks Personal Letter adalah:

Menggunakan Simple Present Tense.

Kadang juga menggunakan Simple Past Tense jika yang informasi yang disampaikan terjadi pada
waktu lampau.

d. Contoh Teks

personal letter

4. Advertisement

a. Fungsi Sosial
Fungsi sosial dari teks Advertisement adalah:

untuk menawarkan atau mempromosikan suatu produk atau jasa

untuk membujuk orang supaya membeli ataumenggunakan suatu produk atau jasa

untuk memberikan informasi tentang produk atau jasa

b. Struktur Teks

Struktur teks Advertisement terdiri dari:

Attention Getter yaitu ungkapan atau kalimat yang bertujuan untuk menarik perhatian pembaca.

Information/product yaitu berisi materi informasi atau produk yang akan dijual

Advertiser yaitu pihak yang memberikan informasi kepada pembaca

c. Unsur Kebahasaan

Teks Advertisement menggunakan gaya Bahasa yang persuasif.

d. Contoh Teks

Pengertian Teks Announcement

Setiap belajar jenis teks bahasa Inggris, selalu kita awali dengan pengertian atau definisi jenis teks
tersebut. Hal ini penting karena tiap jenis teks mempunyai tujuan dan struktur berbeda. Dengan
mengetahui pengertiannya, akan sangat terbantu dalam memahami keseluruhan teks tersebut meski
disana sini ada banyak kosa kata (vocabulary) yang kita belum tahu artinya.

Menurut para ahli, seperti, kata announcement didefinisikan sebagi berikut:

a written or spoken statement that tells people about something : public or formal words that
announce something

Kalau kita merujuk pada definisi tersebut, bisa kita sederhanakan bahwa announcement atau
pengumuman adalah pernyataan atau tulisan resmi yang memberitahukan kepada khalayak umum
tentang sesuatu.

Karena fungsi utamanyanya adalah memberitahukan, menyerukan dan mengajak, maka

annoucement ini sangat berkaitan dengan jenis teks analytical exposition dan juga hortatory text.
Generic Structure Announcement dalam Teks Bahasa Inggris

Setiap jenis tek mempunyai social function berbeda dan kerananya juga memiliki pola susunan yang
berbeda pula. Susunan yang lazim digunakan ini kita sebut sebaai generic structure. Pola generic
structure ini dipakai dalam menulis jenis teks pengumunan ini agar tujuannya tercapai. Adapun
generic structure announcement adalah sebagi berikut:

1. Title: Ini adalah bagian yang paling penting karena mewakili isi keseluruhan dari pengumuna
tersebut. Meski begitu kadang tidak disebutkan dengan jelas.

2. Explanation: Penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang pengumunan tesebut. Biasanya terdiri dari informasi
dasar yang mencakup: jenis kegiatan, waktu, tempat, dan partisipant.

Contoh Annoucement Pengumuman dalam Bahasa Inggris Berbagai Kegiatan

Dibawah ini adalah beberapa contoh dari pengumuman bahasa Inggris yang akan dilengkapi dengan
penjelasan maksud dan tujuannya.

Contoh Annoucement 1

pengumuman bahasa inggris

Contoh pengumuman dalam bahasa Inggris

Gambar annoucement bahasa Inggris diatas adalah tentang adanya kegiatan kantor dalam
menghadapi liburan. Ditujukan kepada semua staff perusahaaan untuk berpartisipasi dalam acara
tersebut. Hayo semua ikut ada acara karaoke dan tari loh

Contoh Annoucement 2

pengumumna pendek bahasa Inggris

Contoh pengumuman pendek dalam bahasa Inggris

Pengumuman diatas ditujukan kepada para murid tingkat 12 akan dibukanya pendaftaran program
polytechnic yang diselenggarakan pada bulan Juli dengan 2 macam pilihan. Hayo segera hubungi
contact person nya.
Contoh Announcement 3

pengumuman lomba dalam bahasa Inggris

Pengumunan dalam bahasa Inggris tentang lomba di sekolah

Tahukan maksud dan tujuan ditulisnya pengumunan diatas? Ya para murid diharap berpartisipasi
dalam lomba debat (debate competition). Hayo ikut siapa tahu bisa menang. Kan lumayan hadia
juara 1 sebesar 2 juta lo hehe.

Contoh Announcement 4

contoh pengumuman resmi perusahaan

Pengumuman dalam bahasa Inggris tentang perubahan nama perusahaan

Annoucement diatas adalah pernyataan resmi sebuah perusahaan agar diketahui khalayak terutam
para client dan customer bahwah ada perubahan nama perusahaan. Meski nama telah dirubah
produk dan kualitas tetap dijamain sama.

Definition of announcement

: the act of announcing something or of being announced

: a public notification or declaration

: a piece of formal stationery designed for a social or business announcement

See announcement defined for English-language learners

See announcement defined for kids

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Examples of announcement in a Sentence

Many people were surprised by the government's announcement that there will be a cut in taxes.

I heard an announcement on the loudspeaker saying that the store was closing in 10 minutes.

The company president made an announcement about the merger.

He asked us to pay attention because he had an important announcement to make.

I saw their wedding announcement in the newspaper.

They have been very busy since the announcement of their wedding.

Recent Examples of announcement from the Web

During the announcement of the closure, McDermott said that Hammond had considered closing the
court for a number of years as a cost saving measure.

Craig Lyons, Post-Tribune, "Hammond judge threatens city with lawsuit", 5 July 2017

Announcements are accepted on a space-available basis from public and nonprofit organizations only
and must be received at least 14 days before the Thursday publication date.

Washington Post, "Alexandria-Arlington community calendar, July 6-13, 2017", 5 July 2017

The pro-Brexit press cheered Mr Goves bold announcement.

The Economist, "A spat about seafood shows the compromises that Brexit will force", 5 July 2017

announcement Synonyms


ad, advert [chiefly British], advertisement, bulletin, communiqu, notice, notification, posting,
release announcementplay

Definition of announcement for English Language Learners

: a written or spoken statement that tells people about something : public or formal words that
announce something

: the act of officially telling people about something : the act of announcing something

ANNOUNCEMENT Defined for Kids


noun announcement \-nauu n-smnt\

Definition of announcement for Students

: the act of making known publicly

: a public notice of something a birth announcement

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