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Year 11 Using Language to Persuade: Imagery in Language

Metaphor: Used when a writer compares two different things, suggesting a

similarity between them. The imagery that this provides can have specific
purposes and effects in writing.

Is it the end of an era for emaciated models?

Wendy Squires, The Age, 23rd March 2015

a) Read through the article and highlight or underline examples of imagery

in the writing
b) What are the examples of imagery that you could find? Write a list here.

c) Select TWO examples and explain what writers intention might be to
include them

d) How does the writers choice of imagery impact on the emotional tone of the


e) Re-read the article. What is the writers contention?


f) What is the significant of the photograph in the article?

f) Some other persuasive techniques used: repetition, hyperbole, pun, expert
opinion, personal anecdote, facts and statistics, appeal to health, appeal to
logic and reason, rebuttal. Can you find others?

Select the sections of the article that demonstrate these techniques, and annotate
them as you go.

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