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1. Wa
Subject marker: To be used after the subject/ topic of the sentence.
e.g. 1)Watashi wa Rao desu.
2) Kono densha wa Tokyo e ikimasu.
2. No
[1] Possessive Particle; equivalent to the English of or the 's, denoting
possession or a sense of belonging.
e.g. 1)Kore wa watashi no hon desu.
2)Nihongo no benkyo wa 9 ji kara desu.
3)Tsukue no ue ni hon ga arimasu.
[2] In case of repetition of a noun, "no" can be used in place of the noun.
e.g. 1) Kono kamera wa takai desu. Motto yasui no o misete kudasai.
3. Mo
[1] Same as the English also, too etc.
e.g. Kono hito wa Indojin desu. Watashi mo Indojin desu.
[2] Takes a negative meaning when used with interrogative words, viz.
doko (e) mo nowhere
nani mo nothing
donata mo nobody
e.g. 1) Ashita doko e mo ikimasen.
2) Kesa nani mo tabemasen deshita.
3) Niwa ni donata/ dare mo imasen.
4. O
[1] Object marker
e.g. 1) Gohan o tabemasu.
2) Tomodachi to pin-pon o shimasu.
[2] as a particle that marks the location from which some movement
e.g. 1) Densha o orimasu.
2) Heya o demasu.
[3] as a particle which indicates a space in/ on/ across/ through/ along
which some object or something moves.
e.g. 1) Koen o sampo shimasu.
2) Hashi o watarimasu.
3) Kono michi o massugu iku to, eki ga arimasu.
5. Ga
[1] To express general truths or facts.
e.g.1) Chikyu ga marui desu.
2) Ame ga futte imasu.
[2] As a secondary subject marker i.e. when the subject is in the sub-
ordinate clause.
e.g. 1) Shigoto ga owatte kara, uchi e kaerimasu.
[3] Always used with the following words: arimasu, imasu,
wakarimasu, hoshii, suki, kirai, jozu, heta.
e.g. 1) Watashi wa ringo ga suki desu.
2) Watashi wa kompyuta ga arimasu.
3) Kurasu ni gakusei ga imasu.
[4] In comparative sentences.
e.g. 1) Indo to Nihon to dochira ga suki desu ka.
2) Kudamono de ringo ga ichiban suki desu.
6. Ni
[1] Indicates a point of time at which something takes place.
e.g. Watashi wa 4 gatsu tsuitachi ni umaremashita.
[2] An indirect object marker meaning to or for in English.
e.g. Chichi wa haha ni tokei o agemashita.
[3] A particle that indicates an agent or a source in receiving actions,
meaning from in English.
e.g Watashi wa Sasaki san ni Nihongo o oshiete moraimashita.
[4] Indicates the surface of something upon which some action directly
takes place, meaning on in English.
e.g. Koko ni namae to jusho o kaite kudasai.
[5] Indicates the location where some object or something exists,
meaning in, at, on in English.
e.gKato san wa Osaka ni sunde imasu.

[6] Indicates purpose when someobject moves from one place to

another, meaning in order to in English.
e.g. Watashi wa depato e purezento o kai ni ikimashita.
7. E
Destination marker and is used with after the place where one os going to,
coming to or returning to. However e is not to be used with places which
denote an activity rather than a place. In such a case, the particle ni is used
e.g. (1) Watashi wa raigetsu Nihon e ikimasu.
(2) Kino tomodachi to eiga ni ikimashita.
8. To
[1] Indicates togetherness, meaning with in English.
e.g. Rao san wa kaisha no hito to hanashite imasu.
[2] Used as the conjunction and to connect two or more objects.
However, when more than three objects are connected ya is used instead.
e.g. Kyoshitsu ni sensei to gakusei ga imasu.
9. De
[1] The means or medium employed to do something.
e.g. Densha de kaisha e ikimasu.
[2] To denote the place where an action takes place.
e.g. Depato de shatsu o kaimashita.
[3] Used to denote the category in case of a superlative statement,
meaning amongst in English.
e.g. Kudamono de nani ga ichiban suki desu ka.
[4] Used to connect two or more sentences ending in nouns or -na
e.g. Watashi wa Indojin de sensei desu.
Watashi no heya wa kirei de shizuka desu.

Sentence Patterns (Verbs)

1. V- Masu form/ Stem form
[1] stem form + masho
Indicates an activity done together.
e.g.Sore dewa hajimemasho.
[2] stem form + masen ka
Indicates invitation to do something
e.g.Issho ni depato e ikimasen ka.
[3] stem form + tai desu
Indicates desire to do something
e.g. Kuruma o kaitai desu.
[4] stem form + ni ikimasu
Indicates purpose or objective behind an action
e.g. Nihon e nihongo o narai ni ikimasu.
[5] stem form + masho ka
Indicates an offer to do something for someone
e.g. Takushi o yobimasho ka.
2. V- te form
[1] -te kudasai
To make requests (affirmative)
e.g. Sumimasen ga, jisho o kashite kudasai.
[2] -te imasu
(1)To indicate the present continuous tense i.e. an action taking place at
the moment.
e.g.Ima ame ga futte imasu.
(2) To indicate the state of affairs
e.g. Densha ga konde imasu.
[3] -te mo ii desu ka
To ask for permissions
e.g. Tabako o sutte mo ii desu ka.
[4] -te kara

To indicate a sequence of activities one after the other

e.g. Shigoto ga owatte kara uchi e kaerimasu.
[5] V1-te V2
To connect two or more sentences ending in a verb
e.g. Asa 6 ji ni okite undo o shimasu.
3. V-Nai form
[1] -naide kudasai
To make requests (negative)
e.g. Koko de tabako o suwanaide kudasai.
[2] -nakereba narimasen
To indicate a sense of compulsion, "no other alternative but"
e.g.12 ji made ni uchi e kaeranakereba narimasen
[3]-nakute mo ii desu
To indicate a sense of free will. Opposite of "nakereba narimasen"
e.g. Mainichi benkyo shinakute mo ii desu.
4. V-Dictionary form/ plain form
[1] dict. form + koto ga dekiru
To express ability/ potentiality to do something
e.g Watashi wa nihongo o hanasu koto ga dekimasu.
[2] dict. form + koto desu
To talk about one's hobby
e.g. Watashi no shumi wa hon o yomu koto desu.
[3] dict.form + mae ni..
To talk about an action taking place before another.
e.g.Ban gohan o Tberu mae ni shawa o abimasu.
Sentence Patterns ( Adjectives)
1. Adj.+ kunai desu
To express the negative meaning of an adjective
e.g. Watashi no heya wa ookikunai desu.
2. Adj.+ katta desu
To express the past tense form of an adjective
e.g. Tanaka san wa isogashikatta desu.
3. Adj. + kunakatta desu
To express the past negative form of an adjective
e.g. Nihon wa amari samukunakatta desu.
4. Adj.1 kute Adj.2
To connect two or more adjectives
e.g. Indo wa ookikiute kirei desu.

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